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General Procedure 程序文件


Management standard

文件分发部门:( )



1.1.The purpose of this SOP is to define an appropriate code number system for the

entire documentation at Jialin Pharmaceutical Limited. The code number

system should facilitate the identification or pursuit of single documents and

must keep the filing system/documentation system clearly arranged.



2.1.This taxonomy/code number system must be applied to all documentation of

our company, including all kinds of standards, records and reports.



3.1.Category of document文件的种类

Types of document see below table: 文件的种类详见下表:

? 3.1.1 Technical standard document: Written requirement like technical standards, rules, specification and procedures created and promulgated

by enterprise such as manufacturing procedures, quality specifications,

analysis instructions and etc.


? 3.1.2 Management standard document: Written rules and regulations requirements created by enterprise to exercise management functions as

production planning, commanding and controlling and make it standard.



? 3.1.3 Job standard document: Written rules and procedures for job responsibilities and job content requirements which consider the job of

staff for object such as job responsibilities, SOPs and etc.


? 3.1.4 Record: Reflect the result of implementing standards in actual life activities such as ledgers, operation record, sheets, cards and boards

showing postural.


3.2. Classification code of document文件分类号

? 3.2.1 At first, GMP documentation is classified into 12 items (according to different management contents) according to different management

contents. This includes management standards, operation standards and

related records.



? 3.2.2 The item codes of documents are defined by numbers from 01 to

12. Subsequent each item of documentation is subdivided in several

sections and several subsections. The code of sections or sub-sections are

01、02、03…… . The following table itemise the structure in detail.

?各文件类别总分类号依次为01至12 。按细分类文件类别对文件总分类进行细分类,细分类号依次为01、02、03……。按部门或文件管理类别再进



3.4.Definition of Code number system文件的编码

? 3.3.1 Code number system of standard documentation


?×× . ×× . ×× - ×××××





? Item Section Sub-section Sequence number Version number

?Item: Documentation is classified according to the different management contents, and the code is defined by numbers from 01 to 12.



?Section or subsection: Documentation is subdivided into section and subsection and the codes possess numbers beginning with 01, 02, 03…….


?Sequence number of documentation beginning with Arabic numerals 001.


?Version number: Expressed by Arabic numerals such as 00, 01, 02,…….


?Code of Risk Analysis /qualification / validation documentation: for qualification / validation plan, add“-RA /- QP / VP”following the

documentation code; and for qualification / validation report, add“-

QR / VR” in the same manner.

?风险分析、确认、验证方案及报告的编号:确认方案/验证方案则在相应的文件编号后面加“–RA/- QP / VP;确认报告/验证报告则在相应的文件编号

后面加“ - QR / VR”

Example 实例

?例1: Example 1:06 . 07 . 01 - 001 - VP

?Validation . Process validation . Process validation in SVP workshop - Process validation of Oral solid preparation -

?06 . 07 . 01 - 001 - VP

?验证 . 工艺验证 . 口服固体工艺验证–

?例2:Example 2: 01 . 04 . 01 - 001

?Quality .Quality specification . API -

? 01 . 04 . 01 - 001

?质量 . 质量标准 . 原料 -

? 3.3.2 Code number of record sheets 记录类文件的编号

?Record sheets must be designated with the identical code number as defined for the related documentation. The code must comply with the corresponding documentation added by “- R”to the corresponding code. If there are several records to the same documentation, distinguish them according to the following description “ - R1”and “ - R2”……

“ - Rn”

?各种记录与各类文件一一对应,编号同对应的文件编号一致,只是在对应文件编号后面加“- R”表示。如果同一个文件中有多个记录,则用“- R1”

和“ - R2”……“ - Rn”区分。
