



A 看图说词, 略


C听说相反 (5/3)

1 Please draw a big cake on the paper. (small)

2 Dad told me a short story last night. (long)

3 Hand on your exercise book and sit down please. (stand


4 We have dancing lesson here. (there)

5 I write with an old pen. (new)

D听听做做(6/4 )

Set1 道具:一个盒子一只蓝色信封一张卡片一本书

1 please look into the box on the desk and tell the teacher all the things in the box

2 pick up the blue envelope and take out the postcard

3 read aloud the Chinese words on the postcard

4 put the postcard into the book

5 put the envelope on the bottom right hand corner of the desk

6 put the book on the envelope

OK. That's the end

Set2 道具:一张课桌,两个女士小钱包(一个黄色,一个红色),四枚一元硬币(在黄色钱包里),三张一元钞票(在红色钱包里),一支水笔,一叠白纸

1 touch the purses on the desk with both your hands

2 tell the teacher in which purse there are coins

3 take all the coins and notes out of the two purses

4 count them.

5 How much money is there altogether? Write the number on the piece of paper

6 now put the four coins back into the yellow purse

OK. That's the end

E 快听快答(7/5)

1 Is Christmas in December?

2 What do you usually do after school?

3 Where do we usually put quits and pillows?

4 Are lemons vegetables?

5 What do you usually do in your P.E. lesson?

6 When does your father read newspaper?

7 How many legs does a peacock have?



1 How many people are there in the picture?

2 Is there a cup on the table?

3 What color is the boy's hair?

4 Are they in the park or at home?

5 What's in the grandma's hand?


1 How many children are there in the picture?

2 Are there any green spoons on the table?

3 Who is clapping hands?

4 Is there a girl cleaning the table?

5 What color are the plates?


