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The post-evaluation of construction project is to make investigations in previous work,project construction,and the management situation after the construction.Thus the judgment can be made to find out the disparity between the actual conditions of the project and the planned goal.We can ascertain whether the project is accurate or not,find out the reason goal for the deviation,summarize the experience,then we can make feasible countermeasure and measure to the current situation of the project by effective information feedback in time,All the above efforts can help perfect the project plan,ameliorate project implementation and management.

Construction Project Evaluation is to establish a scientific, process and democratization of the investment decision-making in the investment management system, an important part of decision-making process is the construction project management in the last link is the feedback link management project decision. After the construction project through the evaluation of the improved investment decisions play management, improve related policies and measures to raise the level of scientific management for the future construction of similar projects in the role of experience.

Paper embodies the following characteristics: (1) using the comparative method, at the conclusion of the situation at home and abroad, while post-project evaluation to compare the systems analysis project at home and abroad after the evaluation of the experience, current situation and development trend of the post-project evaluation Management System of Ideas.

(2) post-project evaluation paper on the study, focusing on the practical and feasible. (3) in a large number of data collection based on the


post-project evaluation of the practical measures proposed measures and policy proposals for the construction project after the establishment of evaluation system provides an important reference.

KEY WORDS:Construction project,Post-evaluation,Management.

