


Lesson 1

1. b

选b最为正确。因为a. d.都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑;c.的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话。所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。2.c



因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;

c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;

d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如at the office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。


b. above(在……上方);

c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。

a. before 和 d. in front of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before 则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面”


因为用 a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How提问,才能用Angry回答。


b. they 只做主语;

c. their只能做定语;

d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。


a. none是代词,很少用在名词前面;

b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;

c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词di



a. chair(椅子),

c. armchair(手扶椅)

d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。

Seat 是”座位,座席”的意思。强调的是可供坐下的地方,不是具体的椅子。只有b. place 是seat 的同义词。


b. big(大的)指体积;

c. tall(高的)指身材;

d. large(大的)指空间和面积。这3个词都与人的年龄无关。

只有a. old是说明年龄的。


a. sad(悲哀,忧愁的)没有生气的意思;

b. unhappy(不幸的,不快乐的)不一定是生气;

d. pleased(高兴的)同angry意思相反;

只有c. cross(脾气坏的,易怒的,生气的)与angry 意思相反。


c. stand 是bear的同义词,都有忍受的意思。而其他3个选择都没有忍受的意思。



a. clever(聪明的),

b. rude(粗鲁的),

d. kind(仁慈的) 这3个都不是rude的反义词,只有polite(有礼貌的)才是和rude相对应的反义词,所以选c.

Lesson 2

1. c

因为根据课文内容,作者正在吃早饭,他不可能在床上。所以a. 和b.与课文内容不符合,作者强调尽管他起床很晚,已经是中午,但他还在吃早饭,所以d.也不对。

2. d

因为只有d.才是Aunt Lucy 感到惊讶的原因,其他3个选择都不合乎逻辑。

3. c

本句有一个表示经常性动作的时间状语sometimes,所以要用一般现在时。因为主语是He, 所以它后面的动词要在词尾加s.

a. stay 词尾没有加s;

b. is staying 是进行时;

d. staying 是现在分词;只有c. stays符合时态和人称。

4. c

go to bed 是固定词组,意思是“就寝”。

a. in 可以用在stay in bed 之中;

b. into 和 d. at 不符合语法和习惯用法,英语中不用into bed, at bed 这样的短语。

5. a

只有a. late 是前一句中early的反义词,意思是“迟,晚”。

b. lately(最近),

c. slowly(慢) ,

d. hardly(几乎不) 都不是early的反义词。

6. b

此问句的回答是By train ,是表示方式的,意思是乘火车来的。只有

b. How才能对句子中表示方式的部分进行提问。而

a. When是就时间提问的;

c. Why是就原因提问的;

d. where 是就地点提问的。

7. b

如果填 a. still句子不符合语法规则,也不符合逻辑;选

c. often 和

d. always 也不符合逻辑。只有填b. now 句子才符合逻


8. a

4个选择都有看的意思。Look 的词意思是“看,望”强调看的动作,常和介词at, out of 等连用;See 的词意思是“看到,见到”强调结构,后面要带宾语;Watch的词意思是“观看,注视”多用来指看戏剧,电视节目等,是及物动词,如watch TV, watch a play; Remark 的词意思是“注意到,觉察到”也强调结果。本句中只有选looked,意思才完整:他向窗外张望,看到外面在下雨。

9. d

a. at once 和

b. immediately 都是“立刻,马上”的意思;

c. again是“再一次”的意思;只有

d. at the moment 同前一句中的

just then意思相接近,所以选d.


10. c

a. son,

b. grandson ,

d. niece 都不能表明他和他姑妈的关系,只有选c. nephew才能准确说明他们的关系。

11. d

a. food(食品),

b. dinner(正餐) ,

c. lunch(午餐) 这3个词都不能同breakfast 划等号。

只有d. a meal(一顿饭) 可以等同于breakfast, 所以应该选d.

12. b

本句中的”Dear me”是感叹句,表示吃惊。只有选b. surprised 才能使这个句子符合逻辑,而其他3个词都没有吃惊的意思。

Lesson 3

1. c

根据课文可以判断出作者不喜欢写明信片,但他很想收到别人寄来的明信片,所以应该选c. d. doesn’t like postcards 不喜欢明信片,和课文的含义不符合,所以不选d.

2. a


3. c

a. at 表示在小的地点和空间;

b. to 表示方向;

d. on 表示在……上;

只有c. in 表示在大的空间和地方,如城市国家等,所以选c. 4. a

只有选a. Who taught ,这句问话才与回答相配。

5. d

只有选 d. in a friendly way(以友好的方式)才能说明前一句He was a friendly waiter,也合乎语法和逻辑。而其他3个

a. friend(朋友),

b. as friends(作为朋友),

c. like friends(像朋友一样)在语法上都讲不通。

6. b


a. reads 是第3人称蛋单数现在时形式;

c. red 词意思不符合;

d. reading 是现在分词形式;

b. read 过去式和现在式形式相同,发音不同。所以只有选b.

7. c

a. the hole 词意思不对;

b. the ball 和 d. all of 不合乎习惯用法;

英语中不用the all day, all of day 这样一来的短语。只有选c. all 才能使句中的词组all day 同前一句中的the whole day 意思相同。8. c

句中的waiter 是“饭店服务员”的意思,他通常在饭店工作,而不在

a. public garden(公园),

b. shop(商店),

d. private house(私宅) 工作,

所以选c. restaurant.



第一节.单项填空,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共计15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21.---Would you mind if I turned on the TV and watched CCTV news? ---___________. As a m atter of fact, I also like watching CCTV news. A. No, you can’t B. Yes, I do C. No, go ahead D. OK, no problem 22.She talked ______ she saw the accident. But in fact she only heard of it from others. A. so that B. as though C. even though D. once 23.The traffic in our county is very busy, for some main streets _______. A.have been rebuilt B.rebuilt C.are being rebuilt D.are rebuilding 24.Nobody knows what happened _____ her _____ the morning of May 1. A. for; in B . with; on C. to; on D. to; in 25.---I missed the first part of the film.It was really a pity. ---You ______home half an hour earlier. A.should go B.must have gone C.should leave D.should have left 26. The (H1N1) flu ________quickly in Lixin last month. A. spread B. spreads C. traveled D. travels 27. With so much homework _____, Tom has to stay at home. A. to do B. to be done C. done D. doing 28.---- Your daughter looks shy. ----After all, it is the first time that she ____ a speech to the public. A.had made B. has made C. is making D. makes 29.---- I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday. ---- Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ____? A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. left


Lesson 1 1. b选b最为正确。因为a. d.都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑;c?的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图 并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话。 所以选 b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。 2.c 其余3 个答案都与原句意思不符合。 3.b 因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d. on 更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等,所以选b.是正确的。 4. ............................ db. above(在.......... 上方);c. ahead of (在的前面,在之前)不和behind对应, 也不强调位置的前后顺序。 a. before和d. infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在........ 前面”的意思。但in frontof更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上, 空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面” 5. c 因为用a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How 提问,才能用Angry 回答。 6. ab. they 只做主语;c. their 只能做定语;d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。 7. da. none 是代词,很少用在名词前面; b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中; c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did. 8. ba. chair(椅子),c. armchair(手扶椅)d. class(班级)这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。Seat是”座位,座席”的意思。强调的是可供坐下的地方,不是具体的椅子。只有b. place 是seat 的同义词。 9. ab. big(大的)指体积;c. tall(高的)指身材;d. large(大的)指空间和面积。 这 3 个词都与人的年龄无关。只有 a. old 是说明年龄的。 10. ca. sad(悲哀,忧愁的)没有生气的意思;b. unhappy(不幸的,不快乐的)不一定是生气;d. pleased(高兴的)同angry意思相反;只有 c. cross(脾气坏的,易怒的,生气的)与angry 意思相反。 11. cc. stand是bear的同义词,都有忍受的意思。而其他3个选择都没有忍受的意思。 12. ca. clever(聪明的),b. rude(粗鲁的),d. kind(仁慈的)这3个都不是rude的反义词, 只有polite(有礼貌的)才是和rude 相对应的反义词,所以选 c. Lesson 2 1. c因为根据课文内容,作者正在吃早饭,他不可能在床上。所以a. 和b.与课文内容不符合,作者强调尽管他起床很晚,已经是中午,但他还在吃早饭,所 以 d. 也不对。 2. d因为只有d.才是Aunt Lucy感到惊讶的原因,其他3个选择都不合乎逻辑。 3. c本句有一个表示经常性动作的时间状语sometimes,所以要用一般现在时。因为主 语是He, 所以它后面的动词要在词尾加s. a. stay 词尾没有加s; b. is staying 是进行时;d. staying 是现在分词;只有 c. stays符合时态和人称。 4. cgo to bed 是固定词组,意思是“就寝” 。 a. in 可以用在stay in bed 之中; b. into 和 d. at 不符合语法和习惯用法,英语中不用into bed, at bed 这样的短语。


Lesson 113 Small change 讲义重点 一、本课重要单词 conductor: n.售票员; fare: 车费,交通工具的票价; a taxi fare 出租车费; a single fare 单程票价; change: v.兑换(钱),换零(钱)例: Can I change pounds into dollars here? 这里可以把英镑兑换成美元吗? n. 零钱,找零: You may keep the change. 你可以留下零钱,不用找了。note: n.纸币; a five-pound note 5英镑纸币; Pay in notes.用钞票付款。passenger :n. 乘客,旅客; none: pron. 三者或三者以上的人或事物中任何一个都不….例:None of the students could answer the question. 没有一个学生会回答那个问题。 None of us has ever been abroad. 我们所有的人都没有出过国, neither : adv. 两者都不…(置于单数名词之前) Neither book is bought in Beijing. 这两本书都不是在北京买的。 Neither is right. 两者都不正确。

get off:下车; tramp: n. 流浪汉,漂泊者’ except:prep. 除…之外; 二、本课重要知识点: 1. Have you any small change? 您有零钱吗? 在本句中关于have变疑问句的用法需要引起注意: (1)have用作实意动词表示状态,如表示拥有、患病或用于have to 表示“必须”等,在变疑问句时可以直接将have提前,也可根据情况在句首使用do,does,did,例: I have some small change. 我有一些零钱,变疑问句: 常用句式:Do you have any small change?您有零钱吗? 不常见句式:Have you any small change? 您有零钱吗? (2)用作实意动词表示动作,如表示“吃(=eat)”、“喝(=drink)”、“度过(=spend)”等,构成疑问式时不能将have提前至句首,而应在句首使用do,does,did,例: He has breakfast at home. 变为疑问句: 正确句式: Does he have breakfast at home?他在家吃早餐吗? 错误句式: Has he breakfast at home?


新概念英语第三册课后题答案Lesson 1 1-5 d a c c d 6-10 b d d c b 11-12 b a Lesson 2 1-5 d b c b d 6-10 b c a b a 11-12 a c Lesson 3 1-5 d d a d b 6-10 c b b a d 11-12 b b | Lesson 4 1-5 a c d b d 6-10 c b c d b 11 -12 c a Lesson 5 1-5 c b a b c 6-10 d b c c b

11-12 d d Lesson 6 1-5 b a c d b 6-10 a a d a a 11-12 b c Lesson 7 ) 1-5 b d b a c 6-10 b c a a d 11-12 b b Lesson 8 1-5 c c d d a 6-10 a c c b a 11-15 d c Lesson 9 1-5 a d a c b 6-10 d b a b c 11-12 c a Lesson 10 1-5 d c a b d 6-10 d b d a c

~ 11-12 b a Lesson 11 1c 2c 3a 4d 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11d 12b Lesson 12 1c 2d 3a 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9b 10d 11d 12a Lesson 13 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7b 8c 9a 10d 11a 12b Lesson 14 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8c 9b 10d 11d 12c Lesson 15 1c 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9a 10c 11b 12b Lesson 16 1c 2b 3b 4d 5d 6c 7d 8b 9a 10b 11c 12a Lesson 17 1d 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b 7d 8d 9a 10c 11c 12d Lesson 18 1a 2c 3d 4c 5c 6b 7a 8d 9d 10a 11b 12c Lesson 19 1a 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7b 8d 9d 10b 11c 12a * Lesson 20 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a 6c 7d 8a 9c 10d 11a 12d Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d Lesson 22 1a 2c 3c 4c 5a 6c 7c 8a 9d 10d 11b 12c Lesson 23 1d 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9d 10d 11b 12b


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 21 练习答案Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A …passing planes can be heard(1.2); The airport was built (1.2); it could not be used then(1. 3); a hundred people must have been driven away(11.4-5); this house will be knocked down by a passing plane(11.6-7); I have been offered a large sum of money(1.7) C 1 A message will be sent immediately. 2 All these goods must be sold. 3 I told you the parcel would be received in time. 4 The letter has to be delivered by hand. 5 Your letter must have been lost In the post. 2.难点练习答案 A (sample answers) The dog drove the sheep out of the field. The police drove the crowds back. I drove my car into the garage. B1 home 2 houses 3 house 4 home 3.多项选择题答案


新概念英语第三册课后题答案 答案具体的解释可以参考外研社的《新概念英语练习详解3》(注:外研社的参考答案个别有误,请以这里的答案为准。)答案错误的个别题我会在课上讲解。 Lesson 1 1d 2a 3c 4c 5d 6b 7d 8d 9c 10b 11b 12a Lesson 2 1d 2b 3c 4b 5d 6b 7c 8a 9b 10a 11a 12c Lesson 3 1d 2d 3a 4d 5b 6c 7b 8b 9a 10d 11b 12b Lesson 4 1a 2c 3d 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 5 1c 2b 3a 4b 5c 6d 7b 8c 9c 10b 11d 12d Lesson 6 1b 2a 3c 4d 5b 6a 7a 8d 9a 10a 11b 12c Lesson 7 1b 2d 3b 4a 5c 6b 7c 8a 9a 10d 11b 12b Lesson 8 1c 2c 3d 4d 5a 6a 7c 8c 9b 10a 11d 12c Lesson 9 1a 2d 3a 4c 5b 6d 7b 8a 9b 10c 11c 12a Lesson 10 1d 2c 3a 4b 5d 6d 7b 8d 9a 10c 11b 12a Lesson 11 1c 2c 3a 4d 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11d 12b Lesson 12 1c 2d 3a 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9b 10d 11d 12a Lesson 13 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7b 8c 9a 10d 11a 12b Lesson 14 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8c 9b 10d 11d 12c Lesson 15 1c 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9a 10c 11b 12b Lesson 16 1c 2b 3b 4d 5d 6c 7d 8b 9a 10b 11c 12a Lesson 17 1d 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b 7d 8d 9a 10c 11c 12d Lesson 18 1a 2c 3d 4c 5c 6b 7a 8d 9d 10a 11b 12c Lesson 19 1a 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7b 8d 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 20 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a 6c 7d 8a 9c 10d 11a 12d Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d Lesson 22 1a 2c 3c 4c 5a 6c 7c 8a 9d 10d 11b 12c Lesson 23 1d 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9d 10d 11b 12b Lesson 24 1a 2c 3a 4a 5d 6b 7c 8b 9d 10a 11d 12a Lesson 25 1c 2a 3d 4c 5b 6d 7a 8d 9b 10a 11a 12c Lesson 26 1d 2a 3c 4c 5b 6a 7c 8d 9c 10d 11b 12a Lesson 27 1a 2d 3b 4b 5b 6b 7d 8c 9c 10a 11b 12c Lesson 28 1b 2c 3b 4d 5c 6a 7d 8c 9c 10b 11b 12a Lesson 29 1c 2b 3a 4a 5a 6a 7b 8c 9d 10d 11c 12b Lesson 30 1d 2a 3d 4b 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10b 11d 12a Lesson 31 1b 2b 3d 4b 5b 6a 7a 8a 9d 10d 11c 12d Lesson 32 1a 2b 3a 4c 5b 6d 7c 8c 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 33 1c 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7a 8c 9c 10b 11a 12d Lesson 34 1b 2b 3c 4b 5d 6c 7a 8d 9c 10b 11a 12c Lesson 35 1c 2b 3b 4d 5c 6d 7c 8c 9a 10d 11b 12d Lesson 36 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6a 7b 8b 9d 10c 11a 12d Lesson 37 1b 2c 3a 4b 5c 6a 7d 8c 9d 10d 11b 12a Lesson 38 1b 2d 3a 4d 5c 6b 7c 8b 9a 10a 11c 12a Lesson 39 1c 2a 3a 4d 5a 6d 7b 8c 9a 10c 11b 12c Lesson 40 1a 2c 3c 4d 5a 6d 7c 8c 9b 10a 11d 12a Lesson 41 1d 2b 3a 4c 5a 6c 7b 8b 9a 10b 11b 12a


Lesson 1 1 关键句型练习 A I (1) got (2) very angry (3) . I (1) could not hear (2) the actors (3) . I (1) turned round (2) . I (1) looked at (2) the man and the woman (3) angrily (4) . They (1) did not pay (2) any attention (3) . In the end (6), I (1) could not bear (2) it (3). I (1) turned round (2) again (6) . zI (1) can't hear (2) a word (3)! { I (1) said (2) angrily (4) . zIt (1) is (2) none of your business (3) , { the young man (1) said (2) rudely (4) . zThis (1) is (2) a private conversation (3)!{ B 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday. 2 I listened to the news carefully. 3 The man played the piano well. 4 The children played games quietly in their room yesterday. 5 He opened the door quietly. 6 He left immediately. 7 He planted a tree in the corner of the garden. 8 He read the letter quickly in his office before lunch. 9 I borrowed a book from the library this morning. 10 The cook spoilt the soup. 11 We stay at home on Sundays. 12 There are a lot of people at the bus stop. 13 The little boy ate greedily an apple in the kitchen this morning. 14 She draws beautifully. 15 I like music very much. 16 They built a new school in our village last year. 17 The match ended at four o'clock. 18 She received a letter from her brother last week. 2 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 d 5 c 6 a 7 d 8 b 9 a 10 c 11 c 12 c Lesson 2 2.难点练习答案 1 What a wonderful garden(this is) ! 2 What a surprise( this is) ! 3 What a lot of trouble he is causing! 4 What wonderful actors (they are) ! 5 What a hard-working woman (she is) ! 6 What a tall building (it is) ! 7 What a terrible film (it is) !


Lesson113 CONDUCTOR: Fares, please! MAN: Trafalgar Square, please. CONDUCTOR: I'm sorry, sir. I can't change a ten-pound note. Haven't you got any small change? MAN: I've got no small change, I am afraid. CONDUCTOR: I'll ask some of the passengers. CONDUCTOR: Have you any small change, sir? 1st PASSENGER: I'm sorry. I've got none. 2nd PASSENGER: I haven't got any either. CONDUCTOR: Can you change this ten-pound note,madam? 3rd PASSENGER: I'm afraid I can't. 4th PASSENGER: Neither can I. CONDUCTOR: I'm very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this 're all millionaires! TWO TRAMPS: Except us. 1sth TRAMP: I've got some small change. 2nd TRAMP: So have I. 售票员:请买票! 男子:请买一张到特拉法加广场的票。 售票员:对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。 您没有零钱吗? 男子:恐怕我没有零钱。 售票员:我来问问其他乘客。 售票员:先生,您有零钱吗? 乘客1:对不起,我没有。 乘客2:我也没有。 售票员:夫人,您能把这10英镑的钞票换 开吗? 乘客3:恐怕不能。 乘客4:我也不能。 售票员:非常抱歉,先生。您必须下车。我 们的乘客中没人能换开这张钞票。他们都是百万 富翁! 二流浪汉:我们俩除外。 流浪汉1:我有零钱。 流浪汉2:我也有。


新概念英语第一册课后答案 Lesson122 A 1 This is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday. 2 He is the man whom I invited to the party. 3 These are the things which I bought yesterday. 4 He is the man who came here last week. 5 He is the policeman who caught the thieves. 6 She is the nurse who looked after me. 7 She is the woman whom I met at the party. 8 I am the person who wrote to you. B 1 Who met him? That woman? Yes, she's the woman who met him. 2 Who sat there? That man? Yes, he's the man who sat there. 3 Who made it? That woman? Yes, she's the woman who made it. 4 Who read it? That man? Yes, he's the man who read it. 5 Who shut it? That man? Yes, he's the man who shut it. 6 Who took it? That woman? Yes, she's the woman who took it. 7 Who told me? That man? Yes, he's the man who told me. 8 Who saw me? That woman? Yes, she's the woman who saw me. C 1 Whom did you see? That man? Yes, he's the man whom I saw. 2 Whom did you telephone? That woman? Yes, she's the woman whom I telephoned. 3 Whom did you invited? That man? Yes, he's the man whom I invited. 4 Whom did you to the to the cinema? That man? Yes, he's the man whom I took to the cinema. 5 Whom did you find in the garden? That man? Yes, he's the man whom I found in the garden. 6 Whom did you drive to London? That woman? Yes, she's the woman whom I drove to London. 7 Whom did you hear? That woman? Yes, she's the woman whom I heard. 8 Whom did you remember? That man? Yes, he's the man whom I remembered. Lesson124 A 1 She is the woman I drove to London. 2 That's the film I saw. 3 That's the man I spoke to. 4 They are the thieves the police caught. 5 These are the letters I typed. 6 These are the people you asked me about. B 1 Which man? That man? Yes, that's the man I saw yesterday.


新概念英语第三册选择题答案Lesson 1. (d),(a),(c),(c),(d),(b),(d),(d),(c),(b),(b),(a) Lesson 2. (d),(b),(c),(b),(d),(b),(c),(a),(b),(a),(a),(c) Lesson 3. (d),(d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(b),(a),(d),(b),(b) Lesson 4. (a),(c),(d),(b),(d),(c),(b),(c),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 5. (c),(b),(a),(b),(c),(d),(b),(c),(c),(b),(d),(d) Lesson 6. (b),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(a),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 7. (b),(d),(b),(a),(c),(b),(c),(b),(a),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 8. (c),(c),(d),(d),(a),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(d),(c) Lesson 9. (a),(d),(c),(a),(b),(d),(a),(a),(b),(b),(b),(d) Lesson 10. (d),(c),(a),(b),(d),(d),(b),(d),(a),(c),(b),(a) Lesson 11. (c),(c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(a),(d),(b) Lesson 12. (c),(d),(a),(b),(d),(c),(b),(c),(b),(d),(d),(a) Lesson 13. (d),(c),(c),(c),(b),(b),(b),(c),(a),(d),(a),(b) Lesson 14. (b),(b),(a),(a),(c),(b),(a),(c),(b),(d),(d),(c) Lesson 15. (c),(d),(a),(b),(b),(d),(a),(c),(a),(c),(b),(b) Lesson 16. (c),(b),(b),(d),(d),(c),(d),(b),(a),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 17. (d),(a),(c),(a),(a),(b),(d),(d),(a),(c),(c),(d) Lesson 18. (a),(c),(d),(c),(c),(b),(a),(d),(d),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 19. (a),(b),(a),(b),(d),(a),(b),(d),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 20. (c),(b),(b),(c),(a),(c),(d),(a),(c),(d),(a),(d) Lesson 21. (b),(d),(c),(a),(a),(b),(d),(b),(a),(c),(a),(d) Lesson 22. (a),(b),(c),(c),(a),(c),(c),(a),(b),(d),(b),(c) Lesson 23. (d),(a),(d),(a),(b),(c),(a),(c),(d),(d),(b),(b) Lesson 24. (a),(c),(a),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(d),(a),(d),(a) Lesson 25. (c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(d),(a),(d),(b),(a),(a),(c) Lesson 26. (d),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(c),(d),(c),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 27. (a),(d),(b),(b),(b),(b),(d),(c),(c),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 28. (b),(c),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d),(a),(c),(c),(b),(d) Lesson 29. (c),(b),(a),(a),(c),(a),(b),(c),(d),(d),(c),(b) Lesson 30. (d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(c),(b),(d),(a) Lesson 31. (b),(b),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(d),(c),(d) Lesson 32. (a),(b),(a),(c),(b),(d),(c),(c),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 33. (c),(b),(a),(b),(d),(a),(a),(c),(c),(d),(a),(b) Lesson 34. (a),(b),(b),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(a),(c) Lesson 35. (c),(b),(b),(d),(c),(d),(c),(c),(a),(d),(b),(d) Lesson 36. (d),(c),(c),(b),(d),(a),(b),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d) Lesson 37. (b),(c),(a),(b),(c),(a),(d),(c),(d),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 38. (c),(d),(a),(d),(c),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(b) Lesson 39. (c),(a),(a),(d),(d),(a),(d),(b),(a),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 40. (a),(c),(c),(d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(d),(a) Lesson 41. (d),(b),(a),(c),(a),(c),(b),(b),(a),(b),(b),(a)


新概念英语2 习题答案 Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6: dacdd adaba da Lesson 7: bccda cdacb ab Lesson 8: dbbac cbbad bb Lesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dc Lesson 10: addcb cacac ca Lesson 11: bbbab ccacc bd Lesson 12: ccadd adacd aa Lesson 13 :bdbca bbcaa ad Lesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bb Lesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cb Lesson 16: aadab adadd da Lesson 17: dbbdc cbaac ad Lesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cb Lesson 19: Adccd bcbca cc Lesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc da Lesson 21 : cdcda cbbad cc Lesson 22: dbddb dacda bb Lesson 23: aaacc addbb ad Lesson 24: baaca acccb ab Lesson 25: cbbab cdbaa da Lesson 26: adcbc ddabd bd Lesson 27: dcddd baddc cc Lesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd ba Lesson 29: bccbd babbb cb Lesson 30: aadab cccda dd Lesson 31: dbaca adabc ac Lesson 32: cccbb cadad bc Lesson 33: dbdac bbccc ac Lesson 34: dabca dcbcb ca Lesson 35: adadd adaba dd Lesson 36: addcd ccbad cc Lesson 37: cbbbb dacdb ba Lesson 38: bcaac bddba dd Lesson 39: dacdd abacc ab Lesson 40: ccbca acbbb bd Lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb Lesson 42: dddbb cddac da


新概念英语第一册L e s s o n-113-114-练习题(无答案)

Lesson 113 and Lesson 114 一根据句意及所给动词首字母填空(10分) 1. If you want to take a bus, you must pay the f______ first. 2. How long does it take to get to Tianan Men S______ by bike? 3. I can’t c______ the ten-pound note. 4. I’m a______ I’ve got no small change. 5. The c______ asked passengers for tickets. 6. There is no water in the bottle. There is n ______. 7. He can change the note. S______ can I. 8. There are trees on e______ side of the street. 9. I’m sorry. You must g______ off the bus. 10. None of the passenger can change this note e______ the two tramps. 二用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. Which city do you like ______ (well), Beijing or Shanghai? 2. Beijing is one of ______ (beautiful) cities in China. 3. ______ (no)of us would like to try it. 4. They are all ______ (million). 5. I’ll ask some of the ______ (passenger). 6. All go there except ______ (we). 7. The ______ (two) passenger hasn’t got any small change, either. 8. I haven’t any, either. ______ (either) have I. 9. They are too expensive for us ______ (afford). 10. Can we buy it on ______ (instalment)? 三用either, neither, either…or, neither…nor…, so, both…and, not only…but also, none 填空(5分) 1. She has lived in London and Manchester, but she doesn’t like ______ city at all. 2. I have two sisters. They are ______ students. 3. May I have some food? Sorry, there is ______ is the refrigerator. 4. We went to the cinema yesterday. ______ did they. 5. Students should ______ study well ______ keep healthy. 6. They are ______ millionaires. 7. ______ my mother ______ my father are teachers. 8. We don’t like watching TV. ______ he ______ I am interested in it. 9. There are only two ways. You ______ take this ______ take that. 10 I can’t afford this new car. ______ can she.


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 9 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A 1 We went to the Town Hall on Wednesday evening/ New Year's Eve. 2 The clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes time. 3 The clock stopped at five to twelve. B 1 in 2 On 3 during/ in 4 in 5 at 6 on…in 7 in 8 at…in 9 until C (sample answers) 1 The match will begin at 3 o'clock. 2 They bought their house in 1980. 3 The shop is closed from one till two. 4 The children went to school in the morning. 5 He'll finish school in two years' time. 6 Let's go for a walk in the evening. 7 He went to church on Sunday. 2.难点练习答案 A 1 No, I haven't any/ have no money. 2 No, I didn't go anywhere/ went nowhere in the holidays. 3 No, I didn't buy anything/ bought nothing this morning. 4 No, there wasn't anybody/ was nobody present when the accident happened. B He has no hobbies. He goes nowhere. He sees nobody. He is interested in nothing----except food! 3.多项选择题答案
