中国历史文化概况(英文版)Unit (11)

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The characters in Beijing Opera are usually divided into four types: sheng, dan, jing and chou, each has a style and rule to fits its own.
The facial make-up is a unique and fascinating aspect Beijing Opera, revealing the personality, status, age and abilities of various characters in an exaggerated form. The facial make-up is said to have originated from masks with which the ancient warriors went to war to scare away the enemy. As opera plots and characters became more complex and involved, the masks were found to be inadequate, and were replaced by direct face painting.
导读:中华文化是世界上最古老的文化之一,也是 中华民族智慧的结晶。京剧是我国的国粹、国剧, 已有200年历史,享誉海内外。它形成于北京,时 间是在1840年前后,盛行于20世纪三、四十年代。 现在它仍是具有世界级影响的大剧种。它的行当全 面、表演成熟、气势宏美,是近代中国汉族戏曲的 代表。
Beijing Opera is to celebrate the 80th birthday of Emperor Qianlong. After the celebration, the troupes stayed in Beijing for further performances, winning universal support. Gradually a new style of opera known as Beijing Opera came into being. Based up on traditional Anhui Opera, it has also adopted repertoire, music and performing techniques from Kunqu Opera, a local opera from Jiangsu Province, and Qinqiang Opera, a local opera from Shan xi Province, as well as traditional folk tunes in its development. Patronized by men of letters, artists, audiences from all walks of life, the Qing Court(1644-1911)and post Qing officialdom, it was steadily developed and improved by masters of performing arts for many generations before it reached maturity and perfection.
Symbolism is very important in Chinese performing arts, and it is important in Beijing Opera as well. Since stage settings are very simple, the actors use particular body movements to suggest a situation.
Efforts have been made to renovate Beijing Opera’s stage design, story plots, music, etc. To meet modern tastes, the renovation has proved to be quite successful, since some young audiences are attracted. Some people, however, think this sort of renovation changes these sense of Beijing Opera, causing this traditional art to lose its original flavor.
Beijing Opera combines many art forms. Apart from singing and recitation, it includes traditional Chinese music, poetry, dancing, pantomime, elaborate costumes and make-up, acrobatics and martial arts. It has nothing in common with the opera or operettas of the West, and it is much more than mere opera or operettas in the usual sense.
Despite the government’s enthusiastic support, Beijing Opera today is encountering serious problems. Competition from filHale Waihona Puke Baidus, TV dramas and popular music led to a decrease of its audiences and consequently in box-officer avenue. As a result, Beijing Opera troupes, like other traditional Chinese opera troupes, cannot afford to put on new plays and train new performers.