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Unit 1 Freshman Convocation

plete the following sentences.

1)Many “intellectual ghosts”showed a total disregard for(表现出完全超越的态度) the accepted boundaries between different field of knowledge.

2)Da Vinci made painstakingly precise observations of everything and put to use everything he learned(把一切学以致用).

3)Many MIT faculty members are crazy about multidisciplinary thinking (酷爱跨学科思考) . For example, professors from the climate science political science departments collaborate creatively with the subject of economics (创新地与经济学合作) to find solutions for the demand for new energy sources.

4)The second facet of da Vinci’s character that fits with MIT (与MIT一致) is his respect for and curiosity of nature (他对大自然的敬重与好奇) ,both as a scientist and an engineer.

5)Students at first class universities will encounter a great many extraordinary teachers, perhaps the most stimulating minds and inspiring models (最激情飞扬的大师和启迪智慧的楷模) they will ever know.

6)There is a good chance that the students will never live and work in a community with as rich as many different cultures and backgrounds (大批不同文化与背景者) as they will at MIT.

3.Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.

1)大学新生将会发现大学是一个启迪他们研究、学习、成长的地方。(an inspiring palce to do something)

Freshman will discover that college is an inspiring place to study ,learn and grow.

2)对于达芬奇来说,正是他那种渴望探求一切、解释一切、把所学的一切付诸于实践的强烈好奇心使他在多种领域产生兴趣。(it was simply ... that)

For Leonardo da Vinci ,it was simply his desire to explore everything ,to explain everything ,and to put to use everything he learned that guided his interests.

3)达芬奇具有吸引我们的三大特质:他的跨学科的好奇心、他对设计的自然法则的尊重以及解决实际问题的澎湃激情。(fascinated by ,admiration for ,enthusiastic passion for) We are fascinated by da Vinci’s three characters ,namely ,his multidisciplinary curiosity ,his respect for the designed natural laws and his enthusiastic passion for solving problem.

4)你只有像达芬奇一样,具有坚定的好奇心,才会充分利用好大学里自己宝贵的时光。(as ... as ,to use one’s time to its fullest potential)

As long as you are as determined in your studies and are as curious about the world around you as da Vinci was ,then you will use your time in college to its fullest potential.

5)我们早就知道成功人士不是袖手旁观,听之任之,而是采取主动性创造奇迹。(have long since observed ,people of accomplishments ,sit back ,take one’s own initiative)

It has long since been observed that people of accomplishments rarely sat back and let things happen to them ,but instead take their own initiative to happen to things.

Unit2 Understanding Science

plete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in brackets. 1)Scientific knowledge can be of great help for governmental decision-making (十分有助于政府决策)and the results of these decision are everywhere.

2)The invention of the Internet causes the rapid development of globalization(触发了全球化的快速发展).

3)Science helps satisfy our natural curiosity (满足我们天生的好奇心)by answering question about the nature without resorting magic for explanation(而无需借助魔法来作出解释).

4)The inventors of the mouse tried to figure out how many buttons a mouse should have.(计算出鼠标应该有多少按键)

5)It seems to me that a doctor can change the whole society thoroughly(彻底改变整个社会).

6)We must provide decent accommodation for the poors.(为穷苦人提供像样的住房)

7)A nearsighted person cannot focus properly on distant objects.(正确地聚焦看远处的物体)

8)Tom’s mother does not allow him to enroll in this cooking class. (报名参加烹饪课)

3.Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.

1)要清楚地理解电对我们的生活有多么重要,只要试过一天没有电的日子。(to make it
