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Question sheet

Ⅰ. Vocabulary

(3) cry (d) Less people prefer to visit the museums. (14)

(4) experience (e) I live in Shanghai, which is a prosperous city. (15)

(5) group (f) A car accident occurred this morning. (16)

(6) punish (g) The global warming is threatening animals and plants. (17)

(7) steady (h) They went bankrupt during the economic crisis. (18)

(8) law (i) He is excellent in making decisions. (19)

(9) research (j) He flew to Paris on a business trip. (20)

(10) elephant (k) Roads should be widened as traffic is heavier than before. 例扩宽

(21) She is __________ her neighbor, because he is a terrible man.

A. full of

B. afraid of

C. lack of

D. instead of

(22) No one can __________ the computer, because it is out of order.

A. open

B. make

C. turn on

D. carry on

(23) He _______ that he could get the first prize if he made effort, but he has underestimated his rivals.

A. though

B. through

C. throng

D. thought

(24) We are __________ the missing child who is about five years old.

A. paying for

B. making for

C. taking for

D. looking for

(25) The companies should attract the customers by ___________ the quality of their products.

A. improving

B. increasing

C. expanding

D. expecting

Ⅱ. Grammar

例:The rainy season has come, and it has been raining all day. (rain)

(26) Although the movie is ________________, he is not ___________________ in watching it. (interest)

(27) He hasn‟t given up ____________ his dog these days and he __________ his dog this morning. (find)

(28) If he __________ the wrong bus, he will fail to _________ this medicine to the patient. (take)

(29) It is ___________ by the public that the president made this plan without much ________________. (consider)

(30) John is the father of two ____________, but he is somehow _________, as he likes to watch cartoons. (child)

(31) He ordered that the books ____________ at once.

A. would be printed

B. would print

C. be printed

D. print

(32) Nobody _________ how to run this machine.

A. know

B. have known

C. knows

D. is knowing

(33) He is explaining his plan _________ half of the staff will be moving out of the city.

A. which

B. who

C. that

D. where

(34) Peter ________ well last night because of the noise.

A. hadn‟t slept

B. didn‟t slept

C. hadn‟t sleep

D. didn‟t sleep

(35) Before I _______ him, he _________ his apartment.

A. called…had left

B. called…left

C. had called…left

D. had called…had left

(36) The Greens _________ China for five years.

A. has been in

B. have been in

C. went to

D. has gone to

(37) ___________ about the story, Tom retold it in his own words.

A. Heard

B. Hearing

C. Having heard

D. Having hearing

(38) The boss made me _______ all the tiring jobs and I quit my job.

A. do

B. done

C. doing

D. to do

(39) Each of the students __________ a new bag by the charity group.

A. is given

B. is giving

C. are given

D. are giving

(40) I have no idea ___________.

A. what are you doing

B. what you are doing

C. what he do

D. what is he

Ⅲ. Reading

Task 1

The Man behind Blue Jeans

Levi Strauss was born in 1829 in Bavaria, Germany. He was the fifth of six children. His father sold dry goods from door to door. (Dry goods include many different things: fabric, thread, scissors, combs, buttons, yarn, etc.)

In 1845, his father died. All six children decided to go to the United States. Two of Strauss‟ bothers started a dry goods company in New Y ork City. Strauss‟ sister Fanny and her husband started a similar business in San Francisco. Strauss decided to go to the southeastern part of the United States. For eight years, he walked along the country roads selling dry goods from door to door -- just like his father in Bavaria.

In 1853, Strauss decided to move to San Francisco. (At that time, thousands of people traveled to California to look for gold.) On the way to California, Strauss sold almost all of his dry goods. He had only one thing left -- some canvas.

In California, Strauss tried to sell the canvas to the gold miners. He said they could make tents from the canvas. But they weren‟t interested in canvas for tents. Strauss didn‟t know what to do with the canvas. Then, he had an idea. Strauss could see that the miners needed new pants. There were holes in their pants because the fabric wasn‟t strong. He decided to make the canvas into pants. They called them “Levi‟s”. Later, Strauss stopped using canvas and used a different fabric. It was a heavy cotton fabric -- the same kind people wear today.

Levi Strauss died in 1902. He never married and left his money to his nephews. He left the world much more -- the jeans that so many people wear.
