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13. Brain Drain

Brain drain is a delicate problem with which this country is confronted. In the last ten years

or so, a lot of scientists and technicians have swarmed into developed countries for further studies or research work, let alone numerous promising students. And there are no indications that they will be back home before long. This country has paid the expenses of training them but lost them. How did that come about?

It seems that it isn't impossible to solve the problem. The scientists and the like can be

attracted back home so long as great importance is attached to the intellectual's deserving treatment and effective measures are taken to provide them with excellent pay and agreeable conditions.

注:so long as 只要; great importance is attached to... 重视

effective measures 有效措施

14. Treasure Water

The availability of water has been an important factor in China's growth. China is blessed

with large supplies of fresh water. Such mighty rivers as the Yellow, the Yangtse and the Songhua irrigate the farming land of thousands of miles along them. In addition, the development of industry and the water supply of big cities are made possible largely by vast resources.

注:Treasure v 珍惜.

15. How to Solve Energy Crisis

Man is faced with a big problem—the energy crisis, which is becoming more and more

serious. First, with the increase in the world's population, the demand for fuels is growing steadily. Second, the rapid development of industry and agriculture calls for an increasing amount of coal, oil and natural gas.

注:energy 能源;crisis 危机



Confronted with the energy crisis, we should take a series of effective measures to save

energy. For one thing, it is high time that people all over the world realized the severe fact that our natural resources have been fixed since the earth was created. For another, the governments of all countries are supposed to lay down the rules and regulations to restrict the amount of gas used by cars. Finally, scientific researches should be encouraged to work out efficient methods of saving fuels and to seek new sources of energy.

Personally, I believe that solar energy is a possible source of clean, inexpensive and abundant

energy. It does not pollute the environment and costs only as much as the installation of solar panels to absorb the sun's rays. Consequently. I'm confident that a bright future is awaiting us because solar energy will be able to help us to solve the energy crisis.

注:personally 就我个人而言;solar 太阳能

17. Physical Exercise

More and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise. In the

past, most people were involved in manual labour out in the fresh air of the fields. Nowadays a lot of people work in offices, spending most of their time indoors. In the evenings they usually sit watching TV or reading newspapers. Their daily lives don't provide them with the exercise needed to keep them healthy. Therefore, they must devote part of their time to doing regular physical exercise.




18. Information in the Modern Society

n the modern society, it is important to be well-informed. Success in many fields depends on

getting the latest information. At the same time, failure in policy-making often results from the lack of necessary information. That is why we call the current age “the Information Age”.

There are many means of acquiring information which enable us to keep up with the step of social development. First, we read various books, newspapers ...

注:surf 冲浪

16. Fire Accidents in Big Cities

In recent years there has been a marked growth of fire accidents in big cities of our country.

Almost every day we see fire engines rushing through streets. Fires have not only resulted in heavy economic losses but also injured and killed many people.

What are the causes of fire accidents? Most of the fires are brought about by carelessness and violation of fire safety regulations. Others are due to the poor quality of home electrical appliances. ...

In my opinion, in order to prevent fires we should first of all foster people's sense of fire

prevention. The second thing we have to do is to increase the number of professional fire fighters, to whom regular training courses should be offered. Finally, we are to improve the existing fire engines and add more fire facilities to high-rise buildings. In this way, a reliable fire prevention system will be formed.

注:foster 培养;enhance 提高

How I Finance My College Education
