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1. -Could you look after my daughter for me while I’m away?


A. Yes, here you are

B. You’re welcome

C. Yes, please

D. With pleasure

2. To help animals is helping people, isn’t it?

A. It’s nothing.

B.I think s

o. C. It’s my pleasure. D. No

3. How do you like the story?

A. It’s so interestin

g B. No problem

C.I like the end very much. D .Ye s, wonderful.

4. -We have finished watering all the trees, Miss Yang.

-______, boys and girls. Let’s have a drink.

A. Good luck

B. Well done

C. Congratulati ons

D. Best wishes

5. - How are you feeling now?

- ________.

A. Very interesting

B. Much bette r

C. Never mind

D. Thank you very much.


6. -Will Mr. Smith be here soon?

- I can’t tell. Let’s go and _____when the train arrives.

A. look

B. look for

C. find

D. find out

7. Usually before exams, the students _____ two minutes to write down their nam es.

A. are given

B. were given

C. gave

D. gi ve

8. What do you think _____ her a good pupil?

A. to make

B. made

C. making

D. make

9. ___ of the students in the class would like to go to school by bike in such terrible weather.

A. All

B. Both

C. Neithe

r D. None

10. You haven’t read the notice to the students, and ___________.

A. either have I

B. neither have I

C. neither I hav e

D. so have I

11.The teacher found him ______ and gave him some different homework to do every day.

A. was clever

B. was a clever boy

C. a clever bo

y D. clever boy

12. Our team ___ theirs by the score 2 - 1 in the final football matc


A. won

B. hit

C. b eat

D. failed

13. Please tell us ________ about your new friend May.

A. as much as possible

B. as many as po ssible

C. as more as possible

D. so often as possible

14. Knives are used to ______ things and glasses are used for _______.

A. cut, drinking

B. cutting, drinking

C. cut, drink

D. cutting, drink

15. It is ___ easy work that we can finish it in a short time.

A. so

B. such

C. so a

n D. such an

16. I was just leaving the classroom ________ it rained.

A. while

B. when

C. at

D. during

17. Last night I went to bed early but couldn't ___ .

A. get to sleep

B. get sleep

C. fall asleep

D. fa ll to sleep

18. Mrs Li was very angry ___ her son ___ her words.

A. with; with

B. to; with

C. with; at

D. with; to

19. Would you please ___ me?

A. not trouble

B. not to tr ouble

C. to not trouble

D. don't trou ble

20. —I don’t know___.

—It doesn’t matter, just stay with us please.

A. when will the train reach

B. when the train will reach

C. when will the train arrive

D. when the train will arrive

21. I can’t say _____ I want to see you again. It’s two years since I saw you last .
