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Intercultural Communication
Lecturer:李仪(Maggie) Email: lyzjyl@163.com
My story
•Graduated from University of Melbourne •Worked for AMES(Australian Migration English Service)
communication – at lea来自百度文库t one in English. Books Recommended: [1] Ron Scollon, Suzanne Wong Scollon : Intercultural Communication: A
Discourse Approach, 外语教学与研究出版社,2000 [2] 贾玉新:《跨文化交际学》,上海外语教育出版社,1997 [3] 林大津:《跨文化交际研究》,福建人民出版社, 1996
•To acquire knowledge related to ICC (terminologies and definitions) ; •To develop skills that will increase your intercultural communication
- course book - “fieldwork” (in preparation for presentation)
1.Preview the text :Looking up the new words and expressions before class. 2.Take an active part in class discussions and performances. 3. Choose and read two recommended textbooks on intercultural
Time commitment
•Contact hours: 36 class period total •time commitment / 9 hours per week:
• 3 contact hour per week (lecture) • 6 additional hours per week:
A brief introduction to the history of the study of ICC
The Development of the Discipline 1.In 1946 : The US government passed the Foreign Service Act and
•To understand how communication processes differ among cultures; •To cultivate the ability to study and explore the issues concerning
intercultural communication .
established the Foreign Service Institute. The institute hired Edward T. Hall… 2.In 1959 :
The publication of the Silent Language by the American
cultural anthropologist, Edward T.Hall marked the emergence of ICC. 3.In 1966: ICC was regarded as curriculum in the US.
Getting started: Find your other half
•With the person next to you, discuss the following: •1) Introduce yourself •2)Were you involved in intercultural communication? •3) If you were, what difficulties you met during the
•Was an IELTS & TOFEL teacher
Break the ice!
• Quick class survey • Speed dating/the story of your name
•The objectives of this course are for you:
4. In 1970: ICC was recognized as an independent area of study by the
International Communication Association (国际传播学会) 5. In 1972: The first international conference on intercultural communication
was held in Japan. 6. In 1983 : Gudykunst ,American well known scholar in ICC, edited the first
text on intercultural communication theory, Intercultural Communication Theories.
Course Overview
•Seminar organization •Assessment: •1)Attendance and participation.
2)Project presentation and handout (the required essay ). 3)Essay.
•• Subject course book •窦卫霖:《跨文化商务交际》,高等教育出版社,2011年