全新版大学英语综合教程第二册教案 Unit 8


Unit 1 Ways of Learning Teaching Aims: 1.Understanding the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and western learning styles) and structure of the text(introduction of the topic by an anecdote-elaboration by comparison and contrast-conclusion by a suggestion) 2.Appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare and contrast (point-to-point method or one-side-at-time method) 3.Grasp the key language points in Texts A and grammatical structures in the text 4.Understand the cultural background related to the content 5.Conducting a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities 6.Learn to write notices, etc. Teaching Keypoints: 1.Grasp the main idea of Text A and language points in Text A 2.Cultural background about Chinese and western ways of learning 3.Analysis of the difficult sentences in Text A Teaching Difficulties: 1.Writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A 2.Learn how to understand the structure of difficult and long sentences Teaching Aids: Teacher-guided, discussion, exercises, group-activities, student-centred Teaching period: 12 classes Teaching Procedure: Step 1Warming up 1.Have students read the overview of page 2, students will understand the main topic of unit (ways of learning in Chinese and western countries) 2.Have students listen to the script of listening part, explain some difficult sentences and phrases, lead them to finish the exercises on page3, check the answer 3.How to understand the following sentences: Standing on the shoulders of giants 4.Explain the cultural notes of education in the west 5.In class, students form two camps to debate the following issue: If you have a baby , which way would you prefer to use , to pay more attention to develop more skills or to creativity? Step 2 Global analysis of Text A Ⅰ. Scanning Scan Text A and decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1 Benjamin was worried that he couldn’t put the key into the box. (F) (=Benjamin was not bothered at all.) 2. In the Chinese staff’s opinion, the parents should guide Benjamin to insert the key. (T) 3. The author and his wife didn’t care whether Benjamin succeeded in inserting the key into the slot. (T)


Unit8 Protecting Our Environment Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1.In the midst of prosperous farms and beautiful fields in the central part of America. 2.Foxes, deer, wild flowers and trees, migrant birds, trout and other fishes, etc. 3.The roadsides were beautiful even in winter. Berries and seed heads of dried weeds rose above the snow, and birds came to feed on them. 4.The migrant birds, and fish in the streams and pools. 5.It was clear and cold. 6.They built their houses, sank their wells, built their barns, and lived in perfect harmony with the wild life. The town remained beautiful and full of life for many years. 7.She refers to the shadow of death. Chickens, cattle and sheep began to die of mysterious maladies, people were stricken with strange sickness and some of them died. 8. Spring should be throbbing with life, full of birdsong. “ A silent spring ” is a lifeless sp 9.The roadsides are now lined with withered vegetation as though swept by fire. 10.Probably it is the remains of pesticides or other deadly chemicals. 11. Man. All these changes are the result of man ’ s own work. 12.No. The author is pointing to a real danger. The disasters befalling this imagined town have actually happened here and there, though no single town has experienced all of them. If nothing is done to protect the environment, all American towns will suffer the same fate sooner or later. Text Organization Working On Your Own


Unit3 1.The view that you should never spend more than you earn is fairly ______of people of their generation. 2. The artists stood before the paintings almost______ with astonishment at their beauty. 3. In 1963, after his ______ year in high school, Clinton was elected into a government study program for young people in Washington.D.C. 4. William Byrd composed many pieces of music, but his Latin church music is considered his most______ work. 5. Governments establish ______ systems to provide a safety net to prevent people from suffering the effects of poverty. 6. You quit that respectable, well-paid job for this unpromising one? What ____________ you? 7. Many animals face extinction(灭绝) as the result of human______. 8. Her hope of her husband's return is ______ as years go by. 9. Having worked for three years, Roger decided to enrol on an MBA program and ____________ his choice to three famous universities on the East Coast. 10. A ______ reply is much more appreciated than beating about the bush(转弯抹角). 11. Harold is always coming up with these dumb ______ for making money that just get us into trouble. 12. Call me, write to me, email me; ______, let's keep it touch.


全新版大学英语综合教程二unit1-unit8选词填空 cloze答案 Unit 1 Is there a contrast between learning styles in China and the West? While we should be careful to avoid exaggerating the differences, they do appear to exist. In China, for example, greater priority is given to developing skills at an early age. The Americans, on the other hand, place more emphasis on promoting creativity in young children, leaving them to pick up skills later. American parents tend to avoid rushing in to assist their children as they try to accomplish a task, thinking in better that children should learn to solve problems by themselves. Such an approach can, on occasion, be mistaken for neglecting one’s parental duties by those more used to “teaching by holding the hand.” Both approaches have their disadvantages as well as advantages, and it may well be worthwhile to search for a superior method that would combine the best of both worlds. Unit2 If you visited Karl Green, you might not at first sight think he was well-off . Most of what he owns is rather dated and he will readily admit to falling into the bottom income bracket . Yet he would deny that he is poor, for he feels that his life is full of less tangible riches . Rather than devoting himself to the pursuit of money before all else, he cherishes the pleasures of friendship. His lack of interest in possessions does, however, sometimes make him feel out of place in today’s materialistic society and he still clearly feels hurt when he remembers the abrupt departure of a girlfriend who did not share his views. Yet there are many who admire him, particularly for his focus on helping the poor through collecting donations each Christmas. Unit3 Our dad is typical of the older generation. You can certainly say he gives our welfare his constant attention. Sometimes, however, we wish he wouldn’t try quite so hard. To be frank, he seems to have a talent for embarrassing us by making dumb remarks. He should know better than that,but he never seems to learn and just goes on making the same old mistakes repeatedly . The result is that we live in constant dread of his well-intentioned interference in our affairs. Mom is no help, as you can bet she will always see things from his point of view rather than from ours. Overall, though, he’s a


目录 Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 1 Unit1 Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture 4 Unit2 Text A The Freedom Givers 10 Unit3 Text A The Land of the Lock 14 Unit3 Text B Why I Bought A Gun16 Unit4 Text A Was Einstein a Space Alien? 21 Unit5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters 25 Unit6 Text A The Last Leaf 28 Unit7 Text A Life of a Salesman33 Unit7 Text B Bricklayer's Boy41 Unit8 Text A Human Cloning: A Scientist’s Story47 Unit8 Text B Second Thoughts on Cloning50 Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活吉姆·多尔蒂Jim Doherty 1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live on a farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer or in my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country. 有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 2 It's a self-reliant sort of life. We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegetables. Our hens keep us in eggs, with several dozen left over to sell each week. Our bees provide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through the heating season. 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 3 It's a satisfying life too. In the summer we canoe on the river, go picnicking in the woods and take long bicycle rides. In the winter we ski and skate. We get excited about sunsets. We love the smell of the earth warming and the sound of cattle lowing. We watch for hawks in the sky and


全新版大学英语综合教程 第二册教案

Unit 1Ways of Learning Ⅰ. Suggested Teaching Plan Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and the Western learning styles) and structure of the text(introduction of topic by an anecdote elaboration by comparison and contrast-conclusion by a suggestion); 2.appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare and contrast(point-by-point method or one-side-at-a-time method); 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 1.T asks Ss the following questions. The first is based on the song Teach Your Children:(5 minutes) —According to the song, who should teach whom? Is learning a one-way street? (Parents and children should teach each other and learn from each other. Learning is a two-way interaction.)—Can you guess what the theme of this unit, ways of learning, refers to? (Different people have different learning styles.) 2.Ss listen to the following quotation from《文汇读书报》(2001年12月1日第一版,


英语基础模块第二册 U n i t8教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN


Now, press… Step 2 Listening & Speaking practice (2) Jill: Hi, Jack. Would you show me how to use this MP3 player? Jack: Sure. First press the On button to start it. Then press the Play button, and it will play the song. Jill: What shall I do if I want to listen to the next song? Jack: Just press the Next button. Jill: How can I turn the volume down? Jack: Here is the Volume Down button. Just press it. Jill: Well, it’s easy. Thank you. Jack: You’re welcome. Listen again and fill. Step3:Reading Practice (1) Suitable for: Oily hair Functions: Remove dust and eliminate itching. For those who are troubled by hair loss. Directions: Wet hair. Apply right amount of shampoo onto hair and rub into foam. Rinse well. Can be used every day. Warnings: For external use only. Not to be swallowed. Avoid contact with eyes. For adult use only. 1. Ask the students to look at the picture on Page 78, and predict what will be talked about in the dialogue. 2. Play the tape in Activity ④, and ask the students to learn about the different functions of the buttons. 3. Play the tape again, and ask the students to write 1. Ask the students to read the instruction for shampoo and underline the new words. 2. Present the tips briefly. 3. Play the tape. Ask the students to read after the tape. 4. Play the tape again, and then ask the students to fill in the form in Activity ②. 5. Ask the students to read the new words and phrases. 6. Ask the students to try to introduce their own shampoo. 1. Ask the students to read the passage, and explain the new


全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课文原文及翻译Until1-8 较完 1 / 55 目录 Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 1 Unit1 Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture Unit2 Text A The Freedom Givers 10 Unit3 Text A The Land of the Lock 14 Unit3 Text B Why I Bought A Gun16 Unit4 Text A Was Einstein a Space Alien? 21 Unit5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters 25 Unit6 Text A The Last Leaf 28 33 41 47 4 Unit7 Text A Life of a Salesman Unit7 Text B Bricklayer's Boy Unit8 Text A Human Cloning: A Scientist’s Story Unit8 Text B Second Thoughts on Cloning 50 Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活吉姆?多尔蒂Jim Doherty 1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live on a farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer or in my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country. 有两件事是我一直想做的?D?D写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E?B?怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。


A Fable For Tomorrow There was once a town In the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards where, in spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of colour that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the field, half hidden in the mists of the autumn mornings. 明天的寓言 从前在美国中心有一个小镇,那里的万物看上去都与其四周的环境融洽相处。小镇的四周是像棋盘交错的兴旺的农庄,还有一块块的田地和一座座遍布山坡的果园。春天来了,白色的鲜花云彩般地漂浮在绿色的田野上;秋天到了,橡树、枫树和桦树色彩斑斓,在一片松树林间火焰般地燃烧与跳跃。小山上狐狸吠叫,田野间小鹿静静地跃过,所有的一切都在秋天清晨的薄雾中半隐半现。 Along the roads, laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns and wild flowers, delighted the traveler’s eye through much of the year. Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty, where countless birds came to feed on the berries and on the seed


Unit1Ways of Learning Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1.They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing. 2.Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel. 3.They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4.Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5.Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. 6.He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself. 7.He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA. 8.The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided. 9.One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day. 10.Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity. 11.This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking. 12.The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills. Text Organization Working On Your Own 1.

新一代大学英语(基础篇)综合教程2Unit8 Culture and Tradition

Unit 8 Culture and tradition Learning objectives: ✧talk about Chinese culture and tradition using new vocabulary ✧analyze a text with the knowledge of lexical cohesion ✧explain the reasons for the Chinese trait of being hard-working ✧talk about the cultural difference between the Chinese dragon and the Western dragon ✧write on a traditional Chinese virtue embodied in a famous saying Project forecast: Your college is going to hold an event called Chinese Culture Day to introduce Chinese culture to overseas students on campus. There is an open call for essays that introduce traditional Chinese virtues embodied in famous Chinese sayings. Your class is assigned to write an essay on a traditional Chinese virtue embodied in one of Confucius’ sayings. Can you think of a saying and explain the virtue it reflects? You will be able to complete the task after studying this unit. 1.Understanding the texts. (1) The typical Chinese people in Westerners’ eyes are industrious, conservative, timid, modest, obedient… What are the typical Chinese like in your mind? (2) Read the text in iExplore 1, and answer the following questions: ➢Some Chinese American immigrants receive American education and they still work hard, what are the reasons? ➢Do you have a sense of shame when you are idling way? Do you have a sense of satisfaction when you are busy at your work? Why? (3) Read the text in Iexplore 2, and answer the following questions: ➢What are the other symbols that could stand for China? Compare these Chinese symbols with American symbols. ➢Find a Western dragon story online and tell it to your partner. 2.Building your language. 1.Enrich your Word Bank by making your list of the words and expressions that are related to culture from these two texts. You can make your list longer by adding more words and expressions you learn through other references. 2.Scan the QR code on page 181 to learn about suffix -ful. Try to work out at least another five words with the suffix and list them in your Word Bank. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a219232308.html,plete the exercises on page 178-181 and 186-188. 3. Sharpening your skills.

新标准大学英语综合教程2 Unit 8课文翻译

Unit 8 Active Reading (1) 绘画消遣(节选) 1 一位天才美国心理学家说过:“烦恼是感情的发作;此时大脑缠住了某种东西不肯放手。”在这种情况下,和头脑争论(让它放手)是无用的。愿望越强烈,与之争论就越是徒劳。 你只能温和地将另一种东西慢慢灌输到痉挛状态的头脑中。如果(这一东西)选得恰当,而且它真的从另一领域的情趣中受到启迪的话,那么逐渐地,往往也是迅速地,原先不适当的“不肯放手”就会慢慢放松,恢复和补救的过程就会开始。 因此,对于公众人物而言,培养业余爱好和新的兴趣才是上策。但这并非一日之功,也不是单凭意志力就能做到的事情。精神情趣的培养是一个长期的过程。要想在需要的时候可随手摘取充满生机的果实,种子就必须精挑细选,必须播种在肥沃的土壤里,还必须辛勤地护理。 要想真正快乐,真正安全,一个人至少应有两三种业余爱好,而且必须是实际可行的。到了晚年才开始说:“我会培养对这或对那的兴趣”,这是没有用的。这种愿望只能加剧精神紧张。一个人可能会获得大量与其日常工作无关的知识,却不能从中得到任何益处或宽慰。 做你喜欢做的事没有用,你要喜欢你做的事。泛而言之,人可以分为三类:极其劳累的人,极其操心的人,极其无聊的人。对于卖了一周力气、流了一周汗水的体力劳动者来说,让他们在星期六下午踢足球或打垒球是不合适的。同样,对于工作了六天、一直为公务操心的政界人士、专业人员或商人来说,在周未再让他们为鸡毛蒜皮的琐事而操心劳累也是无益的。 那些能够支配一切、能够肆意妄为、能够染指一切追求目标的人是“不幸的”。对于他们而言,多一种新的乐趣、多一种新的刺激只是增加一分厌腻而已。 他们到处奔乱跑,企图靠喧闹和骚动来摆脱无聊对他们的报复,但这么做是徒劳的。对他们来说,某种形式的纪律约束是最有希望让他们走出困境、走上正道的。 可以这样说,理智的,勤劳的、有用的人可以分为两类:第一类人认为工作是工作,娱乐是娱乐;第二类人认为工作和娱乐是一回事。这两类人当中,第一类人占大多数。他们是能够得到补偿的。在办公室或工厂里长时间工作给他们带来了报酬,这不仅是谋生的手段,也使他们对寻找快乐充满了渴望,哪怕是最简单、最质朴的快乐。 但是,幸运之神偏爱的是第二类人。他们的生活是一种自然的和谐。对他们来说,工作时间永远不会太长(永远都不够长),每一天都是假日,而当普通节日来到时,他们会感到厌恶,因为这强行打断了他们埋头从事的工作。然而对这两种人来说,换换脑子,改变一下气氛,转移一下注意力都是不可缺少的。其实,把工作当作乐趣的人,很可能是最需要每隔一段时间就把工作放下,让头脑放松的人。 Active Reading (2) 闲暇无为——或如何歇着无所事事 数百年前,人们没有多少空闲时间,因为人人都在辛苦劳作。在19世纪的英国,人们有了较多闲暇,可是维多利亚时代的人认为歇着无所事事是一种罪过。于是为了避免诱惑,他们发明了足球、橄榄球和板球。人们开始从事更温和的休闲活动,如观鸟、园艺、收集火车头号码。他们甚至可能只是观看一项运动,给人一种有事可做的印象。 其中一个例子是板球。这是一种规则怪异的奇特游戏,如果五天之内毫无进展,玩家往往就会决定双方战平。而无论是玩家还是观众,人人都对这毫无结果的比赛感到心满意足。这是个我们现在可以称之为闲暇无为的好例子。 渐渐地,近年来闲暇无为中的互动变得甚至更少了。在20世纪90年代,一个新的休闲物种进化成功,它认为躺在沙发上看电视体育节目或数码影碟是它们能做到的最令人兴奋的无为了。这就是沙发土豆。那么,谁想当沙发土豆呢?嗨,事实上,许多人想,理由也是可以理解的。也许今天你休息,也许你刚下班或放学。也许你累了,只想放松。对沙发土豆来说,任何活动都太麻烦,懒散是一门艺术。怎样才能变成沙发土豆呢?那很容易。在一个舒适的地方坐下,例如一张躺椅、一个豆袋或……你知道接下来就是……
