

Group 1

Column A Column B

( ) 1. T. S. Eliot a. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

( ) 2. Wallace Stevens b. Sister Carrie

( ) 3. Theodore Dreiser c.The Oversoul

( ) 4. Ralph Waldo Emerson d. Anecdote of the Jar

( ) 5. Robert Frost e. The Waste Land

Group 2

Column A Column B

( ) 1. Benjy a. Sister Carrie

( ) 2. George Hurstwood b. The Sound and the Fury

( ) 3. Emily c. Mrs Warren’s Profession

( ) 4. Vivie d. A Rose for Emily

( ) 5. Jim e. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

“God help men that help themselves” is found in ________ work.


B. Franklin

C. Freneau

D. Jefferson

From 1732 to 1758, Benjamin Franklin wrote and published his famous _____, an annal(年表、编年史) collection of proverbs.(谚语)

A.The Autobiography

B. Poor Richard’s Almanac

C. Common Sense D .The General Magazine

______ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club.

A.Henry David Thoreau

B. Ralph Waldo Emerson

C. Nathanial Hawthorne

D. Walt Whitman

Transcendentalists(超验主义者)recognized ________ as the “highest power of the soul”.

A. Intuition

B. logic

C. data of the senses

D. thinking

The common thread throughout American literature has been emphasis on the ________.


B. Reason

C. Individualism

D. Rationalism

The publication of ________ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism.

A. Nature

B. Self-reliance

C.The American Scholar

D. The Over-soul

There is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually ______ on the Puritan soil.

A. Romanticism

B. Puritanism (清教主义)

C. Mysticism (神秘主义)

D. Unitarianism (实用主义)

In the history of literature, Romanticism is regarded as _______.

A.the thought that designates(标出、定名为)a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the

individual as the very center of all life and all experience.

B.The thought that designates man as a social animal

C.The orientation that emphasizes those features which men have in common

D.The modes of thinking

Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a ______ language.


B. pompous

C. simple

D. vernacular

Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his _______.

A. international theme

B. waste-land imagery

C. local color

D. symbolism

The Age of Realism is also what Mark Twain referred to as ______.

A.the golden age

B. the silver age

C.the gilded age

D. the roaring age

The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the 19th century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American _________.

A. modernism

B. Naturalism

C. Vernacularism

D. local colorism

Which of the following figures does not belong to “The Lost Generation”?

A. Ezra Pound

B. William Carlos Williams

C. Robert Frost

D. Theodore Dreiser

The following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except ______.

A. William Faulkner

B. F. Scott. Fitzgerald

C. John Steinbeck

D. Ernest Hemingway

Who, one of the most import poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement”?

A. J. D. Salinger

B. Ezra Pound

C. Richard Wright

D. Ralph Ellison

Theodore Dreiser is generally regarded as one of American’s ____________.

A. naturalists

B. realists

C. modernists

D. romanticists

The book from which “all modern American literature comes” refers to _____.

A. The Great Gatsby

B. The Sun Also Rises

C. The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

D. Moby Dick

The American “Thirties”, lasted from the Crash(股市崩盘), through the ensuing Great Depression, until the outbreak (开始) of the Second World War in 1939. This was a period of ______.

A. poverty

B. important social movements

C. a new social consciousness (意识)

D. all of the above

“The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.”This is the shortest poem written by _________.

A.T. S. Eliot

B. Robert Frost

C. Ezra Pound


E. E. Cummings

Early in the 20th century, _______ published works that would change the nature of American poetry.

A. Ezra Pound

B. T. S. Eliot

C. Robert Frost

D. Both A and B

The imagist writers followed three principles; they respectively are direct treatment, economy of expression and ____________.

A. clear rhythm

B. blank verse

C. free verse

D. heroic couplet

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both…”In the above two lines of Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken, the poet, by implication, was referring to __________.

A. a travel experience

B. a marriage decision

C. a middle-age crisis

D. on e’s course of life

In Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called ________ in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character.

A. stream of consciousness

B. imagism

C. symbolism

D. naturalism

Yoknapatawpha county is an imagery land invented by _________.

A. William Faulkner

B. Thomas Hardy

C. Balzac

D. Theodore Dreiser

_______ wrote about the society in the South by inventing families which represented different social forces: the old decaying (衰败的) upper class; the rising, ambitious, unscrupulous(厚颜无耻的)class of the “poor Whites”; and the Negroes who labored for both of them.

A. Faulkner

B. Fitzgerald

C. Hemmingway

D. Steinbeck

1.Who is your favorite American writer? What is his/her masterwork? Why do you like him/her?

( The writers and the works are not confined to (局限于) those we have mentioned in class.) (15 points)

2.What is the relationship between wars and American literature? (U.S. has gone through the

Independence War, the civil war, WWI, WWII, and the anti-terrorist war, you can choose one particular period to analyze or interpret it from a bird’s view.) (15 points)

3.What have you leaned from this elective(选修课)this term? And do you have any suggestions for

this class? (10 points)





第17单元20世纪美国诗人(1) I.Fill in the blanks. 1.Author_____Title_____(南京大学2007研) The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet,black bough. 【答案】Author:Ezra Pound;Title:“In a Station of the Metro” 【解析】题目节选自庞德的《在一个地铁车站》,该诗是以一个意象作为叙述语言的典型范例。 2.Ezra Pound’s lifelong endeavor had been devoted to the writing of_____,which contains_____poems.(国际关系学院2007研) 【答案】The Cantos;117 【解析】庞德把毕生精力都投入到写作《诗章》当中,《诗章》共包括117首诗。 3.Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he called the“_____”movement. 【答案】imagism 【解析】庞德是意象主义运动的领军人物。 4._____was successful in two fields of activity which did not seem compatible with

one another:he was a very successful businessman and a very remarkable contemporary poet at the same time.(人大2006研) 【答案】Wallace Stevens 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens)是美国20世纪的著名诗人。他集企业家和诗人于一身。 5.Winner of the National Book Award in1950and the Pulitzer Prize in1963,______ is the author of the five-volume epic Paterson which is a lucid statement of the author’s aesthetics. 【答案】William Carlos Williams 【解析】威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯的代表作是《佩特森》,它清晰地表达了诗人的美学观点。 6.At the age of44,Wallace Stevens was finally persuaded to publish a book of poems,entitled_____. 【答案】Harmonium 【解析】1923年,44岁的华莱士-史蒂文斯出版了他的第一部诗集《风琴》(Harmonium)。 7.After his death,Wallace Stevens’s previously uncollected works appeared under the title_____. 【答案】Opus Posthumous 【解析】华莱士·史蒂文斯死后,其之前未收集的诗作集合成册于1957年发表,名为《遗作》(Opus Posthumous)。


一 I heard the merry grasshopper then sing, The black-clad cricket bear a second part, They kept one tune, and played on the same string, Seeming to glory in their little art. Shall creatures abject thus their voices raise? And in their kind resound their maker’s praise, Whilst I, as mute, can warble forth no higher lays? “Under the cooling shadow of a stately Elm, Close state I by a goodly River’s side, Where gliding streams the Rocks did overwhelm; A lonely place with pleasures dignifi’d. I once that lov’d the shady woods so well, Now thought the rivers did the trees excel, And if the sun would ever shine there would I dwell. “While musing thus with contemplation fed, And thousand fancies buzzing in my brain, The sweet tongu’d Philomel percht o’er my head, And chanted forth a most melodious strain, Which rapt me so with wonder and delight, I judg’d my hearing better than my sight. 题目:the 9th of Contemplations 作者:Anne Bradstreet 赏析: 1. Rhyme royal: sevenline iambic petametre 七行五步抑扬格 2. Rhyme: ababccc 3. Theme: religion 4. 象征:black-clad=death; abject=admitting defeat; maker= god 5. A genuine expression of poetic feeling in the presence of nature. The poem offers the reader an insight into the mentality of the early Puritan pioneering in a new world. The poet heard the grasshopper and the cricket sing, and she searched for her own soul accordingly. 6. She saw sth metaphysical inhering in the physical, a mode of perception which was singularly Puritan 二 It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into. As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other. But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined. While my care was employed in guarding against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took the advantage of inattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason. I concluded, at length, that the mere speculative conviction that it was our interest to be completely virtuous was not sufficient to prevent our slipping and that the contrary habits must be broken, and good ones acquired and established, before we can have any dependence on a steady, uniform rectitude of conduct. For this purpose I therefore contrived the following method. In the various enumerations of the moral virtues I had met with in my reading, I found the catalog more or less numerous, as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name. Temperance, for example, was by some confined to eating and drinking, while by others it was extended to mean the moderating every other pleasure, appetite, inclination, or


美国文学试题库 注:试题库内容仅作为学习参考使用,并不代表考试内容。任何一道题均可能变化为其它形式的试题。 1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________. A. rational B. humorous C. optimistic D. pessimistic 2.The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ . A. local colorism B. vernacularism C. modernism D. naturalism 3. ____________were idealists, believing the church should be restored to complete “purity” and dreaming that they would build the new land to an Eden on earth. A. Calvinists B. Puritans C. Romanticists D. Transcendentalists 4. All of the following are the features of Puritans EXCEPT _____. A. wanting to make pure their religious beliefs and practices


1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight or nine o’clock, on the Sunday morning and landed at the Market Street wharf. 4.What features do you find in the style of the above selection? It is the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision(言简意赅). The narrative is lucid(易懂的), the structure is simple, the imagery is homely(朴素的). 二、Questions 1.How many characters does Poe include in The Cask of Amontillado? What are these names? Montresor, Fortunato and Luchesi 2. What drink are the French most famous for? Wine 3.Does Montresor have something of great value to him which we might consider to be his treasure? His pride and the pride of his French family heritage. Perhaps his devious plot of revenge. 4.Does Montresor seem to have much respect for Italians? Montresor does not have much respect for Italians. He feels the French are superior, especially with respect to wine. 5.What was Fortunato's insult? Poe does not tell us directly, but only implies it in the third paragraph 6.Which wine does Montresor use to lure Fortunato into the catacombs? "Amontillado" (the Spanish wine; Montresor's ruse to lead Fortunato down into the catacombs. 7.Why does Montresor entertain Fortunato with wines from his collection? Montresor wants to get Fortunato drunk enough to be able to trap him in his plan of vengeance. 8.In what two ways does Montresor imprison Fortunato? He fetters (chains and locks) Fortunato to the wall of the catacombs. He builds a wall to close Fortunato off in a small corner of the catacombs, where Montresor will leave him to die. 9.In what ways is The Cask of Amontillado grotesque? First, which of Montresor's actions are abnormal? The whole obsessive plot of vengeance. The fettering and entombment of Fortunato. Montresor's sick sense of humor. 10.Is there anything grotesque about Fortunato? His obsession with alcohol. His drunkenness. His tendency to berate Luchesi (he may have been drunk and may have insulted Montresor in a similar


美国文学选读第三版课后习题答案洁(部分) Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Questions 1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight


III Multiple choice (20%) 1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. When her poems were published in England, she became known as the “______” who appeared in America. A Ninth Muse B Tenth Muse C Best Muse D First Muse 2. ______ is the sometimes exaggerated use of local language, characters and customs in regional literature. A purple prose B waste-land imagery C local color D symbolism 3. The Fitzgeralds lived so extravagantly that they frequently spent more money than F. Scoot Fitzgerald earned for parties, liquor, entertaining their friends and traveling. It was this living style that nicknamed the decade of the 1920s as _______. A The Jazz Age B The Gilded Age C The Glorious Age D The Beat Age 4. ___________ was a reaction to the ideas of the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment. A Romanticism B Realism C Naturalism D Modernism 5. Although only few of her poems were published in her lifetime and a complete collection of them didn’t appear until the 1950’s, _____ had a major impact on 20th century poetry. A Anne Bradstreet B Gertrude Stein C Emily Dickinson D Amy Lowell 6. Who of the following is NOT a 20th century American poet? A Henry Wordsworth Longsfellow B Amy Lowell C Ezra Pound D Robert Frost 7. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his ______. A International theme B Waste-land imagery C Local color



美国文学复习提纲 第一部分连线题(1*10=10’) 1. Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence 2. Walt Whitman O’ Captain, My Captain 3. Mark Twain Jumping Frog 4. Robert Frost Mending Wall 5. Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro 6. Carl Sandburg Chicago 7. Saul Bellow The Adventure of Augie March 8. Ernest Hemingway Men without Women 9. John Steinbeck The Grape of Wrath 10. Jack London The Call of the Wild 11. Sinclair Lewis Babbit 12. Flannery O’ Connor A Good Man Is Hard to Find 13. O. Henry The Last Leaf 14. Jerome David Salinger The Catcher in the Rye 15. William Falkner The Sound and the Fury 第二部分单项选择(1.5*20=30’) 1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “________” who appeared in America. A. Tenth Muse B. Ninth Muse C. Best Muse D. First Muse 2. In American literature, the 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ________ was the dominant spirit. A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Revolution D. Evolution 3. Which of the following stirred the world and helped form the American republic? A. The American Crisis B. The Federalist C. Declaration of Independence D. The Age of Reason 4. At the Reason and Revolution Period, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 5. Thoreau was often alone in the woods or by the pond, lost in spiritual communication with ________. A. nature B. transcendentalist ideas C. human beings D. celestial beings 6. ________tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways. A. Twice-Told Tales B. The Scarlet Letter C. The House of the Seven Gables D. The Marble Faun

美国文学佳作欣赏—— 小说

Fiction(小说) novel, story books and stories about imaginative people and events Fiction: invention, imagination Fictional, fictitious(invented, not real) 1.Plot: What happened? ------the arrangement of events that make up a story ------a sequence of incidents that bear significant causal relationship to each other. Exposition (background inf, character introduction) Complication (intensification, rising actions) Crisis (moment of great tension), crisis (turning point) resolution(denouement) Why attracted or delighted by plot? (intriguing, intense mystery stories; detective stories) ----The writer controls our emotional responses by plot, varying the tempo, preparing us reversals and surprises.


《美国文学》期末考试试卷(B卷) 1.Poor Richard’s Almanac ( ) 2.The House of the Seven Gables ( ) 3.“Raven”( ) 4.My Antonia ( ) 5.Babbitt ( ) 6.A Streetcar Named Desire ( ) 7.Maggie: A Girl of the Streets ( ) 8.A Farewell to Arms ( ) 9.The Call of the Wild ( ) 10.Long Day's Journey into Night ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/a311761200.html,mon Sense ( ) 12. “Rip Van Winkle”( ) 13. Walden( ) 14. The Song of Hiawatha( ) 15. Uncle Tom’s Cabin( ) 16.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn( ) 17.Sister Carrie( ) 18.The Waste Land( ) 19. A Farewell to Arms( ) 20.The Great Gatsby( ) 1.defined poetry as the rhythmical creation of beauty. 2.While working for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, Samuel Langhorne Clemens adopted the pseudonym , the way of a boatman taking soundings, and meaning two fathoms. 3.Ezra Pound initiated a campaign for , which emphasized the direct treatment of an object or situation. He also advocated the language of common speech, but always the exact word. 4.Fitzgerald summarized the experiences and attitudes of the 1920s decade in his masterpiece novel _________. 5.is the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new types of characters. 6.The first of American literature was not written by an American, but by ___________________, a British captain, who thus became the first American writer. 7._________________ has been considered the “Father of modern American Poetry.\


Literary terms这部分的答案均来自星火《英美文学》一书,质量高 1.Transcendentalism: is literature,philosophical and literary movement that flourished in New England from about 1836 to1860. It originated among a small group of intellectuals who were reaching against the orthodoxy of Calvinism and the rationalism of the Unitarian Church, their own faith centering on the divinity of humanity and the natural world instead. Transcendentalism derived some of its basic idealistic concepts from romantic German philosophy, and from such English authors as Carlyle,Coleridge, and Wordsworth. The ideas of transcendentalism were most eloquently expressed by Ralph Waldo Emerson in such essays as Nature and Self-Reliance and by Henry David Thoreau in his book Walden. 2.American naturalism:this term was created by Emile Zola. Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory played an important role in naturalism. In the works off naturalism,characters were conceived as complex combinations of inherited attributes and habits conditioned by social and economic forces. At the end of the 19th century,this pessimistic form of realism appeared in America. Naturalism attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness. Characters in the works of naturalism were dominated by their environment and heredity. Naturalism emphasized:the world was around;men had no free will;religious “truth” were illusory;the destiny of human beings was misery in life and oblivion in death. The dominant figures in naturalism were Stephen crane,Frank Norris, Jack London and Theodore Dreiser. 3.The lost generation: included the young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut from the old value and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. These writers adopted unconventional style of writing and reacted against the tendencies of the older writers in the 1920s. The term came from Gertrude Stein who said in Hemingway's presence that “you are all a lost generation.” 4.Jazz age: the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald coined the term "Jazz Age" retroactively to refer to the decade after World War I and before the stock market crash in 1929, during which Americans embarked upon what he called "the gaudiest spree in history". Jazz Age is inextricably associated with the wealthy white "flappers" and socialites immortalized in Fitzgerald's fiction. 5.Free verse: is a poetry that has an irregular rhythm and line length and that attempts to avoid any predetermined verse structure, instead, it uses the cadences of natural speech. While it alternates stressed and unstressed syllables as stricter verse forms do, free verse does so in a looser way. Whitman's poetry is an example of free verse at its most impressive. It has since been used by Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and other major American can poets of the 20th century. 6. The iceberg analogy: The Iceberg Theory is a writing theory by American writer Ernest Hemingway, as follows:if a writer of a prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader,if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. 这部分来自星火的为:3,7,8, 来自课本为:1,4,9 来自网络为:2,5,6大家自取之 1.Poe's Poetic Ideas A.His conviction that the function of poetry is not to summarize and interpret earthly experience, but to create a mood in which the soul soars toward supernal beauty. B.He insists that poetry must be disembarrassed of that moral sense. C.Poe believes that the elevation of excitement of the soul should be “the poetic principle” thus poetry must concern itself only with “supernal beauty”. D.Poe defines poetry as “the rhythmical creation of beauty” a definition gi ving unexampled emphasis upon the importance of the rhythmical or musical element in poetry.


I、Write the Names of the Authors、 1、Poor Richard’s Almanac 2、Common Sense 3、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 4、A Streetcar Named Desire 5、The Waste Land 6、Sister Carrie 7、The House of the Seven Gables 8、The Great Gatsby 9、The Bluest Eye 10、 A Farewell to Arms 11、R ip Van Winkle 12、Raven 13、The Call of the Wild 14、The Marble Faun 15、Moby Dick 16、The Wing of the Dove 17、Of Mice and Men 18、The Bluest Eye 19、The Great Gatsby 20、The Bluest Eye 21、The Sound and the Fury II、Multiple Choices(Choose the best answer from the four choices)、 1、From 1622 until his death, , one of the greatest of colonial American, was reelected thirty times as governor、 A、Anne Bradstreet B、William Bradford C、Edward Taylor D、Thomas Pain 2、carries the voice not of an individual but of a whole people、It is more than writing of the Revolutionary period, it defined the meaning of the American Revolution、 A、Common Sense B、The American Crisis C、Declaration of Independence D、Defense of the English People 3、usually was regarded as the first American writer、 A、William Bradford B、Anne Bradstreet C、Emily Dickinson D、Captain John Smith 4、Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet、Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the " "who appeared in America、 A、Ninth Muse B、Tenth Muse C、Best Muse D、First Muse 5、_____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club、 A、Henry David Thoreau B、Ralph Waldo Emerson C、Nathanial Hawthorne D、Walt Whitman
