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Hamlet Character Analysis

I.Introduction (1)

In 1601 and representative of the great drama of Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, and it makes the entire Shakespeare drama has entered a peak. The image itself is rich in the humanistic thought of Hamlet, but also from the image itself reveals the author's strong humanist ideal. Whole Department masterpiece through described he and cruel reality Zhijian not harmonic of contradictions, he in revenge process in the of show of all hesitated imitation panic, and sad depressed and he suffered failed of tragic ending, deep to reflected out at advanced of humanism who strongly requirements break feudal oppression forces of huge suppressed of wishes, while also from side and reveals out has United Kingdom early bourgeois not change of class limitations. Hamlet the logs of advanced humanistic ideals backward and cruel reality is impossible to reconcile the great life leads him into tragedy inevitable.

And on harsh of reality, Hamlet Prince had of dream was completely hit broken has, dang he of dream to burst, will means raised he of life faith to burst, he into has a and on cannot solution of heavy contradictions, and spirit Shang no by hopes of heart Shang of "stray son", people often said of "1000 a readers on has 1000 a hamlet", on from side and full to description hamlet this a characters of complexity, while also check is due to this cannot harmonic of contradictions, caused he behavior Shang of hesitated, and delay, Hamlet in the history of literature is often called "delay Prince".

II.Analysis of Hamlet's character (2)

Hamlet's character is a bright, rich, but also the development, we study the character of Hamlet must be examined in the course of the fight put him in.Beginning of the story, Hamlet is a carefree Denmark Prince, he was young, optimistic, and full of energy, life has been going well. In the pursuit of knowledge, he came alone to distant Germany Wittenburg University. At that time, Vuitton is humanist gathering places, full of ideas. In College, Hamlet by the infection of humanism, emotion has been nurtured, so filled with better

vision for life and living. In his eyes, his father is an ideal King, was a wise King, as a "person" model. It can be said that Hamlet's world is full of sunshine, when he was still living in the beautiful world of fantasy.

However, when hamlet returns to his country, but was suddenly changes. Brutal truth of his life has been ruined completely. Father suddenly died suddenly, and mother was remarried in a hurry, had married his uncle Claudius, the uncle also usurped the throne. Hamlet suddenly plunged into an abyss of suffering. His world is no longer beautiful, no longer simple. His heart was filled with anguish and sorrow, lost interest in everything, even the despair of life. Suddenly one day, King hamlet has dreamed his father. Father to his dream, telling him the truth. Father was murdered by Claudius, this thing down like a bolt from the hamlet. Heavy blow to his spirit and power of survival could not be found. In desperation, the hamlet had to pretend, but his mind was wide awake. He began to observe the world with their own eyes, Hamlet finally finds himself living in a world full of evil, he began to reflect on, and to bless the absurd behavior of Claudius in fear. While hamlet carefully observe the world and people around him have changed. Friend Jamie Fullerton thought Dan luosenkelanzi vessel for qiurong, betray Hamlet, act as spies for Claudius. Valentine aofeiliya also be used as a tool by the enemy, original Claudius faces now take 20, 40, 50, and 100 gold pieces to buy his small portrait. Hamlet has finally begun to face up to their responsibilities, not only does he have to kill Claudius, but also to reverse the drying Shi Shen, remaking this society!

In order to change the community, Hamlet racked, hoping to find a way to turn things around or just road to recovery. However, the consequences he considered too detailed, so miss the chance again and again. So, in a very long period of time, Hamlet started to get restless, since the task yourself. And he thought: "tent of the sky as a top good ... ... I think that it is nothing more than a bunch of accumulation of miasma. "From here we can see that Hamlet is in serious crisis, in the famous three-act in a monologue, showed his emotional pain to the extreme, even live or not live issues. Melancholy, characteristic of
