



Embassy of 国家名称in China,

Dear Visa Section Officer,

We would like to confirm that the following person is working in our company as 申请人职务and he has been working in our company since就职日期. His salary is RMB月薪/month.

As invited by 邀请方公司名称(Add: 邀请公司地址,Tel: 邀请方公司电话),he will go to your country for 出访原因from **月**日—**月**日for停留天数days . His details are as below:

We hereby declare that we shall be responsible for the following items for him. 1.All expenses for this trip to including the cost of air tickets, traffic expenses, insurance and accommodation will be covered by费用承担方(公司或个人);

2. He will abide by laws and rules of your country.

3. He will return to China on time, and continue his work in our company.

Thank you in advance.

Sincerely yours,






为孩子提供担保的父母亲在职证明参考样 本英文 Revised on November 25, 2020

附件7:为孩子提供担保的父/母亲在职证明参考样本(英文) TO: VISA SECTION Dear Visa Officer, Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人父/母的姓名)has worked in our company since XXXX-XX-XX (申请人父/ 母的入职时间:年月日). The Labor Contract between him/her and our company commences on XX- XX-XXXX and will expire on XX-XX-XXXX. His/Her son/daughter XXXX(申请人的姓名) will be on travelling purposes visiting your country from to (出国日期某年某月).All the expenses including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by the father/mother XXXX(付费的一方:父或母). His/her child XXXX (申请人的姓名) will abide by the local regulations and laws in the destination countries, will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned. Name Sex Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Monthly Salary XXXX(申请人父/母的姓名) X XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX (申请人的姓名) X XXXXXX XXXXXX Business License No.(营业执照号) / Organization Code Certificate No.(组织机构代码证号)XXXXXXXX Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Name of the leader(领导人姓名) Position of the leader(领导人职位) Signature (领导的签名) Company Stamp(公司盖章) Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX Company Name: XXXXXX 注: 1. 在职证明需打印成中英文对照,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式 2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“附件7:为孩子提供担保的父/母亲在职证明参考样本(英文)”字样保留在完成的在职证明中


中文签证邀请函范文3篇 中文签证邀请函范文一: ToChineseEmbassy/Consulate, IherebyinvitethefollowingindividualtovisitChina,whoseinf ormationislistedbelow: 被邀请人信息—Informationoftheinvitedparty 姓名 Name(asappearedon passport)___________________________________________ 性别 Gender男Male女Female 出生日期 DateofBirth_____________________________________________ _____________ 护照号码 Passport Number__________________________________________________ ____________ PurposeofvisitingChina(Visitingrelatives,friends,tourist ,etc)________________ 访问城市 Citiestovisit___________________________________________ _______________

抵华日期 DateofarrivalinChina____________________________________ ______________ 谁将承担往返中国及在中国的费用? Whowillpayfortravel&livingexpense_______________________ _____________ 邀请人姓名或单位Nameof inviter_________________________________________________ _______ 与被邀请人的关系 Relationshipbetweeninviterandtheinvited_________________ ________________ 邀请人联系电话 Inviter'sChinesephonenumber_____________________________ ______________ 邀请人地址 Inviter'saddressinChina_________________________________ _______________邀请人签名 Signatureofinviter_________________________ 中文签证邀请函范文二: 邀请函 日期:5月14日,第20xx位 尊敬的先生或女士,我们很高兴地邀请先生(名称),(位置)的(公司名称),参观(邀请人公司名称)。访问日程和目的如下: 阶段1:(时间)(目的)


以下是申请商务签证的单位派遣函样本,请根据您的实际情况做修改。在职证明上除了单位LOGO、公司地址邮编电话等信息及领导签字之外,不能有其他中文汉字。 CERTIFICATION Embassy of Algeria in China, Dear Visa Section Officer, We would like to confirm that the following person is working in our company as申请人职务and he has been working in our company since就职日期. His salary is RMB月薪/month. As invited by 邀请方公司名称(Add: 邀请公司地址,Tel: 邀请方公司电话),he will go to your country for 出访原因from **月**日—**月**日for停留天数days . His details are as below: NAME SEX Date OF Birth Passport No.Date of Expiry Place of Issue 姓名性别出生日期护照号码护照有效期护照签发地 We hereby declare that we shall be responsible for the following items for him. 1.All expenses for this trip to including the cost of air tickets, traffic expenses, insurance and accommodation will be covered by费用承担方(公司或个人); 2. He will abide by laws and rules of your country. 3. He will return to China on time, and continue his work in our company. Thank you in advance. Sincerely yours, 领导签字 加盖公章 注:1请用正规公司抬头纸打印,上有公司名称、地址、邮政编码、电话、传真等信息; 2.材料不真实会导致拒签


附件1:在职证明参考样本 TO: VISA SECTION Dear Sirs, Ms. / Mr. XXX (姓名) works in our company since xx. xxxx (入职时间). She/He was invited by XXXXX(邀请方名称) to go to Italy for XXXXX(旅行目的) from xxx to xxx (出国时间某年某月某日) All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by XXX (支付方). She / He will come back on the schedule and then still work in our unit after the visit in Europe. Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Salary XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Signed by: XXX(领导姓名) Position: XXX (领导职务 Tel: xxx-xxxxxxxx (单位电话) Fax: xxx-xxxxxxxx (单位传真) Add: xxxxxxxxxxx (单位地址) Unit Name: xxxxxxxxxxx (单位名称) 注: 1.在职证明需打印成英文 2.凡样本中XX 的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX 在完成后的在职证明中 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中


公司抬头含公司地址电话等 Date:June 5th, 2014 To: Visa Section, Consulate General of India, Shanghai, China From:公司名称 Letter of Guarantee To whom it might concern, XXX is a specialized manufacturing factory of APIs,公司介绍 We hereby certify that Mr. XU of XXX. will go to India from10th June,2015 to 9th December,2015. He will go to India to extend the business relationship between XX and XXX. His detailed information is as following. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to guarantee that all the expenses of his stay in India, including international flight tickets, accommodation, health insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. We also guarantee that he will abide by the local law and regulations of the country to be visited, and return to China in time and keep working on the same position. Your consideration for his visa application will be highly appreciated. 法人 Corporate juridical person XXX


附件7:为孩子提供担保的父/母亲在职证明参考样本(英文) TO: VISA SECTION Dear Visa Officer, Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人父/母的姓名)has worked in our company since XXXX-XX-XX (申请人父/ 母的入职时间:年月日). The Labor Contract between him/her and our company commences on XX-XX-XXXX and will expire on XX-XX-XXXX. His/Her son/daughter XXXX(申请人的姓名) will be on travelling purposes visiting your country from XX.XXXX to XX.XXXX (出国日期某年某月).All the expenses including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by the father/mother XXXX(付费的一方:父或母). His/her child XXXX (申请人的姓名) will abide by the local regulations and laws in the destination countries, will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned. Name Sex Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Monthly Salary XXXX(申请人父/母的姓名)X XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX (申请人的姓名) X XXXXXX XXXXXX Business License No.(营业执照号)/ Organization Code Certificate No.(组织机构代码证号)XXXXXXXX Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Name of the leader(领导人姓名) Position of the leader(领导人职位) Signature (领导的签名) Company Stamp(公司盖章) Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX Company Name: XXXXXX 注: 1. 在职证明需打印成中英文对照,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式 2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“附件7:为孩子提供担保的父/母亲在职证明参考样本(英文)”字样保留在完成的在职证明中


赴尼日利亚签证办理信息: 签证类型: 过境签证 发给在尼停留不超过7天、一次性过境者;对直接转机者,颁发停留48小时的过境签证。过境签证申请者必须提供如下材料,否则拒签:a、继续前行的联程机票;b、旅行兑换凭证;c、足够前行所须经费; d、有效护照。 访问签证: 发给来尼访问人员。申请人须提供:a、往返机票;b、可靠的访问地址;c、接待单位的邀请信以及足够的经费证明。签证有效期为一个月。访问期间不能经商、工作。如时间不够,可向移民当局提出延期申请,可延期一次,时间3个月。如要长期居留、工作,则须向移民局申请临时居留和工作签证,由移民局长审批。 工作签证: 1、长期工作签证,即str签证(stay till review):由有意在尼居住的外国人提出申请。他们可以是外国在尼注册的工商企业业主和受雇人员、或上述两类人员中的配偶和子女。他们必须获有经批准的移民配额许可证和商业许可证。申请人须持以下文件向尼驻外使领馆或尼移民局提出申请,由移民局长审批:a.有效期超出6个月的护照; b.4张照片; c.在尼公司注册证明; d.公司申请str签证的信函; e.公司的雇佣信函; f.申请人接受该公司雇佣的信函; g.公司最新的移民配额批准文件复印件; h.职务证明; i.个人简历; str签证的有效期一般为3个月。申请人抵尼后,必须在str签证有效期内向移民局申请居留许可,即cerpac卡。2002年开始,尼移民局向居留在尼的外国人颁发外国人证和居留证合二为一的证件,简称cerpac 卡(combined expatriate residence permit&alien card)。每位申请人除交付350美元的制作费和手续费外,还需提供与申请str签证相同的文件、公司的税单、个人所得税单、个人指纹。此卡有效期为一年,与护照同时使用。 持居留许可证的外国公民分为二类:“a”类允许工作;“b”类为依赖“a”类的人员,如配偶和子女,不允许工作。如要求在尼工作,必须征得移民局长同意,由其授权签发工作许可。 2、临时工作签证,即twp签证:该签证用于为某一特定目的而入境,如机器安装、设备维修、商务处理等。该申请由所在尼公司法人代表本人提出,并申明被邀请人的访问目的、逗留期、个人资料,公司承担的移民责任等。经申请,此类签证可转为长期工作签证,但必须由移民局长审批。所需提供的资料和申请str一样。 尼日利亚移民局自2007年7月1日起正式实施在线签证申请及付费手续. 申请人须登陆移民局网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/a413074925.html,.ng进行申请及付费,详情请参见使馆网页“签证处”里的说明和链接。 在线签证申请: 尼日利亚移民局网站实行在线签证申请及付费。使馆要求所有申请人先在网上申请和付费,再持其它申请材料到使馆面试。在线申请及付费请点击下面链接: 签证表 尼日利亚移民局https://www.360docs.net/doc/a413074925.html,.ng 网上申请说明:


X X X有限公司(单位名称)兹证明×××,性别,——年——月——日出生,系我单位(公司)正式员工,自年月在我单位工作,现任(职务),年薪。他(她)将于年月日前往台湾旅游,我司担保其在台湾期间遵守台湾法律,在旅游结束后按期返回,继续在我司工作。特此证明公司名称:负责人或主管人员签名:公司章负责人或主管人员电话:公司地址并加盖公司章:开具日期:单位在职证明范本二:兹证明我公司__________先生/女士(出生日期:_____年_____月_____日),自_____年_____月_____日在我公司工作,现任北京诚智思源物业管理经营有限公司__________职务。特此证明(公司章)年月日单位在职证明范本三:姓名:xxx 性别:x 出生年月日:xxxx 工作单位:xxxx 职务:xxxx 何年何月任现职:xxxx 单位电话:xxxx该同志将参加由xxxx赴xx进行商务考察和洽谈活动。特此证明。(公司章)xxxx年xx月xx日单位在职证明范本四:日本驻广州总领事馆:兹有我单位____(姓名)_________(护照号码)申请前往贵国旅行。____为我单位____(职务),____(年/月)进入我单位,为单位服务____年,年收入____元。我单位同意____(申请人)于____(月/日)至____(月/日)期间休假,在贵国期间一切费用(包括机票、住宿、医疗保险及其他费用)将由其本人承担。___(申请人姓名)在旅行结束后,将按时回国,继续为我公司服务。领导签名:单位名称(并盖公章):单位电话:单位在职证明范本五:在职证明兹证明______ ,出生日期__年__月__日,姓 (任职证明日期别__于__年__月__日起在_____________公司____部门任_____________职务。 须至少6个月以上)单位主管:XXXXXXXXXX月薪:XXXXXXXXXX单位地址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


英国签证在职证明 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除) Certification Visa Officer Consular Section, Embassy, Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆) Consulate Company: (公司名称) Add: (公司地址) Tel:( 区号-公司电话) Fax:(区号-公司传真) Dear Sir or Madam: I am (领导人姓名), the (领导人职务) in this company. I certify that (Ms.申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19申请人出生日期), is working as (申请人职务) in our units. (His/Her) monthly salary is about (申请人月收入) RMB, and she/he has been working in our units since (申请人开始工作时 间).(she/he) has been allowed for a leave to visitAustralia from (2007/07/17)出行日期) to (2007/07/17)回程日期). We will keep (his/her) position during (his/her) visit in Australia. We also guarantee that (he/she) will come back to china and continue to work in our units after (he/she) returns from Australia. Best Regards (领导本人签名) (日期) The registration number as which the units is registered in the business bureau(营业执照注册号). 注: 1.在职证明需打印成英文 2.凡样本中标红的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留标红在完成后的在职证明中 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中 4.请不要将“英国签证在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中 英国签证在职证明参考样本译文 (请使用时删除) 在职证明 英国驻北京/上海领事馆签证处: 公司名称: 地址: 电话:传真: 尊敬的先生/女士: 我是XXX,在此公司担任XXX职务。我证明XXX(出生日期:XXX)在我公司工作并担任XXX职务,月收入XXXX,自X年X月X日起开始在我公司工作。


商务签证邀请函范文推荐 商务签证邀请函范文篇一 invitation letter 商务签证邀请函 executive director, product development training school improvement solutions bbb learning xxth september xxxx to whom it may concern, dear sir/madam, we hereby officially invite the following delegation of bbblearning to visit our school in china, for further business discussion and business cooperation. delegation member: full name:xxx gender: male dob: may xx, xxxx passport number: xxxxxxx expiry date: xx dec xxxx visiting time: xxrd september xxxx to xxnd september xxxx all expenses arose by him in china (accommodation fee, air/land transpiration ticket fee, life insurance fee, etc.) are to be borne by himself. as business cooperation needs frequent talks and visits, we are so much


此为样本,请按此格用带有贵公司中英文抬头、地址、电话、传真的信纸打印(请注意空格处也需用 打印的形式填写) Dispatch Letter This is to certify Mr/Ms(本人姓名的拼音), Male/Female, he/she was born on (本人出生日期). The passport No. is(护照号码).He/She is our (现任职位的英文名称), From (本人在该公司入职的时间) still working for our company with annual/monthly income of about RMB(收入数目用阿拉伯数字). Mr/Ms(本人姓名的拼音) is planning to attend (申请签证国家英文名称)Business inspection(可以修改成此行目的)from(此次假期的出发时间,根据日/月/年的格式填写,如Jan 01,2012)to(此次假期的结束时间,根据日/月/年的格式填写)for (此次旅行全部天数,包含首尾2天) days. His/Her position will be retained during his/her absence and he/she will assume the same position when he/she returns. Our academy guarantee that he/she will observe the local laws in (申请签证国家英文名称). His/Her will come back to China on scheduled time after this business inspection. All the expenses of this business inspection will be borne by our company. Company's business license number: (营业执照注册号) Signature:(请公司负责人亲笔签名并打印体签名及加盖公司公章,请不要用拼音签名) Position:(签字人具体职务) Company:(请用英文填写公司名称) Add:(请用英文填写公司地址) Tel:(请填写公司可以联系到的电话,请加区号) Fax:(请填写公司可以联系到的传真,请加区号) 红色字体请根据实际情况修改,并且自行整理格式,将下划线及多余空格删除!!!


在职证明英文参考样本 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

在职及收入证明 兹证明男出生日期 1983年10月26日自2008年9月起在我单位工作职务:总经理税后年薪为(包括工资奖金,补贴,分红等)为人民币600000元 . 单位(盖章) 领导(签字) 2014年6月9日 StatementofEmploymentandIncome ThisistocertifythatMr.,bornon26thOct.1983,hasbeenworkingin ourcompanysinceSep.2008.Heisnowinpositionofgeneralmanager.Hisannual income(includingsalary,bonus,subsidy,etc.)isRMB600000yuanaftertax. NameoftheCompany(Seal) Employer’sname(Signature) Date:9thJune2014 附件1:在职证明英文参考样本 Date: XX XX XXXX To: Embassy of Canada Dear Sir or Madam: His/Her information is listed as follows, Name Sex Date of Birth Passport No. All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself. We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his/her staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our unit/company. Yours sincerely


巴西商务签证资料清单——上海领区 一. 护照护照有效期为6个月以上,申请人须在护照最后一页亲笔签名。护照空白签证页在3页以 上(有旧护照者,请提供旧护照)。无因私护照者、现有护照有效期不足六个月者、现有护照已损坏或已无空白签发页者,请到当地所属公安机关出入境管理处办理新护照。注:空白护照拒签率很高。二. 照片2寸白底彩色照片两张。注:照片规格为3.5cm×5cm,不收大头照,如右图。头顶留白7-8mm, 不要边框(右图边框是为了便于大家查看)。 三. 派遣函原件(中英文)申请人单位出具的派遣函原件,写清本人信息,职位, 此行目的,保证会如期回国,加盖公章和领导签名;(派遣函要用带有公司抬头的 纸打印) 四. 申请表 1、填写:请登录https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/a413074925.html,.br,左下角VISA REQUEST 填写网 上申请表(请参考巴西网上申请表样本),成功提交后,申请人会获得一份PDF格式申请表格及送签号码,请用A4纸打印后并亲笔签名(签名必须与护照签名一致,使馆收材料时会用扫描仪识别签名是否一致,如签名不一致使馆不予受理)。此申请表有效期为30天,30天内不能填写2份,过期请重新申请。 2、修改:登录https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/a413074925.html,.br左下角UPDATE VISA REQUEST FORM ,进行修改。 3、再次打印:登录https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/a413074925.html,.br左下角PRINT VISA FORM DELIVERY RECEIPT 。 五. 巴西注册公司出具的邀请函原件(参展客人由大会发函)。 六. 护照签发地非上海领区的申请人需要提供:一年以上的暂住证原件;一年以上劳动合同中英文公证\ 认证原件; 七. 空白护照者需要提供:一年以上劳动合同中英文公证认证原件。 八. 企业法人代表需提供:营业执照复印件加盖公章中英文公证书,加外事办认证(中英文)原件。 九.以及所有使馆认为需要提供的其他资料。 十、签证办理时间:20个工作日 巴西签证按照公司所在地确认送签领区,上海、浙江、江苏为上海领区,其他地区均为北京领区。


在职证明模板 在职证明 我单位汪国贵出生于xx-xx年3月5日。于xx-xx年11月10日在我单位工作至今,担任总经理一职。 特此证明。 单位地址:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x号 单位电话:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x 负责人电话:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x 月薪:3000元/月 注:1、在职起止时间确保在此单位(公司)工作满6个月,并注意与入台申请表中初任日期保持一致; 2、格式请参照本格式。 负责人亲笔签名:(必须手写) xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xx司 (公章) 年月日 2. 单位抬头紙 在职证明 兹证明XXX,出生日期XXXX年XX月XX日,姓别XX 在XXXXXXXXX公司XXXX部门任XXXX职务 自XXXX年X月X日至今,迄今已满XX年。 月薪XXXX元人民币。

单位地址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 本人电话:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(能联系到本人之正确电话) 公司联系人:联系人手写签名 联系人电话:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 特此证明 公司名称:XXXXXXXXXXX 公司电话:XXXXXXXXXXX 公司印章:XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX年XX月XX日 3. Established in 1997, XXXX Co., Ltd., with the registered capital of XXX million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. XXX is the juridical person of this company. Ms. XXX, born on XX/XX/XXXX, has been working for XXXX Co., Ltd as the director of technology department since January 2001. Her income of the past three years is listed as followed: XXXX有限公司成立于1997年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设计及注塑加工。XXXX有限公司法人代表为XXX,注册资金为人民币XXXX万元。 XXX女士,出生于XXXX年XX月XX日,于2001年1月起至今在本公司任职,担任技术部主管工作。 其近三年的年薪收入(税后)情况如下(单位:RMB元)


英文出国派遣函模板大全 Dear Sir or Madam, This is to certify that Ms./ Mr.(被派遣人英文全名,英文名必须与护照一致),XXXX(被派遣人职务)of XXXXX (被派遣人所在学校/单位正式英文全称)with a salary of RMB. XXXX(被派遣人月收入), will participate the ELT Teacher Training Programme in the United Kingdom for three weeks. Sincerely yours, XXX(校长/单位领导手写签名,中文或英文均可) XXX(校长/单位领导姓名的英文,打印字体,非签名) XXXXX(校长/领导职务,打印字体,英文) XXXXXX(学校/单位正式英文全称) Address: XX(门牌号),XX Street(路名),XX District(区),XX City (市),XX Province(省/自治区/直辖市), P.R. China, XXXXXX(邮编)(学校/单位地址) Tel: 86-区号-领导电话 Fax: 86-区号-领导传真

英文出国派遣函模板【中英文对照】 兹证明***(姓名)女士自***(时间)起一直在***(公司)工作。她在公司担任***(职位),全年收入约***RMB。This is to certify that Ms. *** (name), has been working in*** (company) since *** (year), she is working as *** (position), her annual income is around *** RMB. 我公司决定派遣***(姓名)女士去***(国家)做3天专业培训。培训内容关注于产品部分,包括***(主题)。培训结束后她将回国继续在***(公司)工作。 The company has decided to send Ms. *** (name) to go to *** (country) for 3 days professional training program, the training program is about the product segments, including*** (subject). After her finish the training program, she will come back to the company and continue her job in *** (company). 我公司将支付其全部生活费和机票费。 All the Living expenses, air flight tickets will be paid by *** (company). 如果你有任何其他问题,请直接与我联系。 Please contact me for free if you have any other questions. ***(签名) ***(职位) ***(公司) 电话: 传真: *** (signature) *** (position) *** (company)


入境邀请函模板 【篇一:外国人来华邀请函模板(中方公司提供)】 name of your company: place of your company: tel: invitation dear sir or madam, we hereby confirm that will visit our company in nantong from business cooperation. we hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper visa. here are his personal dates:: family name: first name: date of birth: place of birth: nationality: passport no passport expiry profession thank you very much! very truly yours, name job title company name (then signature and chop) 【篇二:外国人来华邀请函的模板】 xxxxxxxxxx trading co., ltd. 担保函 敬启者, xxxx贸易有限公司主要经营xxxxxxxxxx .外贸合作对象主要是中东,欧洲,非洲的客户.现在我公司因拓展业务的需要,需邀请客户过来中国进行商务访问,并与我司进行洽谈以及合同的签订. the main business of our company is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, our cooperation country is middle-east, europe, africa.for more business requirment,we need to invite the client to have a business visit. 以下是此次来华人员名单:


(红色字体标注的地方根据自身情况修改,在职证明需用公司抬头纸打印,抬头 纸上必需有公司电话及地址) Date: XX-XX-XXXX(年月日) TO:Consulate General of XXX in Shanghai/(Beijing)-选择其一 CERTIFICATE 致领事馆签证官阁下: 兹有我公司XX先生/小姐(性别:x;出生日期:xx-xx-xxxx;护照号:xxxxxx;),在我公司(公司名称)担任(职位)职务,工作(工龄)年,月薪4000元,他将于(xxxx年xx月)至(xxxx年xx月)-出访时间前往xxx(目的地)进行xx(商务洽谈)活动(扩展相应的商务洽谈具体内容)。 此次所需费用由xx(公司/邀请方)承担。我公司保证其遵守贵国的法律法规,按时回国并仍担任原职务。请贵领事馆给予签证的方便。 Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is written to certify that Mr.(s) (姓名-性别)(Passport No.G(护照号),Date of birth:(出生日期)) is employed by DARDI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION(公司名称). as XXX(职位). He has already got this job for 3(工龄) years ,and has a salary for4000.00 RMB(月薪) a month. He will be assigned to travel to xx(国家)for business(商务出访目的) purpose from 23.Dec.2008 to 02 Feb2009. (出访时间-回来时间)ALL expenses including returning air tickets , lodging and abroad health insurance will be covered by himself(由公司承担也可以个人承担) .And we also guarantee that he will abide by the laws and come back on schedule and resume his position in our company.Please kindly issue he visa after your checking up. Yours truly Chen Bo(负责人签名+盖公司公章) Chairman(负责人职位) XX XX XXXX(日期) DARDI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION(公司名称)
