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Chapter I The Renaissance Period




(一) 文艺复兴时期概述

1. 识记:(1)文艺复兴时期的界定


2. 领会: (1)文艺复兴运动的意义与影响



3. 应用:文艺复兴,人文主义及玄学诗等名词的解释

Brief Introduction to the Renaissance Period

I. 应用

Definitions of the Literary Terms:

1. The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medie val to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14 th & 17th centuries. It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "revival," is actuall y a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the re-d iscovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture, the new discoveries in geograp hy & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expansion. The R enaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in which the Europe an humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feu dalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early ch urch from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.

2. Humanism: Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang fr om the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscio us, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on su ch a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new le arning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, bu t the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists foun d in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see tha

t human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was their s not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beau ty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonder s. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the be st representatives of the English humanists.

3. Spenserian stanza:

Spenserian stanza was invented by Edmund Spenser. It is a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter & the last line in iam bic hexameter, rhyming ababbcbcc.

4. Metaphysical poetry: The term "metaphysical poetry" is commonly use

d to nam

e the work o

f the 17th century writers who wrote under the influ ence of John Donne. With a rebellious spirit, the metaphysical poets tried t o break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. The diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neo classic periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech. Th e imagery in drawn from the actual life. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet's beloved, with God, or with himself.

5. The Renaissance her A Renaissance hero refers to one created by Chr istopher Marlowe in his drama. Such a hero is always individualistic and fu ll of ambition, facing bravely the challenge from both gods and men. He e mbodies Marlowe's humanistic ides of human dignity and capacity. Differen t from the tragic hero in medieval plays, who seeks the way to heaven thr ough salvation and god's will, he is against conventional morality and cont rives to obtain heaven on earth through his own efforts. With the endless aspiration for power, knowledge, and glory, the hero interprets the true Re naissance spirit. Both Tamburlaine and Faustus are typical in possessing su ch a spirit.








