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just like和just as的差别

上海翻译公司作者:tianhong021 更新日期:2009-10-20

just like:

adv. 正如(几乎与...一样)

That baby looks just like her father! 那婴儿真像她父亲.

But I like singing, I like to be on the stage, just like I have returned my home.


just as

Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the important of gases.

空气是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。You should take an umbrella just as a precaution.你该带把伞,有备无患。这两个后都可跟句子或词语,表示“正像、正如”时可互换。




is a fine singer. as her mother used to be.

is as much water in this cups in that one.


sister sin''t much like me.

robot can''t work like man.


the plants and animals need air just as they need water.

goes to school at seven every morning just like her brother.



ship looks like a high building.

sky was like ink over my head.


ship is as long as that one.



as 在这样的句子里指全句所谈到的内容.引出非限制性定于从句.在从句中一般做主语或宾语.例如:

have many good properties. as has been stated before.

we said before. you have done a good job.


. like thousands of others. is fascinated by this work.



loves you like I do. baby.

(2)在非正式的文体中.like.常被用来代替as if.

said:” You feel like you could reach out a nd touch it (the space)."

四.as常用于下列词组:在as you know .as we agreed. as you suggested 这些词组中.as的实际意义不是比较.也不是相似.而是同一事物或人之义.例如:

as you know 的意思不是you know something like this .而是you know this.

all his friends agree. he was unusually warm-hearted. loving and generous.

在非正式问题中.有时可以在这种词组里用like.但在受过教育的人所使用的英语中不多见. just like:

adv. 正如(几乎与...一样)

That baby looks just like her father! 那婴儿真像她父亲.

But I like singing, I like to be on the stage, just like I have returned my home.


Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the important of gases.

空气是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。You should take an umbrella just as a precaution.你该带把伞,有备无患。这两个后都可跟句子或词语,表示“正像、正如”时可互换。
