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考点八:形 • 有提示词 •通常,有表示范围的in /of介词短语或 容词的级 形容词前有the时,一般要用最高级; than的前面一定要用比较级
1.One of the _______ worst (bad) gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher… 2.. … We were both laughing the whole time at our complete inability to communicate in words. When it was time to leave, I said “thank you” in Korean, using some of the less lonely few words I had learned. I felt __________ (lonely) than I had expected that night. 3. Lucille Clifton is an award-winning poet and writer. Critics call her one of the greatest (great) writers of our time. _________
介词 谓语动词 非谓语 词性变化
提示:四步走归根到 底其实就是寻找依
的空格里所需的单词 或短语其实都可以在
检查搭配, 前后连贯 根据语义, 确定词形
所在的句子中或 者上下文中找到
一.根据句子结构,确定词性 词性 实词 一
般 有 提 示 词 动词 名词 形容词 副词 代词
冠词 介词 连词
无 提 示 词
___________, 主 Adv. art. Adj. N./Pron.

宾 Adv. Adj. N./Pron. Vt. art. 宾 Vi. + prep. 谓
高考英语语法填空 考点分析与解题技巧
•What’s the usual way you fulfill the task Grammar Filling?
思考:面对语法填空中如此繁杂的语法点, 我们到底该怎样入手呢?
语法填空以要求根据上下文填入一个以动词(verb) (或其适当形式)、名词(noun)、代词 (pronoun)、冠词(article)、介词(prep.)、情态动 词(modal verbs)、连词(conj)或引导词、形容词 (adj.)和副词(adv.) 考查各项语法内容。
考点四:连词或从 句引导词
1. It was not long _________ before the waitress came back and then she began to wipe down the table and suddenly was surprised at what she saw. 2. But nothing changed until midterm, when Mary Anne, a student teacher, _______ was appointed to our classroom. 3. Jane paused in front of a counter ______ where some attractive ties were on display. that 4. One day, he came up with an idea _____ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.
• 无提示词 • 可数名词单数之前
考点二: • 无提示词:注意搭配问题 •与名词相连构成介宾短语担任状语,补语等 介词 • 与不及物动词构成动词短语接宾语
of great use 1. In short, I believe that it is ____ to keep a dairy in English… 2. When I took the money from her at grandparents, I looked back ____the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. 3. She found some good quality pipes___ on sale. 4. He was very tired from/after _________ doing this for a whole day… 考查语法点: 介词的基本用法及惯用搭配
conj. /引导词 , ________________ 主 , X _____________ 非谓语动词
二.根据上下文意义及语法,确定词形 冠词 定冠词,不定冠词, /物主代词的用法 并列句及复合句 介词的常用用法及词组搭配 谓语动词的时态及语态, 及主谓一致 非谓语动词 to do, doing, done 及变形 词汇, 构词法
• 有提示词 • 与主语构成主谓结构
1. I was certain she would like it because I _________ was told (tell) by my classmates that she loved hot food. kept (keep) him 2. His fear of failure ______ from classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon (放 任; 纵情). 3. Being too anxious to help an event results (resu百度文库t) in the develop often ________ contrary to our intention.
考点三: 代词
无提示词;作主语用主格,作宾语用宾格,注意形容 词词性和名词性物主代词的区别。指示代词(it和 this),不定代词,it用作引导词,反身代词等
1. She remembered how difficult ___ it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. 2. When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in my village, I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused _____ her . 3. It has been said before, but experiencing it myself has made _____ me want to say it again: a smile… 4.The little boy pulled ________ right hand his out of the pocket … 考查语法点: 代词的基本用法
1. There once were a goat and a donkey…. the goat and gave So the farmer killed _____ the donkey medicine made from its heart. 2.When I see a child subject to this kind a of pressure, I think of Donnie. He was ____ shy , nervous perfectionist. 3. …the head of the village was tying up subject to 使服从 ,使遭受 his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometers away 考查语法点: 定冠词,不定冠词的用法
考查语法点: 非谓语动词及变形的使用
考点七: • 有提示词 词性转换 • 介词,冠词,所有格后接名词,形容词修饰名
1.“Thirty-five cents,” she said rudely _______ (rude). suggestion 2.As far as I am concerned, my ___________ (suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English within easy reach. natural 3. This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their _______ (nature) course. Undoubtedly 4. ____________ (doubt), although there is still room for improvement to this policy, I think it is still a good one which brings more good than harm to the students and the nation. worst 5. One of the _______ (bad) gift choices I ever made was 考查语法点 for my high school English : 各类词性的正确使用及转化
考查语法点: 各类复合句中连词,引导词的用法
• 无提示词 •两个主谓结构连接
[解题技巧] (1)连接两个功能对等的单词或短语时,应填并 列连词and, or, but等。 (2)若两个句子 (有两个主谓结构 )之间,没有句 We We all all eat, eat, drink, drink, breathe, breathe, sleep. and sleep. 号或分号,也没有连词,那空格处必定是填连接 词,否则,句子结构就不完整。 根据两句之间的意义和逻辑关系,或者根据句 式结构,确定是并列句(多要求考生填and, but, while, when, or等)还是某种主从复合句。然后根 据各类从句的特点,结合连接词的意义和用法, 确定填具体的某个连词。
考查语法点: 谓语动词的时态及语态, 及主谓一致
考点六:非谓 • 有提示词 语动词 • 除谓语动词以外的动词形式
1. We must also consider the reaction of the person __________ receiving (receive) the gift. 2. …I then noticed that I had just 10 to complete (complete) minutes left ____________ the rest! 3. My pupils, Donnie __________ included (include), adored her. including My pupils, ____ (include) Donnie , adored her. 4. She wished that he was as easy _________ to please (please) as her mother, who was always delighted with perfume.