英语毕业论文 乱世佳人中女主人翁斯佳丽人物形象分析

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This paper intends to explore out Scarlett’s rich life in the perspective of character and destiny by an analysis of Scarlett’s personality and her destiny, based on the heroine Scarlett in the novel Gone with the Wind. Scarlett is a typical character who changed from old manor class to the new bourgeoisie, which decides the diversity of her character. This paper will give a brief introduction of Scarlett’s three main personalities: strong and masculine, independent and individualistic, responsible and trustworthy. Then there will be an analysis of the interaction of Scarlett’s personality and destiny by means of the effect of Scarlett’s personality on her destiny in the form of her main experiences in this part. Firstly, she had an indomitable spirit to dare to face the reality and do not bow to fate. This personality makes her return home and assume the whole family’s burden and fight against the fate without cowardice and grow to maturity. Secondly, she is selfish and greedy; she uses all kinds of means to gain profits. She believes in individualism. Her selfishness and vanity is the direct factor leading to her three purposeful marriages. Thirdly, she is trustworthy. This personality makes her never give up the help to Melanie who is her rival in love just for her promise to Ashley. “Tomorrow is another day”. This is the best confession to her optimistic life and her perennial interpretation of destiny.

Key words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; personality; destiny





1. Introduction

The topic on the relationship between one’s personality and destiny is hot all the time. Many people have done research on it before. Personality has always been defined as an individual thinking, mood, behavior and attitudes of the general. Destiny is close to us as well. People are excepting the knowledge of fate. This paper will do the same work by a simple analysis of Scarlett’s personality and her destiny. Scarlett is the heroine of Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, a renowned American female writer. People in Gone with the Wind can reflect kinds of person’s personality and destiny vividly, and Scarlett is representative. So the paper will focus on Scarlett to tell her personality and destiny.

Scarlett is a controversial character. She is selfish, cold, ruthless, unscrupulous, cute, strong and also beautiful and weak. Her personality decided that she would not live a plain and common life. But just because of her over hard-edged personality in other people’s view, she suffered more both in her career or her love than people’s imagination. As her name suggests, she is a wild and strong-willed lady. She is not only charming and attractive in her appearance but also in her personality: She is a strong willed, indomitable, hard working and masculine lady of the western people. However, she is an individualist, in other words, she is a self-centered woman. She never
