


大家普遍承认人是社会性的动物,生活在同一社会的我们自然指望有朋友。至于什么是友谊,人们有各自不同的理解。有些人交朋友是为了彼此有用,一旦失去这个基础,这种友谊也就中止了。但更多的人渴望“心灵之友(soul pals)”,即那种拥有高尚情操,能共度磨难的朋友。这样的友谊使我们远离贪欲、暴力,鼓励我们敢于按照自己的信念说话和做事。这样的友谊才是我们说的“真挚和完美的友谊”。As is commonly acknowledged / It is commonly recognised that humans are social animals. Bonded together in a community, we naturally expect to have friends. As to what friendship is, people have different notions / ideas. Some make friends for mutual utility. Once the ground for such friendship disappears, the friendship also breaks up. However, a lot more people long for "soul pals" — those who possess virtues and with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together. Such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and encourage us to have the courage of our convictions. Such is what we call "true and perfect friendship". UNIT2 1. 我们人手不足。2. 我手中还有些钱。3. 请帮忙提一下这只箱子。4. 我经常把字典放在手边。5. 那些足球迷失去控制了。6. 把铅笔分发给班上每个学生。7. 这枚戒指是我奶奶传给我的。

8. 时间到了,请把试卷交上来。9. 请把这本杂志传给你的室友看。10. 对不起,我恐怕帮不了你。我是生手。1. We are short of hands.2. I still have some money in hand.3. Give me a hand with this box, please.4. I often keep a dictionary at hand.5. The football fans were out of hand.6. Hand out the pencils to everyone in the class.7. This ring was handed down to me by my grandmother.8. Time's up. Please hand in your test papers.9. Please hand on the magazine to your roommates.10. I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm a green hand.

1. 无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。(maximum; minimum)

2. 我把全部希望寄托在他的承诺上,结果却发现他根本不是个真诚的人。(build on; sincerity)

3. 我们带母亲去了所有我们能找到的最好的医院,但一切努力都是徒劳的,母亲还是没能熬过那次疾病。(in vain)

4. 情人节(Valentine's Day)是个一年一度在2月14日庆祝的节日,一个向自己心仪的对象表达爱意的好日子。(affection)

5. 在信息时代,通过电子邮件方式跟远方的朋友交流几乎可以是同步的(simultaneous)。(era; via)

6. 爱情需要时间,因为只有慢慢习惯和学会欣赏对方才会产生出爱情。(grow used to; forge) 1. In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love, you should never expect to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum.

2. I built all my hopes on his promise(s), only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all.

3. We took Mother to all the best hospitals we could find, but all our efforts were in vain; she failed to survive the disease.

4. Valentine's Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14, a perfect day to express love to the object of your / one's affection.

5. In the information era, communications with far-away friends via e-mail can be almost / virtually simultaneous.

6. Love takes time, for it is not forged until you have grown used to the other's company and learned to appreciate the other.

1. Based on Text A, write a passage about the different ways different generations handle male-female relationships. The following hints may be of some help.

1) "our" parents' generation (details mainly found in Para. 8);

2) "my" generation (details mainly found in Paras. 3-7) ;

3) the younger generation (details mainly found in Paras. 9-11).


Male-female relations are indispensable to adults all through their lives. But different generations handle them differently. Our parents' generation lived in an era of constraints, restraints, respect, admiration, and plenty of romance. They kept a distance from people of the opposite gender in order to preserve the holiness of love and relationships.

My generation, on the other hand, began with countless crushes for the opposite sex just because of their superficial charm. Harmless as it was, the love was as brief as soap bubbles. As we grew up, we came to the stage of developing real relationships, believing that love demanded a lot of give and not so much of take.

By comparison, the younger generation is more open-minded and less restricted in handling the matter of love and relationships. They jump on the bandwagon of love with so much haste that it is difficult for them to distinguish between physical attraction and mental compatibilities.

In short, the younger generation focuses more on physical beauty, closeness and passion, and they tend to seek what they want from the relationships. The other two generations give priority to inner charm, intimacy, emotion and sharing in dealing with relationships.

2. Study the data on love and marriage based on a survey with girl students. Write a passage on the topic "What do girl students look for in love and life?"


What Do Girl Students Look for in Love and Life?

In order to know about girl students' opinion about love and life, a survey with girl students was conducted in 2005 in two universities — Chongqing University of Technology and Business and East China Normal University. The survey sought answers to two questions: What do you look for first in a boyfriend? What's the most important thing for a happy life?

About one third of the students chose personality as the top factor in choosing a boyfriend, followed by 27 percent focusing on abilities. Next came common interests and goals, favoured by 17 percent, with only 14 percent of students claiming appearance to be uppermost in their minds. Fewer still, 11 percent, rated economic status as the first consideration.

As to their views about a happy life, nearly seventy percent of the girls attached the greatest importance to marriage and family. "Career" was given top priority by just under 20 percent, while even fewer, around 9 percent, believed that money was the key to a happy life.

Based on the survey, we may conclude that nowadays, girl students generally hold a rational attitude towards love and life. Admittedly, the improved material conditions of life explain why girls take economic status and money rather lightly. But contrary to the popular view that girls are more concerned about self-development in the workplace and social status, they still regard marriage and family life as central to a happy life.


1. 你的画漂亮多了。

2. 如果我能做得有你一半好就好了!

3. 出版社已发行了比去年多一倍的书籍。

4. 我们不得不做更多的工作,却只得到更少的钱。

5. 人们物质生活富裕多了,精神生活却贫乏了1. Your picture / painting is far / much more beautiful.

2. If only I could do half as well as you (have done)!

3. The publishing house has produced twice as many books as it did last year.

4. We had to do more work for less money.

5. While people are richer in material wealth, their spiritual life is poorer.

1. 千百年来哲学家们费尽心机从各自的角度阐述何为幸福。(take pains; point of view)

2. 刚上大学时,突然发现自己得处理所有日常事物,直到那时自己才觉得在父母身边生活真是幸福。(leave ... with ...)

3. 你不要总是和别人攀比,否则你可能会陷于忧郁之中,因为毕竟有许多人比你强。(comparison; depression)

4. 今天人们生活比以前富裕多了,闲暇时间也多了,奇怪的是人们反而觉得生活乏味了。(better off; leisure)

5. 事实上,人生是漫长而缺少兴奋的。如果期待每天都如戏剧般精彩必定会遭遇失望。(in effect; inevitable)

6. 过于顺利的生活可能具有破坏性,因为人们没有机会学会怎样应对挫折。这能部分解释年轻人居高不下的自杀率。(destructive; in part)

1. For thousands of years philosophers have taken pains to illustrate / explain / interpret the meaning of happiness from their own points of view.

2. When I first came to college, I suddenly found myself left with everything to deal with by myself. It was not until then did I realize that living with my parents was truly a happy experience.

3. You shouldn't always make comparison with others; otherwise, you may be trapped in / fall into depression, for there are always many others who are better than you.

4. Today people are much better off and enjoy more leisure. Strangely enough, they find life boring / dull.

5. Life, in effect, is long but short of excitement. You are sure to suffer from inevitable disappointment if you expect everyday life to be as exciting as a drama.

6. A life that is too easy / smooth may also be destructive because it offers no opportunity for one to learn how to deal with / handle failures / frustrations / setbacks. That / This in part explains / accounts for the high rates of suicide among young people.


Happiness must have much to do with money. After all, a hard life will wear out one's sense of joy. However, happiness doesn't derive from money alone. Today's society as a whole has seen dramatic improvement in the standard of living, and the majority of people are decently fed and clothed. However, are people happier today? In fact, when the mass media and commercial advertisements are still reinforcing the notion that to be happy is to possess more, people find themselves longing more earnestly than ever for a happy and healthy spiritual life: being loved, respected, feeling safe and proud of realizing their self-value. As a wise man once pointed out, happiness lies in the positive attitude one holds towards life other than how much money one earns. Those millionaires who view life as boring and empty serve as good negative examples.

8、Write an essay entitled "Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone". You can refer to the following outline:

1) Material things are important for man's existence.

2) Man also seeks spiritual satisfaction.

3) Your conclusion.

Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone

No one would doubt the truth that man's existence relies essentially on material things. We need them to get fed, clothed and sheltered. Once we are living near the breadline, we'll feel frustrated and miserable.

However, our contentment does not merely lie in material things. This is especially the case in modern times. The fast-developing economy has noticeably improved our lives and fulfilled most of our material needs. Then there comes the need of spiritual satisfaction, which is derived from good health, close friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and an enjoyable job. While material things may lose their charm over time, spiritual satisfaction will bring us lasting happiness.

Therefore, to live a happy life, we should focus more on those things that meet our spiritual demands. After all, when our need for bread is met, happiness will not come unless we feel spiritually satisfied.


1.(令人失望) to see so many university students indulging themselves in computer games. 2(.我觉得没用) trying to explain to him again — He's not interested at all.

3.(不可能) to write a book or make a film that suits every individual.

4.(他们一直保密) that the President was dead.

5.(仍然不明朗) how far the globalization process will go.

1. It is disappointing

2. I find it useless / pointless

3. It is not possible / It is impossible

4. They kept it a secret / kept it quiet

5. It is still not clear

1. 他们带着生病的父亲远赴北京,希望能治好他的心脏病。(in the hope of)

2. 普及艾滋病知识的活动需要继续开展,这个阶段的重点放在这种病的传播途径。(carry on; contract)

3. 权力如果运用得当则百姓安居乐业,运用不当则殃及百姓日常生计。(render)

4. 政府使用核武器来防御恐怖袭击算是正当行为吗?(justifiably; guard against)

5. 由于缺乏对这种病的了解,许多人依然认为HIV受害者都是自作自受。(owing to; ignorance)

6. 新发布的关于改善农村医疗系统的报告让我们相信农村地区缺医少药的时代终将结束。(issue; bring sth. to an end)

1) They took their sick father on a long journey to Beijing in the hope of finding a cure for / in the hope of curing his heart disease / problem.

2) The campaign of Knowing More About AIDS needs to be carried on, and for / at this stage the emphasis is put on the way (how) the disease is contracted.

3) If power is properly applied / used / exercised, the lives of the common people will be rendered happy. If not, their daily life will be placed under threat.

4) Could a government justifiably use nuclear weapons to guard against terrorist attacks?

5) Owing to ignorance of the disease, many people still believe that HIV victims deserve what they suffer.

6) The newly issued report on improving the medical system in rural areas leads us to believe

that the era is to be brought to an end when such areas are always short of doctors and medicines.


我建议老人们少操心儿女的生活,给儿女足够的空间让他们负责自己的生活。毕竟老人们为社会和家庭贡献了这么多年,他们应该受到年轻人多方面的尊重,年轻人对年长的父母要更宽容些。Retirement brings people's career to an end. They find, all of a sudden, that they can no more / longer carry on the job they have done for dozens of years. Some old people cannot adapt themselves to such a change and thus become depressed, believing that they are no longer useful. Indeed, depression has become one of the leading threats to old people's health. Nonetheless, many old people in China are able to maintain their sense of usefulness by rendering their grown-up children services, such as taking care of their grandchildren and providing allowances to them. The question remains as to whether senior citizens should try other means to fill up their leisure, rendering their later years still more meaningful. I suggest the old concern themselves less with their children and make room for young people to take responsibility for their own lives. After all, the old deserve respect from the young and the young should tolerate their aged parents more, on the grounds that the old have contributed so much for so many years both to their family and to society.

1. Write an essay entitled "AIDS across the Earth". You can refer to the following outline for your writing.

1) The current prevalence of AIDS across the Earth;

2) Causes for the prevalence (Remember to emphasize the prejudice against AIDS patients and the ignorance about HIV positives);

3) Suggested ways to solve the problem.


AIDS Across the Earth

AIDS has killed and is threatening to kill millions all across the earth. Several million infections are reported by WHO each year. The virus does not care whether you are black or white, male or female, young or old. It will attack you as long as you are a human. Today, AIDS has become the leading killer of young adults and is turning the children whose parents suffer the disease into orphans. It is no exaggeration to say that we live under the shadow of AIDS.

There are several possible causes for such a situation: unsafe sexual intercourse; sharing or reusing contaminated needles; transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products; an infected person's pregnancy, giving birth and breastfeeding, etc. Unfortunately, our ignorance, prejudice and silence have carried the situation to a desperate extreme. Patients are isolated or treated as outcasts by their families and their communities. AIDS victims feel ashamed to be identified as such and try hard to hide their disease. For this reason, they cannot get immediate medical treatment. Our harmful attitudes towards the disease and its victims have actually placed more people at risk.

In our fight against this deadly disease, we should educate people on how to avoid being infected with the disease and how to lead a healthy and secure life and, more importantly, how to treat AIDS patients properly. Only in this way can we really bring AIDS under control.

2. Survey reveals main cause of death of people under 35

Suicide is the main cause of death among young adults in China, the state media said yesterday in a report that highlights the growing pressures to succeed in love, work and education in one of the world's fastest changing societies.

Increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression are thought to have contributed to an annual suicide toll that is estimated at 250,000 people a year.

According to China Daily, an additional 2.5 million to 3.5 million make unsuccessful attempts to kill themselves each year.


Why Do the Young Adults Kill Themselves?

Young adults are in the prime of their lives and are supposed to pursue their dreams and enjoy themselves. Yet it was reported in the Guardian that suicide is the main cause of death among young adults in China. Why have so many young people ended their lives?

Three factors are thought to account for the high suicide rate: increasing stress, loneliness and a lack of medical support for depression. The most pressing one, I think, is stress. Take my college life for example. From the first day I entered the university, I have been living under pressure. I used to worry that I could not quite fit into the campus life; I also feared that I might not catch up with my classmates in my studies or could not live up to my parents' expectations. Now I am deeply concerned about whether I can find a desirable job after graduation. Endless pressures give rise to stress. Loneliness is another problem. Many young people find they just feel helpless when they are suffering intolerable sadness or frustration.

Suicide is a great tragedy, especially for the young. If we can find ways to relieve them of their stress and offer timely help, we may save many young lives.


1. 培养正确的感情是极其必要的,因为它可为一个人将来学习和工作的成功奠定基础。(indispensable; lay the foundations for)

2. 中国西部发展急需人才,政府为此制定了优惠政策,号召更多大学毕业生去西部工作。(cry out for; to this end)

3. 你怎么可以在我这样艰难的时候对我置之不理呢?我们患难与共差不多半个世纪了。(turn one's back on; practically)

4. 网虫们(web addicts) 很多时间都泡在网上,以至于他们无法分辨虚拟世界与现实世界。(draw a distinction between; virtual)

5. 生活在城市的人常常有这样的幻想:乡村生活是闲适安逸的。其实不一定是这回事儿。(resident; rural; be the case)

6. 远程学习是个全球化的趋势(trend)。随着它的迅速发展,人们无论身处何地都能有同样方便的途径享受教育资源。(global; access)

1. Cultivating the right emotions is indispensable in that / because it lays the foundations for the successes of one's future work and studies.

2. West China is crying out for talented people for its development. To this end, the government has laid down / made favorable policies, calling for more college graduates to go and work there.

3. How can you turn your back on me when I am in such difficulty? We have gone through trials and tribulations for practically half a century.

4. Web addicts spend so much time on the Internet that they are unable to draw a distinction between the virtual world and the real world.

5. Urban / City residents often have the illusion that rural life is always leisurely and comfortable. In fact, that may not be the case.

6. Distance learning is a global trend. With its quick growth / development, people are given / can enjoy an equally convenient access to educational resources, no matter where they are. 科技进步带来了整个世界教育理念的变化,它不仅生成了“网络大学”这样的新的教育形式,而且也使“终生教育”具有可操作性。另外,今天的人们似乎更青睐实用性知识。但是,无论怎么变化,教育必须始终奉守自己的传统角色:启迪学生的思想。面对本世纪出现的新问题,我们依然期望教育能着重培养学生批判性的思维能力(competence)和工作上的协作能力。而且,我们希望教育承担起弘扬传统美德的重担,引导人们摒弃贪婪、淫欲和暴力等负面的欲望。Scientific development has brought about global changes in educational thought. It not only generates such a new form of education as "virtual universities" but turns "lifelong learning" into a workable project. In addition, people today seem to be in favor of practical knowledge. But whatever changes there might have been, education must stick to its classic role: to enlighten learners. Confronted with the new problems of this century, we still expect that education should put more emphasis on cultivating learners' competence to think critically and to work collaboratively / with team spirit. Furthermore, we hope that education will take the responsibility of promoting traditional virtues by guiding learners to dispense with negative desires like greed, lust and violence. 1. Write an essay entitled "The Significance of Lifelong Education". The following outline may be of some help:

1) In the past, a college education was enough to ensure a well-paid, much-respected job and

a sense of achievement.

2) Today, with the increasing competition in our "knowledge society", it is a must to renew one's knowledge and upgrade one's skills. What's more, a general college education serves only as a passport to lifetime education.

3) The concept of lifelong education finds expression in the slogan "Live and Learn".


The Significance of Lifelong Education

Decades ago, due to the low standard of living in China, only a small percentage of the nation's population could receive college education. Once given the opportunity, one would surely secure a well-paid and much-respected job, which he or she would probably do for a lifetime. Therefore, to secure a college degree used to be the ultimate goal of a person's education.

Today, however, we are living in what is called a "knowledge society", where creative ideas and innovations are generated at a fantastic speed. One must constantly renew one's knowledge and upgrade one's skills so as to meet the needs of the changing world. Moreover, at the stage of general education, it is pointless for a person to attempt to know everything. When one is required to settle down to be a specialist in a specific field, one has to make an in-depth study of the subject one is supposed to know. In this sense, general education can provide students with only a passport to lifelong education. As Robert Maynard Hutchins once said, the object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.

In my opinion, life in modern society is not only a process of "learning to live" but also

a process of "living to learn". The slogan "Live and Learn" can best reflect the concept of lifelong education.


这工作我越做越开心。2. 越是冒险我越喜欢3. 你开始得越早,就完成得越快。4. 你认识的人越多,你和他们在一起的时间就越少。5. 你学的越多,就发现自己懂的越少。1. The longer I am at this job, the happier I am.

2. The more risky it is, the more I like it.

3. The sooner you start, the easier / sooner you'll finish it.

4. The more people you know, the less time you'll spend with them.

5. The more you learn, the less you find you know.

1. 我们中国人会再三地请客人多吃饭桌上的菜,以表明我们好客。(help oneself to ... ; proof)

. 正是通过倾听人们的谈话和观察他们的举止,我们才加强了了解社会的能力。(by means of; capacity)

3. 安全感常常来自对环境的熟悉,所以人们对于陌生的环境往往会抵制或避开。(familiarity; resist; tendency)

4. 我们往往对某地区的人产生偏见甚至敌意(hostility),这是由于我们不熟悉他们。(attribute)

5. 我觉得直接拒绝是一种礼貌,而我父母却很少说“不”,以免使对方为难。(decline)

6. 知识积累有两种方式:亲身体验和间接体验。能为我们打开不同文化世界的阅读属于间接体验。(build up; open up) 1. As a proof of our hospitality, we Chinese will repeatedly ask our guests to help themselves to the dishes on the table.

2. It is by means of listening to what people say and observing how they behave that we've strengthened our own capacity to learn about / understand society.

3. One's sense of safety comes from familiarity with the environment; so people have the tendency to resist or avoid new situations.

4. We tend to show prejudice against or even hostility towards people from a certain region, which can be attributed to the fact that we are unfamiliar with them.

5. I believe it is polite to decline directly, while my parents seldom say "No" so as not to embarrass others.

6. There are two means to build up knowledge: to get it personally or by second-hand experience. Reading, which opens up a new world of different cultures for us, belongs to second-hand experience.

一旦移居国外,人们会感到焦虑不安,甚至无法处理日常事务。这归咎于他们丧失了原来所熟悉的生活环境。那么我们怎样做才能改变多年形成的生活习惯和模式呢?首先,我们对不同于自己文化背景的人要宽容些。为了克服由于文化冲击而导致的挫折感,我们必须尽快适应新的环境,与工作伙伴和睦相处。此外,我们切忌把一个人等同于他所代表的民族,切忌因为讨厌这个人进而讨厌他的文化。其实提倡保护(preserve)本土文化并不是要抵制异国文化。Once transplanted abroad, people will feel anxious and even lose the capacity to deal with daily routines. This problem is attributed to the disappearance of the surroundings we have been used to. Then, what should we do so as to change the life styles and patterns built up in us over so many years? First, we should be more tolerant towards people with cultural backgrounds different from ours. To get over frustrations caused by culture shock, we should try to adapt ourselves to the new environment and get along with our workmates harmoniously. Furthermore, we should never identify a person with the nationality he represents or proceed to hate the person's culture only because we don't like him. In fact, to preserve our national culture is not to resist foreign ones.

1. Cultural differences may cause problems in intercultural communication. However, we should also be aware of the advantages brought about by cultural differences. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of cultural differences and write an essay entitled "My Views on Cultural Differences". The following outline may be of some help:

1) Cultural differences have more advantages than disadvantages:

— Cultural differences make the world colorful and delightful;

— Cultural differences enrich the civilization of mankind;

— Cultural differences give each culture its unique identity.

2) Your attitude to cultural differences:

— Be more tolerant to other cultures;

— People of different cultures should learn to live together and join hands in making the world a harmonious place to live in.


My Views on Cultural Differences

In my opinion, cultural differences have more advantages than disadvantages. First of all, it is cultural differences that make our world so colorful. If you go to a foreign country, you will be impressed not only by its physical environment but also by its cultural environment —its foods, clothes, customs, social practices, etc. Differences between cultures have always been a source of joy and inspiration.

Secondly, differences in culture enrich human civilization. Different cultures compete with as well as learn from each other. Roman culture was modeled on Greek culture, which had once borrowed a lot from Egyptian culture. American culture is also a blend of many different cultures.

Thirdly, differences in culture give each culture its unique identity. A culture is usually seen in relation to other cultures. Chinese culture distinguishes itself from others by its peculiar concepts and things that can hardly be found elsewhere.

Of course, cultural differences may cause conflicts and misunderstandings. But interdependence, common interests and mutual goals of different nations always outweigh differences in culture. Nations with different cultures should learn from each other and live peacefully together. To this end, we should be more tolerant to other cultures while preserving, protecting and developing our own.

2. In the face of globalization (全球化), we tend to be more and more tolerant towards other cultures. As a result, the influence of Western culture is strongly felt in our everyday life today. Write an essay entitled "My Views on the Influence of Western Culture". Your essay should at least include the following two aspects:

1) Instances showing the influence of Western culture;

2) Your attitude towards Western culture.


My Views on the Influence of Western Culture On weekends, I gather with my friends at MacDonald's or KFC. We eat fried chicken, drink Coco-cola and talk about the latest release of Hollywood movies. We read foreign novels, listen to Western music and watch NBA. We admire Bill Gates, George Michael and Princess Diana. We dress ourselves in the Western style and celebrate Christmas and Valentine's Day. Our way of life has thus changed. Indeed, the influence of Western culture is

strongly felt in our everyday life.

This influence in turn prepares us well to blend into the modern world and participate in the world market competition. But we should not ignore its side effects. Our national culture may gradually lose its ground if our attention is focused only upon Western culture. In following the trend of globalization we should maintain our own cultural identity, cherish our cultural tradition and develop our own culture. What Mahatma Gandhi once said can best sum up my views on the influence of Western culture: "I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any."


1. 足球,他生命中唯一的爱好,使他结交了许多朋友。

2. 公司总裁琼斯夫人在董事会后举行了一个记者招待会。

3. 到底要不要坦白,这个问题一直困扰着小汤姆。

4. 你们不该怀疑罪犯已被拘捕这一事实

5. 北京成功取得(win the bid for) 2008年奥运会举办权,这消息马上传开了。1. Football, his only hobby in life, has brought him many friends.

2. The President of the company, Mrs. Jones, held a press conference after the board meeting.

3. The question whether to confess or not has been troubling little Tom.

4. You should not have any doubt about the fact that the criminal has been arrested.

5. The news was immediately spread far and wide that Beijing had won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.

1. 奥运旗帜白色的背景上印着五个相连的彩色圆圈,代表五大洲。(feature)

2. 他差0.02秒就得金牌。那些目睹这一比赛的人们不禁发出叹息。(narrowly; witness)

3. 长跑比赛是对耐力的极大考验。运动员不仅流汗,还会流泪,甚至流血。(tolerance; shed)

4. 绊到另一个选手的脚,他摔倒在跑道上,但他很快爬起来,一瘸一拐地走到终点。(trip; limp; rise to one's feet)

5. 故事的最初版本是这样的:那个助理教练因为率领球队打赢了与古巴队(Cuba)的比赛而一夜成名。(original; version; conquer)

6. 有些运动员承认以提高竞技成绩为名服用过兴奋剂(dope),而且他们的教练也不对这种违法行为表示异议。(confess; in the name of)

1. Against the white background, the Olympic flag features five interlinked colour circles, representing the five continents.

2. He narrowly missed the gold medal by 0.02 seconds. Those who had witnessed the race could not help giving a sigh.

3. Long-distance race is a hard test on tolerance. The athletes shed not only sweat, but also tears, and even blood.

4. Having tripped over another athlete's foot, he fell down on the track, but he soon rose to his feet and limped to the finish line.

5. The original version of the story goes like this (Or: As the original version of the story goes), the assistant coach rose to fame / became famous overnight by leading his team to conquer Cuba.

6. Some sportsmen confessed that they had taken dope in the name of improving / enhancing performance, and that their coaches showed no disagreement with such illegal acts.


国家参与奥运。虽然只有数十名,至多数百名运动员成为一届奥运会冠军,但是参与本身就是胜利。他们都该赢得喝彩,因为他们都得克服重重障碍才能参加这样的盛会。在每个项目中,奥运格言激励着每个运动员挑战人体极限。同时,他们遵守规则,尊重裁判。如此公平而卓越的比赛最能展现真正运动家精神。The Olympic Games are universally recognized not only as a spectacular gathering of top athletes, but also as a moment of rejoicing for billions of spectators. The Games took shape in ancient Greece, where wars were not infrequent between cities. But once the Games started, the wars were immediately brought to a halt. In the modern world the Olympic Games still symbolize peace. So far, the Olympics have developed into the biggest international sports event, with an increasing number of sportsmen competing on behalf of more and more nations. Though only dozens of, or at most hundreds of, athletes finally become champions in one Olympics, participation itself means triumph for all the athletes. They all deserve applause because they have overcome numerous barriers before they can finally take part in such a big gathering. The Olympic motto inspires every athlete in every event to challenge human physical limits. While doing so, they abide by the rules and pay due respect to the referees / judges. Such extraordinary and fair competition best brings out true sportsmanship.

1. Write an essay about your favorite sports team. The following hints may be of some help.

1) What is your favorite sports team?

2) Why do you like it so much?

3) Do you always support the team?

2. Write an essay entitled "Benefits from Hosting the Olympic Games". The following hints may be of some help.

● national pride, excitement during the event

● economic benefits

● environmental improvement

● motivating / inspiring people to play sports

● cultural and educational impact


My favorite Sports Team: the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team

In quite a few sports, Chinese women athletes outshine men athletes. As a girl, I always feel proud of our women table tennis players, badminton players, women divers and gymnasts. But my greatest enthusiasm always goes to the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team, who, though it has undergone some ups and downs, always presents a positive, inspiring image to the public.

I've never missed any major TV shows involving the Chinese women's team. I can't help getting excited watching the girls shine in court, with their amazing spikes and blocks, and their never-ceasing courage and faith in winning the match. There are times when they lose the game, sometimes with embarrassing result like 0:3; there are years when they suffer a lot of injuries and new players do not match up to the veterans, yet, one must admit that the Chinese girls have been practising very hard all the way.

Recent years has witnessed a difficult period for the team when Russian, American, Cuban, and Brazilian teams are rising in ranking and winning championships, but I still have faith in our team and give them my support. I wish them good luck in the coming Olympics.


Benefits from Hosting the Olympic Games

July of 2001 witnessed a wave of national excitement in our land: Beijing had won the bid to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. It symbolized the strength of our country and roused our national pride.

Since then a lot of changes have taken place in Beijing. Citizens of Beijing are now enjoying better transportation facilities, and the physical environment has improved significantly. With the construction of athletic venues, municipal infrastructure and other relevant facilities, new job opportunities have been created. A boom in Olympic-related businesses and industries has taken place not only in Beijing but also elsewhere.

Hosting the Olympic Games is also a mega cultural event. It is a good opportunity to increase the international profile of the host city. Now more and more people are drawn to Beijing, and there has appeared a new boom in tourism. Preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games have given rise to numerous cultural and educational programs focusing on the citizens' commitment and dedication to this international event. Such programs have not only generated a widespread interest in sports but have also promoted the citizens' social, cultural and ethical visions. We must try our best to capitalize on this opportunity as fully as we can. Unit8

1. 走路去那儿要10分钟。

2. 我们不可能赶上第一班车。

3. 下一步要做什么还没有确定。

4. 花太多时间玩电脑游戏影响了他的学习。

5. 没有足够的人手做这项工作是我们目前最大的问题。1. It takes 10 minutes to get there on foot.

2. It is impossible for us to catch the first bus.

3. What to do next has not been decided yet. / It has not been decided yet what to do next.

4. Spending too much time on computer games has affected his studies.

5. Not having enough people to do the job is our major problem at present.

1. 那些认为自己拥有更多特权的人往往会有优越感。(privilege)

2. 高关税和反倾销(anti-dumping)政策会削弱外国产品在本土市场的竞争力。(undermine)

3. 如果各部门能协调好,大家为共同利益而努力,我们一定能成功。(coordinate; pull together)

4. 为了防止盗窃,学校已经制定规章制度,明确规定了大楼看管员的职责。(regulation; on guard against)

5. 大家都称道良好的举止。因此良好的举止肯定会增强你和他人交朋友的机会。(manners; it follows that; enhance)

6. 不要小看标点符号(punctuation marks),有时候误用一个标点符号确实可以改变一句话的意思。(literally; take sth. lightly)

1. Those who suppose they possess more privileges tend to have feelings of superiority.

2. High tariffs and an anti-dumping policy will undermine the competitive edge of the foreign products in the domestic market.

3. If all the departments can be well coordinated and all of us pull together for the common good, we are bound / sure to succeed.

4. To be on guard against theft, the school has issued regulations specifying the duties of the door keepers / guards / janitors.

5. Good manners are always appreciated. It follows that good manners will enhance your chances of making friends with other people.

6. Punctuation marks should not be taken lightly; sometimes the use of a wrong punctuation mark can literally change / alter the meaning of a sentence.


In the modern society, how does competition work in combination with cooperation? Firstly, scarcity leads to competition. Players of the same football team compete for slots on the team, and this team competes against other teams for victory. In a work place, colleagues compete for higher positions. And also in business, firms become rivals for more consumers and a bigger market share. But meanwhile competition is inseparable from cooperation. Players have to cooperate efficiently with one another to win the championships for their team. Colleagues have to cooperate to accomplish their shared task. Firms try their best to cooperate to lobby the agencies of business administration for the greatest privileges. All in all, individuals as well as teams are subjected to both competition and cooperation. The two together nourish the social development so that we can enjoy a more prosperous and harmonious world.

1. Write an essay entitled "How to Survive in a Competitive Society" based on the outline given below.

1) Competition in present-day society places much pressure on people in different lines of work;

2) Instead of deploring competition, we should see the interrelationship between competition and cooperation;

3) To survive in today's society means strengthening the ability to be both competitive and cooperative.

2. Read the following newspaper clipping and write a short essay on the question: Should We Offer Seats to Elderly People on the Bus during Rush Hours?

Offering your bus seat to someone in need seems to be the right thing to do regardless of geography, culture or economic status. But a recent online commentary (评论) indicates that some disagree.

"Why should I give my seat to an elderly person? It's the young who need it more because they take off in the early morning while not fully awake and drag themselves home after a day of exhausting work," wrote one blogger (博客作者).

The author further noted that senior citizens already enjoy benefits, such as free rides. This treatment should be suspended during the rush hours to relieve bus congestion (拥塞), he suggested.


How to Survive in a Competitive Society

Competition in present-day society is fierce and cruel. It exists in different lines of work. For example, different musicians compete for each seat in their orchestra, and different orchestras compete for the privilege of making recordings with prestigious studios. Footballers compete for positions within the same team, and they work together to compete against other teams for championships. In short, whatever we do, we may feel the pressure of


However, instead of deploring competition, we should see the interrelationship between competition and cooperation. Cooperation and competition exist side by side and they are both unavoidable in human society. For example, while competing with other factories, producers and distributors of the same factory must cooperate and make coordinated efforts to satisfy the needs of customers. Business rivals have to cooperate with one another when their common market is threatened. Therefore, competition alone will not bring us success in what we are doing.

In the face of competition, we should keep acquiring new skills and updating our knowledge so as to enhance our competitive ability. At the same time, we should learn the techniques of cooperating with others in the most effective manner.


Should We Offer Seats to Elderly People on the Bus During Rush Hours?

I am amazed to read what a blogger says about offering bus seats to the elderly. He claims that "it's the young who need it more" because they go to work early in the morning and feel exhausted after a day's work. The blogger also argues that it is unfair to offer seats to the elderly since they already enjoy free rides, and suggests that during rush hours senior citizens be denied such treatment.

I could never bring myself to agree with the blogger. Taking good care of the elderly is

a universally accepted standard of conduct. In my opinion, offering seats to our elders is not just an indication of good manners; it is a moral issue. I always consider it my moral obligation to help others. Yes, you may feel comfortable for a while by remaining in your seat, but you will lose your character and moral values in the long run.

Respecting the elderly is also our social convention. It is precisely out of our love and respect for the elderly that such special benefits as free rides are offered to them. No one can deprive senior citizens of their right to go out by bus at any time they like, and what's more, we should make sure they get special care when the bus is fully packed with passengers.

Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone involved. It is through performing such small acts as offering seats to the needy that we learn to contribute to the building of a harmonious society.


高考英语翻译技巧与能力训练 高考英语中的翻译(中译英)题要求考生能应用所学过的语法和词汇来准确地表达思想,是一种要求相当高的考查形式。要求考生把中文的句子译成通顺的、语法结构正确的、符合英语表达习惯的英语句子,并能准确地传达中文句子中的每一个信息。该题型全面地考查学生英语词汇、语法等知识的综合运用能力,它对学生的动词时态、语态、名词的单复数、冠词、形容词、副词、介词等应用能力,还对学生的词组、句型、句子结构等进行了全面考查。翻译不仅在高考英语主观题中占不小的比例,而且翻译能力还直接影响考生在作文中的表现。 高考评分标准: 1.每题中单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误每两处扣一分;2.语法错误(包括时态错误)每处扣一分;3.译文没用所给的单词扣一分。 如何才能提高中译英水准,在高考中获得理想的分数呢?考生除了必须具备比较扎实的语言基础外,关键还在于学会总结规律,找准中译英的切入点。 一、分析句子结构、寻找合适的句型 中文必须仔细读,一定要看的就是题目给我们的关键字或关键的词组,也就是我们常说的key words。尤其是最后两句翻译句子,它们大都在句子结构上提高了难度。读什么?读出句子结构:对于简单句,辨别出主谓宾,分清定语、同位语和状语;对于并列句,记住两个语法意义上独立的分句,须由连词连接起来;对于复合句,须区分定语从句,名词性从句以及状语从句。一般来说,中译英的句型可分为三大类:1.简单句;2.并列句;3.复合句;同时我们也要注意非谓语动词及其他一些特殊结构。回顾近几年的高考试题时,也不难发现试题中考了一些特殊句式。如:It句型(近几年考得较为频繁)、倒装句、with结构。 例1: 昨天我的电脑坏了。(wrong) 解析:本题考查:1)简单句There be结构;2)wrong的用法;3)中英文表达的差异。 译句:There was something wrong with my computer yesterday. 例2: 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是互相帮助。(not…but) 解析:本题考查:1)复合句:when引导的状语从句;what引导的主语从句;2)not…but结构;3)“彼此埋怨”的英文翻译。 译句:When(we are)in difficulty/When we meet with difficulties/When we have difficulties ,what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other. 例3:我们能做什么来阻止这种疾病蔓延呢?(prevent) 分析:如果有学生没有读全中文原句的话,就很有可能看成是以前所做的“我们要做些什么来阻止这种疾病的蔓延”,而译为We should do something to prevent the spread of this disease.因为这个原因而造成扣分,就太不应该了。 译句:What can we do to prevent the spread of this disease? 例4:他很有可能通过自己的努力得到驾驶执照。(likely) 译句:He is likely to get the driving license with his own efforts. 分析:有些学生一看到有可能,就会想到自己比较熟悉的possible,想当然地翻译成It is possible that…的结构。其实,学生对likely这个key word的使用也是会的,完全能够使用be likely to do或It’s likely th at…的结构。 例5:上海近几年经历了许多变化,如今已成为世界闻名的经济中心。(go through) 分析:乍一看,学生很容易轻易下笔,Shanghai has gone through…,it has become…,这已成为很多学生的一个习惯,句子和句子中随便用逗号隔开,英语不像中文,必须要考虑到句子的结构,逗号也不能随意使用。而此句中,就要想到用并列句中的连接词and来连接两个成分。


论文:浅析英语翻译能力提升的障碍和策略摘要:翻译能力是英语综合能力的重要组成部分,也是英语专业学生必需具备的基本能力。要全面提升英语翻译能力,需要了解英汉两种文化的差异性,具备深厚的语言功底,掌握熟练的翻译技巧。 关键字:英语翻译能力;提升;障碍;策略 中西文化差异是影响英语翻译能力提升的重要因素,除了文化因素外,英语翻译能力的提升还受到其他因素的影响,本文将进一步的展开叙述影响英语翻译能力提升的障碍及其相应的策略。 一、影响英语翻译能力提升的障碍 1.中西文化的差异性容易造成英语翻译误会 英语翻译就是汉语和英语相互转换的过程,这个过程不仅仅是一种语言现象,也体现了跨文化现象。具体来说,中西方的文化差异体现在文化传统、生活习惯、价值观念和思维方式等方面,而这些层面的差异性往往会造成人们对同一事物有着不同的理解和解释,因此不同文化的差异性容易造成英语翻译的误会。比如,生活中最常见的信封的写法,在中国,习惯的书写顺序是国名,省、市、县、街道,最后才是收信人姓名。而在西方国家信封的书写顺序恰好相反。因此在学习英语知识的同时,需要更加注意对英语文化知识的了解和掌握。

2.语言基础知识掌握不扎实,影响了翻译的准确性 英语翻译就是英汉两种语言之间的相互转换,在转换的过程中主要涉及两个方面,首先翻译者要正确地领悟原文的意思,其次要通过译文将原文确切的表达出来,达到“信达雅”的标准。因此翻译者需要牢固地掌握英汉两种语言。但是由于多方面的因素,翻译者的语言基础知识掌握不扎实,很多翻译者的词汇量太少,经常背了忘,而又不重视巩固复习,或者死记硬背不会灵活运用,此外,语法掌握也不扎实,对一些基本的句型模棱两可,不能正确理解更不会运用。 二、提升英语翻译能力的具体策略 1.通过词汇、语法和阅读,了解中西文化之间的差异性 在英语的学习中,提高英语翻译能力,不仅要加强英语语言知识的学习,还要注重对英语文化知识的了解。具体来说,可以通过词汇、语法以及阅读等的学习获取英语文化知识。 首先,通过词汇的学习了解中西文化知识。词汇是英语语言的基本元素,掌握词汇的过程中,仅仅注重词汇正确的拼写和准确的发音是远远不够的,更主要的是学会如何恰当的运用词汇和组织词汇。因此,在背诵英语词汇意思的基础之上还需要进一步了解词汇产生的文化背景知识,尤其是了解习语、谚语和成语这一类词语的文化内涵、感情色彩以及


第一单元 孔子是中国历史上著名的思想家、教育家,是儒家学派(Confucianism)的创始人,被尊称为古代的"圣人"(sage)。他的言论和生平活动记录在《论语》(The Analects)一书中。《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作,对后来历代的思想家、文学家、政治家产生了很大影响。不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。在21世纪的今天,孔子的学说不仅受到中国人的重视,而且也越来越受到整个国际社会的重视。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient "sage". His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. 第二单元 每年农历(Chinese lunar calendar)八月十五是我国的传统节日——中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。中秋节的一项重要活动是赏月。夜晚,人们赏明月、吃月饼,共庆中秋佳节。中秋节也是家庭团圆的时刻,远在他乡的游子,会借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。中秋节的习俗很多,都寄托着人们对美好生活的热爱和向往。自2008年起,中秋节成为中国的法定节假日。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival — the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating


商务英语翻译:商务英语五大实用翻译技巧商务英语是为国际商务活动这一特定的专业学科服务的专门用途英语,所涉及的专业范围很广,并具有独特的语言现象和表现内容、文体复杂。商务英语翻译要求翻译者具备丰富的商务理论和商务实践知识,为了提高翻译质量,翻译者必须具备一定的自身条件: 第一,翻译者的汉语功底要好 很多人容易忽视这一点,认为汉语是自己的母语,应付翻译中的问题应该是绰绰有余的。然而,在真正的翻译过程中,常常为了一个词语或者一个句型,冥思苦想了半天也得不到一个满意的结果。由此可见,汉语表达能力和对汉语理解能力的大小直接影响翻译的好坏。下功夫学好汉语,打好汉语基础对于翻译是十分重要的。 第二,英语语言能力要强 全面的语法知识和大量的词汇量缺一不可。如果只有大量的词汇量,而没有较好的英语语法知识,翻译过程中译者的理解肯定是错误百出,牛头不对马嘴。因此,我们要提高在英汉翻译中对于英文句子理解的准确性及汉英翻译中英文表达的准确性。 第三,知识面要广 商务英语翻译中要很好的做到这一点,就要掌握商务理论和贸易实务等理论知识及贸易实践经验。同时译者还要具有丰富的百科知识,对天文地理、古今中外不说通晓,至少也要了解其中的一些基本知识。没有一定的常识,即使语言水平再高,也是难以胜任翻译工作的。

以下介绍的是商务英语中主要的五大实用翻译技巧: 一、一词多义 同一个词,由于语境不同,其词义可千差万别。 例: 1、They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade. 他们生意信誉已荡然无存。 2、They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China,London. 他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关信用证。 同一个词credit,而在不同的语境中,意思大有不同。 二、词类转译 词类转译是国际商务翻译中常见的译词技巧。常见的有名词与动词、介词与动词的互相转译。 例: 1、Before the payment of these tariffs, the imported goods will bein the custody of the customs. 交关税前,进口货物由海关保管。( 由于语法限制,只有用名词形式,但译成汉语时,”payment”译作“交”) 2 、We should advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements. 建议你方与他们取得联系,洽购所需商品。 三、词义引伸


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/a62244676.html, 浅谈大学英语翻译教学的重要性及翻译能力培养 作者:冯云菊岳元玉 来源:《校园英语·上旬》2015年第07期 【摘要】大学英语翻译教学在整个英语教学体系当中有着非常重要的地位,有助于学生英语综合运用能力的提高,有助于学生对东西方文化差异的理解;当前大学英语翻译教学重视不够、对翻译在听、说、读、写中的作用认识不足、翻译课在大学英语教学中开设甚少的。如何提高大学英语翻译教学效果,提高大学生翻译能力,促进“听”“说”“读”“写”“译”这五项技能的和谐发展,是高校英语老师需要认真考虑的事情。本人认为可以从传统教学模式转变、教学方法创新、注重文化差异分析这几个方面对提高大学英语翻译教学效果,培养大学生翻译能力。 【关键词】翻译教学能力培养文化差异 一、大学英语翻译教学的重要性 1.英语翻译教学有助于学生英语综合运用能力的提高。大学生的英语翻译能力与英语的听、说、读、写能力有着非常紧密的联系。在大量的英语翻译练习中学生能够获得非常丰富的语言知识,同时在大量的汉英互译练习在很大程度上扩大了学生的词汇量,让学生能够熟练转换汉语与英语这两种思维。 同时,英语翻译教学有助于学生听、说能力的提升。之所以这么说是因为,学生在听、说练习中可以借助翻译获得准确信息,通过翻译理解听到的内容,锻炼了快速反应能力以及表达能力。在写作与阅读练习中,学生往往在无意识中对看到的英语进行了翻译。翻译能力的高低对学生能否准确获得原文表达的信息起到了决定性作用。 2.英语翻译教学有助于学生对东西方文化差异的理解。在英语学习过程中,许多学生对英语原文中表现出来的文化差异无所适从,往往不能很好的抓住英文中体现出来的东西方文化差异。英语翻译教学的开展能够提高学生对东西方文化差异的敏感度,更加准确的抓取原文想要表达的含义。其一,在英语翻译教学中,学生通过大量的翻译训练掌握了较多的词汇,在翻译过程中,能够透过原文中的句子以及词汇的含义理解特殊词语的社会文化意义以及背后所蕴含的文化差异;其二,英语翻译教学中的翻译训练讲解可以使学生逐步意识到汉语与英语这两个语言在在文化内涵上的独特特征,在英语学习中有意识的积累与英汉文化背景相关的知识,最终提高英语的掌握程度。 二、大学英语翻译教学现状分析


2.3小说类(Practice26~Practice36) Practice26 It is a very long time since I attended a Mass.In this pilgrimage town you get the real thing,with a crowd of real worshippers--those who come include the paralyzed,the crippled,the blind,the deformed,the dying,a terrible parade,a parade Mass proceeded.It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time,as all did,since I had voluntarily come:but for all the disapproving glances,I the stiff--necked Jew,would not kneel.I remember the first break with my own religion as though it were yesterday.I can still feel my cheek stinging from the slap of the mashiakh,the study hall supervisor,as I trudge in the snow on t he town square in the purple evening,having been ordered out of the hall for impudent heresy.Perhaps in a larger city,the mashiakh would have had the sense to smile at my effrontery,and pass it off.Then the whole course of my life might have been different. 【参考译文】 我已经很久没有做过弥散。在这个众人朝拜的圣城,我看到了真正的弥散。看到一批一批虔诚的善男信女,其中有瘫痪的,有跛足的,有失明的,有畸形的,有奄奄一息的,他们组成一支令人目不忍赌的行列。如果有谁果真相信就连麻雀坠地这样的小事上帝也注意到了,那么这些人一定是他有意残酷作弄的对象,或是他千虑一失的牺牲品。教堂里寒气逼人,但弥撒开始后,教堂里的气氛与我心中的凄凉相比,却温暖如春。既然我来这里是完全出于自愿。仅仅为了礼貌起见,我本应该在需要下跪的时候和他们一起下跪。但是,我这个倔强


1.苹果公司(Apple Inc)不仅在中国有生产线,其产品在中国市场的销量也一片大好。对中 国消费者来说,苹果是最受推崇的品牌之一。2012年调查人员发现,苹果生产的电子产品在北京的一所精英中学的渗透度比在美国城市的一所精英中学还要广。目前,中国有 2.7亿人已经能买得起苹果手机,随着收入的提高,每年还会增加5700万人。简而言之, 苹果的产品目前在中国的销售速度非常快而且甚至可能更快。一些业内专家预测,几年之内中国将超过美国成为苹果最大的市场。(199) Apple Inc. not only has production lines in China, its sales there are also booming. For Chinese consumers, Apple is one of their most admired brands. A survey in 2012 by researchers found that the penetration of electronic products from the company at an elite high school in Beijing was greater than that at one in an American city. At present, 270 million people in China can already afford Apple’s products, and as income increases, each year there will be another 57 million able to. In short, Apple’s products are selling fast and likely to sell even faster in China. Some industry experts predict that China will overtake America to become Apple’s larg est market within a few years. 生产线a production line 最受推崇的品牌the most admired brand 渗透度penetration 电子产品an electronic product 精英中学an elite high school 可能be likely to 预测predict 超过overtake 2.自上世纪70年代末以来,中国许多最优秀人才赴海外留学,但学成归国的只有少数。中 国人才流失(brain drain)现象严重。面对全球化的世界,中国有越来越多的工作需要具备国际教育背景的人才。因此国家开展了一系列的引进海外人才的项目,成功的吸引了越来越多的留学生回国进入国企、教育机构和商业园区工作。如今,每年都有超过15万的海外留学生回国。他们将中国经济与世界相连,从商业、政治以及流行文化上着手,帮助中国走向世界。(191) Many of China's best and brightest talents have left to study abroad since the late 1970s, however, only a minority have returned. The country experienced a serious brain drain. Faced with a globalized world, more and more jobs in China need skilled people with international education background. China, therefore, launches a series of projects aimed at the introduction of overseas talents, which has successfully attracted more and more students abroad back home to work in state companies, educational institutions and business districts. Now, more than 150 thousand overseas students come back every year. They link China’s economy to the world, helping to connect China to commerce, politics and popular culture abroad. 海外人才overseas talents 全球化世界globalized world 开展launch 一系列 a series of 国企state companies 教育机构educational institutions 商业园区business districts 相连link …to


商务英语翻译课程教学大纲 课程编码:课程性质:专业方向课 课时: 36(20+16)学分:2 开课学期:第5学期先修课程:基础英语 适用专业:商务英语专业 课程简介: 《商务英语翻译》课程是为培养“英语+专业”的应用型涉外人才而设置,从英汉两种语言在表达上的差异入手,旨在通过向学生传授基本的翻译理论和技巧,并结合大量的实践训练,培养学生的翻译能力,从而提高其英语综合运用能力,并使学生能够胜任国际贸易中出现的各类实用文体以及简单的文字翻译工作。 一、课程教学目标 本课程以培养学生的翻译能力为目标,旨在使商务英语专业学生掌握和运用一些基本的翻译理论;能够在一些参考书的辅助下,熟练翻译名片、商标、标识、公司简介、产品说明、广告等商务英语方面的资料;能够掌握常见的组织机构的翻译方式;能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练翻译各类公关文稿;能够正确翻译商务信函和单证材料;能够正确熟练翻译各种常见商务报告,译文达意,格式恰当;能够辨识一些商务文本存在的翻译问题和错误。在大量实例训练中锻炼学生在商务语境下有效进行英汉、汉英互译、正确传达信息、顺畅开展交流的能力。 二、课程重点、难点 该课程教学重点是英语商务文本汉译的基本知识、理论和方法,难点是专业外贸知识及专业术语;跨文化交际理论与实践 三、整体课时分配

四、课程内容安排 (一)Unit1 Business Cards 主要内容:英汉名片的互译、设计和正确运用中英文商务名片、商务英语翻译中遵循正确的翻译原则 教学要求:帮助学生初步了解商务名片的互译特点与原则 其它教学环节:案例教学 (二)Unit 2 Signs 主要内容:商务环境中的常见中英文标识、中英文标识的语言特点及其常见翻译技巧 教学要求:帮助学生了解商务环境中的常见中英文标识,掌握常见翻译技巧 重点、难点:商务环境中的直译法和意译法 其它教学环节:情景教学 (三)Unit 3 Trademarks 主要内容:识别中英文商标、商标的翻译、转译法 教学要求:帮助学生了解中英文商标的翻译 重点、难点:商标翻译中的转译法 其它教学环节:案例教学 (四)Unit 4 Organizations 主要内容:识别组织机构名称、外来词翻译法 教学要求:帮助学生了解商务环境下常见的组织机构名称与外来词翻译 重点、难点:织机构名称 其它教学环节:交互教学 (五)Unit 5 Company Introductions 主要内容:公司简介翻译 教学要求:帮助学生掌握被动语态、名词从句、定语从句、状语从句和长句的拆合、转译。 重点、难点:长句的拆译,各类从句的转译 其它教学环节:案例教学 (六)Unit 6 Product Descriptions & Advertisement 主要内容:产品介绍的翻译和广告 教学要求:帮助学生掌握运用反译法进行英汉互译 重点、难点:反译法 其它教学环节:案例教学 (七)Unit 7 Business Contracts 主要内容:商务合同的翻译 教学要求:帮助学生掌握商务合同常见术语和句式、正确翻译常见合同文本、长句的处理 重点、难点:商务合同常见术语和句式 其它教学环节:案例教学 五、教材与学习资源 1. 教材: 谢金领.《世纪商务英语翻译教程》.大连理工大学出版社,2009. 2. 主要参考资料: 张新红等.《商务英语翻译》.高等教育出版社,2004.


浅议英语翻译能力的培养 高等学校很注重培养英语专业学生的翻译能力。要具备一定的翻译能力,学生必须具有深厚的语言功底?p广博的文化知识?p熟练的翻译技巧?p正确的翻译观念和严谨的翻译态度。因此,要培养和提高英语专业学生的翻译能力,教师应该从以下几个方面入手。 一?p掌握好汉语和英语的基础知识 翻译是一个语言转换的过程。从根本上讲,这个过程要解决两个问题:一是如何深刻地理解原文;二是如何用译文确切地表达原文的意思。因此,译者要较好地掌握英语和汉语两种语言,具备较强的语言理解能力和表达能力,这是做好翻译的前提条件。 从语言学角度讲,英语和汉语之间最大的区别莫过于形合和意合的区别。英语是重形合的语言,即英语中词语或句子间的连接主要依靠连接词来完成。汉语是重意合的语言,即汉语中词语或句子间的连接主要依靠语义或句子之间的逻辑关系来完成。例如“他今天没来,母亲住院了”(Hedidnotcometodaybecausehis mother was hospitalized),在这个例子中,汉语原文在表达因果关系时,没有使用任何表示因果关系的词汇,但是读者一看就能理解。然而,在翻译成英语的时候,必须加上连接词because,否则就会出现语法错误。二?p积累广博的文化知识 翻译材料涉及面极广,学生要具备渊博的知识。具体来说,文学性的翻译需要学生具备广博的文化知识,科技翻译需要学生具备相关的专业知识。另外,学生还要掌握大量的习语和俚语,这样在翻译时才不会被句子的字面意义所迷惑。如“I decidedto sit at his feet”这句话的字面意思是“我决定坐在他的脚上”,但实际上,“sit at his feet”是一个习语,表示“拜他为师”。 三?p培养严谨的翻译态度 英语和汉语的句子结构复杂,词汇意义也复杂多变,在翻译中出现错误是难以避免的,但是教师应该让学生尽量避免错误,避免粗枝大叶,望文生义。此外,学生在翻译时还应多关注细节,如单词的拼写?p标点符号?p小词等。例如,“中国政府”应该翻译成Chinese government还是the Chinese government这


美国学校提供的学位有很多种,依所学领域的不同,而有不同的学位。以下列出的是美国高等教育中较常见的学位: Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy): 博士学位。而有些领域的博士课程会有不同的学位名称,如D.A.(Doctor of Arts)、Ed.D.(Doctor of Education) M.B.A.(Master of Business Administration): 商学管理硕士。 M.A.(Master of Arts)硕士;B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)学士: 两者皆属于人文、艺术或社会科学的领域,如文学、教育、艺术、音乐。 M.S.(Master of Science)硕士;B.S.(Bachelor of Science)学士: 两者皆属于理工、科学的领域,如数学、物理、信息等。 Associate Degree(副学士学位): 读完两年制小区大学或职业技术学校所得到的学位。 Dual Degree(双学位): 是由两个不同学院分别授与,因此得到的是两个学位。 Joint Degree:为两个不同学院联合给予一个学位,如法律经济硕士。 major 主修 minor 辅修 大家要搜索自己的专业, 请按 ctrl + F 打开搜索窗口, 然后输入关键字查询 学士 Bachelor of Arts B.A. 文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Education B.A.Ed., B.A.E. 教育学文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science B.A.CS 计算机文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Music B.A.Mus,B.Mus 音乐艺术学士 Bachelor of Arts in Social Work B.A.S.W 社会工作学文学士 Bachelor of Engineering B.Eng., B.E 工学士 Bachelor of Engineering in Social Science B.Eng.Soc 社会工程学士 Bachelor of Engineering in Management B.Eng.Mgt 管理工程学士 Bachelor of Environmental Science/Studies B.E.Sc., B.E.S 环境科学学士 Bachelor of Science B.S 理学士 Bachelor of Science in Business B.S.B., B.S.Bus 商学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration B.S.B.A 工商管理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Education B.S.Ed., B.S.E 教育学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Engineering B.S.Eng., B.S.E 工程学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Forestry B.S.cF 森林理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medicine B.S.Med 医学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology B.S.M.T., B.S.Med.Tech 医技学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nursing B.S.N., B.S.Nurs 护理学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Nutrition B.SN 营养学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Social Work B.S.S.W 社会工作学理学士 Bachelor of Science in Technology B.S.T 科技学理学士 Bachelor of Computer Science B.CS 计算机理学士 Bachelor of Computer Special Science B.CSS 计算机特殊理学士 Bachelor of Architecture B. Arch. 建筑学士 Bachelor of Administration B.Admin. 管理学士


一、第一集—Heart of the Dragon 二、第二集—Shangri-La 三、第三集—Tibet It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups and a wide range of traditional lifestyles, often in close partnership with nature. We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems. But there is great beauty here, too. China is home to the world's highest mountains, vast deserts ranging from searing hot to mind-numbing cold. Steaming forests harbouring rare creatures. Grassy plains beneath vast horizons. And rich tropical seas. Now for the first time ever, we can explore the whole of this great country, meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China to the remarkable landscape in which they live. 这里是五十多个民族的故乡,有着各式各样贴近自然的传统生活方式。我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会、环境问题。但这里也存在着令人惊叹的美丽。中国有着世界最高山峰,无垠的沙漠,从令人窒息的炙热到麻木大脑的寒冷,那蒸笼般的森林中隐匿各种珍稀生物,天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋。现在,我们第一次有机会深入探索这片伟大的土地,接触栖息于此的珍奇生物,思考中国这片神奇土地上人与野生世界的关系。 This vertical gorge in Guizhou Province is a focal point for the region's wildlife. This is one of the world's rarest primates, Francois'


商务英语翻译赏析 语言是文化的载体。文化和语言之间有着十分密切的关系,文化影响着语言的学习和交流,尤其是外语的学习。英语作为国际通用的交流语言,在全球经济一体化的背景下,在我国的对外开放和经济发展进程中起着十分重要作用。近年来,随着我国加入WTO和对外开放的进程不断深入,对外商务活动更加频繁,商务英语翻译显得更为重要。而在翻译过程中,要保证翻译的完整清楚必须考虑到文化的因素,注意中西文化的差异。 一、商务英语翻译概述 商务英语作为基于国际商务的跨文化交际的一种英语,有着其自身独特的特点。商务英语作为英语的一种,其基本语法、句式和词汇与英语相同,但它同时又是国际商务贸易类的应用英语,它又有着自己独特的语言表现形式和内容,有着与一般英语不同的特点。在进行商务英语翻译,必须充分掌握商务英语的特点,才能做到保证翻译的顺畅。 商务英语翻译主要应用于正式的商务交流场合,因此,用语和格式的正式规范是其首要特征。商务英语的各种文体一般都比较正式,用语往往采用国际通用的语言,避免口语化,通过规范的用语保证准确的传达商务信息。商务英语的句式结构往往比日常用语更为复杂,行文多采用标准规范的格式,尤其是在合同等商务文件中。例如,在合同文件中我们经常看到“依照本合同相关规定”,它有着较为固定的翻译"as provided herein"。 商务英语的翻译往往也根据文本有着固定的格式和套路,通过固定的用语保证商务交流的正式性。如,我们在对询盘进行回复时,开头多用"We are pleased to receive your inquiry about our……"表示对对方关于某货物的询盘礼貌地表示已收到;而在结尾时往往用"Thank you for your interest. We look forward to receiving your order."表示对对方询盘的高兴和期望收到对方的订单。 其次,商务英语因为涉及到商务活动的各个领域,产品、贸易和法律等方面的专业术语非常多。例如inquiry(询盘),free on board(离岸价),premium(保险费)等。语言精练,专用名词较多。商务英语语言的运用往往简洁明了,没有过多的客套和和繁杂的语言。而且商务英语中的缩写和专用名词应用较为广泛,例如e-business,e-mail,Nike,FOB(离岸价)等。此外,商务英语的表达准确,表达不含糊,指代明确,内容表达客观真实,注意礼貌用语,用词得体。 二、导致文化差异的因素 英语是世界上作为母语的第二大语言,它是西方民族民族文化深厚积淀的表现。不同的民族有不同的语言、文化特征、生活地域,因此,导致文化差异的因素是多方面的,既有自然方面的因素,也有人文方面的因素。 首先,从自然因素来看,主要表现为地理位置、自然环境和生活谚语的差异。英语的起源和发展以英国为代表,英国面临大西洋,吹西风,因此,西风在西方尤其是英国有着温暖和煦的意思。而在中国,西风却是寒冷的意思,反而是东风送暖。另外,谚语作为反映劳动人民


考研英语:怎样提高翻译能力? 在英语翻译备考中,许多人总想一步登天,跨考教育英语教研室的孟老师在此着重强调,须知任何能力(包括英语翻译在内)的提升必定要经过反复练习的过程。当然,练习是有方法可循的,比如系统学习翻译的方法、原理、固定句式和译法、多学习比较优秀的译文等等。 要做好翻译其实并不是机械地在大量的词库句库中搜求配对,片面追求字面的精准,而是对信息的传达。这就要求译者不仅对源语言有准确的理解,并且对于目标语言也要有优秀的表达能力。很多时候你能明白一整段的意思,却觉得不能自如组织成书面汉语,是因为其实你的汉语表达能力也不够。 提高汉语表达能力,建议可以从经典作品的译本和各大电影字幕组的翻译作品中学习。前者的翻译作品比较严谨传神;后者则生动俏皮,富有时代气息。在学习这些资料时,并不是说某句英文只有资料里的一种翻译方法,以后碰到这句话就直接照搬照抄译文,资料只是辅助,要学习的是其中的思路和方法。 另外,不要太拘泥于所谓的翻译理论。语法和理论都是随着时代的更迭不断更新的,比如当下不断涌现出的各种新词汇,必须与时俱进。 翻译最重要的一点,就是对文章的理解,要彻底读懂文章想表达的思想,甚至尝试去体会原作者的想法,才能翻译出更贴切、更符合原文的译文。 所以,总结起来,你需要经历三个阶段: 首先,语法学好,能正确理解句子; 第二,接受系统的翻译训练,学会翻译方法; 第三,就在提高汉语能力形成地道的表达 你可以一边学习方法和原理、多加练习,一边做语言功底上的积累,才谓标本兼治的“有效”;至于“快速”,其实是你有多勤奋的问题——假设可以使你熟能生巧、从量变达到质变的那个量是一定的。 现在的你达到那个阶段了呢??? 综上就是小编给大家提供的高分技巧,技巧就是牢固的知识点和强悍的答题思路,预祝所有


英语专业论文翻译教学论文 摘要:培养学生的思辨能力目前已成为外语教育工作者的共识。翻译是逻辑活动的产物,本文从理解、表达、和校核三个阶段阐释了活动对学生思辨能力的要求,并进一步探讨翻译课程中培养学生思辨能力的途径。 关键词:英语专业;翻译教学;思辨能力 一、引言 目前,社会对人才的要求越来越高,许多大学生一踏入校门便把考研作为下一步奋斗的目标,而每年考研的报名人数也是持续增长。2011年研究生报考结束后,来自教育部的消息称2011年全国151万人报名参加研究生考试,研究生报名人数连续四年持续增长,增幅达7.9%。越来越多的学生选择考研深造,客观上要求大学本科阶段的教育不仅要注重学生职业技能的培养,更要注重对学生思辨能力的培养,为学生以后从事研究工作打下良好的基础。如何培养和提高英语专业学生的思辨能力,是每一个从事英语专业教学教育工作者都应该思考的问题,翻译教师也不例外。 二、当前外语专业本科教育存在的问题 国内学界一般有着英语专业学生思辨能力普遍低于其他文科专业学生的先入之见,虽然文秋芳等学者通过研究否定了这一先入之见,但研究结果同时也证明英语专业学生在

本科学习阶段思辨能力的提高上不及其他文科的学生,这足以说明本科阶段提高对英语专业学生思辨能力的培养也迫在眉睫。 为了更全面地反映我国各语种外语教育的现状和存在的问题,教育部在广泛调研的基础上于1998年出台了《关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见》,《若干意见》中也指出我国外语专业本科教育存在的问题之一便是“在语言技能训练中往往强调模仿记忆却忽略了学生思维能力、创新能力、分析问题和独立提出见解能力的培养”。并指出当前外语专业课程建设主要面临的任务之一便是“在开设新课和改造现有课程的过程中,重点摸索如何培养学生的语言实际运用能力,锻炼学生的思维能力和创新能力。” 三、新《大纲》对培养外语专业学生能力的要求 为贯彻和落实《关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见》的精神,教育部于2003年批准实施了《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》。新《大纲》提出了新的培养目标和人才规格,即具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质、面向21世纪的复合型外语人才。 新《大纲》尤其强调强调培养学生的创新能力。明确提


商务英语写作 商务英语翻译:商务英语五大实用翻译技巧 商务英语是为国际商务活动这一特定的专业学科服务的专门用途英语,所涉及的专业范围很广,并具有独特的语言现象和表现内容、文体复杂。商务英语翻译要求翻译者具备丰富的商务理论和商务实践知识,为了提高翻译质量,翻译者必须具备一定的自身条件。 第一,翻译者的汉语功底要好。很多人往往忽视这一点,认为汉语是自己的母语,凭着自己原来的底子应付翻译中的问题,是绰绰有余的。然而在真正的翻译过程中,为了一个词语或者一个句型,冥思苦想了半天也得不到一个满意的结果。有时好不容易想出来了也觉得不够理想。由此可见,汉语表达能力和对汉语理解能力的大小直接影响翻译的好坏。下功夫学好汉语,打好汉语基础对于翻译是十分重要的。 第二,英语语言能力要强。全面的语法知识和大量的词汇量缺一不可。如果只有大量的词汇量,而没有较好的英语语法知识。翻译过程中译者的理解肯定是错误百出,而且牛头不对马嘴。因此我们要提高在英汉翻译中对于英文句子理解的准确性及汉英翻译中英文表达的准确性。 第三,知识面要广。商务英语翻译中要很好的做到这一点,就

要掌握商务理论和贸易实务等理论知识及贸易实践经验。同时译者还要具有丰富的百科知识,对天文地理、古今中外不说通晓,也要了解其中的一些基本知识。没有一定的常识,译者的语言水平即使再高,也是无法做好翻译工作的。 一、一词多义 同一个词,由于语境不同,其词义可千差万别。试看下面几个例子: 1.They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade. 他们生意信誉已荡然无存。 2.They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China,London. 他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关信用证。 以上两个句子credit 词义都有所区别。 二、词类转译 词类转译是国际商务翻译中常见的译词技巧。常见的有名词与动词、介词与动词的互相转译。 1.名词与动词的互相转译: Before the payment of these tariffs, the imported goods
