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1.The main issue should be governed by a foreign law.


2.There should be a subsidiary question which could have arisen separately , and this subsidiary question has its own independent choice of law rule.

该附带问题可以作为单独的问题向法院提出, 并且该附带问题有自己的冲突规范可以援用。

3.The choice of law rule should lead to a conclusion different from that which would have been reached had the law governing the main question been applied.



When the parties artificially change the mobile connecting factors in order to evade the law which is rendered applicable to their legal relationship by the appropriate choice-of-law rule, we have the case of fraud (evasion of law).

By fraudulent selection of law, the parties seek to gain individual advantage: either to avoid the undesirable

consequences of their legal relationship or to produce a favorable legal effect.





( reservation of public order )

1,Under the traditional approach to choice of law, the forum’s conflicts rules would direct it to the law of a

particular state, initially without regard to the content of the law. Upon examination of the other state’s law, the forum might then discover that the other law offended its local public policy. In this circumstances, the forum would not apply the foreign law to avoid an unpalatable result.



The structure of the Choice-of-law Rule


The theory legislation distinguishes between three structural elements of a legal norm: fact, provision and sanction.

The choice-of-law rule (conflict rule) is a legal norm of special structure exhibiting some peculiarity in each of these elements. It most striking feature consist in never containing sanctions.

In this sense every conflict rule is dependent norm.

Some connecting factors at times fail to provide guidance for the judge in the discovery of the applicable law. Nationality, for instance, is a connecting factor which is inapplicable to stateless persons (have nonationality). Some connecting factors (nationality, domicile, residence, seat, location, etc.) are subject to change over time. It is necessary that the point of time relevant to the choice of law should always be defined in the conflict rules.




