1 what is the most important characteristic th

1 what is the most important characteristic th
1 what is the most important characteristic th

What is the most important characteristic that a

person can have to be successful in life?


Of all the characteristics one have, I contend that perseverance plays the greatest role in one’s success. "Try and try until you succeed." This saying shows the importance of perseverance. I have found that only through hard work can we succeed. Many people have failed in their work or studies, mainly because they didn't stick to the end.

There were lots of examples about a person's Perseverance bringing about changes in his life.I had gone to Xiangshan during the National Day.

I saw a disabled young man making efforts to climb it as well.I could see the sweats all over his face,but with his perseverance he was close to his destination:the top of the hill. It is true that great things can happen to everyone,even though he or she may be handicapped.Helen Keller was also a particular striking example to illustrate the importance of persistence.She was born blind and deaf. However,she had never give herself up. Instead she kept on learning how to read and write and later became a very famous writer.

Why perseverance often contributes to success? To begin with, a man who has perseverance commonly does not give up after a failure. He tries again and learns lessons from his experience. Furthermore, a persistent person is usually a hard worker, and hard work is an important ingredient in success. Finally, with perseverance comes a certain amount of confidence — the confidence that one will eventually succeed.For all of these reasons, I believe that perseverance is the most important characteristic to have. It is easily combined with other traits such as diligence and confidence to increase the chances of success.

Whether you are strong or weak ,you must keep fighting to succeed. No matter who you are and what you are doing,you must keep fighting for what you want to achieve. Permanence,perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles,discouragements and impossibilities:it is this that in all things distinguishes the strong from the weak.
