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成都嘉祥外国语学校2009年秋季四年级入学摸底测试题Part One Listening(第一部分听力) 60%

五、Listen and circle.(听录音,根据录音内容圈出所听到的单词)12%

1. A. teacher B. student C. friend

2. A. sister B. brother C. mother

3. A. eleven B. seventeen C. thirteen

4. A. desk B. chair C. bus

5. A. strawberry B. watermelon C. peach

6. A. tall B. small C. short

Part Two Reading and Writing (第二部分笔试)40%


一、Listen and number.(听音标号)

1. – Look at the giraffe.

– Look at the deer.

– The giraffe is tall, and the deer is short.

2. –Hello, boys and girls. Let’s have some fruits! – Thank you Miss White!

3. – Hello, Amy. Where are you from? –I’m from America.

4. – Excuse me, Sarah. Can I use your ruler? – No problem. But where is it?

–Look! It’s under your book. – Oh yes! Here you are!

– Thank you.

5. – Good morning, Chen Jie. – Good morning, John. This is my dad, and this is my


– Nice to meet you! – Nice to meet you, John.

6. – Hi, Chen Jie. Look at my new books. – Oh, how many books do you have?

– I have six.

二、Listen and tick or cross.(听音,打“ √”或打“×”)

1. –Look at the picture! Who’s that woman? - Oh, she’s Miss White. She’s a teacher.

- Who’s that girl? - Oh, she’s Amy. She’s a student.

2. – Come on children. Look at the elephant. –Wow, it’s so big.

- Yes. It has long tail and a short nose. – It has big eyes and small ears.

3. – This is my family. –Who’s that man?

- He’s my grandpa! –Who’s that woman?

- She’s my grandma!

4. – How many crayons do you have? - I have fifteen.

5. – Hello, Wu Yifan. Do you like pears? - No, I don’t.

- What about some peaches? - Yes, I do.

- OK, have a peach, please!

6. – Where is my bag? - It’s under the desk.

三、Listen and circle.(听句子,根据句子意思圈出相应图片的编号)

1. ABCDE, clap with me.

2. LMN, raise your leg.

3. EFGHI, say “goodbye”.

4. Type JKLMN.

5. DDD, make a “D”.

6. Long, long, long, make your arms long.

四、Listen and match.(听录音,请根据录音内容将上下栏的图片连线)

1. Hello, I’m Mr Black. I’m from Canada.

2. Hello, I’m Bai Ling. I like rabbit. It has two long ears and a short tail.

3.Hello, I’m Mike. I have a walkman. I can listen to music.

4.Hello, I’m Amy. I like watermelons very much. They’re tasty.

5.Hello, I’m John. I have a toy car. It’s on the box.

6.Hello, I’m Miss White. I’m a teacher. I have 11 English books.

五、Listen and circle.(听录音,根据录音内容圈出所听到的单词)

1. –Who’s that boy? - Oh, he’s my friend, John.

2. – This is my sister. – Sh e’s beautiful.

3. – How many kites can you see? – I can see seventeen!

4. – Where is the plane? –Look! It’s on the chair.

5. – Do you like strawberries? - Yes, I like them very much.

6. – Come on, boys and girls. Look at the ants. –Wow, they’re small.
