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China Resources snowflake beer group want, fight, lead to the fact the nationwide brand snowflake beer, tie the marketing group tight and cooperate with American Kurt, has made the marketing strategy of the nationwide brand for snowflake beer. The purpose that this text studies is to pass the analysis to the snowflake beer marketing tactics of China Resources of beer market environment of Shenyang, whether the nationwide marketing strategy of snow flake beer of evaluation and analysis is suitable for the real environment of the market of Shenyang, analyze the marketing tactics that Shenyang China Resources snowflake beer Company makes under the guidance of marketing thought of China Resources snowflake group, in the products, the price, distribute, the question that should be paid attention to while promoting. This text mainly employs the relevant theories of marketing, through subdividing the market of Shenyang, find out the market of goal of snowflake beer, confirm the products of snow flake beer make a reservation, and then make the marketing tactics which accord with market of Shenyang beer, in order to meet market demand.

KEY WORDS: snowflake; Marketing; Marketing tactics


1 市场营销环境分析 (6)

1.1 宏观环境分析 (6)

1.1.1 经济环境 (6)

1.1.2 政治法律环境 (6)

1.1.3 科技环境 (7)

1.1.4 文化环境 (7)

1.1.5 人口环境 (7)

1.1.6 地理环境 (9)

1.1.7 啤酒行业分析 (9)

1.2 微观环境分析 (10)

1.2.1 沈阳华润雪花啤酒有限公司基本情况 (10)

1.2.2 消费者分析 (11)

1.2.3 竞争者分析 (12)

1.2.4 营销中介 (13)

1.3 SWOT分析 (13)

1.3.1 优势 (14)

1.3.2 劣势 (14)

1.3.3 机会 (14)

1.3.4 威胁 (14)

2 营销战略分析 (15)

2.1 市场细分 (15)

2.1.1 市场细分依据 (15)

2.1.2 地理细分 (15)

2.1.3 人文统计细分 (16)

2.1.4 行为细分 (16)

2.2 目标市场选择 (17)

2.2.1 目标市场应具备的条件 (17)

2.2.2 沈阳华润雪花啤酒目标市场 (17)

2.3 市场定位 (18)

2.3.1 市场定位的作用 (18)

2.3.2 市场定位的步骤 (18)

2.3.3 沈阳雪花啤酒定位 (19)

3 营销组合策略评析 (20)

3.1 雪花啤酒产品策略 (20)

3.1.1 产品组合策略 (21)

3.1.2 新产品开发策略 (23)

3.1.3 包装策略 (23)

3.2 雪花啤酒价格策略分析 (24)

3.2.1 影响定价的主要因素 (24)

3.2.2 雪花啤酒的价格策略分析 (25)

3.3 雪花啤酒分销策略分析 (26)

3.3.1 啤酒分销渠道的分析与选择 (26)

3.3.2 雪花啤酒的渠道选择 (26)

3.4 雪花啤酒促销策略分析 (27)

3.4.1 雪花啤酒促销策略 (28)

3.4.2 雪花啤酒传播媒介选择 (28)

4 问题及对策 (30)

4.1 价格方面 (30)

4.2 渠道方面 (31)

4.3 促销方面 (32)

4.4 其他问题 (32)

5 总结 (34)
