


主谓一致练习题 主语和谓语在意义上的一致 ( )1. The teacher and singer ____ us music. W e all like her very much. A. teach B. teaches C. are teaching D. have taught ( )2. ---Who ____ going to come right now? ---The police ____. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is ( )3. ---How much do I pay for it? ---Ten dollars ____ enough. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )4. Chinese ____ by the largest number of people. A. is speaking B. speak C. speaks D. is spoken ( )5. ---Aare you going to have a sports meeting this term? ---Y es. But when to have it ____ not been decided. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )6. A message sent between computers ____ an e-mail. A. are B. is C. have D. has ( )7. ---There ____ no milk in the fridge. Could you get some for me, Dick? ---All right, Mum. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )8. Ten kilometers ____ way. A. is quite a long B. are quite long C. is a quite long D. are quite a long ( )9. Neither of the two brothers ____ with their parents. A. live B. are living C. like to live D. lives ( )10.So far, the population of this town ____ 300,000. A. are B. is C. have been D. has been ( )11.I think physics ____ maths. A. is so useful as B. are more useful as C. are as useful as D. is much more useful than ( )12. ---What ____ the number of the workers in the factory? ---Two thousand. And a large number of them ____ women. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. are, are ( )13. ---____ this pair of shoes yours? ---No. My shoes ____ under the bed. A. Is, is B. Are, are C. Is, are D. Are, is ( )14. His family ____ in this city since his father found work here. A. have been B. have come C. has lived D. began to live ( )15. The Chinese ____ hard to turn the country into a strong and beautiful one. A. is working B. works C. has always worked D. are working ( )16. In the city the old ____. A. take good care of B. are taken good care of C. is taken good care of D. are been taken good care of ( )17. The Greens ____ getting ready for the journey. A. is B. can be C. has been D. are ( )18. The Chinese people ____ a great and brave people. A. will be B. is C. are D. may be ( )19. The worker and writer ____ to visit our school. A. is coming B. are coming C. have come D. was coming ( )20. Swimming and running ____ both good for our health. A. are B. is C. were D. was ( )21. Three quarters of the earth ____ with water. A. is covered B. are covered C. is covering D. are covering ( )22. None of the money ____ his. A. have B. are C. is D. has ( )23. One or two days ____ enough for us. A. have B. are C. is D. has 主语和谓语在语法上的一致 ( )1. Neither Susan nor the twins ____ before. A. surfs B. has surfed C. surfed D. have surfed ( )2. ---What will you do this weekend? ---W e’ll go swimming if it ____. A. doesn’t rain B. won’t rain C. isn’t raining ( )3. The life we were used to ____ greatly since 1992. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed ( )4. Everyone except T om and John ____ there when the meeting began. A. are B. is C. were D. was ( )5. Look there! Who ____ the young tree? Let’s go and stop him. A. does cut B. is cutting C. cut ( )6. W e’ve got two TV sets, but ____ works well. A. any B. both C. either D. neither ( )7. ____ Rose ____ Mary has come, I don’t know when they will come. A. Both, and B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D. / , and ( )8. Everyone except the twins ____ to the Great W all before. A. has been B. have gone C. has gone D. have been ( )9. The children each ____ a computer in class. A. have B. has C. there is D. there are ( )10. The headmaster as well as all the teachers ____. A. are having a meeting B. have gone to the museum C. is panting trees on the hill D. were having a party ( )11. Each boy and each girl ____ to the teacher carefully now. A. listens B. listen C. are listening D. is listening ( )12. ____ of them ____ Y oung Pioneers. A. Two-fives, is B. T wo-fifths, are C. Second-fifth, are D. Two-five, are ( )13. ____ wants to travel. A. All family B. The whole family C. All the families D. The all family ( )14. The music he played ____ very wonderful. A. is B. sound C. are D. listen ( )15. An old woman with her two babies ____ by the road now. A. sits B. is sitting C. are sitting D. was sitting 主语和谓语就近一致 ( )1. In our school library there ____ a number of books on science and the number of them ____ growing larger and larger. A. is, are B. are, is C. has, is D. have, are ( )2. ---Here ____ some flowers for you with our best wishes. ---Thank you. A. is B. am C. are D. be ( )3. Sorry, we already have four people in the car, so there ____ for this box. A. is a little room B. are no rooms C. is little room D. are few rooms ( )4. The teacher and the students ____ on very well with each other. A. gets B. get C. getting D. is getting ( )5. I’m sorry, not you but I ____ wrong. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )6. Don’t worry, there ____ enough food in the fridge. A. is B. are C. have D. has


思维导图 建昌一中姜淑华 一、思维导图理论 思维导图是由英国心理学家在20世纪60年代发明的一种可以帮助学习和思考的思维工具。思维导图作为一种先进的思维方法,对于全面提高和发展一个人健全的思维品质具有非凡的价值,它赋予人的思维以最大的开放性和灵活性,被誉为二十一世纪全球性的思维工具。思维导图可以应用于生活和工作的各个方面,包括学习、写作、沟通、演讲、管理、会议等。它的使用,要求先写下基本概念,然后再从中辐射出与其相关的想法和思维动向。他通过让使用者用自己的思维方式来关注中心的办法,然后再慢慢地找出并画出与其相关的分支。思维导图实际上是用分割知识框架的方式来帮助我们理解并且记住信息的一种方式。它通过使用线条、色彩、箭头、分支以及其他方式来更好地绘制自己的脑图,可以帮助我们整理并且组建复杂的想法和过程。

二、初识思维导图 第一次接触思维导图是2009年2月份在渤海大学的省骨干教师培训会上,锦州市英语教研员张丹老师和锦州市八中的于玲老师对思维导图做了个精彩的讲座。在辽宁省内锦州市是较早起步探索在英语教学中应用思维导图。葫芦岛市英语教研员李铁君老师听了讲座之后,对思维导图非常感兴趣,回到住所我们就不停地探讨思维导图,想办法怎样把它尽快地借鉴到我们的英语教学中。同年四月份李老师又组织一批葫芦岛市骨干教师专程去锦州八中听思维导图教学的现场观摩课,我又一次有幸亲临现场聆听,对思维导图有了更深刻和更全面的理解。锦州八中的两节课上思维导图主要运用于单词教学和的讲解。他们做的比较系统,学生把每个单元的知识框架都用彩笔画成了各种形式的思维导图。回来后我在英语课堂教学中对思维导图的应用进行了一些尝试,收到了良好的效果。 三、思维导图用于教学的探索 (一)思维导图用于单词的学习与复习 语言学家发现,英语语言的词汇并不是一系列独立的个体,而是都有着各自所归属的领域或范围的,他们因共同拥有某种共同的特征而被组建成一个语义场。比如,,,,,这样的单词归属为表示颜色的语义场。比如一词就是一词的下义词,他们之间是上下义词的关系。沈师外语学院的范革新院长提出三种有效的办法:从“感知”词到“理性”词;以“熟悉”词为中心,将单词归类;以语境来练习单词和巩固单词记忆。利用思维导图辨析同义词和近义词。一个人的词汇量大小可以分为四个层次,把握的数量依次递增:能说的词,能写的词,能读的词和能猜的词。前两个层次属于能够应用的积极词汇,后两个层次属于不一定能够应用的消极词汇(汪榕培,1997)。对积极词汇量把握的多少,在英语单词学习中有着至关重要的作用。然而,学习积极词汇的难点就在于它们之中有很多词不仅形近,而且在用法上也很相似,很轻易使学习者混淆。用思维导图的方式,引导学生画出这些单词的脑图,不仅可以提高学生的记忆能力,对其组织能力及创造能力也有很大的帮助。


冠词知识 不定冠词 “一个” 定冠词 “这那个这那些” 零冠词 不用冠词 虚词,不独用,仅附名词前,即“帽” 辅音前读[e?] 元音前读[e?] 泛指,表“一个”但概念比one 弱 用于某此固定词组中:a lot of 等 判断名词是否可单 元音前用an 否则用a 用于序数词前,表“又一,再一” 表示单位,相当于“每”的意思 表类别a+可单 不译为“一” 特指,表“这个那个这些那些” 表类别the+单数 不译为“这那” 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物 再次提到上文提到过的人或事物 用在世界上独一无二的事物前 用在序数词和最高级前of the two 时比较级前 用在江河湖海群岛山脉的名称前 在姓氏复数前,表夫妇或全家 用在play+the+乐器结构中 the+adj.表一类人 ,被视为复数 在某些专有/抽象/ 物质在表示类别在表示类别复数名词前 在季节、月份、星期、三餐前 称呼语或表示头衔,职务的词前 学科和球类运动的名称前 名词前有代词或所有格时“世仇”of 在习惯说法中:in the morning 等 在某些固定词组中:at night,by bus 解题步骤 先句意后语法 固定/习惯用语 一个 这个那个 可数 不可数 带定语“的” 有无冠词区别 零冠词现象 in(the) front of in(the) hospital an+元音 a+辅音 hour/honest Aa Ee Ff Hh Ii Ll Mm Nn Oo Rr Ss Xx UFO/European

冠词中考点 习惯用语a 元音开头之an 定冠词the 特指(带定语)之the play+the+乐器 近七年河北中考冠词真题再现 (2006年) 26.There is ________ apple tree in my garden. It’s over 10. A.the B.a C.an D.不填 (2007年)26. ________woman in a purple skirt is Betty’s mother. A.The B.A C.An D.不填 (2008年)21.My father is________engineer. He works very hard. A. a B. an C. the D.不填 (2009年)26. I really like ________book you lent me yesterday. A.a B. an C. the D.不填 (2010年)26. Cindy is ________amazing singer. She has lots of fans. A.a B.an C.the D.不填 (2011年)26. She learned to play________piano all by herself. A.a B.an C.the D.不填


名词 分类用法 万物之名称 专有名词 大写首字母 普通名词 人名 地名 国籍 某些抽象事物月份星期节日书电影诗歌名称呼用语个体名词可 集体名词 物质名词不 抽象名词不 作主语作表语 作宾语作宾补 作定语 只用单数 只用复数 随机应变 整单,成员复 man/woman sports 单复数 可数名词 可直接放数后 可变复数 不穿鞋就戴帽 帽a/an/the/sb’s鞋:复数不可数名 词 不可直接放数后 不可变复数 前不a/an后不s s结尾不可数名词 直接+s s/x/ch/sh+es 辅+y→i+es f/fe→v+es hero,potato,tomat o+es其余+s 不规则 man→men woman→women child→children tooth→teeth foot→feet goose→geese mouse→mice sheep→sheep deer→deer fish→fish/es 既名数也

所有格 ’s/’ 从前往后“的” of 从后往前“的” of+sb ’s 意思是“的” 时间、距离、国家、 城市等词 所有格后面跟的地点往往省略 所有格修饰的词,若前已提过,可省 各有共有问题 five minutes ’ walk China’s capital go to the doctor’s a friend of my father’s a friend of mine 共有(A+B)’s 各有A’s+B’s 判定空后名词的单复数 表达量 可数名词 两种均可 不可数名词 接可复/不可 接复数 数字 等于一接单数 大于一接复数 many,several a few, few hundreds of, a number of some, any plenty of a lot of, lots of much a great deal of a bit of f/fe →v+es s,x,ch,sh +es 帽a/an/th sb’s e one of 近七年河北中考名词真题再现 名词中考点 单复数 所有格 表达量


一位名师想对同学 们说 酋先?祝贺你在美诲学习上拥有了这本现 代化 的堪 维工具! 什么是思维导图? 效.欣射性恐考是人矣大脑的自然思考 方氏,毎一种进入大脑的费料,不论是感 丸.记忆克是想法——包括丈字.毀字. 线条.濒色等,都可以成为一个思才中心, 并由此中心向外发哦出成千上万的关节 点? # 一个关节点代表与中心主题的一 个连结,而每一个连结又可以成为另一 个中心主题,再向外发散出成千上万的 关节点. 这就如同大脑神蛭元的图像. 思维导图运用图文并重的扶巧,把& 圾主题的关系用相 ?初中英语话题思维导图》的相关内容.逸择自己專欢的内容.添加.丰富自己的積习导图,自主拼读析词?写一写:借助自己所画的思维导图.结合Grammar Focus中的句子.根据角身实际情况.写出三俎何答句. iC-<:看箱自己皑的思维导图.妹习自问自各或者根攥课时话题.练习連续it几句与话题有关的话. 评一评:自主讦价自己的理竝览程,写下白己的收获和田惑.上课时?与老师和同学分享收获 ?解答漲惑. 课前預习作业范例:以<go for it>七上Unil9第一课时为例: A-4:课林打开你的功课表,在茂习本上画一幅学科龙称的思维导图.不用fel书能頁出来的用蓝笔或*笔.瓷找資料拓展漳加的用 红笔.備助学习工具自主拼读折词.不会拼读的做记号. 拓一拓:想一想.你还能在自己的思维导图上添加什么?打开《初中英语话題恐维导图》的相关部分.逸井自己喜欢的內容,浄刼、丰富自己的导图. 思维导图又叫心智图?它是一种高效的图彫思绒工具?是将放射性思才具冰化的方法.它简单却又极其有 画一画拓一拥写一写it-说评一评:ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC目我if价:ABC 小俎评价:ABC 我的枚获和29惑:


动词 系动词情态动助动词实义动 系动词+表语情态动+动词原形助动词+动词原形独立充当谓语 充当谓语 系动词 be动词“保持”“变化”感官动词 be+adv.+adj“如何是”become,seem,turn,grow,get,keep,stay look,sound,taste,smell,feel 常接形容词作表语主谓一致 情态动词 意思答语表示推测 may答语:肯定Certainly./Sure./Yes,you can. 否定Sorry, but you can’t/mustn’t “一定”must “必须” Must I…?Yes, you must. No, you needn’t/don’t have to.“不得不” Do I have to..?Yes, you must. No, you needn’t/don’t have to.“需要”实义动词:not need to do sth. 情态动词:needn’t do sth. Would you like to do?答语“I’d like to” “I’d like to, but....” had better “最好(不)做某事”You’d better do…/You’d better not do… “可能”may,might,cou ld “不可能”can’t

助动词 狭义概念:“赠送的”扩展概念:“自带的” do,does,did凡谓语由两部分构成之前者句型操作及答语 实义动词身份助动词身份/强调功能 实义动词 时态语态 名称 被动:be+done 及物动词必须跟宾语不及物动词不直跟宾语 谓动 一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时一般将来时★过去将来时现在完成时★过去完成时do/does did be+doing was/were+doing will+do would+do have/has+done had+done 一般现在 一般过去 一般将来 含情态动 选项有无被动只需考 虑时态 该而不:感官发生实现 出版 使役动词正常不带to 被动则带 意思需要时间,标志 意思 平时经常做 某次过去做 现在正在做 过去正在做 现在将要做 过去将要做 到现在已做 到过去已做



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【语法思维导图】中考副词 形容词 作定语名词前作表语系动后作宾补宾语后后置的情况 修饰名词 That sounds interesting.make sb. adj. keep sth. adj. 复合不定 “长宽高重老远”后置 “远”用away不用far 常用形容词辨析 ⑴“所有的,全部的”①the whole + 名词;②all (of) the + 名词 ⑵“高” 指人,树,楼高时用tall与short;指其他时用high与low ⑶real一般指东西,译为“真的”;而true则指事情,译为“真实的” ⑷interesting指“有趣的,令人感兴趣的”修饰非人,interested“对……感兴趣”指人 ⑸s uch + … + 名词+that从so+adj./adv.+that从世上只有so many /so much ⑹表示“(身体)好”,动作好时用well,其它时候用good. ⑺“太多…”too much+不可数;too many+复数“太…”much too+adj./adv. ⑻quick指反应快,fast指运动速度快, soon指时间上快 ⑼lonely“孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的”;alone“独自的,单独的” ⑽“其它的”other放在名词前;else放在不定代词、疑问词、little、much之后 ⑾special与especial表示特殊时,两个词可互换,另外,special还可以表示“专门” ⑿gone“丢/没/死了”一去不返,lost“丢失”难以找回,missing“不见了”,不在原处 ⒀sick和ill都表示“生病的”,但是,病人只能用sick people, 不用ill people ⒁“the+形容词”可以表示一类人物,复数含义。the poor 穷人们/ the rich富人们


主谓一致简表主谓一致指的 是主语和谓语 在人称和数的 方面取得一致 的问题。 主语若是复数, 谓语也采用复 数形式。 主语若是单数 或是不可数名 词,谓语采用单 数形式。 就近一致原 则:以在主语 位置上靠近 谓语动词的 名词作为人 称和数的参 考标准。 01.连词 not only...but also... neither...nor... either...or... Not only the students but also the teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生而且老师都在津津乐道地看着电影。 Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it. 同学们和老师对此都一无所知。 Neither he nor they are wholly right. 他和他们,谁都不是完全对的。 Either he or I am right. 或者他对,或者我对。 02.副词 here there Here comes the bus. 瞧,公共汽车来了。 Here is a pencil-box for you. 这儿有一个铅笔盒要给你。 Here are my replies to your questions. 这些是我针对你的问题的回答。 There is an apple, two bananas and some oranges on the plates. 盘子里有一个苹果,两条香蕉和一些桔子。 03.many a “many a +名词”和“more than one +名词”作主语谓语动词的数通常用单数(即遵循): Many a child was playing there. 很多小孩在那儿玩。More than one student has failed the exam. 不止一个学生考试未及格。 意义一致原 则: 必须分析主 语属于单数 或是复数,可 数或是不可 数,然后才能 决定谓语动 词的人称和 数的形式。 01.and and的两边分别是不同的可数名词John and Mary are my friends. 约翰和玛丽都是我的朋友。 and的两边分别是不同的不可数名词Both rice and wheat are grown in China. 中国有种水稻也有种小麦。 and的两边的单词构成一个统一的概念,如:fork and knife, bread and butter;soda and water;coffee and water; aim and end;salt and water等,虽有and 连接,但仍表示 单一的概念,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。 Fish and chips is a popular supper here. 炸鱼土豆片在这里是一种很受欢迎的晚餐。 (鱼和土豆片作为整体) Where is your fork and knife? 你的刀叉在哪儿? Is the bread and butter enough for you two? 你们两人吃这一点面包和黄油够了吗? The poet and writer has come. 那位诗人兼作家来了。(同一个人既是诗人又是作家) each(every) + 单数名词+ and + each(every) + 单数名 词 Every hour and every minute is important. 每一小时,每一分钟,都很重要。 02.each 用于复数名词后作同位语此时谓语动词用复数:They each have an English-Chinese dictionary. 他们每人都有一本英汉词典。 The young people each carry a big bag. 这些年轻人个个背着一个大袋子。 03.with 主语后接in addition to, with, along with, together with, except, but,as well as 等介词其后的动词形式取决介词前主语: Nothing but trees was to be seen. 除了树木之外什么也看不见。 No one except my parents knows anything about this. 除我父母外没人知道此事。 Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film. 吉姆和他的同学都看过这部电影。 04.to do, doing 主语是由不定式、动名词、从句构成的,谓语动词采用单数。 To learn a foreign language is not easy. It’s not easy to learn a foreign language. 学外语不容易。 Working with you is pleasant. It’s pleasant working with you. 同你一块工作是令人愉快的。 The building whose roof we can see from here is a hotel. 我们从这儿就能看到屋顶的那座楼房就是旅馆。 05.police police 警察/ militia民兵/ people人们/ vermin 害虫/ cattle 牲畜/ poultry 家禽这类集体名词的后面常接复数的谓语动词。 The police are questioning everyone in the house. 警察正在盘问房间里的每一个人。 Domestic cattle provide us with milk, beef, and hides. 家牛为我们提供牛奶、牛肉和皮革。 06.family army军队/ data 数据/ jury 陪审团/ audience 观众/ enemy 敌人/ media 媒体bacteria 细菌/ family 家庭/ navy 海军/ committee 委员会/ flock 羊群 nobility 贵族/ community 共同体/ firm 商号/ party 政党/ company 公司gang 一群/ press 新闻界/ council 理事会/ government 政府/ public 公众 couple 对、双/ group 组/ staff 全体职员/ crew 全体人员/ herd 牧群/ team 队这类集体名词可以用作单数也可以用作复数。如果把"family"看成家庭成 员,谓语用复数。如果把"family"看成一个整体,谓语用单数。 His family are waiting for him. 他的家人正在等他。(把"family"看成家庭成员) I've got to make it clear that my family was very poor. 我得说清楚,我的家是很穷的。(把"family"看成一个整体) 07.furniture mankind 人类/ furniture 家具/ foliage 植物clothing 衣服/ machinery 机械/ merchandise 货物这类集体名词只能用作单数形式,因为它们属不可数名 词。Our clothing protects us from cold. 衣服保护我们免受寒冻。Then the furniture was moved in. 然后家具被搬进来。 08.trousers glasses眼睛/ spectacles眼睛/ scissors剪刀/ shorts短裤/ trousers裤子/ pajamas睡衣 Where are my pajamas? 我的睡衣在哪里? My trousers are too long. 我的裤子太长了。 09.means 主语是:means, works, sheep, fish, Japanese, Chinese等名词时,谓语动词的形式须依照它们在句中的意义来确定。 名词means(方法)单数与复数同形,用作主语时,其谓语的单复数要视具体含义而定(尤其注意其前的修饰语): These means are very good. 这些方法很好。Such a means is really unpleasant. 这样的方法确实是令人不愉快。 若没有特定的修饰语或语境,则用单数或复数谓语均可:There is [are] no good means. 没有好的方法。Are [Is] there any other means of doing it?


初中英语思维导图在阅 读中的运用 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

初中英语思维导图在阅读中的运用 (枹罕中学英语组刘锐霞) 【摘要】思维导图是一种将放射性,框架形思考具体化的方法,是 一种创新,直观的方法,可大幅增强记忆力、组织力与创造力。本文以人教版英语教材“Go for It!”八年级下册的阅读教学设计为例,介绍了在阅读教学实践中如何以图式理论为指导,运用思维导图在读前、读中和读后阶段对英语阅读课进行设计,以促使学生在阅读的整个过程中调用语言、内容和形式三种图式有效地理解课文内容,弄清文章眉路,从而促进阅读能力的提高,和综合能力的提升。 【关键词】思维导图;图式理论;阅读教学 一、引言 《义务教育英语课程标准》提出阅读是一种语言技能,是一种理解的技能,是构成语言运用能力的重要组成部分;在九年义务教育阶段的学习时,学生要能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;能快速学习,积累词汇,能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。最终提高学生的阅读能力,并发展学生的说和写的能力,而思维导图理论的指导和思维导图的运用能有效地促进学生阅读能力的提高。 而思维导图是英国学者东尼·博赞依据大脑的放射性特点发明的一种可视性的、发散性的思维工具。它是一种将思想图像化的技巧,也是将知识结构图像化的过程,它利用色彩、图画、代码和多维度层次等图文并茂的形式来增强记忆效果。思维导图通常将某一主题置于中央位置,主题的主干作为分支向四周放射,每条分支上使用一个关键词,各分支形成一个连接的节点结构,整个图形看上去就像人的神经网络图。网络图可以充分体现文章的层次和脉络结构,即形式图式;位于中央位置的主题词和主干位置关键词体现了文章的内容话题,即内容图式;分支下的关键词信息体现了文章的细节,充分关注了文章的语言知识,即语言图式。思维导图的运用能发散学生的思维,丰富和巩固阅读过程中所需的语言、内容。 二、思维导图在英语阅读中的运用 在英语阅读教学中,笔者以图式理论为指导,运用思维导图对阅读课的读前、读中和读后三个阶段进行规划设计。下面以人教版英语教材“Go for It!”的unit2 I will help to clean up the city parks中一个阅读教学Students who volunteer(SectionA3a-3c)设计为例对思维导图在阅读课中的运用进行介绍。 (一)前环节 读前任务的目的是激发学生阅读欲,使学生通过搜集、了解与所要阅读材


个性化课程辅导教案 学员姓名科目年级课时进度:授课时间课时3课时授课老师 教学课题第六讲主谓一致 教学 目标 重点 难点 教学内容第一部分:以思维导图复习近期知识重难点 第二部分:本次课主要内容 Part One广东中考主谓一致考纲解读 考点分析 考试说明 主谓一致是指谓语动词与主语在人称和数上保持一致。主谓一致主要遵循四大原则:语法一致原则;意义一致原则;就近原则;就远原则。近年来考试题型主要有单项选择‘语法填空等。其中就近原则考查最多。 考点分析考点热度语法一致☆☆☆ 意义一致☆☆☆ 就近原则☆☆☆☆☆

Part Two三年中考解密 1.---Which would you like,tea or coffee? ---Either______ok,but I prefer coffee_______milk. A.is;has B.are;with C.is;with D.are;has 2.There______many small things we can do to make the world a better place. A.are B.is C.have D.has 3.---Do you need more time to complete the task? ---Yes.Another ten days______enough. A.is B.are C.was D.were 4.The child without parents______good care of by his teachers in this special school. A.is taken B.are taken C.take D.takes 5.Not only my friends but also I_________interested in football and Messi is our favorite star. A.be B.am C.is D.are 6.Either Ted or Bob_______good enough to be a member of the school team. A.is B.are C.become D.were 7.--Both Li Lei and Han Meimei______fond of the TV program A Bite of China. --I am also deeply moved by its stories. A.is B.am C.was D.were 8.Thanks to the organization,some money______given to the poor children. A.was B.were C.are D.has 9.Look,the set of keys______on the teachers' desk. A.are B.were C is D.was 10.This pair of shoes_________me well,but the shoes______expensive. A.fit;are B.fits;are C.fits;is D.fit;is 11.Climbing hills______good for our health. A.are B.is C.was D.were 12.The population of China_____over 1.3 billion and China has bigger population than_____in the world. A.is;any country B.is;any other country C.are;the other countries D.are;any other countries 13.---What are you going to do this weekend? ---I together with my classmates_____going to climb Mount Qian.


祈使句 表请求/命令/建议等谓动用原、[若加人称,,”隔开形且常省主语 1J ------------------------------------------ L 考占 P八、、 中原开头 Please开头 中考避免连词成句用逗号Let开头 Don' t开头 答语 Ok, let ' s go. Qk, I 'm coming. No+名词/动名词 表赞美*惊叹、喜悦、等感悄 Don' t let第三人称+动原 分类 反意疑问句 通常后加will you? f? Sorry, I won 't. Let 〈..shall we? J J Never +动原 Let me/us/sb..,will you?

How+ 1"谓 +氏它! What+形+复数+上+训+! I 它! , ___________________ — ___ What+形+水口」数+ 1;+谓+其

反意疑问句 There be - ?, -. be there? There will be 、 won 1 t theM 9 答语 I think...反意疑问句以从句 为准,主句的否定归从句; 其它人think 反之 ■ . ___________________________________________________________________________________ 原则:实话实说:上句译为“是否”, 下 句 此事是否属实。属实用“ Yes. ” ,不属 实用“ No. ” 答案取决于空后的句子之意,但注意肯 否一致:不能出现 Yes, it isn 或者No, I can. 前后相反 时态一致 前肯后否,前否后肯 V y 1 :表^否 否定前缀,不算1 定 '用与前半句相应的助动、 be 动和 情态动词 s (1) is ⑵ has 含有推测的句子 2hink 注意事项 too...to …算否定,so...that 算肯定 先去?推测(不去not ),再 做反’意疑问句 t.


冠词基本知识点 一.冠词:用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物 二.种类:不定冠词a/an和定冠词the 区别a/ an的方法是:看音素,而不是字母。 ______hour ______year ________exercise _______ actor ______book ______ u seful thing ________ uncle _______ horse 三.不定冠词a/an 的用法 A:表类别 1。用在单数可数名词前,表示泛指某一类人或物 (1) My mother is _________ teacher (2)She is ________actress 2。指初次提到的人或物,但不具体说明何人或何物 (3) I have __________ friend (4) He has __________ egg. 3。用在姓名前,或者Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. +姓氏前,表示“某一个,某位”,有不肯定的意思,也可表示“一位”,指某家庭的成员。

(5)________ Mr Wang called you. (6) ________ Miss Li came to our class. B:表量指 1。表示“一个”,相当于 (7) _________ apple a day keeps the doctor away. (8) I met ________old friend of mine. 2。用在某些不可数名词前,表示某种具体的情况或者概念,相当于汉语的“一场(次);一个(种)等意思。 (9) It’s _______ pleasure to meet you here. (10) It’s _________ heavy snow. 3。表示”每一”,相当于any, every (11) We have meals three times _________ day. (12) The train runs 200 miles _______ hour C. 一些常用固定搭配。 for _____ while have ______cold have_______try Wait _____ minute take ______look take_______rest 四.定冠词的用法 1。在单数普通名词前表示某一类人或事物,可不译出。 ________ dog is an useful animal. ________ pen can write 2。在重新提及的人或事物的名词前 He bought a hat yesterday, _______ hat is red. I have a bike. ________bike is cheap. 3。谈话人双方都知道的特定的人或者事物的名词前。 Open ________ window, please. Tell me __________ story, please. 4。在有限制性定语修饰的名词前。 __________plane to Beijing has taken off __________teacher you met yesterday is my mother. 5。在序数词前。 She is ________ first to come. I am ________ third to leave. 6。在表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前 ________ earth goes round ________sun. ________ moon goes round _________ earth. 7。在方向名词和某些表示时间的词组或习惯用语前 方位名词前:on ______ right on_______left in_______ east to _______west on ______ north in _______south 时间名词前:in_______ morning in_______ evening in_______ afternoon 习惯用语:behind ________door in _______ bed on _______tree under________ desk 8。在形容词最高级前。 He is ________ tallest boy in our class
