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1. Planning Approach and its Physical Factors


Dams are one of the groups of important civil engineering work constructed by man for his physical, economic, and environmental betterment. This list also includes waterways, highways, bridges, pipelines, electrical transmission lines, dikes and levees, railroads, tunnels, jetties, breakwaters, docks, irrigation structures, recreational lakes, and others.


In almost every water project plan or situation one or more dams are important elements of a project plan. However, it is seldom that the dam is the sole or only facility. In a flood control plan, a dam and reservoir may be the only project works, but it is more likely accompanied advantageously with levees and other channel control works. In water supply-irrigation, municipal, industrial, and domestic-and in power generation, dams are one of a combination of project features needed to accomplish the desired project. In such cases, the dam cannot be justified independently of the other project facilities. To be economically, financially, socially, and environmentally justified it must be evaluated jointly with the group combination of project features and the total plan evaluated and judged as to its merit. Planning for a dam is one part of the planning process for the total project objective. The location, size, and design of a dam will be influenced, and often controlled, by the selection of the attainable and best warranted overall project plan.

Physical factors of plan formulation include the followings:



1.1 Water Supply Available for Development

1.1 可供水量

Except for flood control projects water is the essential commodity; in flood control projects its sudden excess is the problem. The occurrence of surface runoff stream flows results from weather phenomena which are understood only in general principle. For water project planning purposes reliance is placed on the premise of recurring stream flows with future quantities and variations similar to those that have occurred in the past. Direct measurements of flows of some streams over several decades, together with measurements of precipitation over periods of a century or more at some locations, support the premise. Acknowledging that a more extreme flood or drought can occur than has actually been measured or observed in a few recent time periods, the historical measurements of stream flows are accepted as the best available forecasts of stream flow supplies for water conservation developments. Theories and principles of probability of variation of stream flow quantities are sometimes applied, but most commonly an actual record of some years of duration is used, unmodified, for calculating the water conservation accomplishment of a plan. Where measurements have not been made, or only a very few made, at a specific dam site it is possible to estimate or synthesize stream flow statistics at any dam site by reliable correlation methods.


1.2 Flood Flows

1.2 洪水流量

Because of the enormous damage or potential damage caused by a flood of the magnitude that occurs once in a hundred years or less, stream gaging records of 10,20 or 30 years are inadequate, although of some use, in planning flood control projects or for the spillway design of any dam. In addition to any actual measurements of peak flood flows (usually difficult to obtain even when a stream is being gaged) the project planner uses other techniques of estimating the magnitude of floods. These include (1) observations of high water marks evidenced by previous floods and computations of the probable flow from flood channel dimensions, (2) records of actual measurements (including duration time) of high rainfall intensities at weather stations in the watershed area above a dam site or nearest comparable location, applied to computations of runoff resulting there from.

