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封 线 学校 班级

姓名 学号

密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题


一、 为下列单词选择合适的翻译,将其序号填入题前括号里。 ( ) 1. funny A. 滑稽的 B. 友好的 ( ) 2. helpful A. 能干的 B. 害羞的

( ) 3. strict A. 严厉的 B. 亲切的 ( ) 4. polite A. 聪明的 B. 有礼貌的 ( ) 5. kind A. 怕生的 B. 宽容的 ( ) 6. clever A. 有用的 B. 聪明的

( ) 7. shy A. 腼腆的 B. 亲切的 ( ) 8. polite A. 辛勤的 B. 有礼貌的 二、 选出与所给单词同类的一项。

( ) 1. old A. new B. orange ( ) 2. teacher A. student B. classroom

( ) 3. under A. in B. like ( ) 4. sunny A. windy B. sorry

( ) 5. funny A. close B. polite ( ) 6.helpful A.help B. is ( ) 7. sunny A. windy B. sorry

( ) 8. shy A. close B. polite ( ) 9.young A. long B. old 三、请找出不同类的一项。

( )1.A.math B.china C.Chinese ( ) B. PE C.art ( ) 3.A.orange B.red C.banana ( ) 4.A.have B.am C.is ( )5. A.tall B.short C.shirt ( ) 6. A.watch B.read C.robot ( ) 7.A.young B.old C.speak ( ) 8.A.funny B.fun C.strong ( )9.A.what B.who C.water ( )10.A.will B.Chinese C.English 四、 选择题。

( ) 1. --_ your PE teacher?

--Mr Green.

A. Who's

B. Who

C. What's ( ) 2. Is Ms Lin your music teacher?

-- Yes, is.

A. he

B. she

C. his

( ) 3. Is Mr Li your PE teacher?

--Yes, is.

A. he

B. she

C. him

( ) 4. Is Miss White your English teacher?

--Yes, is.

A. he

B. she

C. his

( ) 5. she like?

A. What

B. What's

C. what ( ) 6. Chen Jie polite.

A. am

B. is

C. are ( ) 7. they helpful at home?

A. Am

B. Is

C. Are ( ) 8. are hard-working.

A. They

B. Is

C. Am ( ) 9. I a robot.

A. has

B. have

C. having ( ) 10. He can Chinese.

A. say

B. tell

C. speak ( ) 11. --_Is funny?

--Yes,he is.

A. he

B. she

C. they ( ) 12. What ’s she like?

A. She ’s twelve.

B. She is strict.

C. She likes apples.

( ) 13. Robin is short strong.


B. is

C. to

( ) 14.Wu Yifan is helpful home.

A. in

B. on

C. at

( ) 15. Robin me finish my homework.

A. makes

B. make

C. made

( )16. Our new PE teacher tall and strong.

A.must is

B. must be

C. must am ( ) 17. Rabbit ten goals.

A. scores

B. score

C. made ( )18. ---Who ’s your English teacher?_


A. She ’s tall

B. She ’s strict.

C. She ’s Miss Sun.

( ) 19. He can _____ English. xKb 1 .Co m

封 线 学校 班级

姓名 学号

密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题

A. speak

B. say

C. talk ( ) 20.______ name is Cheng Long. A. He B. Him C. His ( ) 21.My new teacher _______ come tomorrow. A.is B. will C. does 五、连词成句。 1.your,what,is,like,music,teacher,(?)

2. art, your, who, is(?)

3.is, polite, Mike (.)

4.PE teacher, new, our , today, come, will(.)

5. he, is, young(.)


( ) 1. What's John like? A. His name is Zhang Peng. ( ) 2. Who's your art teacher? B. OK. Let's go. ( ) 3. Is Mike hard-working? C. He's tall and strong. ( ) 4. Let's go to the zoo. D. Yes, he is.

( ) 5. What's his name? E. Mr Jones.

七、给下列句子排序。w W w .x K b 1.c o M

( ) I know. He’s my uncle.

( ) What’s he like? 新 课 标 第 一 网

( ) Mr Green. He’s from Canada. ( ) He’s short and thin. He’s very funny. ( ) Who’s your art teacher? 八、根据单词的首字母及汉语提示补全单词。 1.My sister is very c_________. She knows many things. 2.My art teacher is not strict. He is very k_______. 3.She often helps her mother do housework. She is very h_________. 4.He is good at study, because he is h_________(辛勤的) 5.Is he p________?(有礼貌的)X Kb1. C o 九、找出句子中的错误并改正。 1. What he like? ( ) A B C 2. Our art teacher is Mr Hu. She is short and thin. ( ) A B C 3. I have two new teachers and a English teacher. A B C ( )

4. Is she young? No, she is young. ( )


5. He make me happy. ( )

A B C 十、按要求改写句子。新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网 1.Mr Li is my math teacher. (就划线部分提问) _____________________________________ 2. Is he short? (做否定回答) _____________________________________ 3.She ’s thin and tall. (就划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 4.He is tall. (改为否定句) ______________________________________ 5.She is thin.(变一般疑问句). ______________________________________X k B 1 . c o m 十一、阅读理解,选择正确的答案。 I'm a Chinese girl. My name is Liu Yun. My English name is Kate. My English teacher is Miss Lin. She is young. She is very kind to us. Sometimes she is strict. We all like her. ( ) 1. - Who's Liu Yun's English teacher? A. Liu Yun B. Miss Lin C. Kate ( ) 2. -What's her English teacher like? A. She's young and funny. B. She's young and polite. C. She's yound and kind. ( ) 3. --__________ --Yes, sometimes. A. Is she kind? B. Is she strict? C. Is she young? 十二、读短文,判断正误。 Hello, my name is Tom. I have P.E , art and English on Tuesday.It’s my favourite day. I like English. Look, that is my math teacher. He’s very short and kind. His name is Wang Lin . I like beef very much, but I don’t like apples. I like bananas, too.

1.( )Tom has P.E and computer on Tuesday.

2.( )Tom ’s favourite day is Monday.

3.( )Mr Wang is John’s English teacher.

4.( )Tom likes apple very much.

5.( )Tom ’s math teacher is short and kind.
