


1.The girl goes to the beach o_______ a month.

2.A_______ hamburgers are junk food, some students like them.

3.She is h_______, she wants something to eat.

4.I have to go to the d_______ because of my terrible toothache.

5.It’s raining outside, please take the u_______ with you.

6.I can’t buy the gift because I don’t have e_______ money.

7.Look! The students are all w_______ for the bus.

8.The singing competition yesterday was very s__________.

9.Tom is funny, he makes us l_______ a lot.

10.I like the Internet very much. So I often go o _______.

11.I’m going to be an e__________ when I grow up.

12.T here will be less p __________ in the future.

13.I don’t like watching n__________, because it is boring.

14.M oon Theater has the best s__________.

15.I want to t__________ around the world.

16.I’m going to read English every morning to i________ my English.

17.C hina is f________ for the Great Wall.

18.O ur teacher often gives us some good a__________.

19.I would like to i_______ you to the opening of our new library.

20.E veryone should protect (保护) the e______________.

21.T he restaurant is the _______(close) to home.

22.T hey decided _______(choose) the house near the sea..

23.E veryone in my family _______(play) a part in planting trees every year.

24.L iu Li is as _______ (serious) as her sister.

25.T im is a little _______ (outgoing ) than Bob.

26.T hey _______ (not discuss) the problem last night.

27.M y mother wants me _______(take) a trip with her.

28.T he teacher seemed _______(be) tired today.

29.T om often makes me _______(help) him with homework.

30.T here are some _______ (different) between the two pictures.

31.I f I walk, it _______(take) me too long.

32.K ids _______( study) at home on computers in the future.

33.T om is going to be a __________(science) when he grows up.

34.I can expect _______(learn) something from sitcoms.

35.W hat _______(happen) if they go out today.


1. once

2. Although

3. hungry

4. dentist

5. umbrella

6. enough

7. waiting

8. successful

9. laugh 10 online 11. engineer 12. pollution 13. news 14. service /sound/seats 15. travel 16. improve 17. famous 18. advice 19.invite 20. earth/environment 21. closest 22. to choose 23. plays 24. serious 25. more outgoing 26. didn’t discuss 27. to take 28. to be 29. help 30 differences 31. will take

32. will study 33. scientist 34. to learn 35. will happen


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? conversation: R: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. H: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. R: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? H: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. R: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? H: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? R: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. passage: I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.lt was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and l tried paragliding. l felt like l was a bird.lt was so exciting. For lunch, we had something very special——Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious. In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are a lot of new buildings now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In weld quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town. What a difference a day makes! My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people .When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. My father didn't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry! Unit 2 How often do you exercise? conversation: A:Hi,Claire,are you free next week? B:Hmm… next week is quite full for me, Jack. A:Really?How come? B:I have dance and piano lessons. A:What kind of dance are you learning? B:Oh,swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. A:How often do you have piano lessons? B:Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. A:Well,how about Tuesday? B:Oh,I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?


六年级语文上册重点词语 1.绿毯陈巴尔虎旗衣裳彩虹马蹄豆腐羞涩微笑小丘渲染勾勒翠色欲流境界低吟奇丽洒脱迂回群马疾驰襟飘带舞静寂蒙古拘束老翁鄂温克摔跤舞蹈蒙汉情深何忍别,天涯碧草话斜阳 2.缀满枝头幽雅伏案笨拙单薄模糊恍然半树银妆窥着潇洒朦胧檐前积雪直透毫端浑浊眼帘莹白参差一簇遮掩芭蕉不展丁香结丁香空结雨中愁妩媚花蕾花苞衣襟愁怨平淡无味 3.建德江惊鹊鸣蝉烟渚苏轼茅店 4.苍穹绿茵孕育冠冕赠予祭献摇曳旖旎馥郁硕大无朋凝视琼浆鸣啭婆娑心驰神往顾影自怜孤芳自赏哲理领悟抚慰谦恭和蔼可亲倨傲威风凛凛黎巴嫩纪伯伦 5.云崖大渡河逶迤磅礴铁索岷山鏖战 6.日寇晋察冀大批副班长手榴弹抡圈全神贯注棋盘陀悬崖绝壁沸腾坠落山涧雹子叽里呱啦屹立喜悦坚强不屈大举进犯险要沉着满腔怒火崎岖横七竖八斩钉截铁攀登居高临下粉身碎骨拧开仇恨嗖嗖眺望纵身昂首挺胸相继壮烈豪迈惊天动地气壮山河 7.灯盏栏杆汇集爆发毛泽东林伯渠宣读旗帜检阅制服坦克距离隆隆政府外宾高耸迎风招展擎着直奔排山倒海诞生庄严电钮肃立瞻仰肃静飘拂完毕聂荣臻率领 8.璀璨宏伟漫步豫皖苏围歼匆匆郝副营长攻破歼灭倚着聚精会神电钮漆黑点燃憧憬震天动地爆炸阻击焦急地堡黑魆魆千钧一发 9.豁开威风凛凛疙瘩卡住呆头呆脑挨揍冰棍孙悟空别出心裁技高一筹橡皮檫雕刻磕飞跺脚颓然沮丧趴着风靡一截身躯纳鞋底前功尽弃崩裂裂缝搏斗金箍棒歪斜废弃窦尔敦偃月刀一绺俨然叱咤风云盔甲弄巧成拙黑虎掏心泰山压顶双龙抢珠咚锵攒着咋呼一哄而散虎视眈眈破绽怒气冲冲暴露无遗赫赫伟绩鏖战犹酣悻悻然津津有味抽屉念念有词忘乎所以相视一笑心满意足怨恨化为乌有 10.宇宙之谜嫦娥奔月尚未摄氏度倾角揭开斑点干燥沙漠磁场抵御蟠桃盛会宇宙沧海一粟核酸厌氧菌分析辐射温室效应轨道纵横稀薄海盗土壤培养遥远陨石探索 11.紫禁城宫殿矗立鳌头金銮殿湛蓝琉璃瓦辉煌额枋装饰蟠龙矫健延伸朝贺鸣钟击磬檀香镏金宝顶轮廓雍正内廷后妃政务肃穆气氛迥然亭台楼阁池馆水榭坚贞错综相连井然有序和谐统一御膳蔓延废墟康熙崇祯模型 12.咆哮嗓子党支部流淌沙哑揪住呻吟废话势不可当狞笑跌跌撞撞拥戴蹿上放肆搀扶祭奠 13.汹涌澎湃溅起熄灭困难唉声叹气湿淋淋嘿嘿糟糕倒霉干嘛喃喃皱眉后脑勺忧虑搁板呼啸轰鸣心惊肉跳勉强抱怨倾听保佑寡妇僵硬蜷缩忐忑不安挨揍自作自受吱嘎魁梧黧黑煎熬 14、柏林弥合创伤车厢健壮战役咔嚓指手画脚不假思索嗤笑神志不清 15、豆棚绿蔓苞蕾苔藓草坪甘蔗瀑布缝隙谚语高粱菜畦铁轨接茬六月六,看谷秀。处处不出头,割谷喂老牛。 16、袖筒斗篷缩着发疯瓦蓝厚墩墩甩打嚷着吱吱蒜薹酱油炖肉


新人教版(g o f o r i t)八年级上册英语单词Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? anyone ['eniw?n] pron.任何人 anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv.任何地方n.任何(一个)地方 wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj.精彩的;极好的 few [fju?] adj.很少的;n.少量 most [m??st] adj.最多的;大多数的; something ['s?mθ??] pron.某事物; nothing(=not…anything) ['n?θ??] pron.没有什么n.没有 myself [ma?'self] pron.我自己 everyone ['evriw?n] pron.每人;人人 yourself [j??'self] pron.你自己;你亲自 hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽 bored [b??d] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 pig n.猪 diary ['da??ri] n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) seem [si?m] vi.似乎;好像 someone ['s?mw?n] pron.某人;有人 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) of course [?vk??s] 当然 activity [?k't?v?ti] n.活动;活跃 decide [d?'sa?d] v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try [tra?] v.尝试;设法;努力(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird [b??d] n.鸟;禽 paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d??] n.空中滑翔跳伞 bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n.自行车 building ['b?ld??] n.建筑物 trader ['tre?d?(r)] n.商人;商船 wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 difference ['d?fr?ns] n.差异;不同 top [t?p] n.顶部;顶 wait [we?t] v.等;等待(wait for) umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞;雨伞 wet [wet] adj.湿的;雨天的 below [b?'l??] prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面


人教版八年级英语下册unit1-10重点课文(3a`2b课文) Unit 1 3a(page3) Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help. The bus driver,24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. “It's sad that many people don't want to help others because they don't want any trouble,” says one passenger.“But the driver didn't think about himself. He only about saving a life.”thought Unit 1 2b(page6)


人教版六年级英语上册期末重点知识复习资料 六年级上册复习要点 Unit1 How can I get there? 一、重点单词: 地点:science museum科学博物馆post office 邮局bookstore 书店 cinema 电影院hospital 医院 动作:go straight 直走turn left/right 左转、右转 方位:in front of :在···前面behind 在···后面near在…旁边next to 紧挨着beside 在旁边 over 在…上方on the left 在左边on the right 在右边 二、重点句型: (1)Is / Are there…?某处有某物吗? 肯定回答:Yes, there is/are. 否定回答:No, there isn’t/aren’t. (2)Where is the + 地点?... ... 在哪里? It’s + 表示地点的名词. 它... ... 例句:Where is the cinema? 电影院在哪? It’s next to the bookstore. 在书店的旁边。 (3)How can + 主语+get(to)+ 地点? ... ...怎么到... ...? (如果get后面接的词为副词,则要省略介词to.) 例句:我们怎么到那儿? 同义句型:Can you tell me the way to + 地点? ( 4 )Where is + 地点?Which is the way to + 地点? 到书店左转。 Unit 2 Ways to go to school? 一、重点单词/短语: 交通方式:by bike /bus /plane /subway /train /ship /taxi /ferry 骑自行车/乘公共汽车/飞机/地铁/火车/船/出租汽车/轮渡take the No.57 bus 乘57路公共汽车 on foot 步行 其他:slow down慢下来pay attention to 注意traffic lights 交通信号灯look right 向右看cross the road 横穿马路at home 在家 二、重点句型: (1)How do you come (to) + 地点?你们怎么来... 的? 我通常/经常/有时... How do you go(to) + 地点?你们怎么去...的? How do you get (to) + 地点?你们怎么到达...的?


人教版八年级上册英语单词表全Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? anyone pron.任何人 anywhere adv.任何地方n.任何(一个)地方 wonderful adj.精彩的;极好的 few adj.很少的;n.少量 most adj.最多的;大多数的;something pron.某事物; nothing(=not…anything) pron.没有什么n.没有 myself pron.我自己 everyone pron.每人;人人 yourself pron.你自己;你亲自 hen n.母鸡;雌禽 bored adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 pig n.猪 diary n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) seem vi.似乎;好像 someone pron.某人;有人 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) of course 当然 activity n.活动;活跃 decide v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try v.尝试;设法;努力(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird n.鸟;禽 paragliding n.空中滑翔跳伞 bicycle n.自行车 building n.建筑物 trader n.商人;商船 wonder v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑difference n.差异;不同 top n.顶部;顶 wait v.等;等待(wait for) umbrella n.伞;雨伞 wet adj.湿的;雨天的 below prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面as conj.如同;像...一样 enough adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地 duck n.鸭肉;鸭hungry(反full) adj.饥饿的;渴望的feel like(doing sth.)想要 dislike v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感 because of因为;由于 have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)玩得痛快 Unit2 How often do you exercise? housework n.家务劳动 hardly adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚ever adv.曾经;在任何时候 once adv.一次;曾经 twice adv.两倍;两次 Internet n.因特网 program n.节目;程序;课程;节目单 full adj.满的;充满的;完全的swing n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转maybe adv.或许;也许;可能 swing dance摇摆舞 least adj.最小的;最少的 at least至少 hardly ever很少;几乎从不;难得junk n.垃圾;废旧杂物 coffee n.咖啡;咖啡色 health n.健康;人的身体或精神状态result .结果;后果 percent adj.百分之...的 online adj.在线的adv.在线地television n.电视机;电视节目although conj.虽然;尽管;然而;可是 through prep.穿过;凭借;一直到body n.身体 mind .头脑;想法;意见;心思such adj.这样的;如此的 together adv.共同;一起 die v.死;枯竭;消失 writer n.作者;作家 dentist n.牙科医生


《Join in》六年级Starter Unit 重点单词: Cinema['s?n?m?;]电影院cry out大声喊叫exercise ['eks?sa?z]运动锻炼get along 相处grade[gre?d]成绩,分数left左边的plan[pl?n]计划spend 花(时间) supermarket['su?p?mɑ?k?t; 'sju?-]超市trip [tr?p]旅行turn [t??n]on打开will将 (用于将来时)get on the bus上车get off the bus下车put on his shirt穿上他的T 恤take off his shirt脱下他的T恤 重点短语:(要 Eat healthy['helθ?]and eat better 吃健康的食物,吃好点 求背诵) Drink more water 多喝水Exercise more多运动Laugh[lɑ?f]more often经常笑 Enjoy life享受生活Get good grades取得好成绩 Learn something new学习新东西Study often经常学习Read more books多读书 Watch less television['tel?v??(?)n; tel?'v??(?)n]少看电视 Play fewer ['fju??] games少玩游戏Take a trip去旅行Help others帮助他人 Get along better with people更好的与人相处Make new friends交新朋友 Spend more time with family and friends 多花时间与家人和朋友相处 (要求可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道根据问句怎么来回答) 重点句型It’s good to see you again.很高兴再见到你 How was your summer holiday?你暑假过得怎么样? It was great.There were so many fruit trees and birds.非常棒。那里有很多水果树和小鸟。 How about you?那你呢? What are you doing to do in Year 6?你6年级准备干嘛? I’m going to work harder at English.我打算更加努力的学英语 What’s the weather like?=How’s the weather?今天天气怎么样? It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/raining..今天天气晴朗/多云/有风/下雨 Excuse me.where’s the post office?打扰一下,请问邮局在哪? Go straight ahead [?'hed].Then turn right.往前直走,然后右转 It’s on the left,opposite['?p?z?t]the park.它在左边,公园的对面 Turn left and it’s on the right.It’s next to the church.左转,在右边,在教堂的旁边 重点语法: 1.会用I’m going to ….句型向别人讲述自己的计划 2.会用what’s the weather like?和How\s the weather?询问天气,并回答It’s sunny/cloudy… 3.会用Where is the…..?问路并回答。


新版人教版八年级上册英语单词表 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 3)_______________ adj.精彩的;极好的 4)_______________f adj.很少的;n.少量 5)________________adj.最多的;绝大部分的; 6)_______________pron.某事物; 7)_______________pron.没有什么n.没有 8)_________________pron.我自己 9)__________________pron.每人;人人 10) _________________pron.你自己;你亲自 11)__________________n.母鸡;雌禽 12)_______________adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 13)__________________n.猪 14)____________n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) 15)__________________vi.似乎;好像 16)__________________pron.某人;有人 17)__________________相当多(后接可数名词) 18)__________________当然 19)__________________n.活动;活跃 20)__________________v.决定;选定 21)___________________v.尝试;设法;努力 22)_________________.鸟;禽 23)__________________n.空中滑翔跳伞 24)__________________n.自行车 25)___________________n.建筑物 26)__________________n.商人;商船 27)__________________v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 28)___________________n.差异;不同 29)____________________n.顶部;顶 30)____________________v.等;等待(wait for) 31)____________________n.伞;雨伞 32)_________________adj.湿的;雨天的 33)________________prep.在...下面adv.在下面 34)__________________conj.如同;像...一样 35)__________________adj.充足的adv.充足地 36)___________________n.鸭肉;鸭 37)__________________adj.饥饿的;渴望的 38)___________________v.想要 39)________________v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱 40)___________________因为;因为 41)___________________玩得痛快 Unit 2How often do you exercise? 1)________________n.家务劳动 2)____________adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚 3)______________adv.以前;在任何时候 4)________________adv.一次;以前 5)________________adv.两倍;两次 6)________________n.因特网 7)_______________n.节目;程序;课程;节目单8)________________adj.满的;充满的;完全的 9)________________n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转 10)________________adv.或许;也许;可能 11)________________摇摆舞 12)________________adj.最小的;最少的 13)________________至少 14)________________很少;几乎从不;难得 15)________________n.垃圾;废旧杂物 16)________________ n.咖啡;咖啡色 17)____________n.健康;人的身体或精神状态 18)________________结果;后果 19)________________adj.百分之...的 20)________________adj.在线的adv.在线地 21)________________n.电视机;电视节目 22)___________conj.虽然;即使;不过;不过 23)________________prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 24)________________n.身体 25)________________想法;意见;心思 26)________________adj.这样的;如此的 27)________________adv.共同;一起 28)________________v.死;枯竭;消失 29)________________n.作者;作家 30)________________n.牙科医生 31)________________n.杂志 32)___________adv.不过;无论如何;不管多么 33)________________conj.比 34)________________adv.几乎;差不多 35)______________pron.没有人;没有任何东西 36)________________adj.更少的;较少的 37)________________n.看法;重点;分数 38)________________例如;诸如 39)________________n.垃圾食品;无营养食品 40)______________超过;多于;不但仅;非常 41)________________不到;少于 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 1)_________________adj.外向的 2)_________________adj.更好的;较好的 3)____________adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 4)____________adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地 5)________________adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 6)_________________n.竞争;比赛 7)_________________adj.极好的;了不起的 8)_________________adj.哪一个;哪一些 9)_________________adv.清楚地;显然地 10)_________________v.赢;获胜n.胜利 11)_________________conj.虽然;即使 12)_________________关心 13)_________________adj.有才能的;有天赋的 14)_________________adv.真实地;真诚地


新人教版八年级上册英语单词导语】Unit6I’mgoingtostudycomputerscience. doctor[‘dkt(r)]医生 engineer[end’nr]工程师 violinist[va’lnst]小提琴手 pilot[‘palt]飞行员 pianist[‘pnst]钢琴家 scientist[‘santst]科学家 college[‘kɑld]大学 education[edu’ken]教育 medicine[‘m edsn]药,医学 university[jun’vrsti]大学,高等学府 article[‘ɑrtkl]文章,论文 send[send]邮寄,发送 growup长大成长 computerprogrammer计算机管理员 besureabout确信 makesure确保 resolution[rez’lun]决心,决定 foreign[‘frn]外国的 able[ebl]能够 discuss[dsks]讨论,商量 promise[prɑms]承诺,诺言 beginning[bɡn]开头,开端

improve[mpruv]改进,改善 physical[‘fzkl]身体的 selfimprovement[selfmp’ruvmnt]自我改进,自我提高hobby[‘hɑbi]业余爱好 own[on]自己的,本人的,拥有 personal[‘prsnl]个人的,私人的 relationship[r’lenp]关系 writedown写下 havetodowith关于;与……有关系 takeup学着做;开始做 agreewith同意 beableto能够做某事 Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots? paper[‘pepr]纸 pollution[p’lun]污染;污染物 prediction[pr’dkn]预测 future[‘fjutr]未来 pollute[p’lut]污染 environment[n’varnmnt]环境 planet[‘plnt]行星 earth[rθ]n.地球;泥土 plant[plnt]种植,植物 part[pɑrt]参加,部分 peace[pis]和平


PEP六年级上册四会单词及句子复习 Unit1第一单元 四会单词: Science museum科学博物馆post office邮局bookstore书店cinema电影院hospital医院crossing十字路口turn left向左 转go straight直走turn right向右转 四会句子: 1-- Where is the museum shop?博物馆的商店在哪儿? --It`s near the door在大门附近 2 --How can we get there?我们怎么到那儿? --Turn left at the bookstore到书店左转 Unit2第二单元 四会单词: on foot走路by bus乘公共汽车by taxi乘出租车by plane乘飞机by subway乘地铁by ship乘船by train乘火车slow down减 速stop停下wait等go走 四会句子: 1-- How do you come to school?你怎么来学校的? --Usually,I come on foot通常我走路来 2In the USA people on bikes must wear one.在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。 3Don’t go at the red light!别闯红灯。 4I must pay attention to the traffic lights我必须注意交通信号灯Unit3第三单元 四会单词: visit my grandparents拜访我的外祖父母see a film看电影 take a trip远行go to the supermarket去超市dictionary词 典comic book连环画书word book单词书postcard明信片 四会句子: 1 --What are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么? --I’m going to have an art lesson.我要上美术课 2We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.我要到人民公园去画画 3 --Where are you going?你们打算去哪儿?


八年级上册英语单词表 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? anyone ['eniw?n] pron. 任何人anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv. 在任何地方wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj. 精彩的;绝妙的few [fju?] adj. & pron. 不多;很少的 quite afew 相当多;不少most [m??st] adj.,adv.& pron. 最多;大多数something ['s?mθ??] pron. 某事;某物nothing ['n?θ??] pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西myself [ma?'self] pron. 我自己everyone ['evriw?n] pron.每人;人人;所有人of course [k??(r)s] 当然;自然myself [ma?'self] pron. 我自己;我本人yourself [j??(r)'sel f] pron. (pl.yourselves [j??(r)'selvz])你自己;您自己 hen [hen] n.母鸡pig [p?g] n. 猪 seem [si?m] v. 好像;似乎;看来bored [b??d] adj. 厌倦的;烦闷的someone ['s?mw?n] pron. 某人diary ['da??ri] n. 日记;记事簿 activity [?k't?v?ti] n. 活动decide [d?'sa?d] v. 决定;选定 try [tra?] v.尝试;设法;努力paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d??] n. 滑翔伞运动feel like给······的感觉;感受到bird [b??(r)d]n. 鸟 bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n. 自行车;脚踏车building ['b?ld??] n.建筑物;房子trader ['tre?d?(r)] n. 商人wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v. 想知道;琢磨difference ['d?fr?ns] n. 差别;差异top [t?p], [tɑ:p] n. 顶部;表面 wait [we?t] v.等待;等候umbrella [?m'brel?] n. 伞;雨伞 wet [wet] adj.湿的;潮湿的;下雨的becauseof 因为 below [b?'l??] 在······下面;到······下面enough [?'n?f] adj. 足够的;充足的hungry ['h??ɡri] adj. 饥饿的as [?z; ?z] adv. 像······一样;如同 hill [h?l] n. 小山;山丘duck [d?k] n. 鸭 dislike [d?s'la?k]不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物) CentralPark 中央公园(美国纽约) HuangguoshuWaterfall ['w??t?(r)f??l]黄果树瀑布(贵州) HongKong [?h?? 'k??], [?hɑ?? 'kɑ??] 香港(中华人民共和国特别行政区) Malaysia [m?'lei??] 马来西亚Malaysian[m?'lei?n] adj. 马来西亚的n. 马来西亚人Georgetown['d??:(r)d?taun] 乔治市(马来西亚)Weld[weld] Quay [ki?] 海墘(槟城)Penang[p?'n??] Hill 槟城山(马来西亚)Tian’anmenSquare [skwe?], [skwer] 天安门广场thePalace ['p?l?s]Museum 故宫博物院 Mark [mɑ?(r)k] 马克(男名)p.3 Mark 马克(男名) Unit 2 How often do you exercise? housework['ha?sw??(r)k]家务劳动;家务事hardly['hɑ?dli] adv. 几乎不;几乎没有


2014新人教版八年级上册英语单词表全(免费下载)Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? anyone pron.任何人 anywhere adv.任何地方n.任何(一个)地方 wonderful adj.精彩的;极好的 few adj.很少的;n.少量 most adj.最多的;大多数的;something pron.某事物; nothing(=not…anything) pron.没有什么n.没有 myself pron.我自己 everyone pron.每人;人人 yourself pron.你自己;你亲自 hen n.母鸡;雌禽 bored adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 pig n.猪 diary n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) seem vi.似乎;好像 someone pron.某人;有人 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) of course 当然 activity n.活动;活跃 decide v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try v.尝试;设法;努力(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird n.鸟;禽 paragliding n.空中滑翔跳伞 bicycle n.自行车 building n.建筑物 trader n.商人;商船 wonder v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑difference n.差异;不同 top n.顶部;顶 wait v.等;等待(wait for) umbrella n.伞;雨伞 wet adj.湿的;雨天的 below prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面as conj.如同;像...一样 enough adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地 duck n.鸭肉;鸭hungry(反full) adj.饥饿的;渴望的feel like(doing sth.)想要 dislike v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感 because of因为;由于 have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)玩得痛快 Unit2 How often do you exercise? housework n.家务劳动 hardly adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚ever adv.曾经;在任何时候 once adv.一次;曾经 twice adv.两倍;两次 Internet n.因特网 program n.节目;程序;课程;节目单 full adj.满的;充满的;完全的swing n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转maybe adv.或许;也许;可能 swing dance摇摆舞 least adj.最小的;最少的 at least至少 hardly ever很少;几乎从不;难得junk n.垃圾;废旧杂物 coffee n.咖啡;咖啡色 health n.健康;人的身体或精神状态result .结果;后果 percent adj.百分之...的 online adj.在线的adv.在线地television n.电视机;电视节目although conj.虽然;尽管;然而;可是 through prep.穿过;凭借;一直到body n.身体 mind .头脑;想法;意见;心思such adj.这样的;如此的 together adv.共同;一起 die v.死;枯竭;消失 writer n.作者;作家 dentist n.牙科医生


1《新闻两则》(《人民解放军百万大军横渡长江》选自《人民日报》,《中原我军解放南阳》选自《东北日报》)。作者毛泽东,伟大的革命家、军事家、思想家,文学家,书法家,新中国的缔造者。 2.《芦花荡》选自《孙犁文集》。作者孙犁,原名孙树勋,现代小说家,散文家。小说散文结集《白洋淀纪事》之一《荷花淀》,之二《芦花荡》。 5.《亲爱的爸爸妈妈》选自《人民日报》。作者聂华苓,华裔旅美女作家,作品有小说集《失去的金铃子》《桑青与桃红》《千山外,水长流》,散文集《三十年后》《梦谷集》等。 6. 《阿长与〈山海经〉》选自《朝花夕拾》。作者鲁迅,原名周树人,字豫才,伟大的现代文学家、思想家、革命家。中国新文化运动的奠基人之一,发表了中国第一篇白话小说《狂人日记》。他的作品题材广泛,内容丰富,形式多样,无论是散文、诗歌、杂文、小说还是文艺理论都有很高的成就,成就最高的是杂文,作品有小说集《呐喊》、《彷徨》、《故事新编》,散文集《朝花夕拾》,散文诗集《野草》,杂文集《二心集》、《而已集》、《且介亭文集》等,后都收在《鲁迅全集》中。 7.《背影》选自《朱自清散文全集》。作者朱自清,原名自华,字佩弦,号秋实,江苏扬州人。散文家、诗人、学者。诗文集《踪迹》,代表作品有《背影》《欧游杂记》等,收在《朱自清全集》里。 8.《台阶》选自小说集《台阶》。作者李森祥。

9.《老王》选自《杨绛散文》。作者杨绛,原名杨季康,作家,文学翻译家。翻译有《堂?吉诃德》《洗澡》 钱钟书,现代文学研究家,作家,文学史家,古典文学研究家。作品《围城》 10《信客》选自《秋雨散文》。作者余秋雨,浙江余姚人,作品有《文化苦旅》,《山居笔记》,《霜冷长河》等,后收在《秋雨散文》中,《信客》就出自《文化苦旅》。 11、《中国石拱桥》选自《人民日报》。作者茅以升,字唐臣,江苏镇江人。中国桥梁学家、教育家。他主持修建了钱塘江公路铁路两用桥。著有《中国古桥与新桥》等。 12、《桥之美》选自《吴冠中人生小品》。作者吴冠中,江苏宜兴市人,当代世界画坛具有极大影响的画家、美术教育家、散文家。13、《苏州园林》选自《百科知识》。作者叶圣陶,原名绍钧,字圣陶。江苏苏州人。现代著名的作者、教育家、编辑家。代表作有长篇小说《倪焕之》,中短篇小说《多收了三五斗》,童话《稻草人》《古代英雄的石像》等,后都收在《叶圣陶集》里。 14、《故宫博物院》选自《地理知识》。作者黄传惕。 15、《说“屏” 》选自《陈从周散文》。作者陈从周,浙江杭州人,古建筑园林专家。著有《说园》等。 16、《大自然的语言》根据《科学大众》1963年第一期竺可桢的《一门丰产的科学——物候学》一文改写。作者竺可桢,浙江上虞人。气象学、地理学家。
