


Unit 1

Part 1 1-5 ABAAB 6-10 BAABA

Part 2 Dialogue 1 1) BCACB 2) TFFFF

Dialogue 2 1) AACDB 2) would have guessed。indirectly affected。almost。sweetheart。were supposed。the wedding。instead。forgave

Dialogue 3 1) ABACC 2) FFTFF

Part 3 Passage 1 1) CBBAC 2)①almost every part of the world。hundreds of different kinds of

②several hundred types of apples

③pears, apples, grapes, plums and berries

④acids, salts, and vitamins


Passage 2 1) CCDBD 2) FTFFT

Passage 3 1) BCCCD 2) FTFFF

Part 4 1. 1) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

2) There is a time and a place for everything.

3) The best go first.

4) Look before you leap.

5) Never speak ill of the dead.

6) Give credit where credit is due.

7) Old soldiers never die。they simply fade away.

8) Nothing succeeds like success.

9) Man cannot live by bread alone.

10) Every man has his price.

2. 1) stubborn。inflexible 2) study/ work all night or until very, very late at night

3) very tired。exhausted 4) barely succeed in doing something

5) stop work for the day 6) can't understand something at all。find something confusing

and illogical

7) attract one's attention/ interest 8) sleep for a while。take a nap

9) cowardly 10) eat

Part 5 1. 1-5 BABCD 6-10 ABCCA

Passage 1 ADBAC Passage 2 ABCBD

Passage 3 1) In the south of the Philippines.

2) Because of the thick jungles and mountains.

3) Wild plants.

4) They have learned to trap animals.

5) They lived like those of the Old Stone Age.

Unit 2

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Part 1 1-5 ABABB 6-10 AABBA

Part 2 Dialogue 1 ADCAA

have a look。simple。used to。long gone。early this year。take in

Dialogue 2 DCBDC

on reserve。course。make use of。semester。take it out of

Dialogue 3 DACAD FFFTF

Part 3 Passage 1 ACABC

1) a fisherman。go fishing 2) reaching。laid down

3) the hooks。come out of。the hooks。holding the links of

4) With money。with an engine 5) so greedy。what was happening Passage 2 CBCBD

1) agricultural researcher。in the future 2) survive。above freezing 3) regular rainfall 4) the leaves。vegetable

5) short and fat。long and thin。hard。soft


Part 4 1. 1) Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

2) A man is known by the company he keeps.

3) Faith will move mountains. 4) No man is indispensable.

5) There is safety in numbers. 6) All good things must come to an end.

7) Honesty is the best policy. 8) One good turn deserves another.

9) Spare the rod and spoil the child. 10) Curiosity killed the cat.

2. 1) neat, special, wonderful

2) calm down

3) someone who spends too much time watching TV

4) try to learn as much as possible in a very short time

5) short course designed to give a lot of knowledge/ information in a very short time

6) stop doing something (that's annoying)

7) skip class/ play hooky

8) do a very good job。do very well in something

9) write to someone

10) delay。take longer than necessary to do something

Part 5 1. 1-5 ABDCC 6-10 DABCB

Passage 1 ADBBC

Passage 2 1) They expect its population to become a little bigger.

2) American and Russian scientists.

3) Siberian crane is white and stands one and half meters tall. The spread of its wings

can be as much as two and half meters.

4) In summer these birds live in remote areas of Siberia in northeastern Russia.

winter they fly south to China and southwest to India, Pakistan, Iran and


5) Because people in Iran hunt and kill them.

Passage 3 FFTFT

Unit 3

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Part 1 1-5 ABBAA 6-10 AAAAA

Part 2 Dialogue1 ACBAA NNNYN

Dialogue2 BBABC

standing and barking outside。belonged to。no longer in service。put ads in newspaper。owner

Dialogue 3 CABAB TFFTF

Part 3 Passage 1 CBBCB

1) the importance of telling the differences between right and wrong

2) some young boys standing around a small cat

3) what was happening

4) a contest。who tells the biggest one will get to keep the cat

5) teach the boys a lesson。I've never told any lie in my life

Passage 2 BBBAB

1) He was in poor physical condition.2) He eats a lot and exercises a lot.

3) His keepers don't want people to watch him.

4) Because his keepers want him to be fit for the ocean.

5) To inform his readers of the current situation of the whale.


Part 4 1. 1) Do not wear out your welcome.2) Something is better than nothing.

3) Rats desert a sinking ship. 4) Never too late to repent.

5) The more you get, the more you want. 6) United we stand, divided we fall.

7) There's no fool like an old fool. 8) Marriages are made in heaven.

9) Christmas comes but once a year. 10) There are two sides to every question.

2. 1) It should have happened earlier than it actually happened. 2) die

3) do something that is not very useful to keep yourself busy while you are waiting for something

to happen

4) tell someone some information 5) feel very happy。look very attractive

6) not seem reasonable or correct

7) cannot remember something such as a word or the name of a person although you think you

know it

8) rarely。almost never

9) suddenly and unexpectedly

10) make the situation worse

Part 5 1-5 CBDBC 6-10 AACAC

Passage 1 CAACB

Passage 2 1) He lives with a dog.

2) He played tennis and came back.

3) The dog refused to get into the same car with George.

4) Because he was in a wrong car.

5) Sometimes a dog has a keener sense than a human.

Passage 3 1) infection。inside 2) another medical checkup

3) set him free 4) by himself 5) Gangs of。attack

Unit 4

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Part 1 1-5 AABBA 6-10 BAABA

Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. CBACB

II. the best season。neither hot nor cold。wind。breeze。hardly noticeable。not severe。

cold weather。lovely white snow。skating

Dialogue 2 I. DBABC II. FTFTF

Dialogue 3 I. BCBDA II. NNYNN

Part 3 Passage 1 I. CDBDA

II. 1) messages。one another。just three words 2) over a weekend。these words

3) unless。in any circumstances 4) “Maybe you're right”。go out of business

5) from experience。disarming。argument

Passage 2 I. ADACD

II. 1) useful and faithful animal in the world

2) wouldn't eat what was caught without permission

3) protect themselves against attacks from animals

4) protect。robbery 5) their real children have grown up

Passage 3 I. DDDCB

II. 1) They can be made to work in nuclear power center, deep under the oceans and in

outer space.

2) John Marrit, a psychologist in WilliamsburgMassachusetts.

3) He will be given the feeling of being in the same place as the machine.

4) By using an electronic control.

5) Because people are expected to do many dangerous jobs without staying in

dangerous places in the future.

Part 4 I. 1) A creaking gate hangs long. 2) The devil takes the hindmost.

3) Circumstances alter cases. 4) Cowards die many times before their deaths.

5) A constant guest is never welcome. 6) Call no man happy till he is dead.

7) Dying is as natural as living. 8) Distance lends enchantment to the view.

9) Do not halloo till you are out of the woods. 10) The darkest hour is that before the dawn.

II. 1) a person who is always willing to volunteer or do extra work

2) a very intelligent person 3) hard work。effort

4) difficult to accept。difficult to believe 5) feel sad and depressed

6) dismiss someone from a job because of poor performance

7) feel unwell or ill 8) automobile accident

9) leave 10) understand something (often negative)

Part 5 I. 1-5 BBABB 6-10 CBBCA

II. Passage 1 DCABA Passage 2 BCADD

Passage 3 1) They desired to fly into the air.

2) They were ready to show how their balloon worked.

3) They had constructed a bag some thirty feet in diameter for the occasion.

4) Gradually the bag filled out until eight men were needed to hold it to the ground.

Then the ropes were cut, and it sailed up into the air.

5) Because there was little wind.

Unit 5

Part 1 1-5 ABAAB 6-10 BABAA

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Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. CDBAD II. FFTTF

Dialogue 2 I. BDACB

II. under a lot of pressure。can't follow the professor。compare notes with。turn

the candle at both ends。the fresh air and sunshine。do a world of


Dialogue 3 I. DBBAC II. NYYNY

Part 3 Passage 1 I. ABCAD

II. 1) Before you leave home for a feast, have a small, low-fat snack.

2) Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables.

3) Drink a large glass of water before you eat.

4) Better not have high-fat foods.

5) Don't let exercise take a break during the holidays.

Passage 2 I. BDCDC

II. 1) He must ask his neighbor's permission.

2) The emperor penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world.

3) The female penguins go away for two months.

4) The males hold them on their feet inside a fold of skin.

5) Sometimes the wind blows at 150 kilometers an hour.

Passage 3 I. DDAAD

II. a long period of time。four great glaciers。cover almost all the upper half of North America。melted away。a thick sheet of ice and snow。from

a center near。the cool summers were too short to melt much of the

ice and snow。to a thickness of two miles at its center

Part 4 I. 1) Discontent is the first step in progress.

2) Dog does not eat dog.

3) East or west, home is best.

4) Everything comes to him who waits.

5) Experience is the teacher of fools.

6) Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.

7) Don't meet trouble half way.

8) Don't make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you.

9) Everything must have a beginning.

10) A golden key opens every door.

II. 1) find something amusing 2) go away

3) irritate someone。make someone upset 4) hurry

5) become out of control。become hardly managed 6) energy

7) help someone 8) I was very embarrassed

9) a (very) ambitious, hard-working person 10) take things as they come

Part 5 I. 1-5 CACDA 6-10 BDBBB

II. Passage 1 AACDC

Passage 2 TFFFF

Passage 3 DBCCA

Unit 6

Part 1 1-5 ABAAB 6-10 BAABA

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Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. ABCCB II. FFTFF

Dialogue 2 I. AABCB II. FFFTF

Dialogue 3 I. AABBC

II. leaving for。keep an eye on。to lock all the doors, to shut all the windows, to

cancel the milk and the paper。she is away。give them a ring。

anything suspicious

Part 3 Passage 1 I. BCDAC

II. 1) The state of California。produce enough electricity

2) the increase in the cost of electricity。put their names

3) only part

4) stop paying so much money。pay even more money later

5) the electric companies

Passage 2 I. CDDBA

II. 1) The Freemen group.

2) They protected themselves with guns and would shoot anyone who came near.

3) No. They did not want anyone killed or hurt.

4) 81 days.

5) No one.

Passage 3 I. DBCAB II. FFFTT

Part 4 I. 1) All is fair in love and war. 2) Diligence is the mother of good fortune.

3) Victory lies in desperate position. 4) Truth will prevail.

5) There is no smoke without fire. 6) The used key is always bright.

7) Slight negligence may lead to great disaster.

8) Pride goes before, and shame follows after.

9) Ring out the old, ring in the new. 10) There is no rose without thorns.

II. 1) very much in love 2) face something difficult with courage

3) It is easy to suggest, but hard to do 4) to put yourself in a isolated situation

5) be in trouble 6) be very expensive

7) be extremely busy 8) without a lot of thought or planning, spontaneously

9) a good, easy situation in life 10) a difficult or unhappy situation

Part 5I. 1-5 BACAA 6-10 DDADC

II. Passage 1 ADDBD

Passage 2 1) A little girl ended up missing. 2) In the swimming pool.

3) Police officers. 4) The girl did not drown but was murdered.

5) Police didn't say much to the public because they need to find out more about what happened

on the day of the party.

Passage 3 1) a presentation 2) a social activity

3) for health and mind。damage to our minds and bodies

4) a glass of water。stop a hang-over 5) take responsibility for。drink responsibly Unit 7

Part 1 1-5 AABAB 6-10 BAAAA

Part 2 Dialogue 1 I. CBCAC II. NNNYY

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Dialogue 2 I. CBCAA II. TFTTF

Dialogue 3 I. CCBCB

II. rock stars。their fans。famous。a lot of money。their concerts。their records。the same kind of clothes。walked out。interview。

behave better。imitate

Part 3Passage 1 I. BACCC

II. 1) pushed

2) are stored in my closet

3) I am addicted to buying。as soon as I can

4) tear myself away

5) be more concerned about。correcting my behavior

Passage 2 I. DBDAB

II. 1) In the USA.

2) Yes. It's the best-known supplier of recorded background music.

3) Over one hundred.

4) It can create a pleasant atmosphere and improve productivity.

5) It will result in undesirable situation.

Passage 3 I. CADCD II. TFTFF

Part 4 I. 1) Opportunity seldom knocks twice.

2) You can't win them all.

3) Lightening never strikes twice in the same place.

4) Walls have ears. 5) You cannot have your cake and eat it.

6) Strike while the iron is hot. 7) Necessity is the mother of invention.

8) Where there is no trust there is no love. 9) It is best to be on the safe side.

10) The first step is the hardest.

II. 1) become very angry


习题1 1-1 质点作曲线运动,在时刻t 质点的位矢为r ,速度为v ,t 至()t t +?时间内的位移为r ?,路程为s ?,位矢大小的变化量为r ?(或称r ?),平均速度为v ,平均速率为v 。 (1)根据上述情况,则必有( ) (A )r s r ?=?=? (B )r s r ?≠?≠?,当0t ?→时有dr ds dr =≠ (C )r r s ?≠?≠?,当0t ?→时有dr dr ds =≠ (D )r s r ?=?≠?,当0t ?→时有dr dr ds == (2)根据上述情况,则必有( ) (A ),v v v v == (B ),v v v v ≠≠ (C ),v v v v =≠ (D ),v v v v ≠= 1-2 一运动质点在某瞬间位于位矢(,)r x y 的端点处,对其速度的大小有四种意见,即 (1) dr dt ;(2)dr dt ;(3)ds dt ;(4下列判断正确的是: (A )只有(1)(2)正确 (B )只有(2)正确 (C )只有(2)(3)正确 (D )只有(3)(4)正确 1-3 质点作曲线运动,r 表示位置矢量,v 表示速度,a 表示加速度,s 表示路程,t a 表示切向加速度。对下列表达式,即 (1)dv dt a =;(2)dr dt v =;(3)ds dt v =;(4)t dv dt a =。 下述判断正确的是( ) (A )只有(1)、(4)是对的 (B )只有(2)、(4)是对的 (C )只有(2)是对的 (D )只有(3)是对的 1-4 一个质点在做圆周运动时,则有( ) (A )切向加速度一定改变,法向加速度也改变 (B )切向加速度可能不变,法向加速度一定改变 (C )切向加速度可能不变,法向加速度不变


1 习题解答 习题一 1-1 |r ?|与r ? 有无不同? t d d r 和 t d d r 有无不同? t d d v 和 t d d v 有无不同?其不同在哪里?试举例说明. 解:(1) r ?是位移的模,? r 是位矢的模的增量,即r ?1 2r r -=,1 2r r r -=?; (2) t d d r 是速度的模,即 t d d r = =v t s d d .t r d d 只是速度在径向上的分量. ∵有r r ?r =(式中r ?叫做单位矢),则t ?r ?t r t d d d d d d r r r += 式中t r d d 就是速度径向上的分量, ∴ t r t d d d d 与 r 不同如题1-1图所示 . 题1-1图 (3) t d d v 表示加速度的模,即t v a d d = , t v d d 是加速度a 在切向上的分量. ∵有ττ (v =v 表轨道节线方向单位矢) ,所以 t v t v t v d d d d d d ττ += 式中dt dv 就是加速度的切向分量. (t t r d ?d d ?d τ 与的运算较复杂,超出教材规定,故不予讨论) 1-2 设质点的运动方程为x =x (t ),y = y (t ),在计算质点的速度和加速度时,有人先求出r =2 2y x +,然后根据v = t r d d ,及a = 2 2d d t r 而求得结果;又有人先计算速度和加速度的分量,再合成求得结果,即 v = 2 2d d d d ?? ? ??+??? ??t y t x 及a = 2 22222d d d d ??? ? ??+???? ??t y t x 你认为两种方法哪一种正确?为什么?两者差别何在? 解:后一种方法正确.因为速度与加速度都是矢量,在平面直角坐标系中,有j y i x r +=, j t y i t x t r a j t y i t x t r v 222222d d d d d d d d d d d d +==+==∴ 故它们的模即为


大学物理上册答案详解 习题解答 习题一 1—1 |r ?|与r ? 有无不同? t d d r 和t d d r 有无不同? t d d v 和t d d v 有无不同?其不同在哪里?试举例说明. 解:(1)r ?是位移的模,?r 是位矢的模的增量,即 r ?12r r -=,12r r r -=?; (2) t d d r 是速度的模,即t d d r ==v t s d d . t r d d 只是速度在径向上的分量。 ∵有r r ?r =(式中r ?叫做单位矢),则 t ?r ?t r t d d d d d d r r r += 式中 t r d d 就是速度径向上的分量, ∴ t r t d d d d 与r 不同如题1—1图所示. 题1—1图 (3)t d d v 表示加速度的模,即t v a d d =,t v d d 是加速度a 在切向上的分 量. ∵有ττ (v =v 表轨道节线方向单位矢),所以 t v t v t v d d d d d d ττ +=

式中 dt dv 就是加速度的切向分量. (t t r d ?d d ?d τ 与的运算较复杂,超出教材规定,故不予讨论) 1-2 设质点的运动方程为x =x (t ),y =y (t ),在计算质点的速度 和加速度时,有人先求出r =2 2 y x +,然后根据v =t r d d ,及a =22d d t r 而 求得结果;又有人先计算速度和加速度的分量,再合成求得结果,即 v =2 2 d d d d ?? ? ??+??? ??t y t x 及a = 2 22222d d d d ??? ? ??+???? ??t y t x 你认为两种方法哪一种正确?为什么?两者差别何在? 解:后一种方法正确。因为速度与加速度都是矢量,在平面直角坐标 系中,有j y i x r +=, j t y i t x t r a j t y i t x t r v 22 2222d d d d d d d d d d d d +==+==∴ 故它们的模即为 2 22 222 2 22 2 22d d d d d d d d ? ?? ? ??+???? ??=+=? ? ? ??+??? ??=+=t y t x a a a t y t x v v v y x y x 而前一种方法的错误可能有两点,其一是概念上的错误,即误把速度、加速度定义作 22d d d d t r a t r v ==


《大学物理学》课后习题参考答案 习 题1 1-1. 已知质点位矢随时间变化的函数形式为 )ωt sin ωt (cos j i +=R r 其中ω为常量.求:(1)质点的轨道;(2)速度和速率。 解:1) 由)ωt sin ωt (cos j i +=R r 知 t cos R x ω= t sin R y ω= 消去t 可得轨道方程 222R y x =+ 2) j r v t Rcos sin ωωt ωR ωdt d +-== i R ωt ωR ωt ωR ωv =+-=2 122 ])cos ()sin [( 1-2. 已知质点位矢随时间变化的函数形式为j i r )t 23(t 42++=,式中r 的单位为m ,t 的单位为s .求: (1)质点的轨道;(2)从0=t 到1=t 秒的位移;(3)0=t 和1=t 秒两时刻的速度。 解:1)由j i r )t 23(t 42++=可知 2t 4x = t 23y += 消去t 得轨道方程为:2)3y (x -= 2)j i r v 2t 8dt d +== j i j i v r 24)dt 2t 8(dt 1 1 +=+==??Δ 3) j v 2(0)= j i v 28(1)+= 1-3. 已知质点位矢随时间变化的函数形式为j i r t t 22+=,式中r 的单位为m ,t 的单

位为s .求:(1)任一时刻的速度和加速度;(2)任一时刻的切向加速度和法向加速度。 解:1)j i r v 2t 2dt d +== i v a 2dt d == 2)21 22 12)1t (2] 4)t 2[(v +=+= 1 t t 2dt dv a 2 t +== n a == 1-4. 一升降机以加速度a 上升,在上升过程中有一螺钉从天花板上松落,升降机的天花板与底板相距为d ,求螺钉从天花板落到底板上所需的时间。 解:以地面为参照系,坐标如图,升降机与螺丝的运动方程分别为 2012 1 at t v y += (1) 图 1-4 2022 1 gt t v h y -+= (2) 21y y = (3) 解之 t = 1-5. 一质量为m 的小球在高度h 处以初速度0v 水平抛出,求: (1)小球的运动方程; (2)小球在落地之前的轨迹方程; (3)落地前瞬时小球的t d d r ,t d d v ,t v d d . 解:(1) t v x 0= 式(1) 2gt 2 1 h y -= 式(2) j i r )gt 2 1 -h (t v (t)20+= (2)联立式(1)、式(2)得 2 02 v 2gx h y -= (3) j i r gt -v t d d 0= 而 落地所用时间 g h 2t =


大学物理(吴柳主编) 上册课后习题答案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

说明: 上册教材中,第5,6,7等章的习题有答案; 第1,2,4,8章的习题有部分答案; 第3,9,10,11章的习题没有答案。 为方便学生使用,现根据上学期各位老师辛苦所做的解答,对书上原有的答案进行了校对,没有错误的,本“补充答案”中不再给出;原书中答案有误的,和原书中没有给出答案的,这里一并给出。错误之处,欢迎指正! 第1章 1.4. 2.8×10 15 m 1.5.根据方程中各项的量纲要一致,可以判断:Fx= mv 2/2合理, F=mxv , Ft=mxa , Fv= mv 2/2, v 2+v 3=2ax 均不合理. 第2章 2.1 (1) j i )2615()2625(-+-m; )/]()2615()2625[(45 1151020)2615()2625(s m j i j i t r v -+-=++-+-=??= (2)52m; 1.16m/s 2.2 (1) 4.1 m/s; 4.001m/s; 4.0m/s (2) 4m/s; 2 m.s -2 2.3 3m; m 3 4π ; 140033-s .m π方向与位移方向相同; 1.0m/s 方向沿切线方向 2.5 2π (m); 0; 1(s) 2.6 24(m); -16(m) 2.8 2 22 t v R vR dt d +=θ 2.10 (1) 13 22 =+y x (2) t v x 4sin 43ππ-=;t v y 4 cos 4π π=;t a x 4cos 1632ππ-=;t a y 4sin 162ππ-= (3) 2 6= x ,22=y ;π86- =x v ,π82=y v ;,2326π-=x a 2 322π-=y a 2.12 (1) ?=7.382θ,4025.0=t (s),2.19=y (m) (2) ?=7.382θ,48.2=t (s),25.93=y (m)。 2.14 (1) 22119x y - = (2) j t i v 42-=;j a 4-= (3) 0=t 时,j r 19=; 3=t 时,j i r +=6。(4)当9=t s 时取“=”,最小距离为37(m )。



习题解答 习题一 1-1 |r ?|与r ? 有无不同?t d d r 和t d d r 有无不同? t d d v 和t d d v 有无不同?其不同在哪里?试举例说明. 解: (1)r ?是位移的模,?r 是位矢的模的增量, 即r ?1 2r r -=,1 2 r r r ? ?-=?; (2)t d d r 是速度的模,即t d d r = =v t s d d . t r d d 只是速度在径向上的分量. ∵有r r ?r =(式中r ?叫做单位矢),则t ?r ?t r t d d d d d d r r r += 式中t r d d 就是速度径向上的分量, ∴ t r t d d d d 与r 不同如题1-1图所示. 题 1-1图 (3) t d d v 表示加速度的模,即 t v a d d ? ?= ,t v d d 是加速度a 在切向上的分量.

∵有ττ??(v =v 表轨道节线方向单位矢),所以 t v t v t v d d d d d d τ τ???+= 式中dt dv 就是加速度的切向分量. ( t t r d ?d d ?d τ??Θ与的运算较复杂,超出教材规定,故不予 讨论) 1-2 设质点的运动方程为x =x (t ),y =y (t ),在计算质点的速度和加速度时,有人先求出r = 2 2 y x +,然后根据v =t r d d ,及a = 2 2d d t r 而求得结果; 又有人先计算速度和加速度的分量,再合成求得结果,即 v =2 2 d d d d ?? ? ??+??? ??t y t x 及a = 2 22222d d d d ??? ? ??+???? ??t y t x 你认为两种 方法哪一种正确?为什么?两者差别何在? 解:后一种方法正确.因为速度与加速度都是矢量,在平面直角坐标系中,有 j y i x r ? ??+=, j t y i t x t r a j t y i t x t r v ??? ???? ?222222d d d d d d d d d d d d +==+==∴ 故它们的模即为 2 222 22222 2 2 2d d d d d d d d ? ?? ? ??+???? ??=+=? ? ? ??+??? ??=+=t y t x a a a t y t x v v v y x y x


第一章 质点运动学 1.4一个正在沿直线行驶的汽船,关闭发动机后,由于阻力得到一个与速度反向、大小与船速平方成正比例的加速度,即d v /d t = -kv 2,k 为常数. (1)试证在关闭发动机后,船在t 时刻的速度大小为011kt v v =+; (2)试证在时间t 内,船行驶的距离为 01 ln(1)x v kt k = +. [证明](1)分离变量得2d d v k t v =-, 积分 020d d v t v v k t v =-??, 可得 0 11kt v v =+. (2)公式可化为0 01v v v kt = +, 由于v = d x/d t ,所以 00001 d d d(1) 1(1)v x t v kt v kt k v kt = =+++ 积分 000 01 d d(1) (1)x t x v kt k v kt =++?? . 因此 01 ln(1)x v kt k = +. 证毕. 1.5 一质点沿半径为0.10m 的圆周运动,其角位置(以弧度表示)可用公式表示:θ = 2 + 4t 3.求: (1)t = 2s 时,它的法向加速度和切向加速度; (2)当切向加速度恰为总加速度大小的一半时,θ为何值? (3)在哪一时刻,切向加速度和法向加速度恰有相等的值? [解答](1)角速度为 ω = d θ/d t = 12t 2 = 48(rad·s -1), 法向加速度为 a n = rω2 = 230.4(m·s -2); 角加速度为 β = d ω/d t = 24t = 48(rad·s -2), 切向加速度为

a t = rβ = 4.8(m·s -2). (2)总加速度为a = (a t 2 + a n 2)1/2, 当a t = a /2时,有4a t 2 = a t 2 + a n 2,即 n a a = 由此得 2r r ω= 即 22 (12)24t = 解得 3 6t =. 所以 3242(13)t θ=+==3.154(rad). (3)当a t = a n 时,可得rβ = rω2, 即 24t = (12t 2)2, 解得 t = (1/6)1/3 = 0.55(s). 1.6 一飞机在铅直面内飞行,某时刻飞机的速度为v = 300m·s -1,方向与水平线夹角为30°而斜向下,此后飞机的加速度为a = s -2,方向与水平前进方向夹角为30°而斜向上,问多长时间后,飞机又回到原来的高度?在此期间飞机在水平方向飞行的距离为多少? [解答]建立水平和垂直坐标系,飞机的初速度的大小为 v 0x = v 0cos θ, v 0y = v 0sin θ. 加速度的大小为 a x = a cos α, a y = a sin α. 运动方程为 2 01 2x x x v t a t =+, 2 01 2y y y v t a t =-+. 即 201 c o s c o s 2x v t a t θ α=?+?, 2 01 sin sin 2y v t a t θα=-?+?. 令y = 0,解得飞机回到原来高度时的时间为 t = 0(舍去) ; 02sin sin v t a θ α= =.


库仑定律 7-1 把总电荷电量为Q 的同一种电荷分成两部分,一部分均匀分布在地球上,另一部分均匀分布在月球上, 使它们之间的库仑力正好抵消万有引力,已知地球的质量M =l024kg ,月球的质量m =l022 kg 。(1)求 Q 的最小值;(2)如果电荷分配与质量成正比,求Q 的值。 解:(1)设Q 分成q 1、q 2两部分,根据题意有 2 221r Mm G r q q k =,其中041πε=k 即 2221q k q GMm q q Q += +=。求极值,令0'=Q ,得 0122=-k q GMm C 1069.5132?== ∴k GMm q ,C 1069.51321?==k q GMm q ,C 1014.11421?=+=q q Q (2)21q m q M =Θ ,k GMm q q =21 k GMm m q mq Mq ==∴2122 解得C 1032.6122 2?==k Gm q , C 1015.51421?==m Mq q ,C 1021.51421?=+=∴q q Q 7-2 三个电量为 –q 的点电荷各放在边长为 l 的等边三角形的三个顶点上,电荷Q (Q >0)放在三角形 的重心上。为使每个负电荷受力为零,Q 值应为多大 解:Q 到顶点的距离为 l r 33= ,Q 与-q 的相互吸引力为 20141r qQ F πε=, 两个-q 间的相互排斥力为 2 2 0241l q F πε= 据题意有 10 230cos 2F F =,即 2 022041300cos 41 2r qQ l q πεπε=?,解得:q Q 33= 电场强度 7-3 如图7-3所示,有一长l 的带电细杆。(1)电荷均匀分布,线密度为+,则杆上距原点x 处的线元 d x 对P 点的点电荷q 0 的电场力为何q 0受的总电场力为何(2)若电荷线密度=kx ,k 为正常数,求P 点的电场强度。 解:(1)线元d x 所带电量为x q d d λ=,它对q 0的电场力为 200200)(d 41 )(d 41 d x a l x q x a l q q F -+=-+= λπεπε q 0受的总电场力 )(4)(d 400020 0a l a l q x a l x q F l +=-+= ?πελπελ 00>q 时,其方向水平向右;00



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

3 第1章 质点运动学 P21 1.8 一质点在xOy 平面上运动,运动方程为:x =3t +5, y = 2 1t 2 +3t -4. 式中t 以 s 计,x ,y 以m 计。⑴以时间t 为变量,写出质点位置矢量的表示式;⑵求出t =1 s 时刻和t =2s 时刻的位置矢量,计算这1秒内质点的位移;⑶ 计算t =0 s 时刻到t =4s 时刻内的平均速度;⑷求出质点速度矢量表示式,计算t =4 s 时质点的速度;(5)计算t =0s 到t =4s 内质点的平均加速度;(6)求出质点加速度矢量的表示式,计算t =4s 时质点的加速度(请把位置矢量、位移、平均速度、瞬时速度、平均加速度、瞬时加速度都表示成直角坐标系中的矢量式)。 解:(1)j t t i t r )432 1()53(2 m ⑵ 1 t s,2 t s 时,j i r 5.081 m ;2114r i j v v v m ∴ 213 4.5r r r i j v v v v v m ⑶0t s 时,054r i j v v v ;4t s 时,41716r i j v v v ∴ 140122035m s 404r r r i j i j t v v v v v v v v v ⑷ 1 d 3(3)m s d r i t j t v v v v v ,则:437i j v v v v 1s m (5) 0t s 时,033i j v v v v ;4t s 时,437i j v v v v 24041 m s 44 j a j t v v v v v v v v v (6) 2d 1 m s d a j t v v v v 这说明该点只有y 方向的加速度,且为恒量。 1.9 质点沿x 轴运动,其加速度和位置的关系为2 26a x ,a 的单位为m/s 2, x 的单位为m 。质点在x =0处,速度为10m/s,试求质点在任何坐标处的速度值。 解:由d d d d d d d d x a t x t x v v v v 得:2 d d (26)d a x x x v v 两边积分 210 d (26)d x x x v v v 得:2322250x x v ∴ 31225 m s x x v 1.11 一质点沿半径为1 m 的圆周运动,运动方程为 =2+33t ,式中 以弧度计,t 以秒计,求:⑴ t =2 s 时,质点的切向和法向加速度;⑵当加速度 的方向和半径成45°角时,其角位移是多少? 解: t t t t 18d d ,9d d 2 ⑴ s 2 t 时,2 s m 362181 R a 2 222s m 1296)29(1 R a n ⑵ 当加速度方向与半径成ο45角时,有:tan 451n a a 即: R R 2 ,亦即t t 18)9(2 2 ,解得:9 2 3 t 则角位移为:32 2323 2.67rad 9 t 1.13 一质点在半径为0.4m 的圆形轨道上自静止开始作匀角加速度转动,其角加速度为 =0.2 rad/s 2,求t =2s 时边缘上各点的速度、法向加速度、切向加速度和合加速度。 解:s 2 t 时,4.02 2.0 t 1s rad 则0.40.40.16R v 1s m 064.0)4.0(4.022 R a n 2 s m R 2 s m 22222s m 102.0)08.0()064.0( a a a n 与切向夹角arctan()0.0640.0843n a a


大学物理学习题答案 习题一答案 习题一 1.1 简要回答下列问题: (1) 位移和路程有何区别?在什么情况下二者的量值相等?在什么情况下二者的量值不相 等? (2) 平均速度和平均速率有何区别?在什么情况下二者的量值相等? (3) 瞬时速度和平均速度的关系和区别是什么?瞬时速率和平均速率的关系和区别又是什 么? (4) 质点的位矢方向不变,它是否一定做直线运动?质点做直线运动,其位矢的方向是否一 定保持不变? (5) r ?和r ?有区别吗?v ?和v ?有区别吗? 0dv dt =和0d v dt =各代表什么运动? (6) 设质点的运动方程为:()x x t =,()y y t =,在计算质点的速度和加速度时,有人先求 出22r x y = + dr v dt = 及 22d r a dt = 而求得结果;又有人先计算速度和加速度的分量,再合成求得结果,即 v = 及 a =你认为两种方法哪一种正确?两者区别何在? (7) 如果一质点的加速度与时间的关系是线性的,那么,该质点的速度和位矢与时间的关系是否也是线性的? (8) “物体做曲线运动时,速度方向一定在运动轨道的切线方向,法向分速度恒为零,因此 其法向加速度也一定为零.”这种说法正确吗? (9) 任意平面曲线运动的加速度的方向总指向曲线凹进那一侧,为什么? (10) 质点沿圆周运动,且速率随时间均匀增大,n a 、t a 、a 三者的大小是否随时间改变? (11) 一个人在以恒定速度运动的火车上竖直向上抛出一石子,此石子能否落回他的手中?如果石子抛出后,火车以恒定加速度前进,结果又如何? 1.2 一质点沿x 轴运动,坐标与时间的变化关系为224t t x -=,式中t x ,分别以m 、s 为单位,试计算:(1)在最初s 2内的位移、平均速度和s 2末的瞬时速度;(2)s 1末到s 3末的平均


物理部分课后习题答案(标有红色记号的为老师让看的题) 27页 1-2 1-4 1-12 1-2 质点的运动方程为22,(1)x t y t ==-,,x y 都以米为单位,t 以秒为单位, 求: (1) 质点的运动轨迹; (2) 从1t s =到2t s =质点的位移的大小; (3) 2t s =时,质点的速度和加速度。 解:(1)由运动方程消去时间t 可得轨迹方程,将t = 21)y = 或 1= (2)将1t s =和2t s =代入,有 11r i =u r r , 241r i j =+u r r r 213r r r i j =-=-r u r u r r r V 位移的大小 r ==r V (3) 2x dx v t dt = = 2(1)y dy v t dt ==- 22(1)v ti t j =+-r r r 2x x dv a dt ==, 2y y dv a dt == 22a i j =+r r r 当2t s =时,速度和加速度分别为 42/v i j m s =+r r r 22a i j =+r r r m/s 2

1-4 设质点的运动方程为cos sin ()r R ti R t j SI ωω=+r r r ,式中的R 、ω均为 常量。求(1)质点的速度;(2)速率的变化率。 解 (1)质点的速度为 sin cos d r v R ti R t j dt ωωωω==-+r r r r (2)质点的速率为 v R ω== 速率的变化率为 0dv dt = 1-12 质点沿半径为R 的圆周运动,其运动规律为232()t SI θ=+。求质点在 t 时刻的法向加速度n a 的大小和角加速度β的大小。 解 由于 4d t dt θ ω= = 质点在t 时刻的法向加速度n a 的大小为 2216n a R Rt ω== 角加速度β的大小为 24/d rad s dt ω β== 77 页2-15, 2-30, 2-34, 2-15 设作用于质量1m kg =的物体上的力63()F t SI =+,如果物体在这一力作用 下,由静止开始沿直线运动,求在0到2.0s 的时间内力F 对物体的冲量。 解 由冲量的定义,有 2.0 2.0 2.020 (63)(33) 18I Fdt t dt t t N s ==+=+=? ?g 2-21 飞机着陆后在跑道上滑行,若撤除牵引力后,飞机受到与速度成正比的阻力 (空气阻力和摩擦力)f kv =-(k 为常数)作用。设撤除牵引力时为0t =,初速度为0v ,


第一章质点运动学 1、(习题1.1):一质点在xOy 平面内运动,运动函数为2 x =2t,y =4t 8-。(1)求质点的轨道方程;(2)求t =1 s t =2 s 和时质点的位置、速度和加速度。 解:(1)由x=2t 得, y=4t 2-8 可得: y=x 2 -8 即轨道曲线 (2)质点的位置 : 2 2(48)r ti t j =+- 由d /d v r t =则速度: 28v i tj =+ 由d /d a v t =则加速度: 8a j = 则当t=1s 时,有 24,28,8r i j v i j a j =-=+= 当t=2s 时,有 48,216,8r i j v i j a j =+=+= 2、(习题1.2): 质点沿x 在轴正向运动,加速度kv a -=,k 为常数.设从原点出发时速 度为0v ,求运动方程)(t x x =. 解: kv dt dv -= ??-=t v v kdt dv v 001 t k e v v -=0 t k e v dt dx -=0 dt e v dx t k t x -?? =0 00 )1(0 t k e k v x --= 3、一质点沿x 轴运动,其加速度为a = 4t (SI),已知t = 0时,质点位于x 0=10 m 处,初速度v 0 = 0.试求其位置和时间的关系式. 解: =a d v /d t 4=t d v 4=t d t ? ?=v v 0 d 4d t t t v 2=t 2 v d =x /d t 2=t 2 t t x t x x d 2d 0 20 ?? = x 2= t 3 /3+10 (SI) 4、一质量为m 的小球在高度h 处以初速度0v 水平抛出,求: (1)小球的运动方程; (2)小球在落地之前的轨迹方程; (3)落地前瞬时小球的 d d r t ,d d v t ,t v d d . 解:(1) t v x 0= 式(1) 2gt 21h y -= 式(2) 201 ()(h -)2 r t v t i gt j =+ (2)联立式(1)、式(2)得 2 2 v 2gx h y -= (3) 0d -gt d r v i j t = 而落地所用时间 g h 2t = 所以 0d -2g h d r v i j t = d d v g j t =- 2 202y 2x )gt (v v v v -+=+= 21 20 212202)2(2])([gh v gh g gt v t g dt dv +=+=

大学物理教程 上 课后习题 答案

物理部分课后习题答案(标有红色记号的为老师让看的题)27页 1-2 1-4 1-12 1-2 质点的运动方程为22,(1)x t y t ==-,,x y 都以米为单位,t 以秒为单位,求: (1) 质点的运动轨迹; (2) 从1t s =到2t s =质点的位移的大小; (3) 2t s =时,质点的速度和加速度。 解:(1)由运动方程消去时间t 可得轨迹方程,将t = 或1= (2)将1t s =和2t s =代入,有 11r i =u r r , 241r i j =+u r r r 位移的大小 r ==r V (3) 2x dx v t dt = = 2x x dv a dt = =, 2y y dv a dt == 当2t s =时,速度和加速度分别为 22a i j =+r r r m/s 2 1-4 设质点的运动方程为 cos sin ()r R ti R t j SI ωω=+r r r ,式中的R 、ω均为常量。求(1)质点的速度;(2)速率的变化率。 解 (1)质点的速度为 (2)质点的速率为 速率的变化率为 0dv dt = 1-12 质点沿半径为R 的圆周运动,其运动规律为232()t SI θ=+。求质点在t 时刻的法向加速度n a 的大小和角加速度β的大小。 解 由于 4d t dt θ ω= = 质点在t 时刻的法向加速度n a 的大小为 角加速度β的大小为 24/d rad s dt ω β== 77 页2-15, 2-30, 2-34,

2-15 设作用于质量1m kg =的物体上的力63()F t SI =+,如果物体在这一力作 用下,由静止开始沿直线运动,求在0到2.0s 的时间内力F 对物体的冲量。 解 由冲量的定义,有 2-21 飞机着陆后在跑道上滑行,若撤除牵引力后,飞机受到与速度成正比的 阻力(空气阻力和摩擦力)f kv =-(k 为常数)作用。设撤除牵引力时为0t =,初速度为0v ,求(1)滑行中速度v 与时间t 的关系;(2)0到t 时间内飞机所滑行的路程;(3)飞机停止前所滑行的路程。 解 (1)飞机在运动过程中只受到阻力作用,根据牛顿第二定律,有 即 dv k dt v m =- 两边积分,速度v 与时间t 的关系为 2-31 一质量为m 的人造地球卫星沿一圆形轨道运动,离开地面的高度等 于地球半径的2倍(即2R ),试以,m R 和引力恒量G 及地球的质量M 表示出: (1) 卫星的动能; (2) 卫星在地球引力场中的引力势能. 解 (1) 人造卫星绕地球做圆周运动,地球引力作为向心力,有 卫星的动能为 212 6k GMm E mv R == (2)卫星的引力势能为 2-37 一木块质量为1M kg =,置于水平面上,一质量为2m g =的子弹以 500/m s 的速度水平击穿木块,速度减为100/m s ,木块在水平方向滑行了20cm 后 停止。求: (1) 木块与水平面之间的摩擦系数; (2) 子弹的动能减少了多少。


第1章 质点运动学 P21 1.8 一质点在xOy 平面上运动,运动方程为:x =3t +5, y = 2 1t 2 +3t -4. 式中t 以 s 计,x ,y 以m 计。⑴以时间t 为变量,写出质点位置矢量的表示式;⑵求出t =1 s 时刻和t =2s 时刻的位置矢量,计算这1秒内质点的位移;⑶ 计算t =0 s 时刻到t =4s 时刻内的平均速度;⑷求出质点速度矢量表示式,计算t =4 s 时质点的速度;(5)计算t =0s 到t =4s 内质点的平均加速度;(6)求出质点加速度矢量的表示式,计算t =4s 时质点的加速度(请把位置矢量、位移、平均速度、瞬时速度、平均加速度、瞬时加速度都表示成直角坐标系中的矢量式)。 解:(1)j t t i t r )432 1()53(2-+++=m ⑵ 1=t s,2=t s 时,j i r 5.081-= m ;2114r i j =+m ∴ 213 4.5r r r i j ?=-=+m ⑶0t =s 时,054r i j =-;4t =s 时,41716r i j =+ ∴ 140122035m s 404 r r r i j i j t --?+= ===+??-v ⑷ 1d 3(3)m s d r i t j t -==++?v ,则:437i j =+v 1s m -? (5) 0t =s 时,033i j =+v ;4t =s 时,437i j =+v 24041 m s 44 j a j t --?= ===??v v v (6) 2d 1 m s d a j t -==?v 这说明该点只有y 方向的加速度,且为恒量。 1.9 质点沿x 轴运动,其加速度和位置的关系为2 26a x =+,a 的单位为m/s 2, x 的单位为m 。质点在x =0处,速度为10m/s,试求质点在任何坐标处的速度值。 解:由d d d d d d d d x a t x t x ===v v v v 得:2 d d (26)d a x x x ==+v v 两边积分 210 d (26)d x x x =+? ?v v v 得:2322 250x x =++v ∴ 1m s -=?v 1.11 一质点沿半径为1 m 的圆周运动,运动方程为θ=2+33t ,式中θ以弧度计,t 以秒计,求:⑴ t =2 s 时,质点的切向和法向加速度;⑵当加速度 的方向和半径成45°角时,其角位移是多少? 解: t t t t 18d d ,9d d 2==== ωβθω ⑴ s 2=t 时,2 s m 362181-?=??==βτR a 2 222s m 1296)29(1-?=??==ωR a n ⑵ 当加速度方向与半径成ο45角时,有:tan 451n a a τ?== 即:βωR R =2 ,亦即t t 18)9(2 2=,解得:9 23= t 则角位移为:32 2323 2.67rad 9 t θ=+=+? = 1.13 一质点在半径为0.4m 的圆形轨道上自静止开始作匀角加速度转动,其角加速度为α=0.2 rad/s 2,求t =2s 时边缘上各点的速度、法向加速度、切向加速度和合加速度。 解:s 2=t 时,4.022.0=?== t αω 1s rad -? 则0.40.40.16R ω==?=v 1s m -? 064.0)4.0(4.022=?==ωR a n 2 s m -? 0.4 0.20.0a R τα==?=2s m -? 22222 s m 102.0)08.0()064.0(-?=+=+= τa a a n 与切向夹角arctan()0.06443n a a τ?==≈?


习题解答 习题一 1-1|r ?|与r ?有无不同?t d d r 和t d d r 有无不同?t d d v 和 t d d v 有无不 同?其不同在哪里?试举例说明. 解:(1)r ?是位移的模,?r 是位矢的模的增量,即 r ?1 2r r -=,12r r r -=?; (2)t d d r 是速度的模,即 t d d r ==v t s d d .t r d d 只是速度在径向上的 分量. ∵有r r ?r =(式中r ?叫做单位矢),则t ?r ?t r t d d d d d d r r r += 式中t r d d 就是 速度径向上的分量, ∴t r t d d d d 与r 不同如题1-1图所示. 题1-1 图 (3) t d d v 表示加速度的模,即 t v a d d = ,t v d d 是加速度a 在切向上 的分量. ∵有ττ (v =v 表轨道节线方向单位矢),所以 t v t v t v d d d d d d ττ +=式中dt dv 就是加速度的切向分量.

(t t r d ?d d ?d τ 与 的运算较复杂,超出教材规定,故不予讨论) 1-2 设质点的运动方程为x =x (t ),y =y (t ),在计算质点的速度和加速度时,有人先求出r =2 2y x +,然后根据v =t r d d ,及a =2 2d d t r 而求得结果;又有人先计算速度和加速度的 分量,再合成求得结果,即 v = 2 2 d d d d ?? ? ??+??? ??t y t x 及a = 2 222 22d d d d ??? ? ??+???? ??t y t x 你认为两种方法哪一种 正确?为什么?两者差别何在? 解:后一种方法正确.因为速度与加速度都是矢量,在平面 直角坐标系中,有j y i x r +=, j t y i t x t r a j t y i t x t r v 222222d d d d d d d d d d d d +==+==∴故它们 的模即为 2 222 22222 222d d d d d d d d ? ?? ? ??+???? ??=+=? ? ? ??+??? ??=+=t y t x a a a t y t x v v v y x y x 而前一种方法的错误可能有两点,其一是概念上的错误,即误把速度、加速度定义作 其二,可能是将2 2d d d d t r t r 与误作速度与加速度的模。在1-1题中 已说明t r d d 不是速度的模,而只是速度在径向上的分量,同 样,2 2d d t r 也不是加速度的模,它只是加速度在径向分量中的


第一章 运动的描述 1、解:设质点在x 处的速度为v , 62d d d d d d 2x t x x t a +=?==v v ()x x x d 62d 020??+= v v v () 2 213 x x +=v 2、解: =a d v /d t 4=t , d v 4=t d t ??=v v 00d 4d t t t v 2=t 2 v d =x /d t 2=t 2 t t x t x x d 2d 020??= x 2= t 3 /3+x 0 (SI) 3、解: ct b t S +==d /d v c t a t == d /d v ()R ct b a n /2 += 根据题意: a t = a n 即 ()R ct b c /2 += 解得 c b c R t -= 4、解:根据已知条件确定常量k ()222/rad 4//s Rt t k ===v ω 24t =ω, 2 4Rt R ==ωv s t 1=时, v = 4Rt 2 = 8 m/s 2s /168/m Rt dt d a t ===v 22s /32/m R a n ==v ()8.352/122=+=n t a a a m/s 2

5、解:(1) 球相对地面的初速度 =+='v v v 030 m/s 抛出后上升高度 9.4522='=g h v m/s 离地面高度 H = (45.9+10) m =55.9 m (2) 球回到电梯上时电梯上升高度=球上升高度 2021)(gt t t - +=v v v 08.420==g t v s 6、解: 设人到船之间绳的长度为l ,此时绳与水面成θ角,由图可知 222s h l += 将上式对时间t 求导,得 t s s t l l d d 2d d 2= 根据速度的定义,并注意到l ,s 是随t 减少的, ∴ t s v v t l v d d ,d d 0-==- =船绳 即 θ cos d d d d 00v v s l t l s l t s v ==-=-=船 或 s v s h s lv v 02/1220)(+==船 将船v 再对t 求导,即得船的加速度 32022202 02002)(d d d d d d s v h s v s l s v s lv s v v s t s l t l s t v a =+-=+-=-==船船 7、解:(1)大船看小艇,则有1221v v v ρ ??-=,依题意作速度矢量图如图(a) 由图可知 1222121h km 50-?=+=v v v 方向北偏西 ?===87.364 3arctan arctan 21v v θ (2)小船看大船,则有2112v v v ρ ??-=,依题意作出速度矢量图如图(b),同上法,得
