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It is as much a summer ritual as Wimbledon. Every August Britain’s 18-year-old school-leavers tear open envelopes containing their A-level results and see whether they have done well enough to get into their chosen universities. The most successful students (and the prettiest ones) find their pictures splashed across the national newspapers. The less fortunate face the prospect of

try ing to get a place through “clearing”, the mopping-up exercise in which state universities offer their unfilled places to the best of the rest.


But this year, thanks to both the parlous state of government finances and renewed attempts to make universities compete among themselves for students, the landscape is significantly different. Undergraduates starting in the autumn will be the first to pay up to 9,000 ($14,000) a year for tuition, almost triple the previous maximum. Fears that higher fees would deter poorer students from applying have not been borne out. While there has been a small fall in the application rate among English students (somewhat different rules apply in devolved Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), the drop was sharper among those from wealthier areas.


The problem is not lack of applicants but lack of places. As David Willetts, the universities minister, points out, universities are still heavily oversubscribed—even with higher fees, around a quarter of students will fail to get places. Since fees are paid upfront by the government and repaid by students only if they get a decent job, to keep down costs to taxpayers admissions are determined by strict quotas. In effect, the state decides how many students will go to university.问题不在于没人申请而在于缺少高招名额。正如英国大学事务国务大臣戴维·威利茨所指出的,目前英国大学仍处于申请过度超额的状态——即使有高额的学费,依旧有约四分之一的学生无法上大学。由于大学学费是先由政府预付,只有当学生找到体面的工作后,再由学生偿付,因此,为了降低纳税人的开支,大学的招生数量要受到配额的严格限制。实际上,是国家决定着多少学生能上大学。

In previous years, quotas applied to all students at state-funded universities. This year the

best-performing among them—those with AAB grades or better on their A-levels—are excluded, which means that the universities able to attract them (ie, the best ones) can expand as much as
