



股票市场统计表Statistics Statistics of of Stock Stock Market Market 股票筹资额(亿 元)成交量(百万股)成交金额(亿元)期末总股本(亿股)期末市价总值(亿元)期末上市公司数(家) 期末收盘指数(Index) 上证综合指数深证成份指数 Equity Financing Volume of Trading Turnover of Trading Volume Issued Total Market Capitalization at End of Period Number of listed company Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index Shenzhen Stock Exchange Componet Index at End of Period (100 Million Yuan)at End of Period (100 Million Yuan)(One Million Shares)(100 Million Yuan)(100 Million Shares) 2018.011137900291114890539875855733500348111160 2018.0237954438464393542015616463512325910829 2018.03507812693103299543705595193522316910869 2018.0457461915782388545865425333531308210324 2018.0546567885489887551505442203539309510296 2018.06 2018.07 2018.08 2018.09 2018.10 2018.11 2018.12 2018年累计30623555380454857 数据来源:中国证券监督管理委员会。 Source:China Securities Regulatory Commission.
