


一、请你根据下表中所提供的信息以“Learn to express thanks”为题,用英语写一








参考词汇:enter society 进入社会,sense of thanks 感恩意识,behavior 行为





Good morning, boys and girls!

The topic of my speech today is “Learn to express thanks”. We find some students who want to eat well and wear fashionable clothes at school. When they leave school and enter society, they don’t know how to show thanks.

I think this behavior is wrong. As students, we should learn to express thanks. The society offers us a chance to receive good education. And our parents also support us to go to school. Our teachers teach us much knowledge, so we should thank them. We should also thank our friends because they can always give us courage and help.

In the future, we should never forget our society, parents, teachers and friends. At present(目前), we should study harder to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your listening!

二、根据汉语提示,以A wonderful Day in the World Park 为题写一篇80词左右的短文。

星期天,Millie和同学们乘了近两个小时的大巴来到了世界公园。一路上Millie 都觉得很不舒服,但一进世界公园,看到仿建的(man-made)世界各地一百多处名胜古迹,她立刻被吸引了。他们玩的很高兴,还拍了许多照片。


A Wonderful Day in the World Park

On Sunday,Millie and her classmates visited the World Park. The bus trip took them about two hours. Millie felt sick for the whole trip. But as soon as she was inside the park, she was attracted by the wonderful attractions. There are more than 100 man-made places of interest from all over the world.

Millie and her classmates had a wonderful time in the World Park and they also took lots of photos. What a wonderful day Millie had!

三、请根据下列表格的提示,写一篇题为Changes in Our Hometown的英语短文。80词左右。



Changes in Our Hometown

In the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our hometown. In the past,there used to be old houses. The river was very dirty. The roads were narrow and the living conditions were hard. People went to work on foot or by bike. But now, there are many 过去现在

1. 旧房 1. 高楼

2. 河水肮脏 2. 河水清澈

3. 步行、骑自行车上班 3. 乘公交车、小汽车上班

4. 道路狭窄 4. 环形路宽阔

5. 居住条件差 5. 居住环境舒适

tall buildings in my hometown. The river is clean and the water is clear. There are many roads and they are wide enough.People usually go to work by bus or by car.

I am glad to see these great changes in my hometown. But I think it's still important to remember the past. It tells that we should protect the present life.

四、练习是学习中一个重要的环节。通过英语练习,我们可以查缺补漏、拓展知识、提高成绩,但是有人认为做大量的英语练习增添负担、浪费时间、使人劳累.....请你围绕八年级学生是否应该做大量的英语练习(English exercises)这一话题展开思路谈谈你的感想。






How to learn English well?

We have been learning English for over 6 years and really love it. English is one of the most important languages in the world. It’s necessary for us to learn it well. How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways.

I think doing English exercises is good for us because "more practice makes perfect!" so I think it's necessary but it's not the only way to improve English. We should try to talk more English and we can watch English movies to improve our listening. So doing exercises is not the only way to improve our English,while we are resting, we can watch English videos, we are not only learning but also resting! Don't give yourself too much pressure, try to learn in another way!


怎样提高初中英语的写作技巧和方法 西畴县逸夫中学-----杨宗粉 【摘要】:培养学生写作能力须:打好词汇量基础;熟练记住单词;熟练使用简单句;加强听力训练,;书写规范,促进写作;注重听、说、读能力的同步发展;重视课外练习。注重学生平时的单词拼写与组句能力,提醒学生积累常用表达方式,要求阅读背诵精彩段落,同时教师要利用教材话题资源,结合多种训练与评价方式,提升学生思维能力,强化写作专项指导,使学生养成英语书面表达的习惯,最终达到英语作为语言交际的目的。 【关键词】:写作技巧;词汇量;写作方法;单词拼写组句能力;阅读背诵;常用表达方式 听说读写是构成英语语言交际能力的重要组成部分,其中要求较高的是“写”的能力。《英语课程标准》对各个年级学生“写”的技能提出了明确目标对于我们农村地区的学生来说,英语写作非常困难。尤其在每一次的英语考试中,英语写作题型总是必不可少的,而且占到 15-20分左右,可见写作在英语考题中占的比例还是较大的。但一提起写作学生们就犯愁,甚至一字不写,有的干脆放弃。写一篇像样的英语作文多80%的学生来说是“难于上青天”。针对这种现象来分析学生存在的问题和解决的办法: 一、学生写作过程中出现的现状 1.词汇量太少 词汇是英语写作必不可少的基本要素,要写好一篇作文以表达自己的思想,必须以足够的词汇量为基础,但实际上大多数学生掌握的词汇

量都达不到规定的要求,因而在写作时也就不能随心所欲地表达自己的思想。出现的问题往往有拼写错误,影响理解;词语误用,表达不准确;某一词语反复使用,语言表达缺乏变式,文章显得单调乏味;文章中出现大量“造词”,让人看了啼笑皆非等。 语法规则和句型句式是英语写作涉及的另一基本要素。学生英语写作中出现的“大错”又多半是由语法错误引起的,学生在写作中语法不规范、句子结构混乱、含义不清等情况屡见不鲜,Chinese English 现象更是不乏其中,所以词汇量和语法问题是中学生英语写作时首先要解决的问题。 2.词汇错误较多 学生在写作的时候,中式英语Chinglish :如There are many people would like to go on a vacation. I by bike to school every day. 2、词汇错误:错别字、近义词混淆、词性误用3、词组、句型使用不正确,缺乏重点句型的使用:如I spent one hour to read the book yesterday. 4、时态、语态、人称把握不正确(审题不正确)。思维模式总是先汉语,后转化为英语,可能他想到了句子该怎样写,句型也知道的,但却有个别单词不会。如:“对我来说学英语是困难的”这个句子可能他想到了,句子结构“it is+adj for sb to do sth”也知道,但里面的形容词difficult不会写,导致句子表达含糊,以至于整篇文章错词百出,面目全非。 3.写出的长句达不到表达效果 一般的英语应试作文,总会给出汉语提示,学生写作也是从提示


初三下英语作文合集 作文1:写一篇日记 假定你是李明,请你根据下面表格中的汉语提示,用英语写一篇日记,记述你5月30日参加的一次郊游活动,并简要谈谈你的感受。 写作要求: 1.日记必须要点齐全,可适当发挥; 2.文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; 3.词数80左右,已给出的词句不计入总词数。 参考词汇 outing; arrive; go boating; comfortable; return May 30th Today I went for a pleasant outing with my friends... 范文: Today I went for a pleasant outing with my friends. We went to Li Lake. It is about ten kilometers away from my home. We went there by bike. We started at 9:00 and arrived there at 10:00 in the morning. We went boating in the lake first, and then we went fishing by the lake. In the afternoon, we went swimming in a swimming pool beside the lake. We felt relaxed and comfortable in the water. At 5:30 in the afternoon, we returned together. We all had a good time for our outing. 作文2:做一个关于电话礼仪的演讲 学生会将要邀请Mr. Black做一个关于电话礼仪的演讲。请根据下列内容,写一个不少于90词的通知,不包括所给的开头和结尾。 Name of the talk: Good telephone manners Time: 2 p.m., May 13 Place: The school hall Content: Some important rules 参考词汇: answer a phone as soon as possible; say sorry for delays; keep your voice down; speak naturally; say good-bye before hanging up Hello, everyone,


如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! 初中英语写作及教学设计优秀案例 转载于绿色圃中小学教育网 一、引言 英语写作教学是初中英语教学的一项重要内容,也是学生掌握比较薄弱的一环。我们应抓好基本功的训练、开展形式多样的写作训练、进行行之有效的讲、评、改,以切实有效地提高学生的英语写作技能。 二、抓好基本功的训练 写作是语言的输出,应建立在语言材料输入的基础上,如果学生没有关于主题信息的知识输入,没有正确的英语词法、句法、语段和语篇结构特征等知识,就很难实现正确的语言输出。俗话说:“巧妇难为无米之炊”。因此,要想写好作文,就必须抓好基础。 1.听写练习 听写每个单元的重点单词、短语和句子。听写练习既能练听又能练写,一方面检验了听的理解,另一方面也有助于提高写的速度及准确性,还可巩固所学内容,为写作打下坚实的基础。 2.说的练习 每节课前几分钟,可采用值日生报告制,内容不限,可以是读过的小故事、也可以是自己的习作;教师也可就上节课所学内容进行一连串的提问,或让学生把所学对话改写成短文等。通过这种说的练习,让学生注意时态、语态、人称和前后的逻辑关系,从而为写作打下基础。 3.词组识记以及固定表达句型背诵 在教学中要求学生多识记词组。词组就是单词根据语用实际形成的一种约定俗成的固定搭配。如果想写出或说出地道的英语,就要用那些约定俗成的词组。例如,表达吃药的词组是“take medicine”而不是“drink medicine”或“eat medicine”。记住词组have a good time 意义及用法, 写作中就不会出现“I played happily”汉语式的错误了。英语中有许多比较固定的表达方式,如:I am afraid that…. It is hard to…等,掌握了它们,对学生写作大有裨益。 4.五种简单句的句型结构训练 五种简单句是指以下基本句型:SV、SVP、SVO、SVOC、SVOO。英语中千变万化的句子归根到底都离不开这五个基本句型,因此对这五个基本句型的训练就尤为重要。 三、开展形式多样的写作训练 1.英汉互译练习 每个单元都有一两个重点句型,让学生进行英汉互译,可进行两种语言的对比,提高学生对英语语言的敏感度,从而在写作中有意识地避免母语干扰,正确使用英语语言。 2.仿写 教师容易围绕句型设计小作文,鼓励学生阅读后仿写相似题材和内容的文章,这样的写作就不会出现结构混乱、内容空洞的现象,对增强学生的自信心、提高写作能力大有帮助。如Unit 4 What would you do?这一单元主要句型是I would …if I had a million dollars,我设计这样的作文题:假如你中了一百万的彩票你将会怎样做?同学们写出的作文就比较成功了。 3.充分利用教材进行写作练习,培养写的能力 Go for it! 以单元编排,每个单元一个话题,每个单元都由易到难,最后落实到以话题为主的书面写作上来。这些话题生动有趣,贴近学生生活,题材广泛,给学生以发挥的空间和余地。每个学生可根据个人特长以及自己对同一事物的不同见解,写出与众不同、富有个人特色的作文来。 4.对写作主题加以讨论,并整理、组织成文


最新中考英语作文八大技巧 中考英语作文八大技巧 第一招:审题细心 审题好比驾驶员打方向,方向对了,哪怕开得慢点,也会顺利到目的地。如果审题不清,书面表达的成绩不知道会有多惨。学生真正开始写作前,必须花相当一部分时间做写前阅读、思考等准备,包含以下四方面: 1)审体裁。根据情景提示首先要弄清写何种体裁文章。 2)审结构。明确开始部分、正文部分和结尾部分,定好段落。 3)审格式。如日记、便条、书信、通知的格式等。 4)审内容。弄清什么必需写,哪些略写,尤其是图画式书面表达,要学会连贯性,读懂图的意思。

5)审人称和时态。弄清书面表达要求用何种人称,根据材料确定短文的基本时态。 第二招:衔接流畅 恰当使用逻辑词语,使各要点间连贯,行文通顺。 表并列或递进:and, both…and...,neither…nor, not only…but also...; 表选择: or, either…or; 表转折或让步: but,although, though, however, even though, in spite of, on the contrary; 表对比: like, unlike, while; 表举例: for example, such as, that's to say; 表强调: in fact, of course, besides;

表时间顺序: when, after, before,as soon as, soon,after; 表因果关系: because, since, as, for, for this reason,as a result; 表结论: in a word, to sum up,in summary, in conclusion, on the whole. 第三招:短语地道 如果能多用短语,则可回避书面表达中的中式英语,同时也能减少错误几率。尤其在考试时,如果使用短语,会使文章增加亮点。 第四招:句式丰富 一篇可读性强的文章,通常能较好体现学生对英语语言结构、词块、句式的运用。因此各类句式的多元呈现往往可以提升书面表达的成绩。 初中阶段英语写作常用的句式如下:There be…;the more…the more…;It’s adj for sb to do something;I think/believe/suppose…(宾从); It can’t be put into


英语教案范文全英文版初中 【Analysis of the Teaching Material】 (I)STATUS AND FUNCTION 1.This unit is a revision unit, so it covers all communicative language knowledge learned from Unit 7 to Unit 11. 2.This lesson is the first one of Unit 12. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit. 3.This lesson is a dialogue about keeping fish. Such topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English. (II)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS Knowledge objects 1. To make the Ss know how to keep fish, birds or any other animal by learning the dialogue of this lesson. 2. To give a reinforced practice in the use of the Modal Verbs and some useful expressions for making suggestions. Ability objects


初三英语作文范文【六篇】 初三英语作文范文篇一:我的英语老师MyEnglishTeacher ,, 我的英语老师姓李,他30岁了。他特别喜欢体育,所以看起采既年轻又强壮。他还很喜欢唱歌。每当我们上课累了的时候,他就教我们唱一些英文歌曲。有时还给我们讲一些有趣的故事。他经常鼓励我们用英语交谈和写作。虽然我们时不时地会犯一些错误,但他总是耐心地给我们指出并改正,还教我们如何正确表达。他真是一位好老师。我们都喜欢他,也喜欢上他的课。 初三英语作文范文篇二:我的假期myholiday I’ 我要去太阳度假。我将用宇宙飞船去那里。我要坐一个蓝色的宇宙飞船。然后我会驾驶飞船到太阳。太阳很热。所以我穿上超衬衫。早上,我会吃太阳汉堡作早餐。 Ateighto’clock, 八点我就可以和我的朋友那里玩耍了。他们是超级狗和超级女孩。狗是黑色和白色相间的。超级女孩很聪明。超级女生和超级狗喜欢和我玩。所以我和他们玩了四十分钟。然后我在我小小的红房子里的蓝色的小桌子上做我的功课。做完作业后,我就吃午餐。我会吃太阳沙拉。我会给太阳婴儿做一些红色的玩具熊。我会喝红色的果汁,红色的鱼和红色的米饭。所有的东西都是红色的。然后我需要大量的水因为在太阳上实在是太热了。所以我会步行到飞船,驾驶飞船回到地球。 Thisisagoodholidayonthesun. 这是一个在太阳上的愉快假期。

初三英语作文范文篇三:MyFavoriteHoliday我最喜欢的节日 ,theholidayIlikemostistheChildren’’,, 一年中有许多节日,这其中我最喜欢的节日是儿童节。每年的6月1日是儿童节。我们学校有许多庆祝活动。例如,学校会在那一天举行游园活动,我们可以玩很多游戏,赢了的话还能得到奖品。游园活动是我们学校欢迎的活动。另外,我们还能看电影或者在班里举行小小的活动,我们一般会买零食和水果,那真的很有趣。儿童节就是充满乐趣的节日,我们都很快乐。 初三英语作文范文篇四:我的网友MyNetFriend 参考翻译 我的网友 我只有九岁的时候我学会了如何使用电脑。我的母亲是我的第一个老师。我知道如何打字,如何复制一个文件,以及如何在互联网上访问一个网站。有一天,妈妈不在家。 我打开电脑,开始学习如何上网聊天。我遇到的第一个是一个男孩叫汤姆。他礼貌地跟我打招呼。当他知道我只是一个9岁的女孩,而且几乎一无所知在网上聊天,他开始向我展示如何使用聊天工具,如何下载,以及如何发电子邮件。我从他那里学到了很多。 初三英语作文范文篇五:难忘的事anunforgettablething


中考英语作文写作技巧总结 中考写作注意事项: 知识点1: ①记叙文之人物写作通常需要介绍人物的姓名,外貌,性格,爱好等多个方面,但是不能出 现真实的姓名,校名及家庭住址。 ②考试时最好以学生身边普通的人物进行描写,从平凡的人中找到不平凡的精神。考试的时 候需要严格按照题目要求进行写作,包括所给的全部信息,既不能遗漏,也不能随意添加。 ③议论文体裁特点:要求学生就某一方面的问题通过摆事实、讲道理的方式来发表自己的看 法。一般来说,议论文由论点、论据、论证三部分组成。 1)论点要正确无误。 2)论据要可靠充分。论据可以是人们公认的真理,也可以是经过实践考证的经典著作。 3)论证要合理严密。人们常用的论证方法有归纳法、推理法、对比法。 4)议论文一般按提出问题、解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排层次。 知识点2:写作思路 1.认真审题,理清思路: 确定题目中的关键词,文章体裁和主旨。 2.搜集材料,制定提纲: 展开一次“Brain Storming”即头脑风暴,对该题引申出各种联想和论点。根据自己已有的经 验和词汇量选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的方面和论点来写作。

3.选择词句,动笔行文: 确定基本的写作时态,如记叙文通常用一般过去时 典型案例分析: 1. Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据所给情景写一封不少于60 词的信) Suppose you are Joe. Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she cares too much about the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some advice. (假如你是Joe, 你的好朋友Betty 因为过于在意考试结果而感到焦虑。请给她写一封信,谈谈你的看法,并给她一些建议。) 。) (注意:文中不得出现任何姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分 ........................... 第一步:分析题目 1. 审题 1) 这篇文章根据题目要求,我们可以确定文章的是一篇应用文即:书信。 2)根据写作要求知道是给他人提出建议或意见的文章,需要针对Betty遇到的问题实际出发来进行写作。 2. 确定写作重点和写作目的。 1)重点是安慰处于考试焦虑的Betty。 2)给出解决问题的建议。 3. 书信的格式: 英文信一般可以分为下列几个部分。 1)信端(Heading)即写信人的地址和发信日期。 2)收信人姓名地址


1 朋友会给你带来欢乐,朋友能解除你学习生活的烦恼,真正的朋友是患难与共的,您的朋友如何?请你以‘‘My Good Friend’’为题写一篇英语短文。 提示:1Who is your good friends? 2 Why is he/ she your friend? 3.What kind of qualities does he /she have? 要求:1。语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;2。文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3。词数:60-80。 My good friend . Everyone has got good friends.Who is your friends?Who is your true friends?Let’s tell you my best friend Tommy. Tommy is a grade seven student .He’s one year older than than me,but both of us are in the same class.Tommy is taller than me ,he always wears a pair of glasses .We live in the same block.We usually go to school together.After school ,we do our homework and play games together.Tommy is very kind to other people ,He is also helpful and is ready to help people..Sometimes I’m angry and he often comes to me and make me happy,but he never says a bad word about me.I like to share things with him. That is my good friend ,and I’m always happy to be with him. 2 去看电影是人们休闲的好方式。它既丰富了人们的业余生活,有开阔人们的视野。 请你以I like seeing a film a lot.为题写一篇幅英语短文。 提示;1。Why do you like seeing a film? 2.What’s your reason for seeing a film? 要求:1。语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;2。文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称 3.80 个词左右。 I Like Seeing Film a Lot Lots of people like seeing films ,so do I. As a middle school student,I’m busy with my lessons every day .So I usually go to a movie on the weekend. Seeing a film is not just for fun ,but it’s a good reaction,There are many different kind of films ,such as cartoon ,love story, science fiction ...I enjoy seeing science fiction and funny films. The movies can give me more new knowledge and I can learn much from them.My parents also like movies .They ask me to relax by watching a movie on weekends. Sometimes we all go to see a new film in the movie theater.We feel very nice. 3.假如某英语报社的“未来职业板块正在征稿。请你以I Want to Be a Teacher 为题,写一篇英语短文,参加征稿活动。 提示;1。W hat would you do if you become a teacher? 2.How will you get along well with them? 要求:1。语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;2。文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3。词数:60-80。 I Want to Be a Teacher I want to be a teacher when I grow up .If I become a teacher , I’ll care for both my students’study and life .I’ll be strict with them and teach them how to study .In class,I’ll try my best to teach them well.I’ll play with them after class. I’m sure I’ll be their good friend and a good teacher.I believe there is nothing difficult if you put your heart into it. Do you believe me ?


初中英语教案格式 一、说教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material 1. 说课型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision) 2. 本课在教材中的地位 status and function Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability. 3. 说教学指导思想 teaching guideline (Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills:develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model) 4. 说教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands (…be intended for Ss in key schools) 1)认知目标 knowledge objects a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:


1 My Desk-mate Jenny is my desk-mate. She is a hard-working girl. When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. Now she is chairman of the Student Union in our school. She gives us the impression that her ability to express her ideas is excellent. In spare time, she likes to carry a book .with her and writes down what she sees and hears. She's such a lovely girl that I enjoy talking with her to share her ideas. 2关于全运会志愿者的英语作文:初中水平I was quite excited when I heard the 11th National Games will be held in the city I live in 2009. My name is XX. I am an 18-year-old boy student in a senior middle school. And I want to be a volunteer for the games. I like English and sports very much. I like making friends and I am ready to help others. I can be a good interpreter in every sports during the time. Hope the National games will be a great success. Hope I will be chosen to be one. Thanks. 中考英语作文范文:1.How to make friends


水污染Water Pollution Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollution is increasing. Look! The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. Most of fish in the water have died, and we can’t swim in the water. My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends. That was before, but now we can’t see such clean rivers. Let’s protect the water from pollution, be cause we can’t live without water. The water is really important to us all. 2.元旦英语作文(初中) January 1st is New Year's Day. It's a great day for all the people throughout the world. As the saying goes, "A good beginning is half the battle". So, many people go all out to celebrate the important day. On that day, I went to the Book City with my classmates. We bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books. I believe "Knowledge is power". I hope I can learn a lot from these books and improve my study. In the evening, my family had a big dinner party. All the members in my family wished me a good luck in the new year. 3.关于时间的英语作文初中英语作文 We often hear the saying"Time is money."But I think time is much more precious than money.Because If we lost time, we can't find it.But We can try to woke harder to get more money.No matter whatever you do ,you can not get lost time back. "Time flies.time and tides wait for no men".You can see how important time is.Lunxun had said"I spent the time on my work while others are havig coffee."We must make good use of our time,especially for our students,we shouldn't waste time in playing games and the like. 4.初中英语作文My friend (我的朋友) I have many friends. One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it. He often practises reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation. He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made great progress. I have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near future. 5.初中英语作文水 Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day. Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories (we call water plants) that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.


九年级下册英语教案范文. Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? The First PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: restroom, shampoo, stamp (2) Target Language: Excuse me. Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure. There’s a bookstore on River Road. 2. Ability Objects: 1)Train students’listening ability. (2)Train students’ communicative competence. Teaching Step 1: Revision T: You’re new to this school. You need to know where the main office is.How can you ask where the main office is? S1: Where’s the main office? T: That’s one way to ask. But there is a more polite way you can ask. You can say, "Can you tell me where the main office is?" Class repeat. Can you tell me where the main office is? Ss: Can you tell me where the main office is? T: That’s correct. Now let’s say you want to know where Classroom 1 is. How can you ask? S2: Can you tell me where Classroom 1 is? T: Good! There’s another polite way you can ask: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Class repeat. Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Ss: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? T: That’s right. Very good.Step Ⅱ1a Go through the


初中英语作文带翻译范文大全初中英语作文:糟糕的一天My Sad Day Today, when I went home after school, I saw the delicious snack, so I wanted to buy one of the snacks, then I could not find my wallet, I searched it many times, at last, I had to admit that my wallet was lost. I felt so worried, so I turned back to find my wallet, I watched the road carefully, suddenly, a black dog was in front of me, I felt so scared. The hog yelled at me, so I ran, the dog run after me, I run into the shop and got rid of the dog. I have to went home because of it was dark, my mother came out and told me I forget to bring my wallet, how stupid I am. 翻译:今天,当我放学回家后,我看到了美味的小吃,因此我想要买一些小吃,然后我找不到钱包,我搜索了很多遍,最后,我不得不承认我的钱包弄丢了。我很着急,所以我返回去找我的钱包,我一路仔细查找,突然,一条黑狗在我前面,我很害怕。那条狗朝着我叫,所以我跑了,狗追赶我,我跑进了一家商店,摆脱了那条狗。由于天色已暗,我不得不回家,我的妈妈出来,告诉我我忘记了拿钱包,我是多么的愚蠢啊。初中英语作文:我身边的噪音The Noises Around Me I live in the school now, I will go home on the weekend, at first, I thought living in school could make me focus on my study, while the fact is not. At noon, when I take a snap, the noise from the building machine is so loud, our school is under construction now, so the workers work day and night. But I couldn’t sleep well, my head aches, without not good sleep, I can’t focus my mind to study. What’s more, some students are playing games in the corridor, they laugh so loudly that do not realize they are bothering us. I hope the school could let the workers stop working at noon for two hours, so that it will be good to students. 翻译:我现在在学校住,我会在周末回家,刚开始,我以为住在学校能让我集中精力学习,然而事实并非如此。在中午,当我午睡的时候,建筑的机器发出很大的噪音,我们学校现在正在建造中,因此工人日以继夜地工作。但是我无法好好入睡,我的头很痛,没有好的睡眠,我就无法集中精力学习。而且,一些学生在走廊外玩游戏,他们笑得如此的大声,没有意识到打扰了我们。我希望学校能让工人在中午停工两个小时,这样对学生好。初中英语作文:杜绝浪费Never Wasting the Food When I was small, I like to eat a lot of food, but I have a habit, I will not eat up all the food, I just like to taste all of it. When my mother saw this, she felt bad for me, she told me that all the food was the farmers’ hard work, I should not waste it. Thinking about this, I felt so shameful about my bad behavior, I decided to eat up the food. Wasting the food should be condemned, especially in the cities, people like to waste the food, they want to keep thin and only eat small portion. Now, the government advocates people clean the plate, this movement is welcomed by the public, more and more people have the idea not to waste the food. 翻译:在我小的时候,我喜欢吃很多东西,但是我有一个习惯,我不会把东西吃完,我喜欢浪费食物。当我的妈妈看到这些,她对我感觉不好,她告诉我所有的食物都是农民辛勤劳作的,我不应该浪费食物。想到这些,我对自己的坏习惯感到惭愧,我决定吃完所有的食物。浪费食物应该受到谴责,特别是在大城市,人们喜欢浪费食物,他们想要保持苗条,只吃小部分。现在,政府提倡人们光盘,这个做法得到了大众的肯定,越来越多的人意识到不浪费食物。初中英语作文:北京三日游A Three-day Tour to Beijing Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile. It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese. All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am! There were so many tourist areas in my plan list, like Tian’anmen Square, Forbidden City, the Great Wall, t he Perking University and so on. However, due to my short holiday I only visit several places of my list, with my friend’s companion. I will take a long tour to Beijing next time if I have the chance.翻译:上个月我去北京看望我的一个朋友,因为我们有将近两年没见,而我刚好有假期。这是我第一次游览北京,这座全中国人都向往的城市。我对北京的所以认知都来自电视和书本,而现在我有机会亲自来看
