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Unit Three Born to win

1.Develop good attitudes towards life

2.To know the differences between a winner and a loser

3. Learn to be confident in yourself

4. Translation practice and skill training

5. Some important new words and phrases should be mastered

6 academic hours.

Methods:Elicitation Communicated Approach translation

2.words learning

3.discuss paragraphs of the text and translate some sentences into Chinese.

4.reviewing the words phrases and sentences pattern through a range of exercises.

1.Key words,phrases & usages

achievement appropriately capability capacity range dominate guilt potential range respond unique

be born with in one’s own right refer to as a matter of do one’s thinking

come to a conclusion call for in the face of see as contribute to be unaware of channel into manipulate into live up to enter into

2.Difficult sentences

I.Related Information:

Rather than being born to win, most successful people have been educated or trained to win. Winning requires adequate skills, opportunity to use these skills productively, and most of all, and attitude which guarantees that the winning individual will work hard and stay with a task until it is completed. There are countless examples which could be given: Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, etc. For each of these winners it is clear that good habits and a good attitude were at least as important as good inherited skills. The fact is that a good set of inherited skills is as likely to occur in a person born into poverty as it is in a person born into wealth. Comfort has often been the

curse of the wealthy, and there is little support for the idea that a life of ease will lead to a life as a winner. In nearly every field of work or profession there are winners who have come from humble beginnings. In the United States, this was so evident to many people that there have been many books written in praise of the individual who struggles early in life to become a winner or a person widely known as successful.

So when you see a person who is a winner in life, remember that it is not that they were “born to win”. The usual case is that they had formed good habits of learning and living, and they had an attitude which caused them to succeed and never to consider defeat or loss as an acceptable outcome or something else.

II.Suggested Class Activities

1.Warming-up Activity: What are the basic rules we’ve to follow if we want to win

Purpose: Make it clear that winning requires necessary skills

Step 1 Discuss in groups about how to become winner

Step 2 Then list the necessary qualification we have to own in order to be a winner

Step 3Write down the points on the blackboard to let them have a deeper thinking,.

Suggested words/expressions:

Overcome / background / hardship / deal with / get along with / perseverance / flexibility /independence / self-confidence / contribute to / good health

2.In-class reading activity: Are we born to win

Purpose: Show them the fact that only hard work can lead to winning

Step 1Divide the students into two big groups to discuss whether people are born to win

Step 2Ask each group to select three or four speakers to have a debate with each other to decide whether we are born to win.

Step 3 The teacher may finally comment on their debate and make the fact clear that talent only plays a minor important part in one’s life.

Suggested words/expressions:

Appropriately / capacity / creativity / evaluate / potential / inadequate / responsive / call for III.Further development:Live your dreams

Step 1 Write down on a piece of paper what you think you will be doing 10 years later from now on..

Step 2Write down on the other side of the paper what you dream to be doing 10 years later form now on.

Step 3If your answers are different, try to explain what is preventing you from living your dreams to other members in your group. And try to help each other to build up confidence.

IV.In-Class Reading
