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Unit 1 Love

Teaching Objectives

1.To require students think what makes a good heart.

2.To help students learn to express and remember the words.

3. To get the students communicate with each other bravely.

4.To guide the students to use some important words and useful expressions.

Teaching Requirements

1.Students are able to get a clear picture of the text .

2.Students are required to master the new words and phrases in the passage.

3.Students should read some reading materials and do exercises after class .

Teaching methodology

municative method (交际法)

2.Cognitive method(认知法):

3.Functional and notional method(功能意念法)

4.The grammar-translation method

Time Distribution

1. Preparation and analyses of the text A (2 hours)

2.Analyses of the text A and exercises (2 hours)

3.Analyses of the text B and Reading and exercises(2 hours)

4.Listening and speaking(1 hour)

Focuses and difficulties

prehension of text A.

2.Some words and phrases in the text

3.Reading skills

Teaching Emphasis

nguage Points

adjust bother complain content d espite embarrass envy occasion reluctant urge break out engage in set the pace subject…to

2. Grammatical Knowledge


Teaching Procedures

1. Preparation (Period 1&2)

1.1 What is love? What kind of love impresses you most and why?

Suggested Examples:

Love makes the world go round.

Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.

Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day.

Love is a universal and permanent topic. Whether it is a mother’s nurturing love for her child, a son’s loyal love for his father, the love between husband and wife, or the love between friends, love is a universal emotion that expresses itself in every culture. To love is to be human. To need love is also to be human. Children, for example, need loving care in order to be emotionally healthy.

Usually love is a deep feeling of fondness, affection and friendship that grows between two

people. Romantic love usually begins as passion and evolves with time to a more lasting sense of attachment. Many of the famous romantic love stories in various cultures end in the tragedies of death or betrayal. The loss of love is a favorite musical theme and the subject of countless stories, operas, songs, and ballads.

Love is actually more than the romantic emotion between a man and a woman; it has a wide sense of meaning. It may include our love for our family, love of our hometown, old school, former classmates, love of life, animals and nature and so on.

Love plays an important part in our life. It is love that gives us courage to overcome difficulties when we are in trouble, while the loss of love may make one broken-hearted. Suggested Examples:

Motherly love impresses me most, because she is always very kind to me, unlike my father who will scold me or slap me if I make mistakes or if I am naughty. My mother is an ordinary-looking woman, but in my eyes she is very beautiful. She is very hard-working and does almost all the housework. When I was working for the entrance examinations, she was very considerate and never let me do any housework. When I was hungry at night, she would fix a snack for me. She is a good cook. It’s a pity that I am not able to have what she cooks because I am far away from home now.

1.2 What is the difference between fatherly love and motherly love according to Enrich comments?

Erich Fromm’s Statements:

Motherly love by its nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any expectation. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is ―I love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me ‖

It is true that motherly love is unconditional. I believe what I’ve got from my mother is the deepest love I’ve ever received. (When I was at home, mother took good care of me…/ celebrate my birthdays/ woke me up and prepared breakfast/ Now I am away from home, she calls me every two or three days…) It seems that my life is much more important than hers.

As for fatherly love, I am not sure if his love is conditional, but obviously it’s different fro m mother’s love. Father also loves me very much (care about education, future, not daily life; help in study and progress…) .

Can you tell the difference between them according to your personal experiences?

I think there’s something in his statements, although it is hard for me to identify whose love is fatherly and whose love is motherly in the case of my parents. Unlike most mothers in the world, my mother is strict, concerned with study and progress, angry when I cover up any of my wrongdoings…

On the other hand, my father has been very kind to me. He knows my needs, comforts me after my mother criticizes me, brings me toys, books, takes me to look around during holidays…I enjoy his company very much, feeling secure and relaxed. That is why I often think I have the best father in the world.

How do you feel when you walk on the street and see a disabled person?

I feel pity towards those who are disabled. I wonder how they can manage in their daily life and whether they have a job. I feel lucky that I am not disabled.
