

1.I need to pick up somebody at the airport.(我要去机场接人)

2.Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问33666号航班会准时到吗?)

3.It has been delayed.(飞机晚点了)

4.It arrived on time.(飞机正点到达)

5.It has been cancelled.(航班被取消了)

6.Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?)

7.Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?)

8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No....(我会举个牌子在入口..号大门处等你.

9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away.我会在停车场等你.你一提好行李,马上打我手机.

10.My car is black with lisence plate No....我的车是黑色,车牌号是...

11.take off起飞




15. parking lot停车场

16.pay phone booth电话亭

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ad2690437.html,rmation Desk问讯处

Which Excit are you?

What is the number of your excit?

What's your exit (door) number please?

Where are you?Please tell me the gate No.beside you.

Mr. Mitchell将于今日抵台湾,Mr. Sun特别指派Brian去接机。

Sun: Brain, Mr. Mitchell will be arriving in Taiwan for the first time this morning. I'd like you to pick him up and help him get settled in.

Brian, Mitchell先生将在今天早上到台湾,他是第一次来,我希望你去接他,顺便帮他安顿好。Brian: Can do, Mr. Sun. Which hotel is he booked at?没问题,孙先生。他订哪一家旅馆? S: Howard Plaza. Everything's been arranged, under his name.


B: I'd better go to the airport now. shall I take one of the company cars?


S: No. Because we're negotiating such a large purchase from Northern Reflections, it's in our best interest to show him around in style. We've rented a limo.

不。既然要和Northern Reflections 谈这么大笔买卖,风风光光地带他逛逛,会对我们有好处。我们租了一辆豪华轿车。

B: Good idea. I'd better be on my way.


S: Brian, do you have a jacket and tie at the office today?


B: Yes. Why do you ask?


S: I know it's very humid, and the dress code is pretty casual here. But I think it's important

to look professional when a client is visiting.


B: I understand. I'll have my suit jacket and tie on when I meet Mr. Mitchell.


S: Fine. And I think it would be proper if you leave your jacket on, unless Mr. Mitchell takes his off first, or mentions how hot it is.


B: I follow you. Then I can suggest that he take off his jacket, then follow suit.


S: Yes. It's important that we pay attention to detail. Mr. Mitchell will be arriving on flight HK 211,from Hong Kong, at 11:20.

好。对小节也不能马虎,这是很要紧的。Mitchell 先生由香港搭HK211班机,会在11点20分到。

B: Will he visit our office today?


S: He'll probably have jetlag, so nothing's scheduled today.


B: I'll take him right to the hotel then, so he can get some shuteye.


S: Good. And please remind him that dinner is optional tonight, if he's not too tired. Otherwise, we have a meeting scheduled for 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.


B: We'll pick him up in both case?


S: Right. (as Brian is leaving) And Brian, make sure your suit is conservative-nothing too loud, eh?

没错。(Brian正要离)Brian, 记得你的西装款式要保守,别太花俏,嗯?


机场常用英语大全 机场指示牌 机场费airport fee 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场international airport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domestic airport 登机牌boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration 国际候机楼international terminal 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 国内航班出站domestic departure 中转transfers 卫星楼satellite 中转旅客transfer passengers 入口in 中转处transfer correspondence 出口exit; out; way out 过境transit 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare 贵宾室V.I.P. room 海关customs 购票处ticket office 登机口gate; departure gate 付款处cash 候机室departure lounge 出租车taxi 航班号FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point 来自...... arriving from 大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 实际时间actual time 租车处car hire 已降落landed 公共汽车bus; coach service


在机场常用到的英文 有很多人喜欢去旅游,到外国去,外国都是用用英语表 达的,我们要注意哪些呢?今天向大家分享一下关于机场常用的英文,希望对爱旅游的人有帮助。 Do you know the steps of taking a plane? 你知道乘坐飞机的步骤吗?接下来我们一起来看一下吧 Arrive at the airport 到达机场 Attention: be sure to at the airport 2 or 3 hours in advance, if you are going to take an International plane) 注意:一定要在机场2 或3 小时提前,如果你要采取国际飞机)你也许会听到这些话,请记住噢 机场英语 Check In 登记入住 How many suitcases do you wanna 你想托运多少箱check? 子? Do you have any carryon? 你有没有进行? Please empty your pockets and put the contents in the tray and hand me your boarding pass.


我。 Empty: vt. 使成为空的(out)( of); 空,倒空;vi. 成为空的;(江,河等)流入(into ) Put: vt. 放,摆,装 Hand :vt. 面交,给,传递;搀扶 Waiting at the departure hall. At this time, you can visit some duty free shops and buy some souvenirs. 在候机大厅等着。在这个时候,你可以参观一些免税商店和买一些纪念品。 乘飞机必备英语词汇:票务Ticketing 票号Ticket Number 旅客订座记录PNR (Passenger Name Record) 票价总额Fare Basis 航空公司代号Airline Code 票务代理Ticket Agency 行程单Itinerary 托运行李限制Baggage Allowance 手提行李Carry-on Bag 托运行李Check-in Bag 机票改期Date Change 升舱Upgrade


机场常用英语 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

常用机场英语 机场指示牌 1、机场费 airport fee All domestic and overseas passengers taking airplanes of chinese airlines are required to pay airport fee. 所有乘坐中国航空公司航班的中外乘客都要求支付机场建设费。Ticket, baggage and airport fee: 机票,行李和机场费: 2、出站(出港、离开) departure [di'pɑ:t??] The plane's departure was on schedule. 飞机准时起飞。 The time for his departure is five o'clock. 他在五点钟离开。 The time has arrived for departure. 出发的时间到了。 Has the departure date been fixed 起程的日期定了吗? 3、国际机场 international airport[,int?'n???n?l] Hangzhou xiaoshan international airport has come into use.杭州萧山国际机场已经通航。

The plane safely landed at the international airport. 飞机安全地在国际机场着陆。 Beijing international airport is a modernized airport. 北京国际机场是一座现代化的机场。 4、登机手续办理 check-in 到达并登记;报到 He has just checked in at the hotel. 他刚刚在旅馆办好住宿手续。 记录 The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one. 售票员逐一登记乘客。 5、国内机场 domestic airport [d?'mestik] Zhengzhou xinzheng international airport is a4e international airport and a first class domestic airport. 郑州新郑国际机场为4e级机场,是国内一类航空口岸。 6、登机牌 boarding pass (card) Here's your boarding pass. 这是您的登机证。 Please have your boarding pass in your hand. 请将登机证拿在手上。 7、机场候机楼 airport terminal


常用机场英语单词 国内候机楼domestic terminal 国际候机楼international terminal 候机室departure lounge 国内机场domestic airport 国际机场international airport 国内航班出站domestic departure 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 中国海关China customs 报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare 护照检查处passport control immigration 签证Visa 护照passport 身份证ID Card 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 航空公司办公室airline office 承运人carrier 航班号FLT No (flight number) 机号plane No. 机座号seat No. 机票飞机票endorsements/restrictions 购票处ticket office 服务柜台service counter 座舱等级class 头等舱First class 公务舱business class 经济舱Economic class 升舱Upgrade 改签Change ticket 单程One-way 往返Return 退票Ticket fecund 订座情况status 付款处cash 旅客姓名name of passenger 机票确认ticket confirm 机场费airport fee 起点城市from 前往…… departure to 旅行经停地点good for passage between 中转处transfer correspondence 中转旅客transfer passengers 前往城市to安全检查security check 值机Check in 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 行李查询处Baggage inquiry counter 行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李寄存Left baggage office 行李牌luggage tag VIP 休息室VIP lounge 休息室Rest room 计时休息室hourly lounge 直飞Non-stop 已降落landed 延误delayed 取消cancel 登机手续办理check-in 登机牌boarding pass (card) 登机boarding 起飞日期date 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 实际时间actual 起飞时间departure time 登机时间Boarding time 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 出站(出港、离开、出发)departures 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 吸烟室smoking room 吸烟坐位smoking seat 非吸烟席non-smoking seat 摆渡车Free Inter-terminal shuttle 出口exit; out; way out 入口in 登机口gate; departure gate 1号门Gate one 由此上楼up; upstairs 左转turn left 直走go straight 由此下楼down; downstairs 右转turn right 问讯处Information center 商务中心Business center 充电、充值Charge 插座Electric outlet 工作人员staff 经理Manager 机场大巴Air bus 租车处car hire 出租车taxi 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point 大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point 公共汽车bus; coach service 市区downtown 机场快轨Airport express train 失物招领处Lost and found 警务室Police station 停车场Car park/parking 咖啡店coffee shop/ cafe 液态物品Liquid items 餐厅restaurant 饮品Drinks 酒吧bar 书店book shop 公用电话public phone; telephone 厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's 女厕women's; lady's 迎宾处greeting arriving 免税店duty-free shop 足疗Foot massage 银行bank 自助取款ATM 中国银行Bank of China 建行China Construction Bank 工行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 农行Agriculture Bank of China 邮局post office 医疗室medical center 货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 出售火车票rail ticket 订旅馆hotel reservation 旅行安排tour arrangement


常用机场英语机场指示牌 机场费airport fee 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场international airport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domestic airport 登机牌boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration 国际候机楼international terminal 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 国内航班出站domestic departure 中转transfers 卫星楼satellite 中转旅客transfer passengers 入口in 中转处transfer correspondence 出口exit; out; way out 过境transit 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare 贵宾室V.I.P. room 海关customs 购票处ticket office 登机口gate; departure gate 付款处cash 候机室departure lounge 出租车taxi 航班号FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point 来自…… arriving from 大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 实际时间actual 租车处car hire 已降落landed 公共汽车bus; coach service 前往…… departure to 公用电话public phone; telephone 起飞时间departure time 厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room 延误delayed 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's 登机boarding 女厕women's; lady's 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅restaurant 迎宾处greeting arriving 酒吧bar 由此上楼up; upstairs 咖啡馆coffee shop; cafe 由此下楼down; downstairs 免税店duty-free shop 银行bank 邮局post office 货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 出售火车票rail ticket 订旅馆hotel reservation 旅行安排tour arrangement 行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李牌luggage tag


机场实用英语大全 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

机场用英语 aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长 steward 男服务员 stewardess, hostess 空中小姐 radio operator 报务员 hatch 舱口 aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机npilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱 parachute 降落伞 passenger cabin 客舱 luggage compartment 行李舱 airport 航空港, 民航机场 airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场

airport beacon 机场灯标 aboarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞行 bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行 smooth flight 平稳的飞行 ramp 扶梯 altitude, height 高度 air route, air line 航线 economy class, tourist class 经济座 non-stop flight 连续飞行 climbing, to gain height 爬升 ceiling 上升限度 first class 头等 night service 夜航 airsick 晕机 direct flight, straight flight 直飞 landing 着陆 to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机 to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机 to face the wind 迎风 `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````


1.机场常用对话 May I see your passport, please? 麻烦请给我你的护照。 Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿? Here is my passport / Here it is. 这是我的护照。 I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。 What‘s the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何? Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan? 是否有台湾回程机票? Sightseeing(Businese). 观光(公务)。 Yes, here it is. 有的,这就是回程机票。 How long will you be staying in the United States? 预计在美国停留多久? How much money do you have with you? 你随身携带多少现金? 5 days. 5天。 I have 800 dollars. 大约800元。 I plan to stay for about 10 days. 预计停留约10天。 Good. Have a nice day. 祝你玩得愉快。 I’m just passing through. 我只是过境而已。 Thank you. 谢谢。 I am leaving for Geneva tonight. 今晚即动身前往日内瓦。 2.行李遗失 出国旅行最令人气结的事,莫过于行李遗失。一旦发生这样不幸的事,

多数人的第一反应是心急如焚,在这样状况下,还要用英语向当地人员 请求协助,着实是件困难的事。本篇将提供在遗失行李的意外状况下, 旅客如何用简单而清楚的英语,向工作人员描述本身行李特色,提供足 够资料,以便掌握时间找回失物。 Where can I get my baggage? 我在何处可取得行李? It‘s a small ovemight bag. It’s light brown. 它是一个茶色小旅行袋。 I can‘find my baggage. 我找不到我的行李。 Please wait for a moment while we are investigating. 我们正在调查,请稍等一下。 Here is my claim tag. 这是我的行李票。 We may have lost some baggage so we’d like to make a lost baggage report. Would you come with me to the office? 我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告。 请和我到办公室。 Could you please check it urgently? 是否可麻烦紧急查询? How soon will I find out? 多快可找到? How many pieces of baggage have you lost? 你总共遗失了几件行李? Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you‘ve located it. 一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。 Can you describe your baggage? 请描述你的行李。 How can you help me if you can’t find my baggage today? 若是今天无法找到行李,你可如何帮助我? It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it‘s gray. 它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。 I’d like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。 It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It‘s dark blue. 它是一个上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑蓝色行李箱。


机场常用英语词汇 机场费airport fee 国际机场international airport 国内机场domestic airport 机场候机楼airport terminal 国际候机楼international terminal 国际航班出港international departure 国内航班出站domestic departure 入口in 出口exit; out; way out 进站(进港、到达) arrivals 不需报关nothing to declare 海关customs 登机口departure gate 候机室departure lounge 航班号FLT No (flight number) 预计时间scheduled time 实际时间actual time 已降落landed 前往......departure to 起飞时间departure time 延误delayed 登机boarding 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 迎宾处greeting arriving 由此上楼up; upstairs 由此下楼down; downstairs 银行bank 货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 订旅馆hotel reservation 行李暂存箱luggage locker 出站(出港、离开) departures 登机手续办理check-in 登机牌boarding pass (card) 护照检查处passport control immigration 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班旅客international passengers 中转transfers 中转旅客transfer passengers 中转处transfer correspondence 过境transit 报关物品goods to declare 贵宾室V. I. P. room 购票处ticket office 付款处cash (衣人注:我记得挂CASH牌子的地方是兑换钱币的地方,存疑) 出租车taxi 出租车乘车点Taxipick-up point 大轿车乘车点coachpick-up point 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire 公共汽车bus; coach service 公用电话public phone; telephone 厕所toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's 女厕women's; lady's 餐厅restaurant 酒吧bar 咖啡馆coffee shop; cafe 免税店duty-free shop 邮局post office 出售火车票rail ticket 旅行安排tour arrangement [分享]机场口语 1.入境英语 麻烦请给我你的护照。May I see your passport, please? 这是我的护照。Here is my passport / Here it is. 旅行的目的为何? What's the purpose of your visit? 观光(公务)。Sightseeing (Business). 预计在美国停留多久? How long will you be staying in the United States? 5天。5 days. 预计停留约10天。I plan to stay for about 10 days. 我只是过境而已。I'm just passing through. 是否有回程机票? Do you have a return ticket ? 有的,这就是回程机票。Yes, here it is. 随身携带多少现金? How much money do you have with you? 大约800元。I have 800 dollars. 祝你玩得愉快。Good. Have a nice day. 谢谢。Thank you. 2. 行李遗失 出国旅行最令人气结的事,莫过于行李遗失。一旦发生这样不幸的事,多数人的第一反应是心急如焚,在这样状况下,还要用英语向当地人员请求协助,着实是件困难的事。本篇将提供在遗失行李的意外状况下,旅客如何用简单而清楚的英语,向工作人员描述本身行李特色,提供足够数据,以便掌握时间找回失物。 我在何处可取得行李? Where can I get my baggage? 我找不到我的行李。I can'find my baggage. 这是我的行李票。Here is my claim tag. 是否可麻烦紧急查询? Could you please check it urgently?


常用机场英语 一、机场指示牌 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场international airport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domestic airport 登机牌boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration 国际候机楼international terminal 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers国内航班出站domestic departure 中转transfers中转旅客transfer passengers 入口in中转处transfer correspondence 出口exit; out; way out过境transit 进站(进港、到达) arrivals报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare贵宾室V.I.P. room 旅游咨询中心TOURIST INFORMATION海关customs 购票处ticket office登机口gate; departure gate 付款处cash候机室departure lounge 出租车taxi航班号FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point来自…… arriving from 预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 实际时间actual已降落landed 公共汽车bus; coach service前往…… departure to 公用电话public phone; telephone起飞时间departure time 厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room延误delayed 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's登机boarding 由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅restaurant迎宾处greeting arriving 酒吧bar由此上楼up; upstairs 咖啡馆coffee shop; café由此下楼down; downstairs 免税店duty-free shop银行bank 邮局post office货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 旅行安排tour arrangement行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李牌luggage tag 二、机票 飞机票endorsements/restrictions前往城市to 旅客姓名name of passenger承运人carrier 旅行经停地点good for passage between航班号flight no.


机场英语口语 一入关 麻烦请给我你的护照。May I see your passport, please? 将在那儿住宿?Where are you staying? 这是我的护照。Here is my passport / Here it is. I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。 旅行的目的为何? What's the purpose of your visit? (移民)(观光)(公务)。(Immigrant)(Sightseeing)(Business). Do you have a return ticket to Beijing? 有的,这就是回程机票。Yes, here it is. 预计在美国停留多久?How long will you be staying in the United States? 预计停留约10天。I plan to stay for about 10 days. 随身携带多少现金? How much money do you have with you? 大约10,000元。I have 10,000 dollars. 祝你玩得愉快。Good. Have a nice day. (我只是过境而已。I'm just passing through.) 谢谢。Thank you. 今晚即动身前往日内瓦。I am leaving for Geneva tonight. 二行李遗失 我在何处可取得行李? Where can I get my baggage? 它是一个茶色小旅行袋。It's a small travel bag. It's light brown. 我找不到我的行李。I can’ find my baggage. 我们正在调查,请稍等一下。Please wait for a moment while we are investigating. 这是我的行李票。Here is my claim tag. 是否可麻烦紧急查询? Could you please check it urgently? 你总共遗失了几件行李? How many pieces of baggage have you lost? 请描述你的行李。Can you describe your baggage? 它是一个中型的灰色箱子。It is a medium-sized suitcase, and it’s gray. 它是一个上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑蓝色行李箱。 It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It's dark blue. 我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告。 We may have lost some baggage so we'd like to make a lost baggage report. 请和我到办公室。Would you come with me to the office? 多快可找到? How soon will I find out? 一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it. 若是今天无法找到行李,你可如何帮助и? How can you help me if you can’t? find my baggage today? 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. 三海关申报 请出示护照和申报单。Your passport and declaration card, please. 是否有任何东西需要申报? Do you have anything to declare? 没有。No, I don't.


机场xxairport fee 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场international airport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domestic airport 登机牌boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration 国际候机楼international terminal 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 国内航班出站domestic departure 中转transfers xx楼satellite 中转旅客transfer passengers xxin 中转处transfer correspondence 出口exit; out; way out 过境transit 进站(进港、到达)arrivals

报关物品goods to declare 不需报关nothing to declare 贵宾室V.I.P. room xxcustoms 购票处ticket office 登机口gate; departure gate 付款处cash 候机室departure lounge 出租车taxi 航班号FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point 来自…… arriving from 机票 飞机票endorsements/restrictions 前往xxto 旅客姓名name of passenger 承运人carrier 旅行经停地点good for passage between 航班号flight no. 起点xxfrom 座舱等级class


机场常用英语主要用于 中转 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

机场出入境常用英语口语 二行李遗失 我在何处可取得行李? Where can I get my baggage? 这是我的行李票。(出示行李牌)Here is my claim tag. 三海关申报 是否有任何东西需要申报? Do you have anything to declare? 这些是我私人使用的东西。 These are for my personal use. 你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗? Do you have any liquor or cigarettes? 四.机场中转篇 登机口在哪里?Where is boarding gate? 去哪里办理入关手续? Where can I complete the entry formalities? 我应该在机场的哪个航站楼转机? What terminal does my flight leave from airport? 我是换机去普吉的 I am in transit to Phuket 在哪里办理登机手续?Where can I check in ? 我的座位在哪里?Where is my seat? 请告诉我如何填写Can you tell me how to fill in ? 对不起我不懂英语,有懂中文的工作人员吗?

I am sorry. I can’t understand thai language. Does anyone here can speak Chinese? 请问我可以用汉语填写吗?Excuse me. May I fill in the form in Chinese?


常用机场英语 机场指示牌 1、机场费 airport fee All domestic and overseas passengers taking airplanes of chinese airlines are required to pay airport fee. 所有乘坐中国航空公司航班的中外乘客都要求支付机场建设费。 Ticket, baggage and airport fee: 机票,行李和机场费: 2、出站(出港、离开) departure [di'pɑ:t] The plane's departure was on schedule. 飞机准时起飞。 The time for his departure is five o'clock. 他在五点钟离开。 The time has arrived for departure. 出发的时间到了。 Has the departure date been fixed 起程的日期定了吗 3、国际机场 international airport[,int'nnl] Hangzhou xiaoshan international airport has come into use. 杭州萧山国际机场已经通航。 The plane safely landed at the international airport. 飞机安全地在国际机场着陆。 Beijing international airport is a modernized airport. 北京国际机场是一座现代化的机场。 4、登机手续办理 check-in 到达并登记;报到 He has just checked in at the hotel. 他刚刚在旅馆办好住宿手续。 记录 The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one. 售票员逐一登记乘客。 5、国内机场 domestic airport [d'mestik] Zhengzhou xinzheng international airport is a4e international airport and a first class domestic airport. 郑州新郑国际机场为4e级机场,是国内一类航空口岸。 6、登机牌 boarding pass (card) Here's your boarding pass. 这是您的登机证。 Please have your boarding pass in your hand. 请将登机证拿在手上。 7、机场候机楼 airport terminal


常用机场英语机场指示牌 机场费 airport fee 出站(出港、离开) departures 国际机场 international airport 登机手续办理 check-in 国内机场 domestic airport 登机牌 boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼 airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration 国际候机楼 international terminal 行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 国内航班出站 domestic departure 中转 transfers 卫星楼 satellite 中转旅客 transfer passengers 入口 in 中转处 transfer correspondence 出口 exit; out; way out 过境 transit 进站(进港、到达) arrivals 报关物品 goods to declare 不需报关 nothing to declare 贵宾室 V.I.P. room 海关 customs 购票处 ticket office 登机口 gate; departure gate 付款处 cash 候机室 departure lounge 出租车 taxi 航班号 FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point 来自…… arriving from 大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point

机场常用英语 主要用于中转

机场出入境常用英语口语 二行李遗失 我在何处可取得行李? Where can I get my baggage? 这是我的行李票。(出示行李牌)Here is my claim tag. 三海关申报 是否有任何东西需要申报? Do you have anything to declare? 这些是我私人使用的东西。 These are for my personal use. 你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗? Do you have any liquor or cigarettes? 四.机场中转篇 登机口在哪里?Where is boarding gate? 去哪里办理入关手续? Where can I complete the entry formalities? 我应该在机场的哪个航站楼转机? What terminal does my flight leave from airport? 我是换机去普吉的 I am in transit to Phuket 在哪里办理登机手续?Where can I check in ? 我的座位在哪里?Where is my seat? 请告诉我如何填写Can you tell me how to fill in ? 对不起我不懂英语,有懂中文的工作人员吗? I am sorry. I can’t understand thai language. Does anyone here can speak Chinese? 请问我可以用汉语填写吗?Excuse me. May I fill in the form in Chinese?
