
● 根类
飞龙掌血 subprostrate sophora root
天冬 cochinchinese asparagus root
天葵子 muskroot-like-likesemiaquilegiaroot
木防己 japanesesnailseedroot
木香 costusroot
木香─厚叶川木香 thick-leaveddolomiaearoot
毛冬青 pubescenthollyroot
太子参 heterophylly falsestarwort root
了哥王 indian stringbush root
乌药 combined spicebush root
丹参 dan一shenroot
甘草 liquorice,licorice root
甘遂 kansui root
石刁柏 common asparagus root
龙胆 chinese gentian
北沙参 coasiai giehnia root
三七 sanchi
四叶参 lance asiabell root
白芍 white peony root
白头翁 chinese pulsaiilla root
● 根茎类
川芎 szechwan lovage rhizome
土茯芩 glabrous greenbrier rhizome
千年健 obscured homalomena rhizome
大黄 rhubarb
暗紫贝母 unibract fritillary bulb
重楼─云南重楼 yunnan manyleaf paris rhizome
鸢尾 roof iris rhizome
骨碎补 fortune's drynaria rhizome
海芋 alocasia rhizome
射干 hypoglaucous collett yam rhizome
浙贝母 blachberrylily rhizome
莪术 aaruginous turmeric rhizome
莪术─广西莪术 kwangsi turmeric rhizome
绵萆解 sevenlobed yamn rhizome
湖北贝母 hupeh fritillary bulb
绵马贯众 male fern rhizome
菝葜 chinaroot greenbrier rhizome
落新妇 chinese astilbe rhizome
水仙 chinese narcissus bulb
仙茅 giant typhoniumh rhizome
● 叶类
牡荆叶 hempleaf negundo chastetree leaf
罗布麻叶 broadleaf holly leaf
金边龙舌兰 golden margined century plant leaf
茶叶 tea
枸骨叶 chinese holy leaf
胡颓子 thorny elaeagnus leaf
侧柏叶 oriental arborvitae leafytwigs
臭梧桐叶 harlequin glorybower leaf
黄花夹竹桃叶 yellow oleander leaf
棕板 fortune windmillpalm petiole
十大功劳─阔叶十大功劳 leatherleaf mahonia leaf
十大功劳─细叶十大功劳 bigleaf beautyberry leaf
艾叶 argy wormwood leaf
石韦 japanese felt fern leaf
石韦─庐山石韦 shearer's felt fern leaf
四季青 purple flower holly leaf
芙蓉叶 coffonrose hibiscus leaf
● 皮类
牡丹皮 tree peony bark
厚朴 twolobed officinal magnolia bark
香加皮 chinese silkvine root-bark
祖司麻 cirald daphne bark
秦皮 ash bark
浙桐皮 ailanthus-like pricklyash bark
黄柏 amur cork-tree bark
椿皮 tree-of-heaven ailanthus bark
川桐皮 septemlobate kalopanax bark
白鲜皮 densefruit pittany root-bark
土荆皮 chinense golden larch bark
地骨皮 chinese wolfberry root-bark
五加皮─白勒 slenderstyle acanthopanax root-bark
肉桂 chinese cinnamcn, cassia bark
● 花类
松花粉 pine pollen
金银花─忍冬 honeysuckle flower
金银花─山银花 wild honeysuckle flower
泡桐花 royal paulowinia flower
洋金花 upright datura flower
结香花 oriental paperbush flower
夏枯草 common selfheal fruit-spike
凌霄花─凌霄 chinese trumpetcreeper flower
菊花 plum blossom
野菊花 c

hrysanthemum flower
啤酒花 hops
旋覆花 inula flower
番红花 saffron
蒲黄 cattall pollen
槐米 japanese pagodatree flower-bud
蜡梅花 wintersweet flower
木槿花 shrubalthea flower
月季花 chinese rose flower
合欢花 silktree albizzia flower
芫花 safflower
● 果实类
山楂 hawthorn fruit
小茴香 fennel
大枣 jujube,chinese date
山楂─野山楂 nippon hawthorn fruit
川楝子 szechwan chinaberry fruit
山茱萸 asiatic cornelian cherry fruit
女贞子 glossy privet fruit
砂仁─海南砂仁 citron fruit
砂仁─缩砂蜜 longiligulate amomum fruit
砂仁─阳春砂 amomum fruit
鸦胆子 java brucea fruit
锦灯笼 franchet groundcherry calyx or eruit
喜树果 common camptotheca fruit
疾藜 puncturervine caltrop fruit
楮实子 papermulberry fruit
路路通 beautiful sweetgum fruit
冬瓜皮 chinese waxgourd peel
水红花子 prince's-feather fruit
火麻仁 pomegranate rind
代代花枳壳 hemp seed
● 种子类
天仙子 henbane seed
千金子 caper euphorbia seed
木鳖子 cochinchina momordica seed
决明子 cassia seed
郁李仁─长梗郁李 linseed
苘麻子 chingma abutilon seed
青葙子 feather cockscomb seed
郁李仁─欧李 chinese dwarf cherry seed
马钱子 nux vomica, dong button
王不留行 cowherb seed
核桃仁 walnut seed
胖大海 boat-fruited sterculia seed
急性子 garden balsam seed
牵牛子 pharbitis seed
桃仁 peach seed
绿豆 fermented soybean
韭菜子 tuber onion seed
无患子 chinese soapberry seed
车前子 plantain seed
薏苡仁 jobstears seed
● 木类
沉香 chinese eaglewood wood
苦木 indian quassiawood twing and leaf
降香 rosewood
檀香 camphorwood
杜仲 sandalwood
● 茎藤类
肉苁蓉 desertliving cistanche
灯心草 rush
关木通 manshurian aristolochia stem
皂角刺 chinese honeylocust spine
鸡血藤─密花豆 suberect spatholobus stem
鸡血藤─常春油麻藤 evergreen mucuna stem
爬山虎 japanese creeper stem
钩藤 gamdir vine, uncaria stem with hooks
络石藤 obtuseleaf erycibe stem
鬼箭羽 chinese starjasmine stem
桑寄生 chinese taxillus twing
通草 rice paperiant pith
常春藤 chinese ivy stem
锁阳 songaria cynomorium herb
槲寄生 colored mistletoe herb
大血藤 sargentgloryvine stem
天仙藤 dutchmanspipe vine
木通 akebia stem
石斛─金钗石斛 dendrobium stem
● 全草类
小蓟 common cephalanoplos herb
马鞭草 european verbena herb
天胡荽 lawn pennywort herb
瓦松 fimbriate orostachys herb
长春花 madagascar periwinkle herb
水飞蓟 holy thistle, blessed thistle
龙葵 black nightshade herb
打破碗花花 common goldenrod herb
白英 hupeh anemone herb
及已 serrate chloranthus herb
乌蔹莓 japanese cayratia herb
白花蛇舌草 spreading hedvotis herb
白屈菜 greater calandine herb
仙鹤草 hairyvein agrimonia herb

瓜子金 japanese milkwort herb
半边莲 chinese lobelia herb
半枝莲 barbed shullcap herb
地椒 mongolian thyme herb
地锦草 humifuse euphorbaia herb
一点红 emilia herb
苦参 sophora flavescens ait
草乌 aconitum kusnzaffii reichb
防风 Saposhnikovia divaricata
白芷 Dahurian Angelicaroot
地黄 Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch
红花 Safflower
紫草 Gromwell Root
朱砂 Cinnabar
樟脑 Camphor
雄黄 realgar
接骨木 Williams Elder Twig
翠雀 Largeflowered Larkspur
凤仙透骨草 FengxianTougucao
透骨草 Sperans Kia tuberculata (Bunge)Baill
冰片(龙脑) Borneol
薄荷脑 Menthol
