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例句:1.I agree with you.

2.He works in a hospital.

3.-Are you a student? -Yes,I am.

4.There is a book on the desk.

5.This book is written by Mr.Chen.(被动)

6.It is said that there is plenty of oil off our coast(沿海).(被动)

7.It must be pointed out that China is a development country.(被动)

②、经常性或习惯性的动作(与频度副词always,usually,frequently,regular ly,rarely,seldom,never,sometimes)

例句:1.We always care for each other and help each other.

2.I usually get up at 6:00 every morning.

3.He drinks heavily.

4.He rarely rains here.

5.Films are often shown in our university.(被动)


例句:1.The earth move round the Sun.

2.China lies in the east of Asia.

3.Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧)

4.A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难朋友才是真正朋友)

5.Cars are driven with engines(发动机).(被动)


I、用于陈述句(谓语动词是begin,start,come,go,arrive,leave,depart,retur n,retire,stay,stop,end,open,close及be动词等时,可表示规定、计划或安排要发生的事情,通常与表示将来的时间状语连用)

例句:1.The meeting begins tomorrow.

2.The train arrives at 2:30 p.m and leaves at 3:00 p.m.

3.The match takes place on Sunday.

4.He retires(退休) next month.

5.Tomorrow is Saturday.

6.Who speaks next.

II、用于时间状语从句(通常由when,as,after,before,till/untill,as soon as等连词引导)

例句:1.I’ll come and see you when I have time.

2.I’ll write to you after I leave Shanghai.

3.Is mother going to leave before we get back?

4.He will stay here untill/till you come.

5.We will start as soon as you are ready.

III、用于条件状语从句(通常由if,unless,in case,so long as等连词引导) 例句:1.We can catch the bus if we hurry up.

2.If the weather permits,we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow.

3.I won’t write to him unless he writes to me.

4.You will fail unless you work harder.







例句:1.I met her yesterday.

2.He worked in that bank for five years.

3.I saw him ten minutes ago.

4.-Did you hear Mary sing just now? –No,I didn’t.

5.That bridge was built in 1980.(被动)

②、过去经常性或习惯性动作(只适用于动态供词和would,可与often,alaways 等频度副词连用)

例句:1.I uesd to go to the movies when I was young.

2.We often did morning exercises when we were young.

3.She always carrled(撑着) an unbrella.

4.He never drank wine.

5.At that time this kind of work was always done by men.(被动)

6.While having breakfest,he would read newspapers in those days.


例句:1.I hope you could atend the opening ccremony(开幕式).

2. Did you want to see me?

3.I thought I might come and see you this evening.

4.I wondered if you could lend me your pen.




例句:1.We will/shall arrive this afternoon.

2.-Will you be busy tonigh? -Yes,I will.

3.He won’t come to the party next week.

4.When will you be able to give us an answer?

5.Spring will come again.

6.The conference(会议) will be held tomorrow.(被动)


例句:1.Crops(庄稼) will die without water.

2.Whenever he has time,he will come and see us.

⊿be going to+动词原形与be to+动词原形也可表示将要发生的动作或情况。

⑴be going to+动词原形(表示打算或准备要做的事或即将肯定要发生的事)

例句:i、I am going to buy a house.

ii、She isn’t going to meet him at the station.

iii、Is he going to leature in English?

iv、Who is going to speak first?

v、She is going to have a baby.

vi、Look at these clouds!It is going to rain.

⑵be to+动词原形(表示按计划安排即将发生的事或表示指示、命令、禁止或征求意见)

例句:i、This railway is to be opened to traffic next month.(被动) ii、The Prime Minister(首相) is to make a statement(声明) tomorrow. iii、You are to deliver these invitations before ten.(指示、命令)

iv、You are not to tell him anything about our plans.(禁止)

v、Am I to go on with the work?(征询)
