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1. Jane looks so _______ today because she has got an “A” in her maths test.( happy)

2. Mobile phones are _________ (wide) used in most of the cities in China.

3. He put on his coat and went out ________ (quick).

4. To our surprise, he suddenly returned on a cold ______ (snow) night.

5. Allie asked me ______ (polite) to put the things away.

6. Tom’s purse was stolen on the bus yesterday. __________ (Fortunate), there was no money in it.

7. You must keep your eyes _________ when you do eye exercises.(close)

8. I feel difficult to learn words by heart and I often feel _________(nervously) when speaking English.

9. The cake smells ______. Please throw it away.(bad)

10. What was the weather like yesterday?--- It was terrible. It rained so _______(heavy)that people could ______(hard)go out.

11. Attention please, everybody! Please keep ______ for a moment. And let me take a photo. (silent)

12. Fred is second to hand in maths papers in our class, but believe it or not, he ______ passed the last exam.(success)

13. Bob never does him homework so _______ as Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. (care)

14. Your English is good. I’ll try my best to speak it as _______as you do. (clear)

15. We must keep ____ in the library.” the woman said ____ to me. (quiet)

16. This kind of T-shirt looks __________ and sells __________.(good)

17. The night was very ___________, so she had to take off her shoes ____________(quiet)

18.How ________(quick) Betty answered the teacher’s question!

19. People in different countries behave____________(different) when they eat dinner.

20. The plane landed ________ and we were ______________. (safe)

21. Little Tom can’t move that ________(heavy) box.

22. The man _____________(grateful) accepted the present from the girl.

23. You can imagine how ________ I was when I ride to school on my bicycle.(happy)

24. He had time for a ___________(proper )breakfast and was still the first to reach the factory.

25.Lily is used to getting up ________ and she is always ________for school . (late)


1.happy 形容词本句中look翻译成看起来,是感官动词,感官动词后接形容词,所以本题填happy. 感官动词还

有sound(听起来), feel(感觉), taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来)也是此用法。注意:这五个感官动词还有其它含义,用法也就不同。

2.widely 副词句子意思:在中国的大部分城市,手机都被广泛使用。在这里,widely是修饰use的,use 是

动词,副词修饰动词,所以用widely. 注意:副词修饰动词,多习惯放于动词后,但这并不是完全绝对的。

3.quickly 副词句子意思:他穿上大衣迅速地走出去了。此题与上一题考察的是同一类型。因为走出去是动词,


4.snowy 形容词on a cold_______ night night 名词,在一个________ 的夜晚,形容词来修饰名词,snow的形容


5.politely 副词asked me politely 很有礼貌地让我politely修饰ask 副词修饰动词

6.Fortunately 相当于luckily

7.closed, 形容词keep在本句中翻译为保持,后接形容词类似的用法:keep your room clean ,keep healthy

8.nervous feel 感官动词,所以接形容词

9.bad smell 闻起来感官动词后接形容词

10.heavily, hardly 第一个空,雨下地很大,heavily修饰rain(下雨),第二个空,句子意思,人们几乎不能出去。

hardly 几乎不注意:hard 既是形容词也是副词,意思为努力地,困难地hardly 几乎不

11.silent 安静的,寂静的本题考察keep (保持)的用法


13.carefully 首先as(so) ……as 中间接形容词或副词原级本题中,空格的单词需要修饰does ,所以用副词形式


15.quiet , quietly keep quiet said ______to me 空格部分修饰said 所以用quietly

16.good, well look 看起来,感官动词,所以第一个空填good . 第二个空需要修饰sell (动词),所以用well

17.quiet, quietly

18.quickly 本题是由how引导的一个感叹句,可以把how去掉,那么句子是:Betty answered the teacher’s question

__________. 迅速地回答quickly 修饰answer

19.differently differently 修饰动词behave

20.safely, safe safely 修饰动词land(降落)第二个空: be 动词后接形容词


22.gratefully 修饰accept

23.happy 与18题类似把How去掉,句子变成I was ________.

24.Proper 形容词修饰名词,放在名词前面

te, late late 既是形容词又是副词
