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福建师范大学学科教学(英语) 写作与翻译 10~17 年真题史上最完整版



I. Writing (40 points)

Directions: Write an article of about 200 words on the following title:

On the Relationship between Language Input and Language Output in English Teaching and Learning in China

II. Writing (35 points)

Directions: Write an article of about 200 words on the following title:

Ways of Crossing Psychological Barriers in Practising Oral English in China

III. Translation from English into Chinese (35 points)

Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese:

Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as

a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. There is a great technological explosion around us, generated by science. This explosion is already

freeing vast numbers of people from their traditional bondage to nature, and now at

last we have it in our power to free mankind once and for all from the fear which is

based on want. Now, for the first time, man can reasonably begin to think that life

can be something more than a grim struggle for survival. But even today, in spite of

the high standard of living which has become general in the more fortunate West,

the majority of people in the world still spend nearly all their time and energy in a

never-ending struggle with nature to secure the food and shelter they need. Even in

this elementary effort millions of human beings each year die unnecessarily and wastefully from hunger, disease, or flood.

IV. Translation from Chinese into English(40 points)

Directions: Translate the following passage into English:






I. Translation From English to Chinese (50 points)

Directions: Read the following text carefully, and then translate the passage into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET.

If you ’ve been in China for a while you’ve probably noticed that there are some

words that instantly quiet down a group of Chinese people.Utter‘Mao’ or‘Cultural Revolution’ and you may notice discussion grind to a halt but the effect of these words is nothing compared to the pained silence that falls over the group when the word

‘gaokao’ is spoken. The gaokao- literally‘high test’ -is the biggest test in the

world:every year around 10 million young Chinese just about to graduate from high school take the test that will determine their future;and,at least for the students and their families,it is the most important test they will ever take. It grips the entire nation, every year from June 6th to9th or so cities quiet down, the d in of horns recedes,parents take their children to hotels near the test site to avoid traffic jams and aid concentration, and it starts to feel like a Wild West town right before the shooting

begins. While the gaokao is not the first big test Chinese schoolchildren take—there are also tests to enter elementary and middle school—it is the biggest. The results

of the exam determine the student’s entrance to college, or not, their future major,

and which university they can attend.The history of entrance exams in China dates back to the birth of modern universities and to the tenets of Confucianism.The gaokao emerged in its current incarnation right after the Cultural Revolution. The first gaokao was

administered in 1977 and because of the chaos and damageto the educational system during the previous decade students of all ages and educational backgrounds were allowed to

test. In years since, the Ministry of Education has been in charge of administering

the exam although the test differs from region to region. The psychological pressure
