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accesible and well maintained?
有一个有效的文件控制程序吗? 5 Is there an effective document control procedure in place?
How does the company deal with customer complaints? Can it be demonstarted that issues are investigated and
complied with?
供应商质量控制 Tier Supplier Quality Control
Is there evidence of the work instructions and inspection
instructions, referred to in control plan, are complete (how to do, when to do, who to do, what tool to use, what
Processes at this level have focus on continually improving process performance through both increm technological changes/improvements
conforming products?
Is defective material/parts/products properly segregated, stored and identified to prevent mix-up with other
拒收材料有没有明确标识与隔离? 15 Is rejected material clearly marked and isolated?
公司是否有合格的供应商名录? 16 Does the company have a documented procedure to
qualify suppliers?
Are work instructions documented where necessary, easily read and understandable by workers - as well as complied
to the work place?
有没有针对不合格品的处理方法? 19 Is there a documented procedure to handle non-
有没有返修,让步接收等适当的审批流程? 21 Does dispositions like re-work, return, concession, go
through proper approval processes?
必要时有没有从原材到成品追溯的措施? 22 Is there where necessary traceability from raw material
公司有没有对合格供应商定期评审? 17 Does the company carry out periodical audit at its key
supplier's premises?
生产工艺控制Manufacturing Process Control:
供应商过程质量审核 Supplier Process Quality Audit
公司名称: Company name:
评价时间: Date of assesment:
质量管理信息Quality Management Information
公司有没有认证的管理体系,如果有是什么? Does the company have a certified quality management 1 system? If yes, to what standard? *如果已经通过ISO 9001认证,本节其余部分不用填写[第2~9行] *If company is ISO 9001 certified, the rest of this section doesn't have to be completed
首检确认有没有建立以及实施。 11 Is a First Piece Procedure established and implemented?
来料检验控制Incoming Material Control:
进料有没有检验 12 Does the company inspect incoming materials and
through production until finished goods?
QC检验文件以及检验计划是否建议在抽样计划的标准上? 23 Have documented QC procedures been established to
identify critical with specific inspection sampling plan
公司是否有规定日常维护?机械设备,电器应用以及检验记 录是否良好? 9 Are the procedures for routine maintenance, inspection and testing of the plant, equipment and electrical appliances well documented and implemented?
to do with rejections)
and controlled?
控制计划包括接受标准吗? 31 Does the control plan include:Accபைடு நூலகம்ptance criterias?
Processes at this level are (typically) undocumented and in a state of dynamic change, tending to be uncontrolled and reactive manner by users or events. This provides a chaotic or unstable environmen
consistency of pr
Processes at this level that, uses process metrics, management can effectively control the AS-IS pro 4 management can identify ways to adjust and adapt the process to particular projects without measura
stored and identified to prevent mix-up with other ?
Is there evidence of detailed investigations being
28 completed to find out root-cause followed by the
检验员是否按照程序,检验记录? 26 Do the inspectors follow the inspection procedures, record
& document the result?
有缺陷的产品是否有隔离或者区分的防护措施? 27 Is defective material/parts/products properly segregated,
Do the QC inspectors follow the inspection procedures, and record & document the result, which cover all critical
elements of the manufacturing process?
产品方面要求Requirements related to the
产品验证的过程是否符合客户要求以及技术标准。 10 Is the process of verifying compliance with technical
standards required by customers well in place?
Processes at this level are repeatable, possibly with consistent results. Process discipline is unlikely t it exists it may help to ensure that existing processes are maintained during times of stress.
containment, corrective and preventive actions for
continuous improvement?
Are there adequate procedures to ensure customers requirements on shipping, identification and packing are
准备做认证吗? 2 Are you awaiting certification?
公司是否有质量管理体系? Does your company have a quality management system?
质量记录与控制是不是容易控制与维护? 4 Are quality records and controlled documents easy
corrective actions are implemented?
Is relevant inspection and testing method/equipment used by the inspector being maintained in good condition,
终检库存控制Final Inspection and storage:
生产文件上有没有明确的拒绝、接受标准? 25 Is there documented procedure with formalized sampling
plan & clearly defined accept/reject criteria?
原材区有没有区分 13 Is the incoming area separated from production?
Is there documented procedures with clear defined sampling plans, and clear defined acceptance/rejection
calibrated where necessary and technically adequate to
identify non-conforming products?
Is it evident how the company comply with statutory requirements for inspection and testing of plant and
Processes at this level have some defined and documented standard processes established and sub 3 improvement over time. These standard processes are in place (i.e., they are the AS-IS processes) a