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M o d u l e4U n i t3T o m o r r o w’s w o r l d



1. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a

sense of achievement will be experienced. 到达顶峰时,观众心中将会涌起一种愉悦感和成就感。

on / upon + doing 一…就…(用以表示某一特定场合)

On entering the room, she saw him. 她一进这个房间便看到了他。


◆in + doing 做…时,…发生时,当…时

In attempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her life.

◆ after + doing 在…后

After winning the prize she became famous overnight.

◆ before + doing 在…之前

Before going home, I must finish this letter.

2. To add to the virtual world of ReadlCine, smells are given out through

small openings in the headsets.

add to 增加,加到

Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. 焰火使节


【拓展】add … to …把…加到…

add up 加起来

add up to 总计共达

3. be delivered into the viewer’s mouth 输送到观众的嘴里

deliver the mail 投递邮件

deliver the criminal to the police 把罪犯交给警察

deliver a lecture 发表演讲

She delivered a baby boy this morning. 今天早晨她生了个小男孩。

4. thrill vt.使激动;使颤动、战栗;使毛骨悚然

vi.激动, 心怦怦地跳;发抖, 颤动(with)

Stories of adventure thrilled him. 冒险小说使他激动。

thrill with joy 为喜悦所激动We thrilled at the good news. 听到那好消息我们感到


5. However, before using it in my next film, there are some points I would like to mention.

mention vt. & n. 提及,说起;说到,讲到;写到;记载

Did you mention this to my sister 你对我姐姐说到这件事了吗

The soldier was mentioned in a report for his bravery.


No mention was made of her illness. 关于她的病情没有提到过。【拓展】as mentioned above 如上所述

Don’t mention it.不要客气,不用谢,没关系,不要紧(作客套语)

not to mention = without mentioning 更不必说,更谈不上

(not) worth mentioning (不)值得一提

at the mention of 在(听人)提到…时

make mention of 提到…,说到…

6. I’m worried that Realcine may be too expensive for ordinary people to afford.

afford vt.买得起;负担得起;能提供,能给予;抽得出(时间)

afford常与can,could,be able to 连用

not able to / cannot afford a new car 买不起新车

a tree that affords ample shade 可以遮荫的树

He is too busy to afford a holiday. 他忙得抽不出时间度假。

I can’t afford an hour for lunch我抽不出一小时吃午饭

7. It has been suggested that travel sickness can be reduced by using VR. suggest vt.建议,提出;使想起,暗示;使联想到

suggest things for children to do 建议孩子们做一些事

He suggested going out for a walk. 他建议出去走走。

He suggested that we (should) take a walk. 他提议我们去散步。

That girl’s sun-tanned face suggests excellent health / (that) she is in good heath.


The thought of summer suggests swimming. 想到夏天,就使人联想到游泳。

8. I believe our painting is worth quite a lot of money.

worth adj.等值的;值得的

What / How much is it worth 这值多少钱

It is worth £500. 它值五百镑。

That second-hand car isn’t worth what you paid. 那辆旧车不值你所花的钱。

a proposal not worth consideration 不值得考虑的提案

It’s worth seeing / hearing / reading. 值得一看/一听/一读。


His acts are worthy of praise / being praised / to be praised. 他的行为值得表扬。

9. It seems that people prefer living in flat.

prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿

prefer coffee to tea 喜欢咖啡胜于茶

prefer doing to talking = prefer to do rather than talk 喜欢做而不喜欢说

I should prefer you not to stay / that you did not stay there too long.


Do you prefer coffee or tea 你喜欢咖啡还是茶

10. After this, with the help of force from a black hole, they are able to

guide the lost spaceship safely back to the Earth.

guide vt.带领,指导,支配,管理,

guide a ship through a channel 引领轮船通过海峡

guide me to my seat 带我到我的座位上去


1. come true 实现,成真

2. in other ways 在其他方面

3. pass sth on to sb 把…传递/留给某人

4. be connected to 和…相连接

be connected with 和…有联系,有关系5. give out 分发;发出(气味等);用尽,精疲力竭

6. put sth forward 提出,推举出

7. in reality 实际上,事实上 in actual fact 事实上,其实

as a matter of fact 事实上;实际上;不瞒你说,确实

in nature 实际上, 本质上in practice 实际上;在实践中;熟练

8. bring history alive 复现历史

9. be impressed by / at / with 被深深打动/感动

10. leave me with a deep impression 给我留下深刻的印象

make an impression on sb 给某人留下印象make no impression on 对…无影响/效果

11. experience the sense of achievement 体验成就感

experience the world 领略世界

12. make a profit 获利

13. end in 以…为结果,以…告终,

end up with 以…结束

14. win the admiration of sb 赢得某人的钦佩/赞美

15. keep in touch with sb 和某人保持联系

get in touch with sb 与某人取得联系

16. at the moment 此刻;(正当)那时

17. last but not least 最后但同样重要的

18. be on display = be on show 被展出,被展览

19. be of great benefit to people 对人们非常有益/有好处

20. in this way 这样

21. be fascinated by 对…着迷/入迷

22. be situated in / on 位于,坐落于

23. accuse sb of sth 因某事控告某人

24. close down 关闭,封闭;停止播音

25. voice my opinions 发表我的意见

26. at one time 同时,曾经

27. fall off the bookshelf 从书架上掉下来

28. carry out a survey on students’ opinions 对学生的意见进行一次调查

29. prepare sb for the future 让某人为将来做准备

30. come across 偶遇,不期而遇

31. be widely recognized as 被广泛地认可为…

32. be trapped in a lost spaceship 被困于一艘失控的宇宙飞船上


译林牛津版英语M 4 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world试题

第一部分: 听力(略)





21.(2013·江苏徐州模拟)—What is your plan after leaving ________ school

—I'll do whatever is useful to ________ society.

A./; the B.the; the

C./; / D.the; /

22.(2013·无锡高三检测)What a beautiful sight! Wild flowers of different colors spread all over the hills and around the lake, ________ to the beauty of the valley.

A.to add B.being added

C.adding D.added

23.(2013·苏南三校联考)—What are the workers talking about —They are discussing the idea the old worker ________ at the meeting yesterday.

A.put forward B.came up

C.set off D.brought out

24.(2012·蚌埠模拟)—How do you like your college life —Terrible. Not only ________ less spare time, but ________ myself even busier than before.

A.do I enjoy; do I find B.I enjoy; I find

C.do I enjoy; I find D.I enjoy; do I find

25.It is high time we ________ some effective measures to solve the job problem.

A.will take B.have taken

C.had taken D.took

26.(2012·漳州高三检测)What a ________ to get into the peaceful

and quiet country especially when one has been fed up with the noise of the city.

A.challenge B.convenience

C.freedom D.treat

27.(2013·姜堰模拟)________ in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual.

A.Being injured B.Injuring

C.Having injured D.Injured

28.(2013·南京四校联考)Mr. Smith found that gas ________ from the pipe when he came back because we forget to switch off. But at last we were lucky to escape ________.

A.escaped; being punished

B.was escaping; being punished

C.escaped; punishment

D.was escaping; punishing

29.Liang Bo, winner of the Voice of China, has been nicknamed “Little Wang Feng”, but ________ seems that it is not a title he enjoys.

A.this B.it

C.one D.he

30.________ at his failure in the test, John wouldn't like to pick up the topic for the moment.

A.To be disappointed B.Disappointing

C.Disappointed D.Having disappointed

31.She's got the job because she has the advantage ______

others of knowing many languages.

A.over B.above

C.against D.beyond

32.(2013·合肥质检)His neighbor ________ him of playing the musical instrument too loudly, for which he had to apologize.

A.accused B.charged

C.scolded D.blamed

33.The cinema looks very old because of its traditional design. ________, it was finished only two months ago.

A.In reality B.In turn

C.In return D.In need

34.(2013·长沙高三模拟)At a construction site in our city the workers have uncovered an ancient wall that ______ to keep enemy out of the city, but it requires further evidence.

A.might have functioned B.would have functioned

C.must have functioned D.should have functioned 35.(2011·陕西高考)—Jack, you seem in high spirits.

—______We won the match 4 - 0.

A.Guess what B.So what

C.No wonder. D.No doubt.



Can you imagine becoming the richest person in the world and then giving your money away That’s exactly what Andrew Carnegie 36 . Carnegie had a number of different careers; he was an industrialist and a businessman and he made a lot of money. He believed that 37 people were morally obligated (有责任的) to give their 38 back to others in society. So after retirement in 1901, the world’s 39 man decided to become a philanthropist (慈善家), a person who gives money to good 40 . 41 Carnegie had made

some charitable donations before 1901, he really made giving away money his new 42

after retirement. In 1902 he founded the Carnegie Institution to fund scientific research and 43 a pension fund (退休基金) for teachers with a $10 million donation. Throughout his life, Andrew Carnegie loved to read. As a result, it made 44 that he wanted to give money to 45 education and reading. When Carnegie was a young man he

lived near Anderson, a rich man who 46 any working boy to use his 47 library for free. In those days, America 48 had a system of free public libraries and poor people

usually had nowhere to find books to read. Carnegie never forgot Anderson’s 49 ; so

he gave money to towns and cities to establish more than 2,000 public 50 . He also gave $125 million to a foundation called the Carnegie Corporation (卡耐基社团法人) to 51 colleges and other schools. World peace was another cause Carnegie 52 . He established the Carnegie Endowment (基金) for international peace and funded the building of the Hague Palace of Peace, which 53 the World Court with houses, in the Netherlands. By 1911, Carnegie had 54 a huge amount of money —90 percent of his 55 . Today, Carnegie has a world-wide reputation, both for his success in his business and in his contributions to charity.

36. A. admired B. promised C. said

D. did

37. A. wealthy B. sincere C. educated

D. considerate

38. A. business B. experience C. wisdom D. money

39. A. richest B. purest C. poorest D. smartest

40. A. expectations B. causes C. reputations

D. decisions

41. A. Until B. Though C. Since

D. Because

42. A. hobby B. hope C. life

D. career

43. A. discovered B. established C. applied

D. awarded

44. A. fun B. success C. sense

D. effect

45. A. support B. continue C. raise

D. Extend

46. A. allowed B. supposed C. followed D. praised

47. A. public B. personal C. secret

D. main

48. A. rarely B. nearly C. usually D. really

49. A. enthusiasm B. generosity C. courage D. Energy

50. A. libraries B. schools C. hospitals D. Academies

51. A. buy B. aid C. assess

D. Choose

52. A. burst in B. took on C. relied on D. called in

53. A. handled B. provided C. pleased D. dealt

54. A. collected B. donated C. invested D. wasted

55. A. strength B. opportunities C. efforts D. fortune




It is reported that the Ebola virus has returned to Africa. The virus causes a disease called Ebola hemorrhagic (出血的) fever. The Ebola virus affects animals and people. It killed more than 200 people in the former Zaire in 1995. This year, the Ebola virus has killed more than 150 people in Uganda.

The Ebola virus kills so quickly that the body’s defense system has no time to act against it. The disease kills fifty to ninety percent of the people it infects (感染). The disease begins with high body temperature, severe headache and muscle hurting. Then it causes severe bleeding and organ failure. Then the victim dies. Doctors say a person with the Ebola virus usually dies within three weeks after becoming infected. The disease spreads by people touching the body fluids of an infected person.

No medicine or treatment now exists for the disease. Recently, however, American researchers announced progress in developing a medicine to prevent Ebola hemorrhagic fever in monkeys. The scientists gave eight monkeys a small but deadly amount of the Ebola virus. They gave an experimental vaccine (疫苗) to only four of them. The monkeys that did not receive the vaccine died within a week. The vaccine prevented the disease from developing in the four monkeys that received it. All the four monkeys were healthy six months later.

The researchers said this was the first time a vaccine had protected animals similar to humans from the deadly Ebola virus. They will continue to test the vaccine on animals by giving them increasingly strong amounts of the virus.

56. The first symptom of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is ______.

A. high body temperature

B. serious bleeding

C. severe body hurting

D. organ failure

57. The Ebola virus can cause death quickly mainly because _________.

A. it causes a great deal of suffering

B. it causes people to lose much blood

C. the body’s defense system hasn’t time to act against it

D. it can easily produce viruses in people’s bodies

58. From the passage we can learn that _________.

A. the Ebola virus was originally found in Africa

B. progress in finding a vaccine to prevent the Ebola virus has been made

C. monkeys can be infected by the Ebola virus through air

D. people infected with the Ebola virus always die immediately after being infected

59. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage

A. Monkeys are similar to humans in how a vaccine affects them.

B. The researchers directly tested the vaccine on people.

C. Half of all moneys injected with the vaccine died six months later.

D. The researchers gave the monkeys a large amount of the Ebola virus.


It’s hard to find a star shining brighter in Nashville than Kenny Chesney. Since he took off 15 years ago, this country musician has sold more than 25 million albums, has had sixteen No. 1 hits, won countless awards and had a sea of loyal fans who have made him the biggest North American concert-ticket seller.

Kenny is certainly at the height of his career as he releases his Greatest Hits

II album this week. It’s a collection of songs in which he says each takes him to a different place or event in his life. The most personal is the song I’m Alive, Kenny tells The Boot. "Most of the songs on this record are really fun, but I wrote I’m Alive after my breakup with Renee. I woke up one day and realized, even though I had gone through this and didn’t feel good about it, my life still belongs to me. I’m alive; I get to make music; I’ve got a lot of great friends. That’s the message of the song."

Kenny insists that the song selection for Greatest Hits II is not formulaic(刻板的). In addition to the hits that climbed the country charts, the singer also wanted to include some songs unknown to his fans that reflected his life and career path. "I didn’t want it to be all hits; I wanted it to be a second c hapter of my life in music," he explains. "So the song Beas You Are really does that for me."

Kenny recently celebrated his 41st birthday, but the number of candles on the cake didn’t depress him a bit, thanks to what he loves so deeply.

"I still feel li ke I’m 18,"he says. "Living life the way you do on the road, it definitely keeps you feeling that way. And I think people that have music in their

life are a lot better off (富有) and healthier than people that don’t. I’ve been very content to have not just a little bit of music in my life, but a whole lot of music. It drives my life."

60. Kenny Chesney refers to one of his songs I’m Alive for the purpose of _________.

A. telling his fans about his breakup with his girlfriend

B. inspiring his fans with confidence in life

C. calling on people to make music like him

D. advertising his new album to increase sales

61. We can learn from the passage that Kenny Chesney ______.

A. is a star not only in Nashville, but also around the world

B. won few awards for his work in country music

C. was at his most successful when Greatest Hits II was released

D. selected nothing but big hits for Greatest Hits II

62. What is the relationship between music and life, according to Kenny Chesney

A. Music is a way of earning a lot of money.

B. Music always makes people feel they are 18.

C. Music gives life power, besides wealth and health.

D. Music is the most important part of everyone’s life.


Experts have confirmed youngsters who use Face book(美国一社交网站) do worse in exams.

For the study, the researchers quizzed 219 college students about their study habits and the time they spent on Face book. They found that 65 percent of Face book users used the net daily, often checking it several times to see if they had received new messages. The study said that 68 percent of students who used Face book didn’t perform as well as those who did not use the site.

Surfing on Face book can swallow up(耗尽) hours of study time. University student Daisy Jones, 21, said: "I was in the library trying to write a 2,000-word essay when I noticed my Face book habit had gotten out of hand. I couldn’t resist going online. You do that, then someone’s photo catches your eyes. Before you know it, a couple of mi nutes have turned into a couple of hours and you haven’t written a thing."

While they focused on Face book, the findings are also thought to hold true for other social networking sites.

A research by the National Literacy Trust recently showed that one in five youngsters aged seven to 15 never read books outside school because websites and

blogs are becoming their reading matter of choice. Pupils ranked social networking sites, blogs, general websites and magazines above books in a survey of their reading habits. Research has also shown that youngsters are spending up to six hours a day in front of a screen.

However, students appeared to ignore the effect of going online on their study performance. The majority did not feel it had an impact on their work.

A spokesman for Face book said: "There is also research that shows the benefits of services like Face book. It’s in the hands of students, with the help of their parents, to decide how they spend their time."

63. What’s the main idea of this passage

A. study shows pupils who spend time on Face book do worse in exams.

B. People who spend more time on Face book spend less time reading.

C. Websites and blogs are becoming student’s reading matter of choice.

D. The usage of Face book among younger children is high and growing.

64. The third paragraph is developed by ________ in structure.

A. example

B. argument

C. description

D. analysis

65. What’s most students’ attitude towards the result of the study

A. Contrary.

B. Supportive.

C. Understandable.

D. Uninterested.

66. According to Facebook’s spokesman, which of the following is TRUE

A. Face book doesn’t accept the result of the study.

B. The result of the study is good for students.

C. Students are to blame for their poor performance in study.

D. It’s parents who decide whether students should be allowed to use Face book.


Guinness World Records, known until 2000 as The Guinness Book of Records(and in previous U.S. editions as The Guinness Book of World Records), is a reference book published annually, and contains an internationally recognized collection of world records —both human achievements and the extremes of the natural world. The book

itself holds a world record, as the best-selling copyrighted series of all time.

However, several world records that were once included in the book have been removed for ethical (伦理的) reasons. By publishing world records in categories(种类), the book encourages people to try to beat that record, and pays no attention to

health and safety. For example, following the publication of a "heaviest cat" record, many cat owners fed their pets beyond the bounds of what was healthy; this is an example of the entries that have been removed. In 1991, the book also dropped records within the "eating and drinking records" category of its Human Achievements section, over concerns that potential competitors would harm themselves, and expose the publisher to litigation(起诉). These changes included the removal of all liquor, wine and beer-drinking records, along with records for eating such unlikely things as bicycles and trees. Other records, such as sword swallowing and rally driving (on public roads), were closed to further entries because the current record holders had performed beyond what were considered acceptable levels of human tolerance.

There have been examples of closed records being reopened, however. For example, the sword-swallowing record was listed as closed in the 1990 Guinness Book of World Records, but the Guinness World Records Primetime TV show, which started in 1998, accepted three sword swallowing challenges (as did the 2007 edition of the Guinness World Records).

Chain letters are also forbidden. According to the book’s publisher: "Guinness World Records does not accept any records relating to chain letters, sent by post or

e-mail. If you receive a letter or an e-mail, which may promise to publish the names

of all those who send it, please destroy or delete it; it is a trick."

67. This passage is mainly about _______.

A. how many kinds of records Guinness World Records has

B. ethical issues and safety concerns related to Guinness World Records

C. the history of Guinness World Records

D. Guinness World Records in overview

68. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph

A. To put forward the main idea of the passage.

B. To tell the readers that the name of the book has changed.

C. To indicate that Guinness World Records is a famous book.

D. To encourage people to read Guinness World Records.

69. Guinness World Records has decided to remove some records because the following BUT


A. the records are too difficult to break

B. the records are considered to involve immoral actions

C. some aspects of trying to break them are dangerous

D. some items are considered beyond acceptable levels of human tolerance

70. From this passage we can infer that ______.

A. sword swallowing will forever be closed to further entry

B. the item about the fattest dog can be found in the present book

C. the editors of Guinness World Records don’t want readers to write to them

D. the record related to rally driving can still be found in the book




Good communication is vital in modern society. We know that much of the communication is unspoken. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. Your good qualities

can make good communication. The personal qualities include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expressiveness of eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others. What should we do so that our communication will be effective Here are my suggestions.

Firstly, you should be yourself. The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change character from one situation to another. They’re the same whether they’re having a conversation with their close friends, addressing their garden club or

being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being. Secondly, whether you’re talking to one person or one hundred, always remember to look at them. Don’t break eye contact while talking. As you enter a room, move your eyes comfortably, then look directly at those in

the room and smile. This shows clearly that you are at ease. Smiling is important. The best type of smile and eye contact is gentle and comfortable, not forced.

You should also absorb other people before showing yourself. You can’t learn anything when you talk. When you attend a meeting, a party or an interview, don’t immediately start throwing your opinions. Stop for a second. Absorb what’s going on. What’s the mood of the others—are they down, up, happy, expectant Are they eager to learn from you, or do they

show resistance If you can sense what’s happening with others, you will be better able to reach them. So, listen before you talk.

The fourth suggestion is that you focus your energy. How do you get your energy upBefore the meeting, collect your thoughts about the goal of the meeting—yours and the other’s. Once you go through the doorway, no longer think about yourself. Focus on the person you are meeting to find out what he is interested in.Properly collected energy comes across when we

sincerely believe something. When you speak with energy, you are involved with your audience and your message. You create an air of certainty. The audience may disagree with you, but they can’t question your belief. Lastly, I would like to remind you that you should lighten up. Take a good hard look at your self. Do you say “I” too often Are you only concentrated on your own problems Do you complain frequently If you










1. 生词: 联欢会party / get-together 周年纪念日anniversary 武术Wushu

2. 词数: 150左右,可适当拓展。

__________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________


21-25 CCACD 26-30 DABBC 31-35 AAAAA

36-40 DADAB 41-45 BDBCA 46-50 ABABA 51-55 BBBBD

56-60 BCACB 61-65 CCAAA 66-70 ABCAD


7 1. effectively/well 72. different 73. smile 74. Force75. talking 76. energy

77. calm 78. relaxed 79. much80. depends

79. regularly 80. rules

书面表达(One possible version):

Dear Peter,

I’m writing to tell you something about our party. To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of our school’s founding, we will hold a party in the meeting hall of our school on Nov. 6th. That is, next Friday. The party will start at 8:00 a.m. and last till 11:00. At it, a lot of interesting and wonderful performances will be given by us students, such as songs, dances, wushu and poem reciting. My classmates and I will also perform some crosstalk, which, you know, is a traditional Chinese form of comedy. All the teachers and students will come to the party, and so will former graduates from our school.

We have heard that you are interested in Chinese culture and art, so we would like to invite you to watch our performances. We believe you will enjoy our performances very much and have a good time. We will be expecting you at 7:40 that morning.

We are looking forward to seeing you.


Li Ping


高中英语常用词组归纳 All all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是after all 到底,毕竟 first of all 首先 in all 总共 most of all 最最 all at once 突然,同时,马上 all of a sudden 突然 all over (the world) 遍及(全世界) all right 好吧,行,情况不错 all sorts of 各种各样的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all the best 万事如意 all the more 更加, 益发 all (just) the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样)all the year round 一年到头 all the way 从远处;自始至终 all the while = all the time = always始终 AS(conj., adv.& pron.)as…as…与……一样 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常 as a result 结果 as a whole 总的来说 as if(as though) 好像 as follows 如下 as for 就….而言 as(so) long as 只要 as soon as 一……就…… as soon as possible 尽快 as usual 像往常一样 as well 也,还 as well as 同……一样 might(may) as well 不妨 so as to 以便 At (prep.) at a time 一次,每次at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭 at first 最初 at home 在家 at last最后,终于 at least 至少 at (the) most至多,不超过 at one time 以前,曾经 at once 立刻,马上 at night 在夜里,在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 at present 目前,现在 at times =from time to time =once in a while 有时候 at sea在大海上,在航行 at one’s own expense 自费 at sb’s request 应某人的请求 at sb’s service 听候某人的吩咐 at table 在进餐 at the table 在桌旁 at the bottom 在底端 at the end (of) 最后,尽头 at the latest 最迟 at the mercy of 在……的支配下 at the head of 在……的前头 at the moment 此刻 at the same time 同时 at work 在工作 laugh at 嘲笑 throw at向……扔去 come / run / jump at 扑向… work hard at 努力工作(学习) By (prep.) by accident偶然地 by air(sea,bus…)乘飞机(乘船,乘车……)by chance = by accident 碰巧,偶然地 by day(night) 在白天(夜晚) day by day 一天天地 by and by 不久 by far得多,最最 learn (know)…by heart 记熟,背诵


All(a.,pron.&n.) all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是after all 到底,毕竟 first of all 首先 in all 总共 most of all 最最 all at once 突然,同时,马上 all of a sudden 突然 all right 好吧,行,情况不错 all sorts of 各种各样的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all the best 万事如意 all the more 更加 all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样)all the year round 一年到头 AS(conj.,adv.& pron.)as…as…与。。。。。。一样 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常 as a result 结果 as a whole 总的来说 as if(as though) 好象 as follows 如下 as for 就。。。。。。而言 as(so) long as 只要 as soon as 一。。。。。。就 as soon as possible 尽快 as usual 象往常一样 as well 也,还 as well as 同。。。。。。一样 might(may) as well 不妨 so as to 以便 At(prep.) at a time 一次,每次 at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭 at first 最初 at home 在家 at last最后,终于 at least 至少 at (the) most至多,不超过 at one time 以前,曾经 at once 立刻,马上 at night 在夜里,在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 at present 目前,现在 at times有时候 at sea在大海上,在航行 at one’s own expense 自费 at the bottom 在底端 at the end (of) 最后,尽头at the latest 最迟 at the mercy of 在……的支配下 at the head of 在……的前头 at the moment 此刻 at the same time 同时 at work 在工作 laugh at 嘲笑 throw at向……扔去 work hard at 努力工作(学习) By(prep.) by accident偶然地 by air(sea,bus…)乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) by chance 碰巧,偶然地 by day(night) 在白天(夜晚) day by day 一天天地 by and by 不久 by far得多,最最 learn (know)by heart 记熟,背诵 by mistake 错误地,由于疏忽所致 by oneself 独自地 one by one 一个一个地 by the way 顺便说(问) by turns 轮流 side by side 肩并肩,并排,一起 by the side of 在……附近 Break(v.) break away from 摆(逃)脱,脱离,改掉,破除 break down (机器、车辆等)坏了,(身体)垮了,中断,压倒,分解 break forth 迸发,突然 break in 强行进入,插嘴,打岔,使驯服,使习惯 break into破门而入,打断,占用 break off突然停止(中断),打断,折断break out爆发,突然发生 break through 突破,打破 break up 散会,驱散,停课,腐蚀,打破Bring(v.) bring about 引起,实现,使发生 bring down 使倒下,使下降,击落,推翻bring forth 引起,使产生 bring in 收(庄稼),提出,(使)得到(收入),引入,增加,把。。。。。。扯起来 bring on 使发生,引起 bring out 说明,阐明,出版 bring to an end 结束 bring up 提出,抚养,培养,呕吐 Call(v.) call at (a place) 访问(某地)


牛津高中英语模块一到模块十单词表 【牛津高中英语模块一词汇表】 enjoyable有乐趣的 experience 经历,体验assembly集会,会议headmaster校长 earn获得;赚,挣得 respect尊敬,敬重 devote致力于;献身 literature 文学 average一般的,普通的;平均的struggle奋斗,努力;挣扎,难事;斗争;努力 challenging具有挑战性的encouragement鼓励 cooking做饭;烹饪,烹调 for free免费 extra 额外的,外加的 fond喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of喜爱,喜欢 Spanish西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的) sculpture雕像,雕塑 dessert甜点 look back (on)回忆,回顾satisfaction 满意 surf 冲浪 academic学业的,学术的exchange交换;交流 former以前的 graducate毕业生,毕业 fluent流利的 painting绘画,绘画作品 donate捐赠 kindness善意 splendid 极佳的,非常好的independent 独立的 make use of 利用title(书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 dynasty朝代,王朝 somehow 不知为什么;不知怎么地 recent新近的,最近的 professor教授 inform 通知,告知 opening hours开放时间 run管理;操作 host主持人;主人,东道主approve批准,通过;赞成,同意charge使承担责任;收费,负责,掌管 in charge of负责,掌管schoolmate 同学,校友croadcast广播,播放preparation 准备,筹备 event(重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目 outing短途旅行,远足graduation毕业 poet 诗人 generation一代,一代人 literary文学的 select选择,挑选 courtyard庭院,院子composition作品,成分 act(戏剧的)一幕 curtain窗帘;(舞台上的)帷幕can't wait to do something迫不及待地做某事 soccer <美>英式足球,足球frightened 受惊的;害怕的 be supposed to应该……,应当…… bend(使)弯曲,弯腰,屈身


高中英语各种教材词组汇总大全(超级实 用)[1] ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.co m/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 · a short cut 近路/捷径·abandon oneself to sth 沉湎于… ·be able to do sth. 有能力做某事 be capable of doing sth. 有能力做某事 ·do sth. to the best of one’s ability 尽某人全力做某事·abnormal behavior 反常的行为 ·above all 最为重要的是after all 毕竟 in all 总共 not at all 根本不 ·be absent from school/work 缺课/旷工 ·be absent-minded 心不在焉的 ·be absorbed in专心于… ·the academic year 学年 ·have the access to sth./ doing sth. 有机会做某事/有接近…的权利 ·by accident 意外地·according to 根据…·account for 解释;说明·open an account 开户

头 ·take …into account 把…考虑在内 ·accuse sb. of 指责某人某事/指控某人某事 charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事 ·be accustomed/used to sth./doing 习惯于做某事 ·make a great achievement/great achievements 取得重 大成绩 ·acid rain 酸雨 ·act as 担任;充当·take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事 ·take an active part in 积极参加… ·adapt oneself to sth./doing 适应于(做)某事 be adapted to sth./ doing ·add to beauty/difficulties 增添了美丽/困难·add up to 合计达… amount to合计达…·in addition 此外,另外·in addition to sth. 除…之外 ·admire sb. for sth. 羡慕/钦佩某人某事 ·admit one’s mistake 承认某人的错误 ·be admitted to university 被大学录取·adopt one’s advice 采纳某人的建议 ·adopt a child 收养一个孩子


高中英语常用短语及句型归纳 1.高考高频动词短语 (1)act短语: act as 担任……职务,起……作用act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处理某事) act out 表演(对话、故事等)act up 捣乱,出毛病 例如: I acted as an interpreter while I was in Xiamen. Mr Black is acting for the old man in his case. (布莱克先生代那个老人处理他的案件。) The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus. He’s a tough kid and he acts up a lot. (2)break短语: break away 摆脱,脱离break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱…… break down 出故障,坏掉,中止,累垮,分解 break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入break into …闯入……,破门而入 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发 break out in tears 突然大哭break the rule 违反规定 break through 突围,冲跨break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开 例如: The thief broke away from the police, but was later caught. If you keep on working like that, you’ll break down sooner or later. The car broke down just on my way here. If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off. If anyone tries to break into the building, the alarm will go off. She broke off a bit of bread and dipped it in the soup. I broke off the conversation and answered the phone. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? It may take a long time to break through the problem. In spring the icebergs begin to break up. (3)bring短语: bring about 引起,导致,使发生bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿回来,使恢复bring sb back 送回某人 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 (比较:sth / sb come back to life 复苏,苏醒) bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价[比较:(the price ) go down / up 价格下降/上涨] bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进 bring out 拿出,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring to 使苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring / carry sth to / into effect 实施……(比较:sth come / go into effect 开始实施) bring up 抚养,培养,哺育 例如: A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests.


1 abandon oneself to sth. 完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动) 2 have a(the )ability to do sth. =have a(the)ability in doing sth.有能力做某事 3 to the best of one's ability 尽力 4 be about to do when…正准备做某事突然...... 5 above all 首先,最重要in all 总计after all 毕竟; 终究 6 at home and abroad 在国内外go abroad 出国 7 in one's absence=in the absence of sb某人不在时be absent from 缺席 8 be absorbed in 全神贯注于... 9 access to 接近;进入 10 by accident 偶然by chance 偶然by mistake 错误地 11 be delayed through an accident 由于事故而耽误 12 be accompanied by 附有;伴随 13 according to 根据 14 open an account 开账户keep accounts 记账 account for说明on account of=because of 因为 15 accuse sb. of 控告某人... charge sb. with sth. 起诉某人 blame sb. for sth. 责备某人 16 be accustomed to sth./to doing sth.=be used to sth./to doing sth.习惯于干某事 17 have some acquaintance with 熟悉;熟知 18 come/run across (偶然)碰到get sth. across 使人理解某事 19 act as 充当,担任act out 表演(对话、故事)act on/upon 对...起作用 20 catch sb. in the act of doing sth. 抓住某人干某事 21 be active in 在...方面积极 take an active part in 积极参加... lead an active life 过着积极的生活 22 adapt oneself to 使自己适应... 23 add in 包括;加进去add to 增加;加强 add…to...把...加到...上add up to 合计起来 24 be addicted to sth./doing sth. 对...上瘾 25 in addition 此外,而且 26 deliver an address to 向...发表演讲 giving a closing address 致闭幕词 an address of welcome 欢迎词 27 admit to sth./doing sth. 承认... 28 in advance=before hand 提前 29 be of great(no ) advantage to 对...大大有利(毫无裨益) gain(have)an advantage over 优于;胜过 take advantage of sb. 利用某人 30 put an advertisement 登广告 31 ask for one's advice 征求某人的建议 give sb. advice on how to do sth. 就如何做某事给某人提出忠告 32 advise sb. on sth. 就某事对某人提出忠告 advise sb. against( doing) sth.劝某人不干某事 33 be afraid of 害怕;担心


学然后知不足 让我们飞翔吧 1 牛津高中英语单词表(单元) Module 1 A ability n.能力 achieve vt.赢得,取得;实现,成就 achievement n.成就 act n.(戏剧的)一幕 vt.表现;行动 actress n.女演员 adult n.成年人 advice n.建议,忠告 affect vt. 影响 after all 毕竟 along with 连同…,随同… amount n.量,数量 approve vt.&vi.批准,通过; 赞成 argument n.争论,辩论;论点,论据 article n.文章 as a matter of fact 事实上 as though 好像,似乎 ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的 assembly n.集会;会议 at present 目前,当前 attend vt.出席,参加 attention n.注意,关注 pay attention to 注意 attractive adj.有吸引力的,有魅力的 average adj. 一般的,普通的;平均的 B be supposed to 应该…,应当… behavior n.<美>行为,举止 bend vi.&vt.弯腰,屈身; (使)弯曲 bookcase n.书柜,书橱 boring adj. 令人厌倦的,乏味的,无聊的 broadcast vt.& n.广播;播放 C cafe n.咖啡馆,小餐馆 Internet caf é 网吧 calorie n.卡路里,卡 can n.罐子,金属容器 trash can <美>垃圾桶 cash n.现金 challenging adj.具有挑战性的 charge n.负责,掌管 in charge 负责,掌管 chat vi.&n.聊天,闲谈 chemical n.化学物质;化学药品 adj.化学的 close adj. 亲密的;靠近的 column n.专栏,栏目 concentrate vt.&vi.集中(注意力、思想等),全神贯注 consider vt.考虑 contain vt.包含; 容纳 continue vi.&vt.继续,持续 control vt.&n.控制 cooking n.做饭;烹饪,烹调 count vi.算数,有效 cover n.(书的)封面;盖子 back cover (书的)封底 crazy adj.发疯的,疯狂的 like crazy 发疯似地,拼命地 culture n.文化 curtain n.窗帘;(舞台上的)幕布 D damage vt.& n.损害,伤害 dessert n.(餐后的)甜点 develop vt.培养,养成 diet n.节食;日常饮食 vi.节食,控制饮食 go on diets 节食 display vt.陈列, 展览 do with 处理,处置 donate vt.捐赠,捐献;赠予 drop vt.放弃 dynasty n. 朝代,王朝 E-F earn vt.获得;赚,挣得 effect n.效果,作用;影响 side effect 副作用 e-mail vt.给..发电子邮件 embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的 energy n.能量 exact adj.精确的,准确的 exercise vi.锻炼,运动 experience vt.经历,体验 explain vt.&vi.解释,说明 explanation n.解释,说明 extra adj.额外的,外加的 failure n.衰退,衰竭;故障,失灵 fall out (头发等)脱落 fault n.过错,错误 field n.运动场,操场 fight vi.争吵,争论;打架,争斗 figure n.体形,身材 flat n.套房


高三常见词组汇总一 1. abandon the ship/sb 弃船/抛弃某人 2. have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事 3. cultivate/develop/foster one’s ability 培养能力 4. an able man 能干的人 5. be able to do 有能力做某事 6. return to normal 恢复正常 7. aboard the ship 在船上 8. above all 首先 9. go abroad/study abroad 出国/留学 10. people at home and abroad 海内外人事 11. in the absence of 在缺乏…..的条件下 12. be absent from 缺席 13. be absorbed in= be lost in 全神贯注于 14. academic performance 学习成绩 15. be accepted by/be admitted to/into 被录取 16. have/ gain/ obtain access to 获得机会进入 17. accomplish/achieve nothing 一事无成 18. account for 说明,解释;占比 19. take sth into account 考虑 20. on account of 由于 21. on no account/ in no case 绝不 22. accuse sb of 指控 23. be accustomed to 习惯于 24. achieve/ fulfill one’s ambition 实现志愿 25. achieve success/ one’s goal 获得成功/达到目的 26. acquire knowledge 获得知识 27. make achievement in 取得成就 28. run across/ come across 偶遇 29. across the street 街对面 30. act as 充当 31. take action 采取行动 32. Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩 33. Adapt (oneself) to= be adapted to 适应 34. adapt….for…改编…..为 35. add up to 合计达到 36. add to one’s worry 增添某人的担忧 37. add A to B 把A加到B上 38. be addicted to=be obsessed with 上瘾 39. adjust oneself to=be adjusted to 适应


高考英語常用短語 …(money) worth of sth. ……价值……(接数词) …has a population of… ……人口数量是…… …times as big as ……是……几倍大 …times the size of ……是……几倍大 a (great/large/small) number of 许多(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用复数) A (together) with B ……A与B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致) A as well as B ……A跟B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致) A besides B… 除了B以外,A……(谓语动词与A 一致) a bit of 一点(接不可数名词) a bit 一点(接形容词) a bunch of 一束、一捆 a certain 某一个(接可数名词单数) a copy of 一份(报纸等) a couple of几个、一些、三两个(接可数名词复数) a crowd of 一群、许多 a developed country(一个)发达国家 a developing country (一个)发展中国家 a diet of healthy foods一份营养食谱 a fallen tree 一棵倒了的树 a few moment later 一会儿、不久以后 a few pieces of advice 几点建议 a good/great deal of 大量(接不可数名词) a good/great many 大量(接可数名词复数) a great deal 许多东西 a group of 一群…… a highly-developed country 高度发达国家 a kind of sth.一类…… a knife and fork 一副刀叉 a knowledge of 某一学科的知识 a lack of 缺乏 a large quantity of 大量(接可数、不可数名词) a large/small/great amount of 一些(接不可数名词) A like B… 像B一样,A……(谓语动词与A一致) a little bit 一点(接形容词) a little 一点(接形容词) a loaf of bread 一个面包 a lost life in a desert 鸿沟 a lot more interesting 更有趣 a lot more 许多 a lucky escape 幸运地逃脱 a narrow escape 侥幸逃脱、九死一生 a piece of advice一条建议 a place of interest 一处名胜 a point of view 一种观点


高中英语常考词组 1.stop to do sth. 和stop doing sth. “stop to do sth。” 表示停止做其它事情而去做“to do sth。”所表示的事情,可以将“to do sth。”理解成“stop”的目的状语;“stop doing sth。”表示不做“doing sth。”所表示的事情。 例如:“Stop talking. Let’s begin our class。” said the teacher. 老师说:“别说话了,让我们开始上课。” We have kep t doing our homework for along time. Let’s stop to listen to music. 我们做家庭作业很长时间了,让我们停下来听听音乐。 2.forgetto do sth和forget doingsth. (remember to do sth. 和remember doing sth。) “forget to do sth。”表示将来不要忘记做某事,谈的是未来的事情;“forget doing sth。”表示忘记过去应该做的事情。 例如:“Don’tfo rget to do your homework。” said the teacher beforethe class was over. 老师在下课前说:“不要忘记做家庭作业。” “I’m sorry. Iforgot doing my homework. May I hand it in this afternoon, Mr. Chen” said Li Ming. 李明说:“对不起,我忘记做家庭作业了。我今天下午交好吗,陈老师” . done。(过去分词)(让别人)做某事 例如:I had my hair cut yesterdayafternoon. 我昨天下午理了发。 My computer can not work now. I musthave it repaired. 我的电脑有故障了,我必须让人修好它。 4. 感官动词后接不带to的不定式或者现在分词的区别 例如:see sb. do sth。看见某人(经常)做某事和see sth。看见某人(正在)


高中英语常用词组归纳(珍藏版)All(a.,pron.&n.) all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是 after all 到底,毕竟 first of all 首先 in all 总共 most of all 最最 all at once 突然,同时,马上 all of a sudden 突然 all right 好吧,行,情况不错 all sorts of 各种各样的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all the best 万事如意 all the more 更加 all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样) all the year round 一年到头 AS(conj.,adv.& pron. ) as…as…与……一样 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常 as a result 结果 as a whole 总的来说 as if(as though) 好象 as follows 如下 as for 就……而言 as(so) long as 只要

as soon as 一……就 as soon as possible 尽快 as usual 象往常一样 as well 也,还 as well as 同……一样 might(may) as well 不妨 so as to 以便 At(prep.) at a time 一次,每次 at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭at first 最初 at home 在家 at last最后,终于 at least 至少 at (the) most至多,不超过 at one time 以前,曾经 at once 立刻,马上 at night 在夜里,在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 at present 目前,现在 at times有时候 at sea在大海上,在航行 at one’s own expense 自费 at the bottom 在底端 at the end (of) 最后,尽头 at the latest 最迟 at the mercy of 在……的支配下


2020年高中必备词组复习 make up 构成,组成/弥补,补充/编造,捏造 make up for 补偿 be made up of 由...组成 make fun of 嘲笑,和某人开玩笑 make the best of 充分利用=make the best of make up one's mind 决定,下决心 与pass有关的词组: pass away 消磨(时间)/去世,过世 pass by 从某人身边经过/(时间)过去/不注意,忽视pass on 传下去 pass through 经历,体验 与pay有关的词组: pay for 付钱,付出代价 pay back 偿还,回报,报复 pay off 还清债务,得到回报 与pick有关的词组:

pick out 挑选/认出(某人)/了解,领会 pick up 捡起来/中途把某人装上车/恢复健康/得到,获得/接收(信号等) 与pull有关的词组: pull down 拆掉,推掉/使身体虚弱/使价格降低 pull off 脱衣帽/(某项计划)获得成功,得到某物 pull off a plan 实现计划 pull out 驶出,划出/分开,分离/(使某人)度过难关,恢复健康 pull through 渡过难关/使从病中恢复过来 与put有关的词组: put away 把……收起来放好,把…放在原位/储存,储蓄/放弃put aside 放下/储蓄/不顾,忽视 put back 放在原处/推迟,延期/阻碍,阻止/向后移,拨回put down 镇压,平定/写下/放下/使着陆 put forward 提出,建议/提前/拨快/推荐 put off 推迟,延期 put on 穿上/上演/增加,添上/安排,准备 put out 熄灭灯(烛,煤气等)/生产,出版 put through 接通电话/实行,完成


—-可编辑修改,可打印— — 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教 学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教 学模式 《牛津高中英语》(模块一.高一上) 1 attend vt.出席,参加 2 assembly n.集会;会议 3 earn vt.获得;赚,挣得 4 respect n.&vt.尊敬,敬重 5 achieve vt.赢得,取得;实现,成就 6 grade n.学分;成绩;等级

7 literature n.文学 8 average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的 9 challenging adj.具有挑战性的 10 lunchtime n.午餐时间 11 e-mail vt.给……发电子邮件 12 for free 免费 13 extra adj.额外的,外加的 14 cooking n.做饭;烹饪,烹调 15 prepare vt.&vi.准备 16 drop vt.放弃 17 Spanish n.西班牙语;西班牙人 18 German n.德语;德国人 19 woodwork n.木工工艺 20 miss vt.思念,想念 21 dessert n.(餐后的)甜点 22 field n.运动场,操场 23 experience vt.经历,体验 24 article n.文章 25 penfriend n.笔友 26 introduce vt.介绍 27 immediately adv.立即,马上 28 former adj.从前的,以前的29 recently adv.最近,近来 30 culture n.文化 31 develop vt.培养,养成 32 photograph n.照片,相片 33 donate vt.捐赠,捐献;赠予 34 gift n.赠品,礼物 35 display vt.陈列,展览 36 kindness n.善举;好意,善意 37 guest n.客人,来宾 38 speech n.演说,演讲,讲话 39 flat n.套房 40 bookcase n.书柜,书橱 41 attention n.注意,关注 42 pay attention to 注意 43 please vt.使满意,取悦 44 title n.(书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 45 dynasty n.朝代,王朝 46 cover n.(书的)封面;盖子 47 back cover (书的)封底 48 recent adj.新近的,最近的 49 professor n.教授


高考英语常见短语汇总 1.answers for 对……负责/担保;保证(某事)良好;承受…的结果 2.ask for 请求、寻找、要求见某人 3.break down失败、落空、毁掉、拆除、损坏、瓦解、崩溃、粉碎、分为细目 4.break in训练、驯养、闯入、破门而入、打断、插嘴、开始使用 5.break out发生、爆发、逃出、突围、由贮藏处取出使用、突然说出[发出、做出] 6.break up停止、散开、拆开、(完全)分解、分成小块、结束、(学校期末)放假、衰弱、(精神)崩溃、解散、使哄堂大笑、打断、破坏、断交、绝交、破裂、(天气)突然变化 7.bring out揭露、显示、解释、说明、出版、演出、使罢工、使免除、使开花、说出、暴露、诱导、引出 8.bring up养育、提出、教养、提升、开赴前线、[俗]呕吐 9.call for对…需要、要求、提倡、去接某人、去拿某物 10.carry away运[搬、带]走、水冲走...、[一般用被动态]使着迷、使陶醉、使神魂颠倒、受感动、使失去自制力、(风暴)刮断...、赢得(奖品等) 11.carry on继续开展、进行下去、经营、处理 12.catch on[口]投合人心、受人欢迎、理解、明白、抓住、流行起来、找到工作 https://www.360docs.net/doc/b05214698.html,e on突然产生、进展、生长、发育、、偶遇、跟着来、开始、出台、(运动员的上场)快点、赶快 https://www.360docs.net/doc/b05214698.html,e up走近、上(楼)来、(从土中)长出、发芽、被提出、流行起来、进城(尤指去伦敦)、上升、抬头、[俗]呕吐、快!(驱使牛、马行走或前进时的吆喝) 15.cut down砍倒, 胜过, 削减, 删节、压缩、缩短 16.cut in插嘴, 插入, 把...插进 17.cut out删掉、停止、戒掉、不吃、(机器)失灵、(自动)关掉、剪下来、剪裁、切除 18.cut through穿过、穿透; 克服; 避开; 不理睬; 剪断、简化 19.cut up切[破]碎、使难过、使痛苦、歼灭(敌兵等)、砍[割]伤、[口] 吹毛求疵 20.direct to指路、针对、把(注意力、精力)贯注在...上 21.fall down跌倒; 倒塌下来、[口]计划不切实际、失信; 没有完成或履行诺言 22.fall over落在...之上、脸朝下跌倒、极力/急于做 23.find out找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到, 想出, 揭发 24.get across使通过、讲清楚、使人了解 25.get along过日子、过活、相处、进展/步、[口]走开 26.get around走动、克服困难/障碍等、避开(规章等)、传开 27.get away(使)摆脱、(使)离开、无视、对...置之不理、(把某人[物])从...争取[吸引]过来 28.get back for回来、取回 29.get back from从…回来/返回 30.get down to开始认真考虑、着手办理(某事) 31.get in进站、到达、回来、收集[割]、请...来做、加[插]入、进入、(使)陷入、(使)卷入、 32.get off下来、下车、起飞、(动身)离开、不受惩罚、被放过、脱下(衣服) 33.get on with继续(做某事)、与...和睦相处 34.get out of下车、走出、离开、摆脱、从……得到、改掉(习惯)、取[拔、弄]出 35.get over越[爬]过、克服、忍受、复原、痊愈、完成、走完、[口]忘记 36.get through完成、及格、到达、通过、用尽[完]、打通(电话) 37.get together收集、积累、聚集 38.give away背弃、出买、泄露(秘密)、暴露、散掉、给掉、赠送、分送、颁发、放弃、牺牲 39.give in 屈服、投降、退让(to)、交/呈上、宣布、发表
