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Language is an integrated part of culture. As is known, there are lots of languages in the world. So there are lots of different cultures. In translation cultural elements usually pose a problem for translators. It is indispensable to attach importance to cultural elements in literary translation. The culture is very important for literary translation. The role of language within a culture, the influence of the culture on language are so pervasive that scarcely any text can be adequately understood without careful consideration of its cultural background.

To sum up, languages do not operate in isolation but within and as part of cultures; cultures differ from each other in various ways and there is by no means a one-to-one relation of exact lexical equivalence between their languages in most cases. Translators have to transmit special cultural qualities from one language to another through a

multi-pronged approach. From this perspective it is necessary for them to possess

cross-cultural consciousness.

Key words: translation, language, culture, cultural elements






Abstract (i)

Contents (iii)

Introduction (1)

1. Language and Culture (1)

1.1 The definition of language and culture (1)

1.2 The relation of language and culture (2)

2. Translation and Culture (4)

2.1 The importance of culture for translation (5)

2.2 The influence of culture on trans lation (6)

3. Cultural Elements (7)

3.1 Social element (7)

3.2 The religious and ideological elements (8)

3.3 Geographical and environmental elements (10)

Conclusion (11)

Bibliography (12)



Translation has played a significant role in the communication among nations since antiquity. As is known, there are quite a lot of languages in the world and nobody can know all of them. Thus translators are required to function as intermediaries in cross -national and cross-cultural exchanges. Translation is an art, a bilingual art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words of a different language. It is indispensable to attach importance to cultural elements in literary translation. Just as Eugene A. Nida says, the role of language within a culture and the influence of the culture on language are so pervasive that scarcely any text can be adequately understood without careful consideration of its cultural background. This paper is supposed to interpret the close relations among language, culture and translation as well as explain some aspects of cultural elements in literary translation.

1. Language and Culture

1.1 The definition of language and culture

To illustrate the relationship between language and culture is worthwhile to start by giving the definitions of them. Many linguists have agreed to accept the view that language is, in essence, a system of symbols designed for the purpose of human communication. According to Ji Xianlin, a famous Chinese scholar, there exist more than 500 definitions about culture, from which we can know that culture is not easy to define. The classic definition of it is provided by the 19th-century English anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor: culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Eugene A. Nida defines it in a simplistic manner as the totality of the beliefs and practices of a society. In a broad sense, it usually refers to the totality of material culture and spiritual culture.

1.2 The relation of language and culture

Language and culture are closely related in that they are mutually necessary: language can exist and develop only in a social setting while culture may be maintained and conveyed only through language; in a sense, language is part of and medium of culture. Particular structures of language may reflect to a certain degree the way people think. Different people think differently because their language offers them different ways
