





1、本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A) 填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。因笔试不考听力,选择题从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。








Here are four homes for sale around the U. S. with links to past, present and future presidents, as well as their close families.

John F. Kennedys Weekend Retreat

A modest farm near Middleburg, Virginia, was built by John F Kennedy and his wife in the early 1960s. The former first lady designed it herself. The four-bedroom property is currently back on the market for $5.95 million, decreased by $2 million compared with 2015. It was $10.99 million when it first was put up for sale in 2013.

Jackie Kennedys Summer House

Another Kennedy-linked property for sale is the "Lasata" estate in the Hamptons, designed by architect Arthur C. Jackson and built in 1917. Set on more than seven acres of land near the ocean, it includes a 10-bedroom house that was restored in 2007, including a three-car garage building. It's on the market for $38.9 million, a little bit higher than last year.

Chester A. Arthur's Summer White House

Chester A. Arthur, who became the 21st president in 1881, spent some of his down time here. The three-story, six-bedroom Victorian mansion, which was built in 1796 and has been recently restored, is for sale with a $14. 2 million price tag, down from $20 million in 2015. Features include a library with fireplace, a formal dining and living room and a family room overlooking the garden and the swimming pool.

President Obama's Summer Rental

This Martha's Vineyard home served as the summer White House to President

Obama. It is currently for sale for S19. 1 million, down from S22.5 million in July 2015. Set on nine acres of land and with its own private road, this property no doubt acted as a perfect summer hideaway for those who didn’t want their every movement seen. In addition to privacy, other features include a heated pool, half-basketball court, outdoor terraces and a two-bedroom guest cottage

21. Which house has the longest history?

A. President Obama’s Summer Rental

B. Jackie Kennedy’s Summer House

C. Chester A. Arthur’s Summe r White House

D. John F. Kennedy’s Weekend Retreat

22. What is the feature of President Obama’s Summer Rental?

A. Privacy

B. Architecture

C. Location

D. Price.

23. What do the four houses have in common?

A. Their prices are going down these years.

B. They have connections with US presidents.

C. They have a history of more than a century.

D. They have more than 5 bedrooms in the house.


It was just one word in one email, but it caused huge financial losses for a multinational company. The message, written in English, was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English was a second language. Unsure of the word. the receiver found two contradictory meanings in his dictionary. He acted on the wrong one. Months later, senior management investigated why the project had failed, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

When such misunderstandings happen, it's usually the native speakers who are to blame. Ironically, they are worse at delivering their message than people who speak English as a second or third language.

A lot of native speakers are happy that English has become the world's global language. They don't feel the need to accommodate or adapt to others. They often talk too fast for others to follow and use jokes, slang, short forms and references specific to their own culture. "The first time I worked in an international institution, somebody said ‘ETA 16: 53’ and I thought‘What the hell is ETA?’ ", says Michael Blatter, an executive in an international company.

And then there's cultural style. When a British reacts to a proposal by saying "that's interesting", a fellow British might recognize this as "that's rubbish " But other nationalities would take the word "interesting" on face value.

Also, lots of the information is not fully understood because of the complex language native speakers use. Too many non-native speakers, especially the Asians and the French, are too concerned about not “losing face” and nod approvingly while not getting the message at all, because of which, the native speakers continue delivering information that makes little sense to them. The information gap is unnoticed and keeps widening.

Native speakers should communicate efficiently with simple language. When

trying to communicate in English with a group of people with different levels of fluency, it's important for native speakers to make the same point in a couple of different ways and ask for some acknowledgement, reaction and action, to know whether they've been understood or not.

24. The first paragraph of the passage is written to_____.

A. tell readers an interesting story

B. introduce the topic of the passage

C. state the importance of English

D. show an example of communication

25. What can we learn about Michael?

A. He thinks British people talk too fast

B. He feels no need to adapt to others

C. He's not a native English speaker.

D. He finds British culture hard to understand

26. What might cause the Asians and the French to “lose face” according to the passage?

A. Being unable to use complex language

B. Being non-native English speakers

C. Failing to understand native speakers

D. Nodding approvingly while listening

27. Native speakers are advised to ask for listeners acknowledgement in order to____.

A. talk to a group of people at the same time

B. learn about listeners' levels of fluency

C. get suggestions from listeners

D. check listeners' understanding


Scientists have identified the order of the gene of the giraffe for the first time to help explain how the tallest animals on earth developed their remarkably long necks.

Being a giraffe is not easy. To pump blood two meters up from the chest to the brain calls for a powerful heart and twice the blood pressure of other mammals. Giraffes also need special safety system to let them bend down for a drink and raise their heads again without feeling dizzy.

The animals' unique body structure has long been a puzzle for biologists, including Charles Darwin. Now, by comparing the gene of the giraffe with its closest relative, the short-necked okapi, scientists have solved part of the puzzle by studying changes in a small number of genes responsible both for regulating body shape and circulation. This suggests that the development of a long neck and a powerful heart went hand in hand, driven by a relatively small number of genetic changes.

The interpretation of the genetic factors behind the giraffe's remarkable heart system could also be instructive for human health, since the animals appear to avoid the kind of organ damage often found in people with high blood pressure.

The more fundamental question of why giraffes developed their long necks remains open, however. The apparently self-evident idea that it was to reach

ever-higher food supplies has been challenged in the past 20 years by a competing belief that it is actually due to competition among fighting males for females.

Unlike long-necked birds, which have additional vertebrae (椎骨), giraffes have the same seven vertebrae found in all mammals, although theirs are greatly extended.

28. A strong heart is very important for a giraffe because it____.

A. pumps blood to the brain high above its body

B. keeps the blood pressure at a normal level

C. helps the giraffe find a drink at lower places

D. keeps the giraffe safe in different environments

29. Scientists compare the gene of the giraffe and the short-necked okapi because the latter___.

A. has a quite special body structure

B. is a puzzle worth further study

C. is in the same family as the giraffe

D. has gone through few genetic changes

30. Which possibly caused the giraffe to develop a long neck?

A. Its favorite food at high places

B. Its attempts to attract females

C. Its need to avoid organ damage.

D. Its greatly-extended vertebrae

31. What's the author's purpose of writing this passage?

A. To introduce a new finding of science.

B. To explain genetic changes in animals.

C. To describe giraffes body structure.

D. To challenge a belief of twenty years.


Betty smith's first novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, became immediately popular when it was published in 1943. The story is set in the years of 1900 to 1920. It tells of Francie Nolan and her parents, who were born to immigrants, and their struggle to provide for their family. Smith says she based the story on her own experiences growing up in the neighborhood of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, a borough of New York City. It's widely believed that the character of Francie is based on Smith.

The tree of the book's title refers to the big Tree of Heaven which grows near the family's apartment building, despite attempts to get rid of it. It's a symbol for Francie herself. Francie is determined to survive and improve her life, despite things that get in her way: her father is an alcoholic and dies, her mother doesn't care about Francie’s dreams and her family is almost constantly poor.

The novel tells the story of how Francie’s parents, Johnny and Katie Nolan, met as teenagers. Katie later became pregnant, and they married before either of them had turned 20. Despite his charm and good nature, Johnny is an alcoholic who can't hold a job. Katie supports the family by cleaning apartment buildings. This went against tradition, as the man was usually the one with the job who provided for the family. Francie enjoys learning, and idolizes her father, who shares her dreamy nature and

vivid imagination. He lies to get Francie into a better school, realizing it's what will make her happiest.

Readers experience the scenes in Brooklyn from Francie’s point of view. She observes the neighborhood's people and events from the fire escape outside the family’s apartment.

Family plays a key role throughout A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Katie tries hard to provide for her family when Johnny can't. The children work after-school jobs to support their mother after Johnny dies. Additionally, Francie sacrifices her savings to send her brother to school.

Smith's book is still a popular read for many young women even though it's more than 70 years old.

32. Which of the following is TRUE about A Tree Grows in Brooklyn?

A. It is an autobiography of Betty Smith

B. It is Betty smith's most popular book

C. It sets the story in New York in the 1940s

D. It tells of immigrants' life in New York

33. What role does the Tree of Heaven play in Francie’s life?

A. It accompanies her growth

B. It represents her struggle in life

C. It contributes to her success

D. It makes her dream come true

34. The underlined word "This" refers to the fact that_____.

A. Johnny was charming and had good nature

B. Johnny married Katie before they were 20

C. Katie worked as a cleaner in department buildings

D. Katie supported the family instead of Johnny

35. What message does Betty Smith try to convey in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn?

A. Family support is of significance

B. Men should support their families

C. Immigrants in the US got married early

D. Good imagination makes a great writer



Food is a very important and necessary part of our lives.

We eat food because we need it to live. It gives us the nutrients that we need for our bodies to grow. ___36____. If we are happy, we eat; if we are sad, we eat; boredom, depression, and loneliness are other reasons that we eat. ___37____. When we have friends or family over, we usually have some form of food to offer them, whether it is a light snack or a full meal

___38____. Many of us like certain foods because we have been raised eating those foods. In many cases, whatever our parents eat or like to eat is what we eventually enjoy eating. The region where we live as well as economics determines

much of our food selection. If we lived in China we would eat a lot of rice because it is what is grown there. ___39____.

Food is also a part of our many celebrations. However, the way that food is used in celebrations varies from home to home, and country to country ___40____. To understand why different foods are used in different celebrations, we need to understand a little about culture and how it could affect the foods we use.

A. Also, we use food for our social needs

B. Very often, we eat food for psychological reasons

C. Nowadays many people choose to eat healthy food.

D. It is affected by different cultures around the world

E. So our back ground and environment play a great role in what we eat.

F. Cheap food in one country may be quite expensive in another country.

G. The food that we choose to eat is selected for a number of different reasons.




My grandfather gave me the world when he gave me his love. He would have done anything for me, and he was 41 to busy himself with some project meant for my 42 .

Summer months meant that I could have more fun on my grandfather's farm away from the 43 of city life. Only a twenty-minute drive from our home, my mother often made the44 with me into the company of my 45.

On one visit that was meant to be short, I enjoyed my childish happiness by 46 snacks and drinks outside my grandparents’ house, where other children 47 to visit friends and family. I was 48 counting the little change though it was far from the aim of my 49.

My enthusiasm was disappearing, however, when my mother approached to remind me of an appointment I knew I would not be 50 to miss. "But who will sit at my lemonade stand?" I asked mum, unwilling to 51.

I guess you will have to pack it away until another day, "she replied with 52 . Mournfully, I began to obey, 53 packing up my lemonade stand.

From the 54, where I could be seen through the window, Grandpa came stepping across the grass. He 55 touched my cheek with a rough finger, put my lemonade stand back, seated himself in the chair and 56 a newspaper. "It is a 57 day for lemonade, " he said, “Hurry back and we'll share some.’’

When we 58 later that day, Grandpa was still at my post. In the small box where

I had begun to place my 59 was more change than could be accounted for even if the

60 village showed up for a drink

41. A. kind B. willing C. relaxed D privileged

42. A. birthday B. love C. world D happiness

43. A boredom B. diversity C. amusement D laziness

44. A. trip B. drink C. food D plan

45. A. grandfather B. father C. friend D. family

46. A. collecting B. making C enjoying D. selling

47. A. passed B forgot C. decided D. ran

48. A. hopelessly B. careless C. excitedly D cautiously

49. A. life B. effort C. work D. reality

50.A. advised B. made C prepared D permitted

51. A. answer B pack C leave D. disappear

52.A. regret B. embarrassment C. amusement D. anger

53. A. gratefully B. delightedly C. slowly D. hurriedly

54. A. farm B. store C. house D. car

55. A. suddenly B. gently C. secretly D accidentally

56. A bought B unfolded C put aside D. handed over

57. A busy B. quiet C. short D. nice

58. A. talked B. discussed C retuned D. arrived

59. A. goods B. earnings C. snacks D. clothes

60. A. former B. small C. familiar D. entire



Since I was first in China, my life, and China itself have developed and changed a lot. I came here in 2012 61________ (travel) and visit a friend. I had a fantastic time, 62 ______ (explore) beautiful places in Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan and Hong Kong within 5 weeks. Then, with the taste of China in my mouth, I 63 _______ (return) to Beijing as an exchange student in 2014, 64 ______ I fell in love with this city. Despite the pollution and people everywhere, what I saw in Beijing was a city 65 _________ (constant) on the move and developing at a pace so unknown to me, a man from a small and sleepy 66 ________ (Australia) city.

China today is a country rich 67 ______ ancient knowledge and custom, yet one that is also bursting with 68 _________ (create). Although some things, like the delicious dumplings across China suggest that they will always stay 69 _________ same, other things are changing at a pace beyond imagination. I'm sure, as 70 _________ (I) life continues here in Beijing, I will be swept in the next new convenience of life that china's rapid development is bringing out.




增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一橫线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:


The day right after my seventeen birthday during last summer vacation, I pay a visit to my grandparents. They've been living in a village outside the city that I had a wonderful childhood with them. I was sitting at a bus stop talking my mother about what to eat for lunch. Sooner I realized that someone was looking at me. Turn around, I found it was Linda, the girl I had stayed with her for so long when I was a child. She was staring at me curious. Did she recognize me, and was she just wondering who my mother and I were? I called out her name. And for a next few minutes we were excitedly hugging each other.






3、参考词汇:春联Chinese New Year Couplets




21C22A23B24B25C 26C27D28A29C30B

31A32D33B34D35A 36B37A38G39E40D


41B42D43A44A45A 46D47A48C49B50D

51C52A53C54C55B 56B57D58C59B60D



61 to travel 62 exploring 63 returned 64 when/and 65 constantly

66. Australian 68 creation/creativity 69 the 70 my



The day right after my seventeen birthday during last summer vacation, I pay a visit to my



grandparents. They 've been living in a village outside the city that I had a wonderful childhood


with them, I was sitting at a bus stop talking ∧my mother about what to eat for lunch. Sooner I

to/ with


realized that someone was looking at me. Turn around, I found it was Linda, the girl I had stayed


with her for so long when I was a child. She was staring at me curiously. Did she recognize me


and was she just wondering who my mother and I were? I called out her name. And


for a next few minutes we were excitedly hugging each other.


第二节: (满分25分)


One possible version

Dear James,

I’m so excited that you’ve agreed to celebrate the Spring Festival with me at my home!

We can be ready to have you here two or three days before the festival. When you arrive here, we can work together to put up Chinese New Year Couplets, which is part of our new year celebration, and you can learn some Chinese characters meanwhile. During the festival, we will visit my relatives and get lucky money. That's a Chinese tradition and there's lots of fun. I 'll also take you to some flower markets, where we can appreciate various kinds of beautiful flowers and even buy some for the house decoration.

Please let me know what else you would like to experience and I’ll do my best. I can't wait to meet you here.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua.
