


OG Discrete Question

1.Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War

had _____ invention. He said, _____ research, the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern paten t office. “Unless we can ______ original ideas, we will not have invention.” Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent.

2.Statements presented as fact in a patent application are _____ unless a good reason for

doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort _____ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of ____ devices will continue to yield occasional patent.

3.No other contemporary poet’s work has such a well-earned reputation for _____, and

there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing. Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn. This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years—an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such ____ over the previous 50 years. Yet for all his newfound _____, his poetry is as thorny as ever.

4.Managers who think that strong environmental performance will ____ their company’s

financial performance often ____ claims that systems designed to help them manage environmental concerns are valuable tools. By contrast, managers who perceive environmental performance to be _____ to financial success may view an environmental management system as extraneous. In either situation, and whatever their perceptions, it is a manager’s commitme nt to achieving environmental improvement rather than the mere presence of a system that determines environmental performance.

5.Philosophy, unlike most other subjects, does not try to extend our knowledge by

discovering new information about the world. Instead it tries to deepen our

understanding through _____ what is already closest to us—the experiences, thoughts,

concepts, and activities that make up our lives but that ordinarily escape our notice

precisely because they are so familiar. Philosophy begins by finding _____ the things that are _____.


6.It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to

be ____ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to _____ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the _____, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet.

7.Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has

been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, although often regarded with _____, but the most _____ of these paintings _____ all doubts.

8.Having displayed his art collection in a vast modernist white space in ______ former

warehouse, Mr. Saatchi has chosen for his new site its polar opposite, a riverside monument to civic pomposity that once housed the local government. There is nothing ______ about the new location: the building’s design is bureaucratic baroque, ______ style that is as declamatory as a task-force report and as self-regarding as a campaign speech.


9.That the President manages the economy is an assumption _____ the prevailing wisdom

that dominates electoral politics in the United States. As a result, presidential elections have become referenda on the business cycle, whose fortuitous turnings are _____ the President. Presidents are properly accountable for their executive and legislative performance, and certainly their actions may have profound effects on the economy. But these effects are _____. Unfortunately, modern political campaigns are fought on the untenable premise that Presidents can deliberately produce precise economic results.

10.Room acoustics design criter ia are determined according to the room’s intended use.

Music, for example, is best _____ in spaces that are reverberant, a condition that generally makes speech less _______. Acoustics suitable for both speech and music can sometimes be created in the same space, although the result is never perfect, each having to be ______ to some extent.

11.To the untutored eye the tightly forested Ardennes hills around Sedan look quite ______,

_______place through which to advance a modern army; even with today’s more numerous and better roads and bridges, the woods and the river Meuse form a significant ______.

OG Practice Test

12.The most striking thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i)____

rather than ideological, as he adapts his political positions at any particular moment to the political realities that constrain him. He does not, however, piously (ii)_____ political principles only to betray them in practice. Rather, he attempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii)______, viewing himself as an instrument of some

13.What readers most commonly remember about John Stuart Mill’s classic exploration of

the liberty of thought and discussion concerns the danger of (i)_____ : in the absence of challenge, one’s opinions, even when they are correct, grow weak and flabby. Yet Mill had another reason for encouraging the liberty of thought and discussion: the danger of partiality and incompleteness. Since one’s opinions, even under the best circumstances, tend to (ii)_____, and because opinions opposed to one’s own rarely turn out to be completely (iii)_____, it is crucial to supplement one’s opinions with alternative points of

14.Wills argues that certain malarial parasites are especially (i)____ because they have

more recently entered humans than other species and therefore have had (ii)____time to evolve toward (iii)_____. Yet there is no reliable evidence that the most harmful Plasmodium species has been in humans for a shorter time than less harmful species.

PowerPrep 2

15.The question of (i)____ in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage

prints(those make by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative so drastically (ii)______ in the 1990s that one of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much as a nonvintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage of the(iii)_____ to peddle newly created “vintage”

prints for profit.

16.I’ve long anticipated this retrospective of the artist’s work, hoping it would make

(i)______ judgments about him possible, but greater familiarity with his paintings

highlights their inherent (ii)______ and actually makes one’s assessment(iii)______.

17.Higher energy prices would have many (i)_____ effects on society as a whole. Besides

encouraging consumers to be more (ii)______ in their use of gasoline, they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources that are not(iii)______ at current prices.

18.But they pay little attention to the opposite and more treacherous failing: false certainty,

refusing to confess their mistakes and implicitly claiming (i)____ ,thereby embarrassing the nation and undermining the Constitution, which established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men are sometimes wrong and need, precisely when they find it most(ii)______, the benefit of(iii)_____process.










9.BEI 10.BEG

11.AEH 12.CDH 13.BDG 14.BEH 15.ADG 16.BEG 17.CFI 18.ADH


小学三年级上册奥数题 1、王老师带了8000元钱,买一台电脑用去了6387元,买一台打印机用去986元,还剩多少元? 2、三、四年级同学一共收集树种65千克,三年级同学收集6袋,每袋5千克,四年级心理学收集了多少千克? 3、电视机厂第一天上午生产电视机274台,下午生产196台,如果第三天生产510台,第一天比第二天少生产多少台? 4、家具厂上个月生产单人木床1500张,双人木床1850张,铁床2500张,铁床比木床少生产多少张? 5、手帕厂原计划八月份生产手帕3280打。采用新的生产流水线后,生产的手帕运走了2960打,还剩875打。比原来计划增产多少打? 6、少先队员割草。第一小队割草46千克,第二小队割草54千克,第三小队比第一、二小队割草总数少39千克,第三小队割草多少千克? 7、第一养鸡场养鸡2670只,第二养鸡场比第一养鸡场少养980只,两个养鸡场一共养鸡多少只?

8、食堂九月份烧煤300千克,十月分比九月份节约用煤40千克。两个月共烧煤多少千克? 9、童装厂九月份计划生产童装2060套,结果上半月生产1208套,下半月生产1395套,超过计划多少套? 10、洗衣机厂九月份上半月生产洗衣机845台,下半月生产968台,八月分生产1560台。九月份比八月份多生产多少台?两个月共生产多少台? 11、张大伯家有8袋化肥,每袋重50千克,用去315千克,还剩多少千克? 12、饲养小组养灰兔75只,养的白兔是灰兔的5倍。两种兔共多少只? 13、饲养小组养灰兔75只,是白兔的5倍。这个饲养小组共养兔多少只? 14、一个小组有9个工人,同时加工塑料封面,平均每人加工 105个。把其中的850个装在箱子里,还剩下多少个? 15、商场有白汗衫8箱,每箱560件。有花汗衫2600件。花汗衫比白汗衫少多少件? 16、一箱桔子重15千克,一箱苹果的重量是桔子的2倍。8箱这样的苹果重多少千克?


825÷25= 9864÷48= 900÷22= 57×307= 59×198= 689÷34= 1105÷55= 504×32= 358÷25= 538÷33= 986÷29= 13320÷70= 603×36= 812÷57= 860÷30= 647÷27= 786÷94= 689÷21= 783÷58= 45×368= 750×40= 188×25= 2704÷26= 343÷32= 4800÷600= 2700÷300= 986÷29= 25×480= 905÷45= 450×78= 899÷36= 367÷29= 99007÷45= 7403÷68= 864÷57= 562+865= 528+462= 952-653= 965+652 = 562*56= 513*56= 2565-545 = 432-85= 2132+52=

222-15= 5258x552 = 422+52= 4521-655= 424+536= 524-855= 56+578 = 452*54= 854-465= 552+652= 465-52= 4562-565 = 156x56= 6125+46= 446x58 = 125+65 = 123+665= 122-45 = 135-62 = 123+56= 452-125= 589-69 = 623+533= 958-652= 364x59=35×12= 359÷3= 567+284= 602-394= 46×22= 606-208= 603÷7= 198+303= 426÷4= 23×37= 46×58= 326×5= 482÷8= 370÷7= 784-685= 76×15=486÷2= 607÷5= 900-807=


35×12= 359÷3= 567+284= 602-394= 46×22= 606-208= 603÷7= 198+303= 426÷4= 23×37= 46×58= 326×5= 482÷8= 370÷7= 784-685= 76×15=486÷2= 607÷5= 915÷3= 900-807= 560÷4= 458+542= 423÷3= 87×19= 362÷6= 525÷3=254÷5=192÷4=602÷7=839÷9=726÷6=51×16= 78×22=416÷4=823÷8=63×43= 367÷4= 795÷5= 42×53= 15×82= 79×97= 28×32=54×25= 48×61=39×42=168÷8= 370÷5= 640÷7= 19×64= 470÷9= 522÷6= 312÷7= 570÷8= 810÷9= 660÷5= 804÷7= 462÷3=780÷4=729÷9=624÷6=2500+300=156-97= 386+479= 321×12=

125×23=18×250=52×49= 34×54= 106×51=48×34=82×16= 45×93=66×65= 55×18= 75×26= 816÷8=79×29= 43×36= 62×71= 38×44= 865÷5= 984÷8= 437÷3= 4137÷9= ?31×81= 97×22= 57×21= 42×79= 5.5-4.7= 6.6+2.6= 6.4-2.8= 1-0.5= 0.3+0.6= 1.5+0.9= 3.2-1.5= 5.3+2.7= 8+2.18= 2.7+2.3= 10.8-2.8= 7.2-3.2= 14.6+16.74= 10.7-2.8= 15.15-8.8= 1-0.3= 4.8+7.7= 5-1.8= 12.45+3.6= 9.4+6.42= 27×16=39×66=17×51=43×22= 175÷5= 460÷8= 8405÷7= 9160÷4= 3664÷6= 2360÷4= 18×34=19×25=27×32=45×12=33×12= 32×69= 23×31= 142×23= 32×37= 45×12=


两位数加减法计算练习(一) 班级学号时间分数 70-8= 97-19= 70-48= 90-18= 18+68= 98-29= 41-23= 71-45= 17+14= 9+48= 39+38= 41-13= 15+16= 66+19= 63-46= 8+28= 78-69= 46+39= 50-21= 77-59= 54-38= 62-36= 61-9= 71-35= 63-56= 46+49= 23+28= 23+38= 16+26= 39+15= ? 70-58= 8+68= 39+48= 63-6= 38+28= 77-59= 63-56= 39+15= 95-69= 27+69= 81-7= 56+38= 49+37= 40-18= 37+56= 29+67= 90-33= 29+44= 73-45= 57+35= 95-59= 48-39= 57+25= 8+57= 81-34= 57+16= 96-57= 59+23= 31-19= 40-28= 47-29= 16+29= 56+28= 64+27= 96-47= 73-36= 81-24= 80-37= 82-44= 16+19= - 48+17= 87-48= 80-7= 33-17= 49+27= 58+13= 27+69= 37+56= 57+35= 95-59= 9+22= 28+26= 29+23= 29+13= 15+77= 35+37= 79+18= 27+38= 27+28= 53-45= 27+48= 75-68= 83-7= 35+27= 60-46= 95-28= 94-18= 95-38= 80-16= 6+25=


小学三年级奥数练习题 练习1 1、40个梨分给3个班,分给一班20个,其余平均分给二班和三班,二班分到()个。 2、7年前,妈妈的年龄是儿子的6倍,儿子今年12岁,妈妈今年()岁。 3、同学们进行广播操比赛,全班正好排成相等的6行。小红排在第二行,从头数,她站在第5个位置,从后数她站在第3个位置,这个班共有()人。 4、有一串彩珠,按“2红3绿4黄”的顺序依次排列。第600颗是()颜色。 5、用一根绳子绕树三圈余30厘米,如果绕树四圈则差40厘米,树的周长有()厘米,绳子长()厘米。 6、一只蜗牛在12米深的井底向上爬,每小时爬上3米后要滑下2米,这只蜗牛要()小时才能爬出井口。 7、锯一根10米长的木棒,每锯一段要2分钟。如果把这根木棒锯成相等的5段,一共要()分钟。 8、3只猫3天吃了3只老鼠,照这样的效率,9只猫9天能吃()只。 9、┖┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┚图中共有()条线段。 10、有10把不同的锁,开这10把锁的10把钥匙混在一起了,最多要试()次,才能把这10把锁和钥匙全部配对。 练习2 1、小牛文具店有600本练习本,卖出一些后,还剩4包,每包25本,卖出多少本?3、学校有808个同学,分乘6辆汽车去春游,第一辆车已经接走了128人,如果其余5辆车乘的人数相同,最后一辆车乘了几个同学? 4、学校里组织兴趣小组,合唱队的人数是器乐队人数的3倍,舞蹈队的人数比器乐队少8人,舞蹈队有24人,合唱队有多少人?

5、优优在计算除法时,把除数76写成67,结果得到的商是15还余5。正确的商应该是几? 6、一个书架有3层书,共有270本,从第一层拿出20本放到第二层,从第三层拿出17本放到第二层,这时三层书架中书的本数相等,原来每层各有几本书? 7、箱里放着同样个数的铅笔盒,如果从每只里拿出60个,那么5只箱里剩下铅笔盒的个数的总和等于原来2只箱里个数的和。原来每只箱里有多少个铅笔盒? 8、参加四年级数学竞赛同学中,男同学获奖人数比女同学多2人,女同学获奖人数比男同学人数的一半多2人,男女同学各有多少人获奖? 9、两块同样长的布,第一块用去32米,第二块用去20米,结果所余的米数第二块是第一块的3倍。两块布原来各长多少米? 10、一个正方形,被分成5个相等的长方形,每个长方形的周长是60厘米,正方形的周长是多少厘米?练习3 1、从10000里面连续减25,减多少次差是0? 2、在一道没有余数的除法算式里,被除数(不为零)加上除数和商的积,得到的和,除以被除数,所得的商是多少? 3、明明和花花用同一个数做除法,明明用12去除,花花用15去除。明明除得商是32余数是6,花花 4、三棵树上停着24只鸟。如果从第一棵树上飞4只鸟到第二棵树上去,再从第二棵树飞5只鸟到第三树上去,那么三棵树上的小鸟的只数都相等,第二棵树上原有几只? 5、两袋糖,一袋是84粒,一袋是20粒,每次从多的一袋里拿出8粒糖放到少的一袋里去,拿几次才能使两袋糖的粒数同样多。 6、小强、小清、小玲、小红四人中,小强不是最矮的,小红不是最高的,但比小强高,小玲不比大家高。 请按从高到矮的顺序,把名子写出来。


人教版小学数学第六册计算复习题班别姓名成绩 比赛时间:40分钟满分:100分 挑战计算极限,争当计算明星!加油! 3×10= 80×40= 18×5= 40×60=30÷10= 13×4= 25×20= 160×4=300÷5= 720÷9= 16×6= 720÷0=180÷20= 0÷90= 10×40= 12×50=85÷5= 57÷3= 0+8= 32×30=70÷5= 25×4= 15×6= 630÷9=450÷5= 12×40= 240÷6= 16×60=84÷42= 600-50= 500×3= 0×930=27×30= 84÷12= 420÷3= 910÷3=91-59= 11×70= 1000÷5= 75÷15=320-180= 30×40= 40+580= 560÷4= 95÷1= 480+90= 510÷7= 200÷4=72÷4=8000÷2= 102+20= 4000÷50=125-25×2= 50×0×8= 75+25÷5= 32÷47×12=45+55÷5= 70×(40-32)= 90÷5×3= 10÷10×30=6×(103-98)=7+3×0=51-4×6= 420÷2×8= 750-(70+80)=300÷2÷5= 人教版小学数学第六册计算复习题班别姓名成绩

二、笔算。(乘法不用验算,除法要验算) 54×63= 25×38= 36×19= 774÷8=508÷2= 370÷5= 19×47= 900÷5=23×34= 392÷4= 360×5= 32×68=203÷9= 63×36= 26×38= 770÷5=696÷2= 882÷4= 809÷8= 56×79=64×28= 820÷3= 630÷6= 458÷4= 4+0.6= 7.3-2.9= 10-0.7= 8.2-5=


100道三年级数学小数点加减法练习题三年级数据小数点加减法练习题 班级: 姓名: 日期: 8.6,3.9= 5.5,4.7= 8.4,2.8, 9.4,8.7, 12.8,4.7, 9.4,5.5, 3.6,3.7, 4.4,2.8, 7.5,4.7, 4.7,2.9, 5.3,3.8, 5.6,8.8, 8.3,4.7, 2.6,4.8, 6.4,4.5, 4.7,4.9, 5.5,1.8, 1.7,9.5, 8.7,4.5, 7.6,2.8, 1 1.7,5.9, 9.8,5.9, 5.8,1.9, 4.3,1.9, 3.6,3.8, 9.4,3.6, 3.6,6.8, 5.6, 4.7, 6.5,5.7, 4.7,1.8, 9.4,3.8, 8.4,3.7, 2.7,6.7, 9.5,7.9, 3.8,2.7, 3.8, 4.5, 3.6,5.8, 5.7,3.4, 8.4,2.8, 3.7,6.8, 2 2.7+1 3.1= 32.4-10.2= 7.32+1.47= 1.46+0.32= 6.3+0.6= 6.5-3.4= 12.05-0.79= 10-0.73= 2.74+7.26= 78.5-25.65= 12.8+26.5= 4.3+2.3= 5.2-1.4= 11.8+3.7= 10-2.8= 7.6+5.8= 3 .2+2.5= 5.8+16.47= 23-9.53= 41.2-17.64= 3 2.38+4.1= 1 3.9- 4.85= 3.9+1.8= 2.62+ 5.9= 4.95+6.05= 7.45+ 5.95= 3.14+5.72= 4.8-2.8=



606-208=63÷7=1985+303=123×7=46÷4=46×58=326×5=48÷8=37÷7=784-685=764×5=67÷5=56÷ 4=458+542=42÷3=87×9=497-299=2008-1279=472+1028=1233+232=2340-123=4578-2312=324×2=44÷3=2341+123=49÷6=63÷7=7020×8=334-123=546+1230=998×9=188+119=2000-1098=8024- 1506=9243+7853=378×7= 5×307=7000-3505=753×6=2345-1123=438+741=71÷8=38+1279=233+938=378+427=2500+300=156-97=386+479=321×2=5364+132=3456-789=234-123=1123-234=3451+123=1234×7=23÷2=1232×4=2134-123=2010+2311=44÷5=234-123=678+123=345+123=233×6=1123-234=234×5=123+213=546-378=123×8=2345-1239=234+222=67÷8= 1234-234=567+145=678×9=7890-6778=1234-567=678+243=7890-4563=56÷7=4567-890=678+89=34÷6=2389-986=1235×5=234+789=5683-3422=135×9=3452-334=2345×7=66÷3=3466-784=2345- 123=456+1267=475+553=3456×1=3567-234=67÷7=4567-2345=568+1221=3455-232=664+345=355×3=3567-323=2345-345=678+344=4566+342=78÷3= 578-323=4567×8=456+456=345-45=3458-345=345×6=548+123=34÷3=2345+124=346-231=568-324=453×9=1344+1233=458-123=4566-3213=567×6=3545-232=56÷6=45÷9=453+342=2345-243=345×2=645×5=2435+100=234-34=77÷1=3454-232=1232+2123=678+253=1235-343=3456-2313=453× 6=235-123=568×6=45÷4=356+3533=


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 小学三年级奥数题 年级:姓名: 1.一条路长100米,从头到尾每隔10米栽1棵梧桐树,共栽多少棵树? 路分成100÷10=10段,共栽树10+1=11棵。 12棵柳树排成一排,在每两棵柳树中间种3棵桃树,共种多少棵桃树? 3×(12-1)=33棵。 一根200厘米长的木条,要锯成10厘米长的小段,需要锯几次?200÷10=20段,20-1=19次。 4.蚂蚁爬树枝,每上一节需要10秒钟,从第一节爬到第13节需要多少分钟? 从第一节到第13节需10×(13-1)=120秒,120÷60=2分。 5.在花圃的周围方式菊花,每隔1米放1盆花。花圃周围共20米长。需放多少盆菊花? 20÷1×1=20盆 6.从发电厂到闹市区一共有250根电线杆,每相邻两根电线杆之间是30米。从发电厂到闹市区有多远? 30×(250-1)=7470米。 7.王老师把月收入的一半又20元留做生活费,又把剩余钱的一半又50元储蓄起来,这时还剩40元给孩子交学费书本费。他这个月收入多少元? [(40+50) ×2+20] ×2=400(元)答:他这个月收入400元。

8.一个人沿着大提走了全长的一半后,又走了剩下的一半,还剩下1千米,问:大提全长多少千米? 1×2×2=4千米 9.甲在加工一批零件,第一天加工了这堆零件的一半又10个,第二天又加工了剩下的一半又10个,还剩下25个没有加工。问:这批零件有多少个? (25+10)×2=70个,(70+10)×2=160个。综合算式:【(25+10)×2+10】×2=160个 10.一条毛毛虫由幼虫长到成虫,每天长一倍,16天能长到16厘米。问它几天可以长到4厘米? 16÷2÷2=4(厘米),16-1-1=14(天) 11.一桶水,第一次倒出一半,然后倒回桶里30千克,第二次倒出桶中剩下水的一半,第三次倒出180千克,桶中还剩下80千克。桶里原来有水多少千克? 180+80=260(千克),260×2-30=490(千克),490×2=980(千克)。 12.甲、乙两书架共有图书200本,甲书架的图书数比乙书架的3倍少16本。甲、乙两书架上各有图书多少本? 答案:乙:(200+16)÷(3+1)=54(本);甲:54×3-16=146(本)。 13.小燕买一套衣服用去185元,问上衣和裤子各多少元? 裤子:(185-5)÷(2+1)=60(元); 上衣:60×2+5=125(元)。 14.甲、乙、丙三人年龄之和是94岁,且甲的2倍比丙多5岁,乙2倍比丙多19岁,问:甲、乙、丙三人各多大?


三年级数学上册计算题练习 班别:姓名: 一、估算。 387×7≈ 319×5≈ 91×7≈ 97×8≈ 1900×3≈ 192×3≈ 302×8≈ 42×6≈ 二、填空。 (1)不用计算,很快写出得数。 627-348=279 那么627-279 =() 279+279 =() 386+287=673 那么287+386 =() 673-287 =()(2)计算 535×4= 603×8= 208×8= 702×5=(336+26)×3 586-215×2 962-362×2 (4)在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。 9分○90秒 4时○4分 5时○500分 140秒○2分 5时○300分 120秒○20分 (5)填一填。 6分米=()厘米 5000米=()千米 30毫米=()厘米 7吨=()千克 1米=()分米 1厘米=()毫米 3千米=()米 1米=()厘米 1分米=()厘米

1米-2分米=()分米 3千米-1000米=()米 1吨-600千克=()千克 7000米+8000米=()千米 5000米+700米=()米 45毫米+25毫米=()厘米 2000米()米()米 ()千米( 3 )千米()千米 (6)填一填。 1小时=()分 180秒=()分 4时=()分 5分=()秒 120分=()时 480分=()时 600分=()时 3时=()分 4分=()秒 (7)填单位名称。 1.杯子大约高1()。 2.两张课桌合起来约长1()。3.数学书本约厚12()。 4.我家一个月用了4()电。 5.我们学校离影剧院1()。 6.我的身高是140()。三、判断下面各题,错的打“×”,对的打“√”。 (1)48÷5=9……3 ()(2)5×6+4=34 () (3)49÷8=6……1 ()(4)33÷7=5……2 () (5) 3+2×2=10 ()(6)29-9×3=60 ()(7)752-352×2=800 ()(8)445-(387-279)=63 ()四、连一连。 3......1 5......4 6......2 8 (2) 20÷3 28÷9 66÷8 34÷6


相遇问题【含义】两个运动的物体同时由两地出发相向而行,在途中相遇。这类应用题叫做相遇问题。 【数量关系】相遇时间=总路程÷(甲速+乙速) 总路程=(甲速+乙速)×相遇时间 【解题思路和方法】简单的题目可直接利用公式,复杂的题目变通后再利用公式。 例1、甲乙两人分别从相距20千米的两地同时出发相向而行,甲每小时走6千米,乙每小时走4千米,两人几小时后相遇? 分析:相遇时间=路程和÷速度和 =20÷(6+4)=2小时 例2、甲乙两人分别从A、B两地同时出发相向而行,甲每小时行48千米,乙每小时行42千米,两车在离中点18千米处相遇,求AB两地间的距离 分析:“两车在离中点18千米处相遇”,由于甲的速度更快,说明他们相遇时,甲过了中点18千米,而乙离中点18千米,那甲比乙多走了18+18=36千米,一小时甲比乙多走48-42=6千米,我们就可以算出相遇时间:36÷6=6小时,再依公式路程和=速度和×相遇时间=(48+42)×6=540千米

例3、甲乙两人同时从A到B地,甲每分钟行250米,乙每分钟行90米,甲到达B地后立即返回A地,在离B地1200米处与乙相遇,A、B 两地相距多少千米? 分析:画图,从图中我们可以知道,甲比乙多走了2个1200,甲每分钟比乙多走250-90=160米,我们就可以求出总共走了多少时间:2×1200÷160=15分钟,那么A、B两地相距:250×15-1200=2550米例4、甲乙两车同时从A、B两地相向而行,在距A地60千米处第一次相遇,各自到达对方出发点后立即返回,途中又在距A地40千米处相遇,A、B两地相距多少千米? 分析:第一次相遇时,两车合走了一个全程,此时甲走了60千米第二次相遇时,两车合走了三个全程,甲应走了60×3=180千米,这时甲离A地还有40千米,加上这40千米,甲正好走了两个全程,所以一个全程应为:(180+40)÷2=110千米。 例5、甲乙两人在环形跑道上以各自的速度跑步,如果两人同时从同地相背而行,乙跑4分钟后两人第一次相遇,甲跑一圈要6分钟,乙跑一圈要几分钟? 分析;当他们相遇时,甲乙各跑了4分钟,如果甲要跑到出发点,还需要6-4=2分钟,而这2分钟跑的路程,恰好是乙4分钟跑的路程,说明,跑同样的距离,乙花的时间是甲的两倍;同样跑一圈,甲需要6分钟,乙就需要6×2=12分钟


小学三年级下册除法计算题大全 【导语】除法是四则运算之一。已知两个因数的积与其中一个非零因数,求另一个因数的运算,叫做除法。两个数相除又叫做两个数的比。以下是小编整理的《小学三年级下册除法计算题大全》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】小学三年级下册除法计算题大全 364÷52=4116÷98=128÷64=256÷14=261÷19= 609÷37=780÷35=366÷29=3432÷66=1225÷49= 3792÷79=7826÷91=1800÷24=2014÷38=584÷73= 1309÷17=4884÷74=188÷94=5307÷87=1332÷37= 528÷26=2490÷83=1701÷81=1736÷62=744÷62= 56÷14=28÷14=36÷12=48÷12=26÷13= 39÷13=60÷15=70÷14=96÷12=96÷24= 30÷15=60÷12=25÷12=125÷25=144÷12= 121÷11=52÷26=48÷16=54÷27=72÷36= 98÷1484÷14=96÷16=91÷13=40÷20= 990÷90=100÷10=42÷21=64÷16=3300÷33= 552÷23=403÷13=1008÷14=396÷36=630÷15= 165÷25=482÷41=115÷15=664÷52=342÷18= 6231÷67=1240÷62=1204÷14=936÷12=7728÷92= 861÷21=745÷33=216÷32=368÷18=5005÷77= 679÷91=2619÷27=490÷70=704÷28=5238÷54= 1764÷21=5664÷96=5525÷65=1118÷43=1804÷41=


小学数学三年级上册奥数题 1. 幼儿园买来一些苹果,昨天吃了一半,今天又吃了剩下的一半,还剩下18个,一共买来多少个苹果? 2.131+132+133+134+135=()×()=() 48+43+44+45+40=()×()=() 10+20+30+40+50+60+70=()×()=() 45+50+55+60+65+70+75+80=()×()=() 42+43+44+45+46=( ) ×( )=( ) □+□+□+□□×□×□=○ 如果○=1,那么□=()() 3.一个立体图形从上面看是,从侧面看是,这个立体图形是由()个正方体搭成的。 4.仔细观察认真填。 如果 200克,那么 =()克 5.我能算出它们的体重。 如果:一头大象+5头牛=10吨 2头大象+5头牛=15吨 1头大象+1条鲸鱼=12吨 那么:1头牛=()吨, 1头大象=()吨, 1条鲸鱼=()吨 她至少需要()分钟干完这些事。 7. 苗苗家住在九楼,每两层楼之间有15级台阶,苗苗从一楼走到家需要上多少级台阶?

8.火柴棒游戏: 移动一根火柴棒,使等式成立。 如图:拿掉3根火柴,使它变成3个正方形,怎样拿? 解: 用12根火柴棒,摆成6个大小一样的三角形,请你拿走3根, 还剩下3个大小一样的三角形. 解: 9.按要求把1、3、5、7四个数字分别填在□里并写出乘法算式。 (1)要使积最大,应该怎样填?□□□×□ (2)要使积最小,应该怎样填?□□□×□ 10.猜一猜,填一填。 □□□□0□ × 5 ×□ □ 2 5 □ 0 0 5 11.有一只蜗牛沿15米高的树干往上爬,白天向上爬4米,夜间又往下退3米。蜗牛第几天能爬到树顶? 12.一张长方形的纸,长10厘米,宽5厘米,把两张这样的长方形的纸拼在一起,拼成的新长方形的周长是多少? 13.平均每本多少元?


三年级脱式计算题 25+32×23 52+18×12 17+34×19 = = = = = = 37+16×28 65+11×12 56+37×21 = = = = = = 61+12×23 43+21×23 45+32×55 = = = = = = 38+25×31 48+52×21 87+35×49 = = = = = = 99+46×97 44+81×33 31+98×76 = = = = = = 38+53×47 67+81×90 99+54×56 = = = = = = 56+56×76 190+18×11 41+51×87 = = = = = =

96+72×44 98+55×67 37+43×77 = = = = = = 32+58×86 25+67×22 44+88×22 = = = = = = 99+65×34 89+78×46 48+63×91 = = = = = = 56+89×77 35+49×82 47+99×89 = = = = = = 58+85×33 49+65×33 79+92×93 = = = = = = 39+83×55 89+56×61 88+38×49 = = = = = = 125+82×37 152+58×33 117+58×77 = = = = = =

196+55×31 198+12×89 137+22×88 = = = = = = 132+12×37 250+23×38 440+13×36 = = = = = = 199+25×89 819+49×90 418+57×67 = = = = = = 516+27×36 315+57×34 147+28×36 = = = = = = 518+18×47 419+29×54 128+28×19 = = = = = = 319+32×56 189+42×37 818+41×53 = = = = = = 32+65×37 850+27×38 269+85×39 = = = = = =


10以内加减法50道练习题(一) 姓名:用时:得分: 9-6= 2+7= 10-5= 7+1= 5-3= 10-7= 6-1= 6-5= 2+6= 10-1= 9-8= 5-2= 4+1= 6+2= 3-1= 5+5= 7+3= 2+7= 2+7= 7+1= 2+4= 4-2= 2+2= 4+4= 5-1= 1+2= 4-3= 5+2= 9-7= 10-2= 10-3= 6-2= 3+1= 4+6= 1+1= 6-3= 9-3= 8-1= 1+7= 9-5= 9-3= 2+5= 9-1= 2-1= 4+2= 5-2= 6-3= 7-1= 6+2= 8+1= 10以内加减法50道练习题(二) 姓名:用时:得分: 8-7= 6+4= 9-1= 5+3= 9-6= 9-3= 9-5= 1+8= 10-5= 8-3= 1+8= 2+8= 9-1= 4-1= 8-1= 2+3= 2+4= 10-1= 9-8= 10-9= 3+5= 6-2= 8+1= 3+4= 7-4= 10-9= 6-4= 1+7= 10-9= 9-6= 9-5= 9-7= 8-5= 6+4= 6-5= 1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.

2+2= 2+3= 9+1= 8-6= 2+8= 10-8= 9-7= 1+6= 2+1= 1+5= 7+1= 3+3= 3+2= 9-7= 7-6= 10以内加减法50道练习题(三) 姓名:用时:得分: 1+5= 9-8= 9+1= 1+6= 8-5= 4-2= 2+5= 5+3= 10-6= 6-2= 2+4= 9-4= 4+6= 1+4= 5-3= 5+3= 6-3= 3-2= 2+4= 4-2= 10-5= 6-5= 10-9= 2+4= 8-2= 2+8= 5-2= 3+1= 1+9= 4+2= 3+1= 5-2= 3+7= 5-4= 8+1= 5-3= 9+1= 1+7= 5+2= 10-8= 4-3= 1+3= 1+1= 2+7= 2+1= 9-4= 3-2= 9-8= 1+9= 2-1= 10以内加减法50道练习题(四) 姓名:用时:得分: 10-8= 2+8= 3+5= 6+1= 2-1= 7-1= 5-4= 4-2= 8-6= 3-1= 2+8= 3+1= 1+4= 2+1= 9-4= 8-6= 7+2= 7+1= 9+1= 6+4= 1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.


小学三年级奥数题及答案:还原问题 1.工程问题??绿化队4天种树200棵,还要种400棵,照这样的工作效率,完成任务共需多少天?? 2.还原问题 ?3个笼子里共养了78只鹦鹉,如果从第1个笼子里取出8只放到第2个笼子里,再从第2个笼子里取出6只放到第3个笼子里,那么3个笼子里的鹦鹉一样多.求3个笼子里原来各养了多少只鹦鹉?? 小学三年级奥数题及答案:楼梯问题 1上楼梯问题 某人要到一座高层楼的第8层办事,不巧停电,电梯停开,如从1层走到4层需要48秒,请问以同样的速度走到八层,还需要多少秒???? 2.楼梯问题??晶晶上楼,从1楼走到3楼需要走36级台阶,如果各层楼之间的台阶数相同,那么晶晶从第1层走到第6层需要走多少级台阶? 小学三年级奥数题及答案:页码问题 1.黑白棋子 ?有黑白两种棋子共300枚,按每堆3枚分成100堆。其中只有1枚白子的共27堆,有2枚或3枚黑子的共42堆,有3枚白子的与有3枚黑子的堆数相等。那么在全部棋子中,白子共有多少枚?

? 2.找规律??有一列由三个数组成的数组,它们依次是(1 ,5 ,10 );(2 ,10 ,20 );( 3,15,30 );……。问第个数组内三个数的和是多少?? 3.页码问题??一本书的页码从1至62 ,即共有62页.在把这本书的各页的页码累加起来时,有一个页码被错误地多加了一次.结果,得到的和数为2000.问:这个被多加了一次的页码是几? 小学三年级奥数题及答案:平均重量 1.平均重量??小明家先后买了两批小猪,养到今年10月。第一批的3头每头重66千克,第二批的5头每头重42千克。小明家养的猪平均多重??? 2.平均数? 有六个数,它们的平均数是25 ,前三个数的平均数是21 ,后四个数的平均数是32,那么第三个数是多少??? ?小学三年级奥数题及答案:盈亏问题 1.盈亏问题 三年级的老师给小朋友分糖果,如果每位同学分4颗,发现多了3颗,如果每位同学分5颗,发现少了2颗。问有多少个小朋友?有多少颗糖????


小学三年级数学计算题、应用题小学三年级数学计算题、应用题 1.计算题 80×10 = 60×20= 50×40= 24×10 = 700×20 = 50×60= 22×30= 80×70= 90×90 = 40×80 = 12×200= 40×40= 90×50 = 80×20 = 200×40= 12×30= 11×70 = 60×60= 50×30= 60×300 = 40×90= 23×20= 70×70= 30×80 = 60×90= 31×20= 20×50= 50×50= 20×70= 80×50 = 40×60= 11×40= 40×30 = 60×80= 90×70 = 43×20 = 22×30= 20×90= 12×40 = 80×60 = 90×80 = 33×30= 70×60= 500×30= 40×70 = 70×20 = 12×50= 32×200= 18×30= 11×60 = 800×20 = 30×15= 16×30= 70×70 =

33×30 = 80×80= 11×44= 70×5 = 80×4 = 30×50= 2.应用题 1、小明的学校在小明家的东南方向150米处,他每天中午都回家吃饭,请问小明在上学和放学的路上一天一共走了多少米? 2、兰兰家在学校的南面500米处,方方家在兰兰家北面200米处,请问学校在方方家什么方向的多少米处? 3、小强的家门面向东,放学回家后站在门前,面向家门,他的前后左右分别是什么方向? 4、小明和小立背对背站立,小明向北走150米,小立向南走120米,两人相距多远? 5、1500棵树苗平均分给5个班种植,每个班又将树苗平均分给5个小组,每个小组分得多少棵树苗? 6、粮店运来120吨大米,第一天卖出总数的一半,第二天卖出剩下的一半,粮店还剩大米多少吨? 7、一本书共有170页,小华已经看了90页。 (1)、还剩多少页没看? (2)、剩下的页数,要在4天内看完,平均每天看多少页? 8、一个足球154元,一根跳绳4元,买2个足球的钱可以买多少根跳绳? 9、同学们在山坡上种树。四、五年级一共种树126棵,五年级种的棵树是四年级的2倍。四年级种多少棵树?


经 典 题 型 一、解方程(等式的性质)20分 1、x x 232-=- 2、463127.253.13?-?-=-+-x x x x 3、x x 21-=- 4、x 355-= 5、15=-x 6、1835+=-x x 7、x x 237+= 8、x x x 58.42.13-=-- 9、26473-=+-x x x 10、x x x 910026411-=-+ 11、x x x x 43987--=+- 12、x x x 25.132-=+- 13、x x 14、3.05.064-=-+-x x x 15、15 2+-=-x x 16、35 36+-=-x x 17、3 223=x 18、168421x x x x x ++-+ = 19、4 32214+=-x x 20、x x x 3 212-=- 二、解方程(去括号)30分

1、4)1(2=-x 2、5)1(10=-x 3、95)3(+=--x x 4、)12(1)2(3--=+-x x x 5、)15(2)2(5-=+x x 6、)4(3)2()1(2x x x -=+-- 7、1)1(234+-=+x x 8、x x x 31)1(2)1(-=--+ 9、)1(3)14(6)2(2x x x -=--- 10、)1(9)15(3)2(4x x x -=--- 11、)12(3)32(21+-=+-x x 12、x x x 31)1(2)1(-=--+ 13、)9(76)20(34x x x x --=-- 14、)3()2(2+-=-x x 15、)1(72)4(2--=+-x x x 16、)43(23)165(2--=+-x x x 17、)12(41)2(3--=+--x x x 18、)4(12)2(24+-=-+x x x 19、)1(9)14(3)2(2x x x -=--- 20、)1(9)14(3)2(2y y y -=--+ 21、)9(76)20(34x x x x --=-- 22、17}20]8)15(4[3{2=----x 23、2)]}4(8[2{3]5)4(3[2----=-+--x x x x x x 24、)1(32 )1(2121-=??????--x x x 25、1122(1)(1)223 x x x x ??---=-????


小学数学计算题 班别姓名成绩 3×10= 80×40= 18×5= 40×60=30÷10= 13×4= 25×20= 160×4=300÷5= 720÷9= 16×6= 720÷0=180÷20= 0÷90= 10×40= 12×50=85÷5= 57÷3= 0+8= 32×30=70÷5= 25×4= 15×6= 630÷9=450÷5= 12×40= 240÷6= 16×60=84÷42= 600-50= 500×3= 0×930=27×30= 84÷12= 420÷3= 910÷3=91-59= 11×70= 1000÷5= 75÷15=320-180= 30×40= 40+580= 560÷4= 95÷1= 480+90= 510÷7= 200÷4=72÷4=8000÷2= 102+20= 4000÷50=125-25×2= 50×0×8= 75+25÷5= 32÷47×12=45+55÷5= 70×(40-32)= 90÷5×3= 10÷10×30=6×(103-98)=7+3×0=51-4×6= 420÷2×8= 750-(70+80)=300÷2÷5= 54×63= 25×38= 36×19= 774÷8=508÷2= 370÷5= 19×47= 900÷5=23×34= 392÷4= 360×5= 32×68= 203÷9= 63×36= 26×38= 770÷5= 696÷2= 882÷4= 809÷8= 56×79= 64×28= 820÷3= 630÷6= 458÷4=

6.5+4.7= 1.2-0.3= 4.6+2.4= 3.8+6.6= 238÷6≈ 876÷3≈ 417÷6≈ 753÷5≈ 89×30≈ 32×48≈ 43×22≈ 52×68≈ 890÷9≈ 459÷50≈ 417÷60≈ 351÷5≈ 65×11≈ 76×11≈ 27×19≈ 45×19≈ 53×21≈ 84×21≈ 38×21≈ 35×21≈ 439+46×7= 248÷4×18= 67×(96÷6)= 25×17-120= (450-175)÷5= 268+29×65= 315-345÷3= 574÷(125 118)= 948-13×52= 17×36÷3= 560-12×24= 375÷5×24= 54×63= 25×38= 370÷5= 774÷8= 508÷2= 36×19= 19×47= 900÷5= 23×34= 392÷4= 360×5= 809÷8= 203÷9= 63×36= 26×38= 770÷5= 696÷2= 882÷4= 32×68= 56×79= 64×28= 820÷3= 630÷6= 18×26= 4+0.6= 7.3-2.9= 10-0.7= 8.2-5= 6.5+4.7= 1.2-0.3= 4.6+2.4= 3.8+6.6= 14×53= 15×48= 470÷5= 736÷8= 548÷2= 36×24= 26×57= 420÷5= 54×34= 340÷4= 340×5= 408÷8= 406÷9= 52×36= 24×42= 440÷5= 626÷2= 212÷4= 31×68= 76×79= 64×45= 420÷3= 606÷6= 48×26=


三年级数据小数点加减法练习题 班级:姓名:日期: 8.6—3.9= 5.5 —4.7= 8.4—2.8=9.4 + 8.7= 12.8+4.7=9.4 —5.5= 3.6 + 3.7= 4.4—2.8 = 7.5 —4.7= 4.7 + 2.9= 5.3—3.8= 5.6 + 8.8= 8.3 —4.7= 2.6 + 4.8= 6.4—4.5= 4.7 + 4.9= 5.5—1.8= 1.7 + 9.5=8.7—4.5=7.6 + 2.8=

1.7 + 5.9=9.8-5.9= 5.8+ 1.9= 4.3-1.9= 3.6 + 3.8=9.4-3.6= 3.6+ 6.8= 5.6+ 4.7= 6.5-5.7= 4.7+ 1.8=9.4-3.8=8.4-3.7= 2.7+ 6.7=9.5-7.9= 3.8+ 2.7= 3.8+ 4.5= 3.6+ 5.8= 5.7-3.4=8.4-2.8= 3.7+ 6.8=

2.7+1 3.1= 6.3+0.6= 2.74+7.26= 32.4-10.2= 7.32+1.47= 1.46+0.32= 6.5-3.4= 12.05-0.79= 10-0.73= 78.5-25.65= 12.8+26.5= 4.3+2.3= 5.2-1.4= 11.8+3.7= 10-2.8= 7.6+5.8= 3 .2+2.5= 5.8+16.47= 23-9.53= 41.2-17.64=

2.38+4.1= 1 3.9- 4.85= 3.9+1.8= 2.62+ 5.9= 4.95+6.05= 7.45+ 5.95= 3.14+5.72= 4.8-2.8= 1.3+ 2.5= 3.11+2.22= 26.2-13.1= 12.3+11.2= 35.8-13.3= 1.45-0.4= 25.2-21.6= 1.45+0.4= 3.16+0.23= 51.5-26.5= 45.2-33.4= 38-33.4=
