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a liner (tramp) 班轮make fast 带牢、挽牢MOB Man Overboard 人员落水 acute appendicitis 阑尾炎freeboard 干舷OBO ship 油散矿三用船

ship’s draft 吃水Dead slow astern 微速后退day room 船上娱乐室

French fries 炸薯条bulk carrier 散货船hard-a-port 左满舵liferaft 救生筏

do m onkey business 滑头生意infectious disease 传染病Wharf rat 码头小偷

Yellow book 健康检疫证Bulk cargo 散货Post office 邮局

Television advertisement Jack staff 船首旗杆Immigration officer 检疫官员

Funnel 船上烟囱high summer 盛夏be under the weather不舒服Oil tanker 油轮 General cargo 杂货Anchor missing 走锚Morning rush hour 早高峰

The Far East 远东Hull 船身Waterline 吃水线Freshwater 淡水Fuel oil 燃油

Starboard side 右舷Ensign 船尾旗杆Engine room 机舱Diesel oil 柴油

Pork chop 猪排ramps 货船draft 吃水waterline 吃水线Baking oven 烤箱messroom 船上餐厅electronic chart 电子海图stand by engine 备车OS 一水GPS 全球定位系统casino 赌场gas tanker 天然气船duty-free shop 免税店

full ahead 全速前进eye rinse station 洗眼站anchor 锚explosion 爆炸

chandler 供应商pork chop 猪排downtown 市中心Deck cadet 甲板实习生

Dish washer 洗碗机Science fiction 科幻小说The blazing sun 大太阳

Zebra crossing 人行道Assembly station 集合站Teddy Bear 泰迪小熊jay-walking 乱穿马路gale warning 大风警报beef steak 牛排Messroom 船上餐厅

Under a lucky star 幸运的Full ahead 全速前进An eye for an eye 以牙还overcast 阴天Welcome on board 欢迎上船Keep watches 值班

Escape route 逃生路线Supermarket 超市French fries 炸薯条in port 在港口

man overboard 人员落水ice warning 病情警报zebra crossing 斑马线

seafood 海鲜power-driven vessel 动力船anchor 锚standby engine 备车

do grocery shopping 采购comedy 喜剧三副third officer干舷freeboard

洗衣房laundry 传染病infectious disease市中心city center/downtown

甲板实习生deck cadet保安员ship security officer左满舵hard-a-portside

高血压hypertension试穿try it on引水员pilot水手长bosun

船上医务室hospital/sick bay头疼headache盥洗室restroom

下中国象棋playing Chinese chess海鲜seafood台风typhoon/hurricane

海员之家seamen’s home海图室chart room/house中途停靠港port of call

吃烧烤have a barbecue 活该deserve it 价目表price list

戒烟quit/give up smoking玩扑克牌playing cards早高峰时段morning rush hour 天气预报weather forecast正舵midships夫妻老婆店mom-and-pop store

海盗pirate 阵雨shower检疫官quarantine officer润滑油lube oil

发高烧have a fever冰情警报ice warning 弃船abandon ship 厨房galley

滚装船ro-ro ship
