




2.What if you were an aduit?

3.would rather do;than play

4.came up with

5.her right arm hurt

6.hurt his own hand(s)

7.offers her candy do


I. 1.medical 2.worried





7.correct 8.helpful

II. 1.of 2.with





Section A




4.worrying / worried


II.1.would buy a book for her

2.would look for it under the desk

3.would take exercise every day

4.would eat more fruit and vegetables and try to relax

III.1.what to say

2.What if

3.was too tired to get up

4.look terrible

5.the night before the sports meeting

Section B


2.annoyed / angry









III.1.does’t; in the slightest

2.to let; down

3.came up with

4.are plenty of

5.to get along well with

Section C Reading

I.1.helpful 2.treats





7.downstairs 8.are burning

9.pain 10.deep

II.1.to cover the desk with

2.injured / hurt your feet

3.to treat a small burn

4.to learn first aid

5.would tell her the dangers of meeting






IV.16~20 CBCAB


I.21~25 DDBBC 26~30 BCDAA

31~35 BADBC

II.36~40 ADBBC 41~45 CDDAB

III.46~50 ACBDB 51~55 BACCD







A)61.knowledgeable 62.offered

63.rest 64.circle


B)66.came out 67.refused to

68.is plenty of 69.let;down

70.thought of

V.71.mountains 72.are

73.two 74.need

75.top 76.see / watch

77.other 78.to

79.night 80.amazing

VI.81~85 CAEBG

VII.One poeeible version:

If I Were Rich Enough

My parents and I live in a small apartment now. If I were rich enough, first I would buy a big house for my family. The houes should be near the sea, because I love sea. Second, I would give some money to help the poor. I hope they can have better lives. Third, I would travel around the world. I want to see different people, different places and experience different cultures. Lastly, I would start a company of my own and try to make more money.

人教版新目标英语 初中英语 利用报纸提高阅读能力

巧用《英语学习辅导报》提高学生的阅读能力 四川省南充市李渡中学谭勇 语言是一种交际工具,语言教学的目的是培养学生运用这种语言的能力。阅读作为听、说、读写四项技能之一,在英语学习中起着重要作用。《普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称“新课标”)对高中生的阅读能力和阅读量都提出了较高要求:达到高中英语6级水平的学生课外阅读量应累计达到18万词以上,7级应累计达到23万词以上,8级30万词以上。在读的技能目标中,不但要求学生有获取信息和处理信息的能力,而且在文章的语言结构、篇章层面、作者观点与态度和写作意图的理解,以及阅读习惯、策略等方面对学生提出了较高要求。因此,如何在三年时间内提高学生的阅读能力,达到新课标的要求是师生共同探究的话题。 一、《英语学习辅导报》的特色简介 《英语学习辅导报》为学生提供了丰富的阅读材料,语言地道,内容新颖,编排合理,符合学生认知水平,是教学的好助手,是提高学习能力的好帮手。 (一)难度适中,符合学生认知水平,与单元配套 所有的文章都用笑脸图案标示出难度,一目了然,学生可以根据自己的实际水平选择相应的文章进行阅读训练,这样有利于学生自信心的提高。从内容选择上看,一方面是单元相关话题的补充延伸,另一方面又拓展话题内容,有利于开阔学生视野。如高一(下)第30期报纸配人教版教材第15单元The necklace话题内容。该期阅读C篇讲述项链故事:法国皇帝拿破仑在妻子生孩子时送给了她一条美丽绝伦、价值连城的项链,它代代相传,几经易主,现存放在美国一家博物馆。E篇叙述英国伟大的戏剧家莎士比亚的生平和他对戏剧的终身热爱与追求。两篇文章不仅丰富了单元话题,而且对学生细节理解、计算、推理、判断、归纳等多方面的阅读理解能力进行了考查,有利于学生阅读理解能力的培养与提高。另外三篇(A 篇讲述助人为乐的故事,B篇介绍提高思维能力的方法,D篇介绍漂流圣地——The French Broad River)不但拓展了学生视野,而且启迪了学生心智,陶冶了学生情操,对学生大有裨益。 (二)内容丰富,全方位训练学生 如高一(下)第30期报纸开篇的Class Linkage版面简单介绍了课文“The Necklace”的故事梗概;Practice and Development版面设计了对课文进一步理解的选择题、填空题等;在Around the World版面介绍了The Cape Town International Kite Festival;在Follow


八年级绵阳第5期参考答案 第5期听力原文 第一节 Text 1 Jack is good at swimming. Text 2 My sister is a famous tennis player. Text 3 Andy usually sees the Beijing Opera on Sundays. Text 4 I hope to be a TV reporter one day. Text 5 We all know and love Mickey Mouse. 第二节 Text 6 W: I often stay at home at weekends. I want to have a change. M: What about having an English party? Text 7 W: Whose concert are you going to see? M: Tina’s. I think she is one of the best English singers in the club. Text 8 W: Can you come to my party tomorrow, Jack? M: Yes, I’d love to. When shall I get there? W: The party begins at 7:00 p.m., but you’d better arrive 30 minutes early. M: OK. Text 9 M: Fiona, le t’s join the basketball club together. W: Sorry, I don’t like basketball. I am interested in playing the violin, so I want to join the music club. M: All right. I like playing basketball and I want to be a great basketball player in the future. So do you know which club I would like to join now? Text 10 M: Yesterday Tom watched a football game in our school. W: Oh! How long did it last? M: It began at 3:00 and finished at 4:30. W: I see. 第三节 请听下面一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。 Text 11 M: Did you watch the football match on TV last night? W: Yes, I did. It was exciting. M: I don’t think so. I went to bed before it was over. By the way, what are you going to do this afternoon? W: I’m going to read some books in the library.


九年级人教版新目标英语学习辅导报第四期答案 要点攻克参考答案 活学活用 1.would;do;were 2.What if you were an aduit? 3.would rather do;than play 4.came up with 5.her right arm hurt 6.hurt his own hand(s) 7.offers her candy do 重点知识梳理 I. 1.medical 2.worried 3.herself 4.listener 5.knowledgeable 6.shelves 7.correct 8.helpful II. 1.of 2.with 3.down https://www.360docs.net/doc/b219143889.html,e 5.out 练练吧参考答案 Section A I.1.ties https://www.360docs.net/doc/b219143889.html,lion 3.research 4.worrying / worried 5.medical II.1.would buy a book for her 2.would look for it under the desk 3.would take exercise every day 4.would eat more fruit and vegetables and try to relax III.1.what to say 2.What if 3.was too tired to get up 4.look terrible 5.the night before the sports meeting Section B I.1.permission 2.annoyed / angry


英语辅导报九年级上册答案 Unit 1 1. What’s the matter? A: Nothing. I'm just a bit tired. 2. What do you usually do on weekends? A: On weekends, I usually spend time with my family or friends, go shopping, or watch movies. 3. What did you do last weekend? A: Last weekend, I went to the beach with my family. 4. What do you think of the movie? A: I think the movie was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. Unit 2

1. What did you do last night? A: Last night, I went to a party with my friends. 2. What did you do at the party? A: At the party, we danced, ate snacks, and talked. 3. How did you feel at the party? A: I felt really happy and excited at the party. 4. What did you do after the party? A: After the party, we went to a cafe and had some coffee. Unit 3 1. What did you do last summer? A: Last summer, I went to the beach with my family and friends. 2. What did you do at the beach?


九年级下英语学习辅导报外研版答案 单选(75分) 1. —Does your father go to work by ________ car every day? —No, he sometimes takes ________ bus. [单选题] * A. the; 不填 B. the; a C. 不填;a(正确答案) D. 不填; 不填 2. They usually go shopping ________ their lunch break. [单选题] * A. during(正确答案) B. among C. between D. against 3. Let's take good care of the animals. They are friends of ________. [单选题] * A. we B. us C. our D. ours(正确答案)

4. —Can you come on Tuesday or Wednesday, Mr White? —I'm afraid ________ is possible. I'll be on business on those two days. [单选题] * A. either B. neither(正确答案) C. every D. each 5. —How many friends will come to your ________ birthday? —About ________. [单选题] * A. thirteen; thirteen B. thirteenth; thirteenth C. thirteen; thirteenth D. thirteenth; thirteen(正确答案) 6. You can go to the concert ________ you finish your homework by 7 o'clock. [单选题] * A. although B. until C. so that D. as long as(正确答案) 7. There are more than eighty experienced ________ in our company. [单选题] * A. man workers B. men worker C. man worker D. men workers(正确答案)


2022年天下智慧英语学习辅导报答案 1、The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _______. [单选题] * A. herself B. himself(正确答案) C. yourself D. themselves 2、5.Shanghais is known ________ “the Oriental Pearl”, so many foreigners come to visit Shanghai very year. [单选题] * A.for B.as (正确答案) C.with D.about 3、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] * A.in advance B.in vain C.in return(正确答案) D.in turn

4、She returns home every year to _______ the Spring Festival. [单选题] * A. celebrate(正确答案) B. share C. watch D. congratulate 5、I will _______ at the school gate. [单选题] * A. pick you up(正确答案) B. pick up you C. pick you out D. pick out you 6、I always get ______ grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.()[单选题] * A. best B. better(正确答案) C. good D. well 7、90.—I want to go to different places, but I don’t know the ________. —A map is helpful, I think. [单选题] *


2022年4月7日30期英语学习辅导报答案高一 1、Look! There are some boats ______ the river.()[单选题] * A. on(正确答案) B. over C. between D. in 2、My dog is very _______. It is safe to touch it if you want to. [单选题] * A. lucky B. delicious C. friendly(正确答案) D. helpful 3、As for the quality of this model of color TV sets, the ones made in Chine are by no means _____ those imported. [单选题] * A inferior than B less inferior to C less inferior than D. inferior to(正确答案)

4、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] * A. What B. Where C Who D. Whose(正确答案) 5、You wouldn' t have caught such ____ bad cold if you hadn' t been caught in ____?rain. [单选题] * A. a, / B. a, a C. a,the(正确答案) D. /, / 6、70.Would you like ________,sir? [单选题] * A.something else(正确答案) B.nothing else C.else something D.else anything 7、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *


英语学习辅导报答案 一、单项选择。(每题1分,共40分) ()1.Can you help memy English?A. toB. withC. atD. for ( ) 2. There are two on the desk. A. paper B. radioes C. radios D. dictionaries ( ) 3. ----Thank you very much. A. Don’t thank me. ----. B. That’s all right. C. No problem. D. OK ( ) 4. This is bedroom. They like it very much. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy’s and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy and Lily’s ( ) 5. What are you going to do the weekend? A. in B. on C. atD. for ( ) 6. Imy email. A. am going to check B. is going to check C. are going to check. D. checks ( ) 7. I’m going to have a piano lesson Saturday morning. A. inB. at C. on D.\ ( ) 8. I’m going to stay bed in the morning. A. inB. onC. at D. under ( ) 9.Then I’m going to revise my test. A. of B. over C. for D. at ( ) 10. When do you plan your holiday? A. to take B. take C. taking D. takes ( ) 11. I to you now.


英语学习辅导报单元课时达标练答案 1、My sister _______ listen to music when she was doing her homework.[单选题] * A. used to(正确答案) B. use to C. is used to D. uses to 2、25.—I ______ Beijing for a holiday.—________. [单选题] * A.will go;Goodbye B.will go;Have a good time(正确答案) C.will go to;Have a good time D.am going to;Have a fun 3、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] * A. 由…引发的 B. 与…有牵连 C. 给…带来麻烦 D. 与…不相干(正确答案)

4、The museum is _______ in the northeast of Changsha. [单选题] * A. sit B. located(正确答案) C. lies D. stand 5、98.There is a post office ______ the fruit shop and the hospital. [单选题] * A.at B.with C.between(正确答案) D.among 6、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] * A. buy B. buying C. to buy(正确答案) D. to buying 7、Which do you enjoy to spend your weekend, fishing or shopping? [单选题] *China'shigh-speed railways _________ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past fewyears. A. are growing(正确答案)


大连市的英语学习辅导报2022版七年级下册答案 1、The language school started a new()to help young learners with reading and writing. [单选题] * A. course(正确答案) B. design C. event D. progress 2、75.As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.(), I should take exercise to strengthen my body.[单选题] * A.Otherwise B.Meanwhile(正确答案) C.Therefore D.Thus 3、It’s reported that there are more than 300?_______ smokers in China. [单选题] * A. million(正确答案) B. millions C. million of D. millions of

4、—When are you going to Hainan Island for a holiday? —______ the morning of 1st May.()[单选题] * A. In B. At C. On(正确答案) D. For 5、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] * A.too much(正确答案) B.much too C.too many D.many too 6、78.—Welcome to China. I hope you'll enjoy the ________.—Thank you. [单选题] * A.tour(正确答案) B.size C.name D.colour 7、Don’t forget _______ those books when you are free. [单选题] *


绵阳市英语学习辅导报四单元重点知识练习答案 1、You are getting too old for football.You had better _____tennis instead. [单选题] * A.take up(正确答案) B.take in C.take for D.take over 2、Whatever difficulties you have, you should not _______ your hope. [单选题] * A. give in B. give out C. give up(正确答案) D. give back 3、She found her wallet()she lost it. [单选题] * A. where(正确答案) B. when C. in which D.that

4、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] * A. if they expect to learn B. if they are expected to learn(正确答案) C. if they learn to expect D. if they are learned to expect 5、38.These workers ___________ this bridge since one year ago. [单选题] * A.build B.are building C.have built (正确答案) D.built 6、9.There will be a lot of activities at English Festival nest month. Which one would you like to ________? [单选题] * A.take part in (正确答案) B.join C.attend D.go 7、They may not be very exciting, but you can expect ______ a lot from them.()[单选题] * A. to learn(正确答案)


七年级下册英语学习辅导报第一单元水平测试答案 1、71.How beautiful the shoes look! Can I________?[单选题] * A.try it on B.try on it C.try them on(正确答案) D.try on them 2、There was a time()I wondered why I would like to do this boring job. [单选题] * A. which B. why C. where D. when(正确答案) 3、78.According to a report on Daily Mail, it’s on Wednesday()people start feeling really unhappy. [单选题] * A. when B. which C. what D. that(正确答案)

4、I’m _______ I must be leaving now. [单选题] * A. afraid(正确答案) B. think C. thought D. free 5、—Judging from ____ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.—I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____ weather. [单选题] * A. the, a B. a, / C. the, /(正确答案) D. a, a 6、Why don’t you _______ the bad habit of smoking. [单选题] * A. apply for B. get rid of(正确答案) C. work as D. graduate from 7、E-mail is _______ than express mail, so I usually email my friends. [单选题] *


七下英语学习辅导报答案2022M5水平测试 1、One effective()of learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural context. [单选题] * A. approach(正确答案) B. way C. manner D. road 2、We are very hungry now. Can you _______ us something to eat? [单选题] * A. carry B. take C. borrow D. bring(正确答案) 3、The reason I didn't attend the lecture was simply _____ I got a bad cold that day. [单选题] * A. because B. as C. that(正确答案) D. for

4、They went out in spite of rain. [单选题] * A. 因为 B. 但是 C. 尽管(正确答案) D. 如果 5、A little learning is a dangerous thing, _____ the saying goes. [单选题] * A. like B. as(正确答案) C. with D. if 6、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] * A.surprise B.surprising (正确答案) C.surprised D.surprises 7、I am so excited to receive a _______ from my husband on my birthday. [单选题] * A. present(正确答案)


英语学习辅导报的答案 高一湖南第5期 练练吧参考答案 Section A (词汇练习) 一、 1. disappeared 2. laugh 3. finally 4. complaining 5. boring 6. fights 二、 1. a wet blanket 2. cost him an arm and a leg 3. eat my hat 4. the apple of his eye 5. rained cats and dogs 6. pull my leg 7. a green hand 8. make a mountain out of a molehill 9. as quiet as a mouse 10. o ne man‟s meat is another man‟s poison Section B (语法练习) 一、 1. in which / where 2. that 3. that 4. that 5. with which 6. from whom 7. from whom 8. in which / where 二、 1-5 d e a b c 三、1-5 CDCAA6-10 CDBDA11-12 BC Section C (综合练习) 1. students feel bored 2. neither have I 3. complain about your job 4. had a good laugh over the joke 5. of which is used as 6. He has green fingers 7. fit for her present job 模块一第二单元随堂检测题参考答案及答案解析 参考答案 随堂检测题(二) 1-5 CBDCB 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 ABCAD 16-20 BABCB 21-25 DCBAD 26-27 AC 28. One 29. On 30. The 31. them 32. After 33. for 34. if 35. it 36-40 ABCCA 41. On online movie websites. 42. Gas, money and time. 43. Online movies can be seen anytime you prefer and save you much money. 44. He or she can enjoy online movies without any difficulty. 随堂检测题(三) 1-5 CBBAC 6-10 CABCB 11-15 CCAAB 16. Sunday 17. the Palace Museum 18. sports 19. thick clothes 20. pills 21-25 DABDB 26-30 ABACB 31. introduction 32. unique nature 33. weather changes 34. The first day 35. memory 36. understood 37. first time 38. feelings 39. full 40. remember it forever 41. He complained to me that the examination was too hard. 42. One child was playing with the dog and the other was watching TV. 43. This is the way in which he worked out the maths problem. 44. I admire the old man very much from whom I have learned a lot. 45. I am really interested in the subject, so I will be all ears! 答案解析


英语学习辅导报答案(共10篇) 英语学习辅导报答案(一): 英语学习辅导报答案人教新目标综合版 12单元 ,好像是17期的 .急 ,快 ,求跪. 英语学习辅导报答案人教新目标综合版 12单元 ,好像是17期的 . 如果是对的 , 这是第8单元的,12单元的你自己做吧 笔试. 单项. CBCADCAB BBCADAA 完形. CACCDABB CD 阅读. DACCB BABBD 任务型阅读. ECBDA 词汇自己做. 应该对的.老师讲的.有些没听,错了也不知道~改几道老师比较不会怀疑.参考资料:鄙人脑子+报纸. 英语学习辅导报答案(二): 求英语学习辅导报七年级暑假综合能力专刊暑假综合检测题(1)(2)(3)的答案啊! 2023版 I"m wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He" an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She

is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I"m good at physices,but she"s good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends 英语学习辅导报答案(三): 英语学习辅导报(高一)2023第32期完型阅 读七选五 如果有谁做过,或者有下一期报纸的,就发过来吧.(如果没答案,帮我在网上找找原题也行). 完型开头:For most people,graduation is an exciting day -- the proof of years of hard work. 阅读A开头:One day,a brave jackal(豺狼)came to the river to drink some water. 阅读B:English has many popular sayings that,if taken literally make no sense,unless you are familiar with English culture and history. 阅读C:【Belly Dancing Classes】Learn to belly dance and start today! 阅读D:Mark Rowswell,whose stage name is "Dashan"(big mountain),has been called the most famous foreigner in China. 七选五:There are many reasons why someone might enjoy living in Canada. 1-5BCDDA 6-10ABCDA 11-15ACDCD 26-30DBCCA 31-35 DDDCC 36-40DDBAD 41-45 和46-50 还没做上面的答案是我自己做的正确率我也不能保证 33
