







I worked in a day care centre for the elderly. One late autumn morning I woke up late. I immediately got up and went out, to find a strong wind blowing and rain pouring down. Worse still, my car refused to work. I had to run to the bus stop and waited ages for a bus.

After I arrived at the day care centre, it was rather late. I helped to serve cups of tea to the old people and served old Elsie last, who was my favourite. I used to sit and chat with her. Elsie was blind and she asked me why I sounded so down that day. I told her why and complained about the terrible weather. Her reply was:

“I went blind on a day like this, and as an artist it was very hard for me, but I had such beautiful memories of the world around me.” She then asked me to look out of the window and describe what I could see. I replied that the sky was miserable and grey; the trees had hardly any leaves.

Elsie then said, “Imagine you are going to paint what you can see, how would you blend a colour to match the mystical(神秘的) grey of the sky? Do you see any brave leaves clinging tenaciously (顽强地) to the trees? What colours can you see on the fallen leaves? They are not jus t brown.”

I looked again thinking about what Elsie had said and realized what she meant. So many

people looked at the world without really seeing it. She was a wise old lady.

When it was time to go home I walked her to the door. She asked me to remember, kissed me on the cheek and said, “I will see you later.”

Elsie died that night in her sleep. I went to her funeral and when a light wind gently touched my cheek, it was as though I felt her last kiss again, and felt that she really could see me!

1. When the author got to the day care centre to work, she .

A. immediately cheered up

B. pretended to be happy

C. was still in low spirits

D. still couldn’t calm down to work

2. After hearing Elsie’s words, the author probably .

A. began to realize her past mistakes

B. became more patient with the elderly

C. began to admire Elsie

D. began to look at the world in a different way

3. From what Elsie said we can infer that she was .

A. optimistic

B. anxious

C. funny

D. sympathetic

4. The purpose of the author is to tell us about .

A. her friendship with an old blind lady

B. her work at a day care centre for the elderly

C. the lesson she learned from an old blind lady

D. an old blind lady at a day care centre


It was a hot morning when I started my flight training. Nearly two hundred of us stood at

attention. We were very excited that on this day, we would finally begin the “hands-on” part of flight training. We had been through thirteen tough weeks of basic training.

That morning, we were delighted to wait for the moment to climb into the training plane to actually begin learning to fly. Each of us was convinced that we would soon fly “above the best”.

As we stood facing the officers, waiting for instructions, a tiny bird jumped out in front of us. It seemed confused and a little frightened. Suddenly, its mother flew over, as if encouraging it to fly. Everyone’s eyes followed the birds. Even our officers turned to watch, mesmerized by the scene.

Over and over, the tiny bird ran as fast as its little legs could move, but it still failed to fly into the sky no matter how hard it had tried.

Completely ignoring the crowd of staring bystanders, the mother bird went on flying to and encouraging her little bird. All two hundred of us watched breathlessly. Each time it made its way across the grass in front of us, we sighed at its failure.

Finally, after we had stood at attention for what seemed like hours just watching, those tiny wings could fly at last. You could almost see the little bird feel very pride. Then, we burst into wild cheers. We watched, as the little bird followed its mother to fly into the sky. Our officers turned back to us, smiling. We learned a lot from the little bird.

5. Why was the author excited before his flight training?

A. Some birds would accompany him during the training.

B. His outstanding ability to fly would be proved soon.

C. He would begin to get practical experience on planes.

D. There would be no boring basic training any more.

6. What does the underlined word “mesmerized” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Attracted.

B. Touched.

C. Influenced.

D. Puzzled.

7. What did the author learn from the experience?

A. Keeping practice can make a person braver.

B. One should not give up when meeting with failure.

C. The young must be modest to learn from the old.

D. Nothing is more important than mother’s love.

8. What can be the best title for the text?

A. My exciting experience

B. Strict flight officers

C. A strong-minded bird

D. The best flight lesson


When I was a child, I had very mixed feelings about my father. Most of the time, he was distant. At meals, he would preach (说教)something to us, his unwilling audience. And he thought he was always right.

Usually I would argue with him fiercely, yet still he managed to defeat me every time, leaving me frustrated and angry. Sometimes I just hated him and seldom talked with him. After moving away from home at age 18, I realized that I could change myself by letting go of my need to be right. I wrote dad a letter asking if he was interested in becoming friends. Dad was excited at the idea.Yet after a brief, enjoyable period of about two months, I found those same old patterns again. However, I still held to my decision. Gradually, I learned to hold my tongue. When discussion turned to debate, I would do my very best not to prove him wrong. By the end of six months, I had done it! I could sit through a conversation where dad was telling me how I was wrong and didn’t a rgue with him.

As I got better at this, I could accept and even love my dad. One day when he was again preaching some rules, I simply nodded my head occasionally. Then I heard, “Well, Fred, what do you think?” From that point on, dad and I began having mea ningful conversations.

I was amazed that once I made the big changes, dad changed, too! From that point on, our relationship gradually grew warmer and deeper.

9. Why did the author use to be angry with his father?

A. His father talked too much about something unimportant.

B. He used to be defeated when arguing about something.

C. He thought his father didn’t love him.

D. His father expected too much of him.

10. The author decided to improve his relationship with his father by being a(n) .

A. excellent debater

B. considerate assistant

C. patient instructor

D. good listener

11. What does the underlined part “my decision” in the second paragraph refer to?

A. The decision to improve the relationship with my father.

B. The decision to help my father to make more friends.

C. The decision to argue again with my father.

D. The decision to stop talking with my father.

12. We can infer from the text that .

A. accepting and loving others can help improve people’s relationship

B. insisting o n one’s own ideas is important to people of all ages

C. giving up something is a wise decision all the time

D. respecting parents is necessary for young people
