

Nanning, the capital of Guangxi Province, is located in Southern Guangxi, which Yongjiang River runs. Nanning has a history of over 1680 years and Nanning was set as the capital city of Guangxi in 1958.

As an important gateway to Southeast Asia, Nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between China and Asian countries.

With the development of economy, Nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the Green City of China” because of its green coverage in the country.



2017年南宁中考(四市同城)英语二.单项选择 从下列每小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 31.----Sorry for being late. ----________ A. That’s true. B. Here you are. C. Never mind D. Certainly. 32.He often watches news on TV for nearly ______hour after dinner. A. a B. an C. the D./ 33.----Tony, _______you sing English songs? -----Yes, I can. A. can B. may C. need D. must 34.----Is this your Apple watch? ----No, it’s not_______. It’s Lily’s. A. my B. mine C. your D. yours 35.She closed the door _____in order not to

make her grandpa awake. A. angrily B. loudly C. clearly D. quietly\ 36.His mother doesn’t like to throw away old things _______they are useless. A. but B. because C. even if D. so that 37.If he _______Guilin, he’ll probably go to Yangshuo. A. visits B. is visiting C. will visit D. has visited 38.I think all the heavy and difficult jobs ______by machines and robots in the future. A. do B. will do C. are done D. will be done 39.You should _______your shoes before you enter the dance room. A. take off B. put off C. get off D. fall off 40.-----Could you tell me________? ------Once a month. A. how often do you go to the supermarket.

烟台导游词 英文版 Yantai in brief

Brief Introduction to Yantai Situated on the north coast of Shandong Peninsula, Yantai is a beautiful beach side city. It faces the Bohai and the Huanghai Sea in the north and south. Across the seas to the east and southeast are the P. R. Korea, South Korea and Japan. Under the jurisdiction of Yantai are six districts, one county, and seven county-level cities. Yantai has a total land area of 13,700 square kilometers, of which the urban area is 2,643.6 square kilometers; the total population is 6,500,000 of which the urban population is 1,789,000. Influenced by sea and ocean, Yantai has a mild climate with an average temperature of 12℃. Its annual rainfall is 600-700 mm, mostly between July and September. Here, it’s cool in summer and warm in winter. It’s a n ideal place for vacation, especially in summer. Half of Yantai is near the sea and half of Yantai is mountainous, the scenery is fantastic. Because of the beautiful scenery and its mysterious location, Yantai has earned the reputation of “Fairy Land” sin ce ancient times. Both in ancient and modern times, noted figures and men of letters came to search for longevity medicine and to visit places of historical interests. According to historical records, more than two thousand years ago, Emperor Qin Shi Huang(the emperor who is known for having unified China) came to Yantai three times to make inspections. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Taizhong of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Gaozhu of the Song Dynasty also came to Yantai. There is a small hill on the north coast of the city proper. According to records, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty (1398), beacon towers were


烟台市中英文学校简介 烟台市中英文学校始建于2003年4月,是经烟台市教委批准,由烟台宏源集团投资创办,集初中、高中为一体的现代化全日制寄宿学校。学校占地面积230亩,分设初中部、高中部、复读部;现有91个班,5200名学生,400名教职工。 学校每个教室都有多媒体、电子白板,为丰富课堂信息、提高教学效率提供了保障;学校微机室、实验室、图书室、阅览室一应俱全;有水、电、暖、卫生间齐全的标准化学生公寓,还有可容纳3000人同时就餐的两个大型餐厅。 烟台中英文学校已经走过了10个年头,10年来学校在社会各界的支持下得到了快速发展。学校教学质量连年提升,稳居烟台市一流,有11名同学考入北京大学、清华大学(还有十多名同学成绩达到清华、北大的录取线因为专业的原因,报考其他名牌大学),其中2010年我校程春晓同学以706分的原始分获全省理科第一名;2013年,我校一本上线率超过50%,达715人,更令人振奋的是优生以群体的形式出现,理科660分以上15人,文科全市前10名均出自我校;学校连续7年被烟台市教育局授予“优生培养先进高中”;高中课堂教学经验在烟台得到推广,并《中国教育报》等媒体予以报道。学校一切以学生发展为中心,一切为学生成功做准备。把“开启智慧,润泽生命”作为育人目标,把“培养美好的人性,形成美好的人格,拥有美好的人生”作为教育理念。着眼于学生的未来,为学生的未来奠基。倾心把学校打造成烟台市的示范学校,并努力创建山东省名校,为烟台市提供优质教育资源。 教育理念先进,追求科学育人思想。学校从学生心灵需求出发,以学生为主体,开展丰富多彩的活动,把培养学生品德、塑造学生健全人格放在第一位,真正做到了全面提高学生素质。号召学生学习身边的学习榜样——学习之星、校园之星等,营造比学习、比进步、比提高的教育氛围;设立学生会,建立学生自治体制,引导学生自我管理、自我提高;广泛开展篮球赛、运动会、拔河比赛等竞技类体育活动,培养学生积极向上、拼搏进取的健康心态;开展文艺晚会、书画展、主题演讲比赛等活动,让学生的潜能得到开发,个性和才能得到发挥。 教学方法科学,追求课堂教学的高效。坚持“先学后教”、“以学定教”的先进教学理念,辩证的处理教与学的关系,把学放在首位;辩证的处理了学生和教师的关系,落实了学生的主体地位;辩证的处理了先和后的关系,确立了


2012年南宁市中等学校招生考试 英语 第1卷(共85分) 听力部分(一至四题) 一、听句子。选图片(共5小题.每小题l分。共5分) 你将听到5个句子.请在下列六幅圈中选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,并在答题卡上按要求作答。每个句子读一遍。 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 二、听对话.选择最佳答案【共l0小题.每小题l分。共l0分】 你将听到3段对话,请根据对话内容.选出每个问题的最佳答案。并在答题卡上按要求作答。每段对话读两遗。 请听第1段对话。回答第6—8小题。 6. What are they talking about? A. An MP 4. B. An e - book. C. An iPhone 4. 7. How long has David had it? A. For three days. B. For three weeks. C. For three months. 8. Where did David buy it? A. In Beijing. B. In Hong Kong. C. In Shanghai. 请听第2段对话。回答第9—11小题。 9. What happened to the woman? A. She was lost in the street. B. Her bike was broken on the way. C. Her bag was taken away by a man. 10. What color was the man's T- shirt? A. White. B. Black. C. Blue. 11. What was unusual about the man? A. He was a young man with short hair. B. He was very tall and strong. C. He was wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day. 请听第3段对话,回答第l2—l5小题。 12. What competition did the boy enter?

【最新推荐】介绍南宁的英语作文精选-优秀word范文 (2页)

【最新推荐】介绍南宁的英语作文精选-优秀word范文 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! == 介绍南宁的英语作文精选 介绍南宁的英语作文一:南宁 the guangxi zhuang autonomous region capital,located at the guangxi north west,with socialist republic of vietnam adjoining to,is red bean's hometown,is also a historical glorious border region old city,has the deep culture to accumulate,ancient name nanning state.the nanning,the guangxi zhuang autonomous region capital,the modernized city which lives together in peace and harmony by zhuang national minority multi-ethnic primarily.in 201X,nanning divided the administrative regionalization. the whole city governs five cities and seven counties,respectively is the north end of town,the new town,xingning,yongxin,the south of yangzi river five cities,wu ming,yongning,heng county,the masan,binyang,long'an,shanglin seven counties,the total area 22626.95 square kilometers.in 201X,the city divides once more,abolishes the north end of town area,the yongxin area,yongning county,sets up the xi town pond area,the yongning area and celebrates the area good; expands xingning district,south of yangzi river area control area; the new city row named blue xiu area,and expands its control area.after the adjustment,the nanning urban district turned 6 cities 介绍南宁的英语作文二:南宁


广西省南宁市英语试卷 一、单选题(共10小题) 1.— Hello! Could I speak to Betty, please? — Hello! _________ A.Can you help me?B.Are you OK? C.This is Betty speaking.D.Have a nice day. 2.—What’s your QQ number? — _________ is 355994127. A.I B.He C.It D.She 3.Maori people in New Zealand touch _________ when they meet. A.trees B.noses C.caps D.desks 4.Jim sits behind me, so I sit _________ him. A.at the top of B.at the end of C.in the middle of D.in front of 5.Look! Some visitors _________ for the bus over there.A.are waiting B.is waiting C.waiting D.wait 6.Nothing is _________ than riding.I like it best.A.enjoyable B.more enjoyable C.most enjoyable D.the most enjoyable 7.The WWF is working hard _________ the animals in danger.A.save B.to save C.saves D.saved 8.— _________ —Sorry, I won’t.I’ll pick it up. A.Try to keep the classroom clean.


2013年烟台中考英语作文 八、书面表达(15分)当前,全市各校正开展“好书伴我成长”活动。请你根据活动主题并结合表格中所给的信息,以“Growing up with good books”为题,用英语写一篇100-120词的倡议书,向学校同学发出倡议。读书的益处获取知识,增长见识,使人快乐。 存在的现象听音乐,看电视,上网,占用了大部分业余时间。发出倡议 多读书,读经典好书。向世界传播中国传统文化。让读书成为我们生活的一部分。 要求: 1.倡议书应包括所有要点; 2.倡议书的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Growing up with good books My dear friends, Reading is very important. __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ . 【写作思路】(一)审题 本篇文章需要考生根据表格所提供的信息,写一篇有关读书的倡议书。人称为第一人称。时态以一般现在时态为主。体裁为应用文,可稍加议论。(二)列举写作要点 1. 读书的益处:读书能获得知识,增长见识,使人快乐; 2. 学生存在的现象:听音乐,看电视,上网,占用了大部分的业余时间; 3. 针对存在的现象发出倡议:多读书,读经典好书,向全世界传播中国传统文化;让读书成为生活的一部分。 (三)列举重点短语和句型 get knowledge 得到知识;not only…but also…不但……而且……;open our minds 增长见识;make us clever and happier使我们更聪明、更快乐;listen to music听音乐;watch TV 看电视;go on to the line上网;play games玩游戏;read more books 多读书;spread culture传递文化; a part of life生活的一部分。【范文】 One possible version: Growing up with good books My dear friends, Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also m ake us cleverer and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more and good books. The more we read, the mo re we will learn, and the brighter our future will become. However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or going on line to play games. It take s much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially read classic s so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world. Let’s start reading now. And let it become a part of our life! 【评分标准】第一档(14~15):要点全面,能正确表述自己的观点,行文流畅,无语法和词汇错误。第二档(11~13):能写出绝大部分要点,行文基本流畅,有少量语法和词汇错误。第三档(8~10):能写出大部分要点,行文尚通顺,有一些语法和词汇错误。第四档(5~7):只写出部分要点,语法不通顺,有很多语法和词汇错误。。第五档(0~4)基本上没有实际内容,语法及拼写错误太多,不知所云。


2021届南宁市普通高中高三毕业班(上) 10月份测试 英语(附答案) (考试时间:120分钟满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡,上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:H o wmu c h i s t h e s h i r t? A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15. 答案是C。 1.Wh a t d o e s t h e ma n w a n t t o d o? A.I n v i t e t h e w o ma n f o r d i n n e r. B.I n v i t e t h e w o ma n t o a s h o w. C.I n v i t e t h e w o ma n t o s e e a f i l m. 2.Wh e r e a r e t h e t w o s p e a k e r s n o w? A.O n t h e t h i r d f l o o r. B.O n t h e f o u r t h f l o o r. C.O n t h e f i f t h f l o o r. 3.H o wmu c h d o e s t h e ma n n e e d t o p a y? A.$7. B.$17. C.$20. 4.Wh y i s n’t t h e w o ma n g o i n g t o b u y a n y n e wc l o t h e s? A.C l o t h e s a r e e x p e n s i v e n o w. B.S u mme r h a s n o t c o me. C.S t o r e s o n l y s e l l c h e a p c l o t h e s. 5H o wd o e s t h e ma n t h i n k o f t h e w o ma n's d e c i s i o n? A.Wi s e. B.S i l l y. C.I n t e r e s t i n g. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Wh o i s t h e w o ma n? A.P e t e r's m o t h e r. B.M i k e's mo t h e r. C.M i k e's t e a c h e r. 7.Wh o h a s ma d e a l o t o f mi s t a k e s? A J o h n.B.M i k e.C.P e t e r. 第1页共1页

最新-山东省烟台市中英文高二文科2018学年月考(刘洪江)-新课标[原创] 精品

烟台市中英文学校2018——2018学年度9月份月考 2018级历史试题(文科) 刘洪江命题 说明: 1、本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共180分,考试时间90分钟。 2、考生将第I卷选择题正确答案填在第II卷的表格中,考试结束只交第II卷。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共50分) 一、选择题:本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.“吾爱吾师,吾尤爱真理”,表明亚里士多德:①喜欢独立思考②把真理视为高于一切③具有批判主义精神④创立了逻辑性()A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.②③④ 2.苏格拉底对知识的看法不同于智者学派的是()A.提出“知识即力量” B.认为“感觉即知识” C.认为知识是道德行为的基础 D.认为最高的知识就是对“美”这个概念的理解 3.“我不想变成上帝,或居住在永恒之中,或者把天地抱在怀里,属于人的那种光荣对我就够了。我自己是凡人,我只要求凡人的幸福。”这句话体现的思想是() A.禁欲主义 B.人文主义 C.蒙昧主义 D.实用主义 4.文艺复兴时期“塑造个性的人物形象,反映人文主义思想”的主要代表人物是() A.莎士比亚 B.达·芬奇 C.米开朗琪罗 D.拉斐尔 5.《九十五条论纲》的主要内容是:①赎罪券的作用微不足道②因信称义③因行称义④只有依靠信仰才能得救() A.①② B.③④ C.①②④ D.①②③④ 6.加尔文主张人只有依靠信仰才能得救的实质是() A.否定教会权威 B.顺应宗教改革的潮流 C.新教接近基督教思想 D.为资产阶级发财致富作辩护7.西欧文艺复兴与启蒙运动的区别在于() A.前者是资产阶级文艺运动,后者是资产阶级思想运动 B. 前者促进了自然科学的产生,后者的产生与自然科学无直接关系 C. 前者反对天主教会神学思想,后者反对封建专制 D. 前者遍及西欧各国,后者仅限于法国 8.下列哪一观点后来成为资产阶级政治制度的基本原则() A、三权分立学说 B、社会契约学说 C、人民主权学说 D、天赋人权 9.哥白尼太阳中心说的巨大进步意义在于() A.为近代自然科学奠定了基础 B.动摇了欧洲中世纪宗教神学的理论基础 C.对天文学研究作出了巨大贡献 D.改变了人们对宇宙的认识 18.牛顿取得卓越成就的科学领域主要是在() A.数学和物理学领域 B.天文学领域 C.生物学领域 D.化学领域 18.被誉为资本主义社会百科全书的现实主义作品是() A.《巴黎圣母院》 B.《悲惨世界》 C.《人间喜剧》 D.《娜娜》 12.印象画派的得名源于下面哪一作品() A.《日出·印象》B.《向日葵》 C.《甘草堆》 D.《埃斯泰克的海湾》 13.下列与影视发展有关的人物是英国人的是() A.卢米埃尔兄弟 B.格里菲斯 C.卓别林 D.贝尔德 14.程林则徐是“开眼看世界”第一人,主要是因为() A. 认识到清政府腐败堕落 B. 认识到鸦片泛滥的危害 C. 开近代由爱国而研究、学习西方先河 D. 是领导禁烟运动的民族英雄 15.洋务派和顽固派的主要分歧() A、要不要反对外来侵略 B、要不要维护清朝统治 C、要不要师夷之长技以制夷 D、要不要镇压太平天国革命 16.孙中山的民权主义和维新派的兴民权主张的不同之处是() A.主张给人民一些基本的民主权利 B.主张给资产阶级以参与政权的权利 C.反对君主专制,主张建立资本主义的政治制度


介绍南宁的英语作文3篇 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 介绍南宁的英语作文一:南宁the guangxi zhuang autonomous region capital,located at the guangxi north west,with socialist republic of vietnam adjoining to,is red bean's hometown,is also a historical glorious border region old city,has the deep culture to accumulate,ancient name nanning state.the nanning,the guangxi zhuang autonomous region capital,the modernized city which lives together in peace and harmony by zhuang national minority multi-ethnic primarily.in 2003,nanning divided the administrative regionalization.the whole city governs five cities and seven counties,respectively is the north end of town,the new

town,xingning,yongxin,the south of yangzi river five cities,wu ming,yongning,heng county,the masan,binyang,long'an,shanglin seven counties,the total area 22626.95 square kilometers.in 2006,the city divides once more,abolishes the north end of town area,the yongxin area,yongning county,sets up the xi town pond area,the yongning area and celebrates the area good; expands xingning district,south of yangzi river area control area; the new city row named blue xiu area,and expands its control area.after the adjustment,the nanning urban district turned 6 cities介绍南宁的英语作文二:南宁nanning, the capital of guangxi province, is located in southern guangxi, which yongjiang river runs. nanning has a history of over 1680 years and nanning was set as the capital city of guangxi in 1958.as an important gateway to southeast asia, nanning is a hub, a regional center and an


烟台英语简介 Yantai is located in the northeast of the Shandong Province. It is bordered by both the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, and lies across from South Korea and Japan. Although Yantai is not a metropolis like Beijing and Shanghai, it has its own unique charm. Evidence suggests Yantai existed as a city as long as 10,000 years ago. It was visited three times by the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Qinshihuang (259BC-210BC). During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) a fire platform, called Langyantai Platform, was constructed on the northernmost city hill, as a means of defense against pirates. General Qi Jiguang of the Ming Dynasty fought against pirates using this platform, and developed Penglai Water City, a navy base which remains well-preserved to this day. The contemporary name of Yantai came from the watchtowers constructed on Mount Qi in 1398, during the reign of the Hongwu Emperor, founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty (yan—smoke; tai—tower). The towers served to raise alarms against invasions of Japanese pirates. Everybody has watched the movie,Landmine Warfare,but few people have known that it has happen in Yantai. Three pictures have shown the film,the museum and the Militia Pacesetter Yu Huahu. The charming yantai. In 2019, China Central Television (CCTV) recognized Yantai as the most "Charming City of China." Penglai Pavilion Although Yantai is located in North China, monsoons regulate the climate, keeping it warm and humid. The average annual temperature is 11.8C (53.24F). Fruits and vegetables are plentiful in Yantai, and the long coastline and over 60 islands make the area ideal for any seafood connoisseur - sea-cucumbers, abalones, scallops, crabs and prawns, are all easily available. Yantai's earth is rich with resources as well - its gold reserve, in particular, has the highest output in China.


烟台经济技术开发区 Yantai Economic & Technological Development Area 区情概况Briefing of YEDA 1984年由中央政府批准设立,是中国首批14个国家级开发区之一。地处山东半岛黄海之滨(北纬37°31′~37°43′、东经121°00′~121°18′),与日本、韩国一衣带水,位于北京、上海、首尔的几何中心。 管辖面积228平方公里,建成区面积48平方公里,总人口40万。濒临海滨,拥有4A级金沙滩旅游度假区,是ISO14000国家示范区、国家生态工业示范园区。投资环境综合评价连续6年位居国家级开发区第6位,是中国第6个工业总产值过3000亿元的国家级开发区,进出口总额位居中国开发区前5位。 40多个国家和地区、70多家世界500强企业进区投资,各类企业上万家,其中外商投资企业1300多家,韩国、香港、美国、英国、日本、台湾、德国、新加坡排投资额前8位。 产业以电子信息、机械汽车为主导,形成电脑、手机、汽车、船舶、装备制造5大产品集群,正在建设化工材料、葡萄酒、生物医药3大新产品集群,是中国重要的电子信息产业基地、汽车工业基地、装备制造业基地、化工新材料基地、葡萄酒酿造基地。Yantai Economic & Technological Development Area (YEDA) is one of the first 14 national development zones approved by the central government in 1984. Located on the north end of Shandong Peninsula by the Yellow Sea


2013年南宁市初中毕业升学考试试卷 英语 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 注意:答案一律填写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷(共85分) 听力部分(一至四题) 一、听句子,选画面(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到5个句子,请在下列六幅图中选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,并在答题卡上按要求作答。每个句子读一遍。 二、听对话,选择最佳答案(共10小题,每小题l分,共10分) 你将听到3段对话,请根据对话内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案,并在答题卡上按要求作答,每段对话读两遍。 请听第1段对话。回答第6--8小题。 6. Who looks really healthy? A. Sally. B. Tony. C. Tom. 7. Which sport does the man do? A. Swimming. B. Skiing. C. Cycling. 8. Where does the woman dance? A. At home. B. In the club. C. In the stadium. 请听第2段对话。回答第9--11小题。 9. Who’s on the ground? A. A piece of bread B. A piece of paper C. A bottle of coke 10. Where are the two speakers? A. In the park B. In the garden C. In the open air 11. Who is saying “Thank you”? A. The bird B. The boy C. The woman 请听第3段对话。回答第12--15小题。 12. When is the lady’s appointment with the man? A. At 3:45 pm B. At 3:30 pm C. At 3:00 pm 13. What does the lady want to be? A. A photographer B. A reporter C. A secretary 14. How long has the lady used computer? A. Four years B. Three years C. Two years 15. Which language can the lady speak well? A. Japanese B. English C. German


Yantai Good morning everybody ! It is my honor to speak here and I am very glad to share my topic with you .Then today I’d like to talk something about Yantai.I think most of you have heard about Yantai ,but there are also many students who don’t know the accurate location of Yantai. So first I will show you the accurate position of Yantai . Yantai City lies in the northeastern part of Shandong peninsula(半岛), bordering on the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. It is situated at the foot of the hill and beside the sea with beautiful scenery. Next I will describe Yantai in six kinds of color. The first kind of color color is red .Anyone know the reason why I choose red to describe Yantai ? Guess! OK, now I give some tips for you. It is related to two kinds of fruit. The first one is Fuji Apple . It is famous for its sweet flavor and welcomed to domestic and foreign markets. The other one is Big cherry. It is also named the western cheery,and always called “che li zi” in the southern part of our country. The second kind of color is purple. It is also related to a kind of fruit whose skin’s color is purple. YES, it is grape. Look at the picture .these grapes are growed in the ZhangYu Ka si Te chateau(庄园).The throughput(产量) of wine in Yantai accounts for about one in three in our country. So Yantai is also called the international wine city.
