









Part I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long

conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.

1. A. At a train station. B. At an airport. C. At a travel agency. D. At a bus station.

2. A. Receptionist and guest.

B. Salesperson and customer.

C. Doctor and patient.

D. Waiter and diner.

3. A. She has got everything ready. B. She never hesitates over what to take. C. She hates packing by herself.

D. She needs more time for packing. 4. A. Ask for directions.

B. Try a different route.

C. Go back for the map.

D. Cancel their trip.

5. A. She lives close to the man. B. She changes her mind at last. C. She will turn to her manager.

D. She declines the man's offer.

6. A. He ’s too busy to clean his house. B. He prefers to keep his house in a mess.

C. He ’s planning to find a new job.

D. He has already cleaned his new house.

7. A. In the street. B. On the phone. C. At home. D. At an office.

8. A. In the hospital. B. At a store. C. In the classroom. D. At a bank.

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. A. Changing some UK pounds. B. Changing some US dollars.

C. Changing some HK dollars.

D. Changing some French francs.

10. A. 100 American dollars to 72 pounds. B. 700 American dollars to 405 pounds.

C. 700 American dollars to 400 pounds.

D. 400 American dollars to 100 pounds.

11. A. $400. B. $500. C. $700. D. $800.

12. A. 100, 5 and small changes. B. 100, 50 and small changes.

C. 50, 20 and small changes.

D. 20, 5 and small changes.

Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

13. A. To the cinema. B. To the hospital. C. To the shop. D. To his home.

14. A. Because she is going on holiday. B. Because she doesn’t like the film.

C. Because she is very busy with her work.

D. Because she is going home to meet her friend.

15. A. He goes to the cinema. B. He sits at home and watches TV.

C. He works at his company.

D. He goes to the country and enjoys the peace there. Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A. His house was surrounded by the flood. B. There was water all over the floor.

C. His car was upside down in the street.

D. Big rocks crashed down on his house.

17. A. About 17 inches. B. About 60 inches. C. About 16 inches. D. About 70 inches.

18. A. How people fought against a natural disaster .B.Many people helped them rebuild their hometown.

C. Many people died in a serious flood.

D. A big flood struck Peter's hometown.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A. On a plane. B. In a bus. C. On a train. D. At a tourist site.

20. A. To avoid annoying others. B. To show respect for the guide.

C. To guarantee passengers’ safety.

D. To keep the coach tidy and clean.

21. A. 15 to 30 minutes. B. About an hour. C. About two hours. D. About three hours.

22. A. Stonehenge. B. The River Avon.

C. The Roman baths.

D. The old buildings in the city center.

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. A. On the internet. B. At travel agents. C. From guidebooks. D. In newspapers.

24. A. Planes. B. Buses. C. Trains. D. Ships.

25. A. Hotels with low prices. B. Hotels providing meals.

C. Hotels near sightseeing places.

D. Hotels with five stars.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for

the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just

heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you

have written.

You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways depending on the situation they are in. This is very (26)________. All languages have two general levels of (27)________: a formal level and an informal level. English is no (28)________. The difference in these two levels is the situation in which you use a (29)________ level. Formal language is the kind of language you find in textbooks, (30)________ books and in business letters. You would also use formal English in compositions and (31)________ that you write in school. Informal language is used in conversation with (32)________, family members and friends, and when we write (33)________ notes or letters to close friends.

Formal language is different from informal language in several ways. First, formal language tends to be more polite. What we may find (34)_______ is that it usually takes more words to be polite. For example, I might say to a f riend or a family member “Close the door, please,” but to a stranger, I probably would say “would you mind closing the door?”

Another difference between formal and informal language is some of the vocabulary. There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are (35)_______. Let’s say that I really like soccer. If I am talking to my friend I might say “I am just crazy about soccer!” But if I were talking to my boss, I would probably say “I really enjoy soccer.”

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the

passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a (36)________ and, in the winter especially, we were quite cut off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that city life has its (37)_______ too.

One big disadvantage is (38)______ ---- it costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma (哮喘), and at times the air is so (39)_______that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of travelling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the (40)_______ jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous.

Of course there are (41)_______. First, there is so much to do in the city,

whatever your tastes in culture or entertainment. Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater (42)________ of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of (43)________ is very surprising ---- and, what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.

Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is, when you are in your teens or twenties. However, as you (44)________ older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to (45)________ back there soon.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the

paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is

derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is

marked with a letter.密封线内不得答题




The Prize

A) My name is Mara, I'm a 23-year-old athlete and I'm in training for the

Olympics. I run 5 miles every morning and night so that I am well prepared for my race. I am going to run the 1,500 meter race, it's taken a lot of time to get where I am now. I have a specific diet that I have to stick to; my diet is full of carbohydrates (碳水化合物) and other food's to make it balanced and healthy. My trainer is my dad as he used to run cross country in high school and also won races.

B) It will mean a lot to me if I win gold because it will make my family proud

and I will feel like I have accomplished something important and bigger than ever before. It will make my dad and mum especially proud of me because they were both athletes in high school but have never made it as far as me. If I don't win a gold medal I will be disappointed but I will learn from my

mistakes and I will be able to compete again in four years.

C) It’s one week until I leave for the Olymp ics so I have been training extra

hard. My dad keeps pushing me, telling me if I try harder I will defiantly get a gold medal; honestly I think he is pushing me a little too hard, every night I have to have a hot bath to sooth my muscles. I have packed my stuff ready to leave for London.

D) I'm at the London stadium waiting for the runners to get called up. My heart

is pumping so fast it feels like it's going to explode, my hands are sweaty and I'm shaking like mad. I'm so nervous about this race: what if something goes wrong? What if I trip and fall? Just as I was thinking about the worst case scenario I heard the runners being called up to the race track. I slowly stood up and made my way over.

E) I took my place on the starting line and focused my mind on the track ahead.

I slowed down my breathing and calmed my nerves. I could see all the people staring down at us with anticipation running through their veins. I heard the starting pistol get shot and we all set off. At first I was lagging behind but I soon caught up to the lead runner, my heart rate was through the roof but my breathing was calm and steady.

F) The lead runner and I were neck and neck until the last 10 meters when I

picked up my pace to a fast sprint and overtook him. I made it to the finish line way ahead of all the rest; I looked behind me and smiled, feeling like I

something. I walked over to a bench and waited for the winning results to be called.

G) I waited a long agonizing hour for all the other events to finish. When all the events finished,

all the contestants walked over to the platform and waited for the results. When it was the runners’ turn I waited anxiously; the bronze medal winner was called up, then the silver and then it was the gold medal. I heard them call my name and I screamed with joy, I walked up to the top stand on the platform and was handed a big gold trophy. Everyone was clapping and cheering; I felt on top of the world, this is the biggest achievement I have ever won and it will stay with me for life.

46. Mara’s setting-off in the race is not very satisfactory.

47. Mara will always remember the happy moment of winning the gold medal.

48. If Mara cannot win a gold medal, she will take part in the next Olympic Games.

49. Mara keeps abreast with the lead runner for the major part of the running.

50. Mara will run the 1,500 meter race in the London Olympic Games.

51. Mara has practiced her running so hard that her muscles become stiff.

52. While waiting for the race, Mara is very much worried about making mistakes in her running.

53. Mara’s coach used to run cross country in high school.

54. Mara starts to speed up only in the last minute.

55. In the course of the race, Mara’s heart beats very, very fast.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)

and D). You should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Questions 56 to 58 are based on the following passage.

There was a story many years ago of a school teacher ---- Mrs. Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn’t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.

Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother’s perfume.

Teddy said, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to.” After th e children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and math. Instead, she began to teach children.

Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The boy’s mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.

Six years went by before she got a note from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. He went to college. Mrs. Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D.

The story doesn’t end there. On his wedding day, Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear, “Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference.”

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, “Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you.”

56. What did Mrs. Thompson do on the first day of school?

A. She made Teddy feel ashamed.

B. She asked the children to play with Teddy.

C. She changed Teddy’s seat to the fron t row.

D. She told the class something untrue about herself.

57. In what way did Mrs. Thompson change?

A. She taught fewer school subjects.

B. She became stricter with her students.

C. She cared more about educating students.

D. She no longer liked her job as a teacher.

58. Why did Teddy thank Mrs. Thompson at his wedding?

A. She had kept in touch with him.

B. She had given him encouragement.

C. She had sent him Christmas presents.

D. She had taught him how to judge people. Passage Two

Questions 59 to 61 are based on the following passage.

Deserts are found where there is little rainfall or where rain for a whole year falls in only a few weeks' time. Ten inches of rain may be enough for many plants to survive if the rain is spread throughout the year. If it falls, within one or two months and the rest of the year is dry, those plants may die and a desert may form.

Sand begins as tiny pieces of rock that get smaller and smaller as wind and weather wear them down. Sand dunes (沙丘) are formed as winds move the sand across the desert. Bit by bit, the dunes grow over the years, always moving with the winds and changing the shape. Most of them are only a few feet tall, but they can grow to be several hundred feet high.

There is, however, much more to a desert than sand. In the deserts of the southwestern United States, cliffs and deep valleys were formed from thick mud that once lay beneath a sea more than millions of years ago. Over the centuries, the water dried up. Wind, sand, rain, heat and cold all wore away at the remaining rocks. The faces of the desert mountains are always changing ---- very, very slowly ---- as these forces of nature continue to work on the rock.

Most deserts have a surprising variety of life. There are plants, animals and insects that have adapted to life in the desert. During the heat of the day, a visitor may see very few signs of living things, but as the air begins to cool in the evening, the desert comes to life. As the sun begins to rise again in the sky, the desert once again becomes quiet and lonely.

59. Many plants may survive in deserts when_________.

A. the rain is spread out in a year

B. the rain falls only in a few weeks

C. there is little rain in a year

D. it is dry all the year round

60. Sand dunes are formed when__________.

A. pieces of rock get smaller

B. there is plenty of rain in a year

C. sand piles up gradually

D. the sea has dried up over the years PartⅢTranslation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.

绝大多数的美国人仍然相信诚实(honesty)是美国人性格的一个重要组成部分。因为这一理由,在社会各级都有许多监督委员会(watch-dog committees)。虽然学校、商界和政府中的不诚实现象近年来似乎比过去多了许多,但这会不会是由于我们越来越善于揭露(reveal)这类不诚实行为的缘故呢?

Part IV Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic: My Views on Examinations. You should write at least 120 words

following the outline given below in Chinese.

1. 大学都用考试来衡量学生的成绩;

2. 考试可能带来的副作用;

3. 我对考试的看法。

My Views on Examinations 密封线内不得答题


大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2Unit1答案上海外语教育出版社 一) 1. bare 2. empty 3. empty 4. bare 5. empty 6.empty 二) 1. shortly 2.track down 3.faint 4.motioned 5.at the sight of 6.feel like 7.slamming 8.rang out 9.contract 10.made for 11.heated 12.emerged 三) 1. host 2. sprang up/rang out 3. impulse 4. came to 5. track down 6. unexpected 7. outgrow 8. widened 9. shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12. made for 13. crisis 14. colonial 四) 1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago. 2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation? 3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit. 4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent? 5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.


U n i t 1 Baptist counsel encyclopedia agenda attitudinal contribute crisis endeavor ethical ethnic masculine resentment evaluate feminine adulthood option perceive project excessive functional genetic inherit interaction peer process stressful endowment ethnic adolescence affirm approval unquestionably heighten inhibition internalize newscast

rebel seminary theological wardrobe unit4 bearded Cynicism elegant guffaw lunatic monarch page pebble scant scratch block elaborately fountain half-naked nudge olive paradox privacy scoop squatter stroll titter sweat unit5 abundance adapt angler biocide birch bound built-in

chorus colossal confined considerable throb trout vegetation migrant suppress synthetic contamination counterpart deliberate ecologist evolve fern flame flicker gear harmony immune reserve score sicken span spiral subject mold outbreak potent primitive puzzle rapidity resurgence midst modify organism


大学英语精读考试试卷 (共计100分,时间90分钟) 一、选词填空(每题3分,共45分) decrease typical whatsoever enclosed gap neighborhood relieve qualifications worthwhile laundry findings proposal current boring recognized 1、A summer day in that area is hot and dry. 2、The houses in our are very expensive. 3、It is true that these herbs(药草)can be used to pain. 4、They are making further efforts to the cost of production. 5、My brother told me that he had met with no difficulty in learning English grammar. 6、The lecture was so that I couldn’t help yawning(打哈欠). 7、We hope that the management will take note of the and improve their products accordingly(相应地). 8、I had not seen him for 16 years, but I him immediately. 9、Enid considered teaching a career(职业). 10、The government is taking effective measures to overcome difficulties. 11、The mayor put forward a to improve public transportation. 12、I am afraid that the between rich and poor is still widening in our country. 13、Mom told me to put my dirty clothes in the basket. 14、Frank a letter with the English novel which he sent to me. 15、Do you think Helen has the right for the job? 二、完形填空(每题0.5分,共计10分) Around the world more and more people are ___1___ dangerous sports and activities. Of course there have always been people who have ___2___ adventure—those who have climbed the ___3__ mountains, explored unknown parts of the world or _4_ in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are


Page 39 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.It seemed impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident. Sth. seems (to be) + adj.(表) + to sb. 2.We looked around. There wasn't a building standing in sight. The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything. Sth. /sb. +(seem + to do)复合谓语3.He seems to be in low spirits these days. Sth./Sb. + seem to be + 表语 wonder why. I think it's because he doesn't seem to be making much progress in his studies. He is afraid of being looked down upon by his classmates. Sb. + seem to do sth There seems to be 4.What are you looking for, Dick? I seem to have lost my key. How annoying! 5.If you find that a word doesn't seem to

make any sense in the sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary. That's the only way to learn to use a word. 6.They went on arguing for hours. Neither of them seem (to be) willing to listen to each other. I suddenly remembered someone saying "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance." 7.The situation there seems to be very complicated. The government has promised to look into it. 8.My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him. 9.Economists have already come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end. W orld economy is looking up. 10.When I got well I looked at my bank account. To my sadness, I found my balance was almost zero. All my savings in


翻译 Unit1 1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。 Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word. 2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。 The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American. 3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。 Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone. 4. 当全部乘客都向出口处(exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。 While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane. 5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。 The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself. 6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。 While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth. 7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他? What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home? 8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下(lay) 的陷阱(trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。 The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid. Unit 2 1) 会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。 It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution. 2) 这些青年科学家通过现场观察,获得了研究工作所需的第一手资料。 By making on-the-spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work. 3) 他很可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍。 It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.


ⅠVocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: This section is to test the use of vocabulary and structure. There are 20 incomplete sentences in it. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.It took us ______ less than three hours to do the work. A. no B. not C. none D. nothing 2.George is ______ Jack. E. as an efficient worker as F. an as efficient worker as G. as efficient a worker as H. an efficient worker as 3.______ hearing the news, all of them jumped with joy. I. At J. As K. By L. On 4.______ during the war, the airport has never been used again. M. Have been damaged N. Having been damaged O. Being damaged P. Damaged 5.The Smith family will have gone ______ by the time we finish summer school. Q. camp R. camp S. camping T. camped 6.Brass is similar ______ gold ______ color. U. to卛n V. in協or W. to協or X. with卛n 7.Not only the society but also the people in it ______. Y. has changed Z. have changed AA. h ave been changed BB. has been changed 8.I asked the secretary if there were ______ tickets but she had only the expensive ______. CC. one卭nes DD. a ny卭ne EE. some卭nes FF. any卭nes 9.Problems can ______ when people have no knowledge of law. GG. rise HH. r aise II. arise JJ. rose



参考答案(Unit 1—8) Unit One Key to Exercise Preview: 1 True or false 1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10T Vocabulary 4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference 4. serious, serious, seriously 5. seriousness, seriously polluted 6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute 7. attention 8. attentively, attentive 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions. 1. on their own 2. show off 3. burst into 4. given rise to 5. brought about 6. to resort to 7. clinging to 8. give rise to 9. took advantage of 10. in vain, make, out of 4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text. 1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。 They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company. 2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。 Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification


大学英语专业精读1 期末考试卷 I. Word formation (40%) A. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.给出下列动词的相应名词形式。(10%) 1. discover 2.depend 3.amaze 4.add 5.display 6.renew 7.suppose 8.treat 9.addict 10.accelerate B. Give the corresponding nouns for the following adjectives. (10%) 1.weak 2. angry 3. free 4. quick 5. clear 6. long 7.wide 8. sad 9.happy 10. moderate C. Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns. (10%) 1. gardening 2. failure 3. fertilizer 4. enduring 5. mixture 6.liberation 7.alternative 8.result 9.satisfaction 10.requirement D. Give the corresponding synonyms for the following words and expressions. (10%) 1.barely 2. chilly 3. now and then 4. many 5. clever 6. turn up 7. keen 8. club 9.handsome 10.sensible II. Translate the Chinese into English. (30%) 1. We’ll stick by you___________________________________________(无论发生什么事). 2. Keep in touch with your cultural roots, ___________________(无论你在世界何地). 3.We’ll bring the hostage home,___________________________(无论有多困难). 4. I feel that you young people should understand____________________(生活中总是充满着机遇和挑战). 5. When she learned____________________(她已经被那所大学录取), she almost jumped for joy. 6.You must admit_________________________(所有这一切都表明我们的努力没有白费). 7.He was running a great risk when he insisted_________________________________(地球是绕着太阳转的). 8. The visitors were greatly impressed by________________________(这个村子过去30年所取得的成就). 9. First-year college students are generally not clear about______________________________(他们应该从大学获取什么). 10._____________________________(农民最想得到的东西)is just one thing. It is land. III. Translate the following sentences into English. (30%) 1. 我们现在缺少人手,你来得正好。 2. 已经有好几个同学在考虑竞选学生会主席。 3. 她警告我不要和那种追求个人名利的人交往。 4.多年来我们学校培养了很多学生,大多数都在各个部门重要岗位任职。 5. 她原以为哲学是非常枯燥的东西,可后来方发现它非常有意思。 6.他父亲刚过五十,可头发已经灰白了。不过,除此以外,他没事。 7.这里的老师和学生都认为学英语没有什么捷径。 8.我知道放弃这个机会十分愚蠢,但我别无选择。 9.有一天,那座新楼突然倒塌,楼里很多人都被埋了。 10.一种长久的友好关系要求双方都十分真诚。


Unit1 1. By right action, we mean it must help promote personal interest. 2. The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children. 3. The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem. 4. It is only the result or effect of the law of the survival of the fittest applied to nature or to human society. 5. People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to glorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of sympathy, love and friendship. Therefore, when it was mentioned, it was usually the target of criticism. 6. The desire to find a way to justify the unconcern for the poor had not been abandoned; it had only been put off. 7. Government officials, on the whole, are good; it is very rare that some would pay high prices for office equipment to get kickbacks. 8. It is a very popular story and has been accepted by many but it is not true. 9. Belief can be useful in the search for truth, but more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving. 10. George Gilder advances the view that only when the poor suffer from great misery will they be stimulated to make great efforts to change the situation, in other words, suffering is necessary to force the poor to work hard. 1. 贫富不均乃共和政体最致命的宿疾。 2. 他们的贫穷只是一种暂时性的不幸,如果他们贫穷但却温顺,他们最终将成为世界的主人。 3. 热恋的夫妇应该在梅西百货商店过夜,而不是他们的新房。 4. 美国这朵玫瑰花以其华贵与芳香让观众倾倒,赞不绝口,而她之所以能被培植就是因为在早期其周围的花蕾被插掉了,在经济生活中情况亦是如此。这是自然规律和上帝的意志在起作用。 5.(它已成为)经济上收入不菲的行业。 6. 没有哪种压迫比身无分文更厉害,也没有哪种对思想和行为的束缚比一无所有来得更全面彻底。 7. 我们珍惜自由式对的。正因为珍惜自由,我们就不能以此为借口,不给最需要自由的人自由。 8. 不管他们生活在埃塞俄比亚,还是在纽约的南部布朗克斯区,甚至是洛杉矶这样的天堂,人们都决心不去为这些人操心。 9. 如上述所说,他在华盛顿高层当中有无比的威望。 10. 同情心,加上与之相关的社会努力是人们这个年代,最令人不快的行为和行动方针。Unit3 1. What people do may unintentionally cause droughts, floods, and neat waves. 2. The Earth we see in photos, posters, and ads, which appears so beautiful, is not the true reflection of the world we live in, such image lulls us into complacency. 3. Human activities have taken place over such large areas and with such intensity

大学英语精读第二册Reading Aloud and Memorizing答案

The American does not join in the argument but watches the other guests. As he looks, he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is s taring straight ahead, her muscles contracting slightly. She motions to the nat ive boy standing behind her chair and whispers something to him. The boy's eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room. Of the guests, none except the American notices this or sees the boy place a bo wl of milk on the veranda just outside the open doors. The American comes to with a start. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thi ng -- bait for a snake. He realizes there must be a cobra in the room. Unit2 Jefferson's courage and idealism were based on knowledge. He probably knew more than any other man of his age. He was an expert in agriculture, archeology, an d medicine. He practiced crop rotation and soil conservation a century before t hese became standard practice, and he invented a plow superior to any other in existence. He influenced architecture throughout America, and he was constantly producing devices for making the tasks of ordinary life easier to perform. Of all Jefferson's many talents, one is central. He was above all a good and ti reless writer. His complete works, now being published for the first time, will fill more than fifty volumes. His talent as an author was soon discovered, and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia in 1776, the task of writing it was his. Millions have thrilled to his words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…" Unit3 While I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fe aring as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim. However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go to Croydon for an i nterview. It proved an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station; a ten-minut e bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter to feel nervous. Unit 4 As a boy and then as an adult,I never lost my wonder at the personality that was Einstein .He was the only person i knew who had come to terms with himself and the world around him .He knew what he wanted and he wanted only this :to understand within his limits as a human being the nature of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its functioning .He knew there were answers beyond his intellectual reach .but this did not frustrate him .He was content to go as far as he could.


现代大学英语精读教案 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

U n i t1H a l f a d a y 教学目的 1. 了解作者及其背景知识; 2.熟悉本文使用的写作手法; 3.掌握修辞疑问句、倒装句等修辞手法; 4.熟练掌握三类构词法; 5.通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生社会洞察力和相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。 教学内容 1. 热身 2.作者 教育与背景 主要着作 创作观 3.作品赏析 结构分析 如何赏析文学作品 扩展式讨论 4.写作技巧 省略疑问句和修辞疑问句 倒装句 “with”独立结构 5.语言理解 长难句解析 核心词汇学习 band, convince, daze, exert, intricate, observe, overlook, rank, revolve, startle, uviverse, vary 介词练习 构词法:-tion; -volve; -ly 6.课堂讨论 7.练与讲 教学重点 1. 文学作品的赏析; 2.文学中的修辞手法――省略疑问句和修辞疑问句;倒装句;“with”独立结构 3.构词法:前缀 教学方法结合实际吸收各种教学法(讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、多媒体使用)的优点。 教学手段用投影仪播放PowerPoint课件及板书;群发电子邮件布置课堂资料和课后作业(或其来源)。 ⅠAbout the author ★ Naguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec. 1911 in an old quarter of Cairo, the youngest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 狮身人面)


大学英语精读预备级课后答案(完整) Unit1How to be a Successful Language Learner Text A Learning to Think All Over Again 1substituted 2analogy 3represented 4associated 5challenge 6converted 7concept 8reduced 9image10bundles11choose12pointed13instead14 various 1get away from 2put together 3getting into 4broken into 5a great deal 6Over and over again 7depend on 1took

2go 3take 4go 5go 1what caused the fire 2what site of shoe your father wears 3what looked like a ball 4what our family and friends do for us 5what she had bought for his birthday1.Translation翻译 1.What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks. 2.In terms of previous working experience,John is the best choice for this position. 3.My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts. 4.With the help of his family and friends,Tom build up his publishing business bit by bit. 5.Linda was not able to go to that famous college,but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge. 6.This company has a very good public image.People always

现代大学英语精读1 复习资料

复习题 1.exertion n. great effort 2.clutch v. to hold tightly 3.irritated adj. annoyed and impatient 4.alternative n. choice 5.breeze n. a light gentle wind 6.apparently adv. Seemingly; as it seems 7.irritation n. the feeling of being annoyed about sth. 8.curiosity n. the desire to learn and know 9.blink v. to shut and open one’s eyes quickly 10.chuckle v. to laugh inwardly or quietly 11.exhausted adj. very tired 12.hatred n. feelings of strong dislike 13.fortyish adj. about 40 14.idiot n. a foolish person 15.display v. to show information 16.infancy n. early childhood; babyhood 17.conquer v. to defeat or overcome 18.ignorance n. having no knowledge or information 19.crack n. a sudden loud noise like the sound of a stick being broken 20.barter v. to exchange goods for other goods without the use of money 21.destination n. a place sb. is going to 22.chill v. to make sb. or sth. cold 23.gamble n. a risky action or decision 24.faint adj. not strong or clear; weak 25.doubtful adj. uncertain; feeling unsure 26.acceptance n. the act of agreeing with what sb. says or does 27.bloom v. (of flowers) to open or to be open 28.conscious adj. determined and intentional 29.deny v. to say that sth. is not true 30.amaze v. to fill with great surprise 31.barely adv. Only just; no more than; hardly; almost 32.cast v. to throw 33.dine v. to eat dinner 34.gloomy adj. dark, esp. in a way that seems sad 35.extend v. to continue for a longer distance or time 36.bubble v. to make a sound like water boiling 37.condemn v. to criticize, to censure 38.eventually adv. in the end 39.flourish v. to grow quickly in a healthy way 40.fulfill v. to perform a duty or a task with satisfaction 1. permission n.act o allowing 2. simultaneously adj.happening or done at exactly the same time 3. seedling n. a young plant
