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1.—Which book would you like to borrow?

—________ of the two books is OK with me.

A.Either B.Both

C.Any D.None

2.—Hi, Anna. Are these your sister’s pencils?

—Oh, no. They’re not ______.

A.her B.him C.hers D.his

3.---What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

---You don’t have to do __________except to be with them and be yourself.

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

4.The government is making an effort to improve the life of elderly people, many of whom are suffering(遭受) from either loneiness or poor health, or even___________.

A.neither B.none C.all D.both

5.Helen has got two brothers. _____ of them likes chocolate, but she loves it.

A.Neither B.None C.Each D.Any

6.—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?

—_______is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow.

A.None B.All C.Both D.Neither 7.—Ellen, I picked up a white pen under your chair. Is this yours?

—Oh, yes. It’s _______. Thank you, Lisa.

A.she B.his C.mine D.your

8.I don’ t like the color of this shirt. Could you please give me one?

A.the other B.others C.another D.other

9.I’m surprised at the new look of hometown.

A.I B.me C.my D.mine 10.—Shall we meet at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning?

—I won’t be free then .Let’s make it ______day.

A.other B.the other C.another D.others 11.Winning or losing is only half the game, __________half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.

A.another B.other C.the other 12.—Sonia, is this your dictionary?

—Oh, no, it’s not ______. Ask Li Lei. He is looking for ______.

A.me; hers B.mine; him C.my; her D.mine; his 13.Lily is a very kind girl. We all love ______.

A.you B.him C.them D.her

14.---What do you think of these two books?

---_____ of them are interesting. And I’ve read them several times.

A.Both B.Neither C.None D.Either 15.I can’t find my pen.Could you help______ find it ?

A.me B.I C.myself D.mine 16.—The books are so nice, which one can I take?

—Oh, you can take of them. I’ll keep none.

A.both B.all C.neither D.either 17.-- I like the two dresses, but I can only afford ______ of them.

-- I suggest you take the white one.





18.—Our classroom is so clean. Do you know who cleaned it?

—Sorry, I don't know. I think did it before class.

A.anybody B.nobody C.somebody D.everybody 19.A smile costs __________, but it gives so much. So we should learn to smile. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything 20.It’s very nice __________ you __________ my parents your best wishes.

A.of; sending B.of; to send

C.for; to send D.for; sending

21.-What do you think of the company’s new ideas?

-I don’t agree with ___________. But I have to say some of them are of value.

A.all B.anything C.any D.none 22.—Are these books __________?

—No, they are not mine. They belong to __________.

A.your;her B.yours;her C.you;hers D.yours;she 23.—Could you tell me how many classes you have on Friday afternoon?

—___________. We can take part in activities in any club we like.

A.Neither B.Either C.Nothing D.None 24.My brother wi ll come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet at the airport.

A.her B.you C.him D.them 25.--- Whose book is this, Jack?

-- Oh, it’s ______. I am looking for it everywhere.

A.me B.my C.mine D.I’m

