







Picking a destination may be the hardest part of getting ready to study abroad. It’s hard to pick just one to be your home. We are here to help you narrow it down, with a complete guide to the top four studying abroad destinations.

Number 4: Australia

Australia is a country where strong programs seem a bit obvious based on the location itself. Anything dealing with the environment is a natural choice of study, because Australia has such a unique climate across the country. You’ll need a student visa to study in Australia. Most universities will send you an official form along with more information about the visa process once you’ve met these requirements. Number 3: China

Some fields like business or economics stand out just because of the nature of the country itself as an economic superpower. Other areas like cultural studies might give you more options to pursue programs that would help you get a better feel of what life is like in less developed areas. You’ll need a visa for any program you decide to do in China. You’ll also need to make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after your planned departure date. Be sure to pay attention to different entry and exit requirements too if you plan to do any side traveling to places like Hong Kong.

Number 2: France

Aside from studying the French language, France is a great place for students, who are interested in art, literature, music, history, architecture, or a combination of any of the above. If you’re planning to be in France for more than 90 days, you’ll need a visa. This process can take a long time (think two months or more), so be sure to start early.

Number 1: The United Kingdom

The UK is home to some of the oldest, most respected universities on the planet. You’re almost guaranteed to find an incredible program for any subject you could possibly think of. You’ll need one of two types of visas depending on how long you plan to study there and what you’ll be doing.

1. According to Number 4, we can know that __________.

A. the weather in Australia is almost the same all year round

B. the location of Australia influences its programs greatly

C. most universities in Australia can provide visas for foreign students

D. the development of science in Australia is the rapidest in the world

2. If a foreigner is about to study in China, he should __________.

A. bring a student visa with him

B. volunteer to work in less developed areas

C. ensure that his passport can be valid at least for the following six months

D. apply for a different visa to travel in Hong Kong

3. Who may be mostly interested in the article?

A. Students who plan to study abroad.

B. Teachers who plan to teach in universities.

C. Travelers who plan to visit other countries.

D. Students who plan to work outside.


Superman Returns, X-Men, The Fantastic Four and Iron Man have been on the list of superhero movies since the dawn of the 21st century. The success of them has gone beyond all expectations, with six of the top 12 highest box office grosses (票房收入) being held by superhero movies. There are many theories as to why these films have become and remained so popular over the last decade.

Some experts consider most movies to be forms of escapism (逃避现实). They are traditionally meant to be a combination of education and entertainment, and superhero films tend heavily toward the latter element. Watching a superhero movie is a great chance to relax and not think about stress or difficult things in your life.

Historically, during times of war, films have become a hotbed of patriotism (爱国主义). Superheroes are charged with bringing peace, fighting violently if necessary, and trying to maintain a normal life. Some audience members may relate to that concept, either on a personal level or in relation to their ideas about war and any current world situations. Moreover, most superheroes serve as a hope-inspiring figure, an image of someone who can save us all from dark and difficult times. Superhero movies promote the ideas of peace, safety and freedom.

Aside from the global and psychological reasons, superhero movies are just a lot of fun. Since the success of Spiderman, the Hollywood film industry has begun throwing huge amounts of money at the films, to great effect. Most of the big-earning superhero films of the 21st century are written, acted, and technically produced by the best minds in the film business. In 2008, The Dark Knight was released, making back

nearly its entire production budget of $185 million dollars in the first weekend.

Superhero movies are many things to many people. To comic book lovers, they are the realization of their favorite worlds. To those feeling the strain of economic, personal, or national problems, they are a welcome escape for a few hours. Grab your popcorn and your chocolate and look for a good seat in the middle of the row, because it looks like superhero films will continue to have a wild ride.

4. The author lists some superhero movies in Paragraph 1 in order to show that ________.

A. superhero movies are shot in the 21st century

B. superhero movies express the idea of escapism

C. superhero movies make more profit than other movies

D. superhero movies get popular over the last decade

5. People like superhero movies during times of war because __________.

A. people can be saved from dark and difficult times

B. people can gain positive energy from superhero movies

C. people can learn how to fight against other countries

D. people can know more about the current world situations

6. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Watching superhero films is a way of entertainment.

B. Comic book lovers don’t dare to face the reality.

C. Superhero films are a new form of education.

D. People who love their country watch superhero films most.

7. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. How much profit do superhero movies bring?

B. What makes superhero movies successful?

C. Why are superhero movies so popular?

D. Which superhero movies are the most famous?


I spent my first four weeks in Granada at the Centre for Modern Languages. This institution is part of the UGR, but has many students enrolling for a month or two at a time to learn Spanish.

One of my most useful activities there was my weekly language exchange with Lucia, a Ph.D. student from Cordoba. She and I walked around the city for an hour or so, and I spoke in Spanish while she practiced her English. These language exchanges were not only fun, but also helped develop Spanish skills.

While in Spain, I took two kinds of trips, and I would recommend each for different reasons. At the end

of February, I participated in a group activity called Morocco Exchange. The four days we spent travelling around Morocco was the best time in my life. We started from Tangier, spent a few hours in Asilah and a day in Rabat, with a final stop in Chefchaouen. We did a few touristy things, such as visiting some magnificent Roman ruins in Chellah. But we also had the opportunity to communicate with real Moroccan students, who answered our questions frankly and with good humor.

About a month later, I had the other kind of trip. Spain celebrated Semana Santa (the week before Easter) with a week-long vacation, and I planned a trip to Valencia, alone. It was challenging and a little lonely at times, but a really fantastic experience. I liked the freedom to do what I wanted, and I also had the opportunity to meet some incredible people at the hotel. It can be extremely satisfying to do things by yourself, like exploring an entire city by bicycle. But one must take care, especially as a female, and be a little more vigilant (警惕的) when travelling alone.

8. We infer the writer went to the Centre for Modern Languages to _________.

A. work part-time

B. do sight-seeing

C. work as a teacher

D. improve her Spanish

9. How did the writer probably find her time with Lucia?

A. Boring.

B. Beneficial.

C. Relaxing.

D. Uncomfortable.

10. What do the two kinds of trips mentioned in the passage refer to?

A. Group travelling and travelling alone.

B. Group travelling and travelling in the country.

C. Travelling with classmates and travelling alone.

D. Travelling in a hurry and travelling in a relaxing way.

11. We infer when the writer was travelling in Valencia, ____________.

A. she felt completely safe

B. she didn’t quite enjoy herself

C. she found the trip was very easy

D. she could take charge of her plans


Enough may never be enough. As human beings, it seems that once we attain what we think will make us whole, we grow bored quickly and need something new in order to feel satisfied. We are addicted to what we don’t have.

You’d better sit down at this very moment and make a list of all the reasons why you’re fortunate and while you’re writing the list, you would want nothing more. You could get together with a group of people

whom you care about and discuss ideas. You would feel comfortable with what you have and who you are at that moment or some hours later. The talking heads always tell you that you need to be rich and famous on your television, so your desire for more becomes unquenchable (难抑制的). You forget that you are enough. You find yourself making comparisons between your life and the life of people you assume who have figured it out, and all of your accomplishments are never enough to satisfy you.

The issue with this “never enough” mentality is that we all have it to some degree. We fail to realize that even the people who have figured it out are on some level still as lost and broken as everyone else. Everyone is constantly looking for validation (确认) in the form of likes and comments to give meaning to our sense of self. We honestly believe that as long as we buy into the illusion (错觉) when we are happy, everything is going to be great, we won’t have to face reality.

Reality is that we want all the material, social media fame, and worthless validation in order to feel accepted by others. The reason why all of those things bring only temporary satisfaction is that they aren’t the answer. We all keep looking for other people to accept us in order to feel whole. But in fact, it is when we accept ourselves that we can feel really satisfied. We are in a universal competition for acceptance that no one wants a part of, but so few have the courage to stop competing. What will ever be enough?

12. After writing down the reasons why you’re fortunate, you may think ___________.

A. you are lucky enough

B. you need something new

C. you will grow bored quickly

D. you should discuss ideas with others

13. According to Paragraph 2, the people who have “figured it out” refer to those _______.

A. who don’t dare to face the reality

B. who intend to compare with others

C. who have achieved some kind of success

D. who are unlikely to be accepted by others

14. People can only get long term satisfaction if __________.

A. they can achieve great success

B. they believe in their own abilities

C. they can accept themselves joyfully

D. they stop commenting on others’ behavior

15. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?

A. To warn people not to set long-term goals.

B. To ask people to appreciate what they have.

C. To teach people how to hold a positive attitude.

D. To inform people of the importance of comparison.



Once you’ve decided what’s really important to you, you still need some practical suggestions to help you organize your time more efficiently. The following five time management tips will be very helpful for you.

Never do everything at a time. 16 For other activities that simply need to be done, you’d better see if you can spend less time on them. It may be possible to put some of these off for days, or even weeks, while you focus on the things that really matter.

17 The greater control you have over a goal, the greater your chance of reaching it is. For example, you need to have more control over increasing your skills at a certain job than over becoming president of your company.

Keep track of your time. 18 How much time is being lost on unimportant activities? Where do most of your interruptions come from? Do you occur during certain time periods or on specific days of the week? Once you have this information, it will be easier for you to arrange your time next time.

Expect the unexpected. You need make plans in your life. 19 And allow for the unexpected. If you need to be somewhere and you think you can make it in 15 minutes, allow 25. Leave some blocks of time throughout the day unscheduled so that you have a buffer (缓冲) against the unexpected.

Take periodic breaks. I use applied focus sessions in which I do 45 minutes of focused effort, followed by 15 minutes of something else. After 45 minutes, our ability to focus begins to become weak. 20 This is often when my best ideas come to mind and I end up feeling re-energized and ready to make things happen.

A. Set realistic goals.

B. However, don’t make yourself too busy.

C. You’ll never know until you give them a try.

D. Focus on activities that bring important results.

E. I like to do my most challenging tasks early in the day.

F. I use those 15 minutes for walking around, getting a drink, and so on.

G. Find out where your time is going and try to keep a time journal for a week.



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第21—40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选


Though giant pandas may appear perfectly happy chewing bamboos, scientists recently discovered that they would rather have something sweeter. Scientists chose 21 because the animals are herbivores (食草动物), which would mean that they would love sweets. 22 , the plant they choose, the bamboos, has a very 23 sugar content and is therefore not considered sweet. Could this mean that pandas have 24 their hobby for sweet things?

The pandas were given six kinds of sweet liquids that are 25 found in fruits and vegetables. They were also given 26 at the same time. In each of the 27 tests, the animals 28 the natural sweeter liquids and ignored the water completely. They ate up all the sweet liquids and the water was left 29 .

What was even more interesting is that when the scientists__30__the water with five different man-made sweeteners, ones that humans find delicious, the pandas were not as 31 . In these tests, they picked the water 32 . The scientists believe that it could be either because pandas found them to be too 33 or not sweet enough and that the mixture could not 34 the pandas.

The scientists were not too 35 by the results, since pandas in zoos have always shown a preference for 36 like apples, sweet potatoes and even moon cakes. Scientists believe that the pandas may have once 37 sweeter foods that were available in the lowland areas that they used to live in. But 38 human settlement in the lowland areas 39 them to the bamboo forests in the mountains, they had no 40 but to settle for the

almost sugarless plants.

21. A. horses B. bears C. monkeys D. pandas

22. A. Moreover B. And C. However D. Still

23. A. high B. low C. simple D. different

24. A. lost B. followed C. started D. kept

25. A. specially B. hardly C. rarely D. naturally

26. A. water B. fruits C. bamboos D. oxygen

27. A. smell B. hearing C. sight D. taste

28. A. picked B. hid C. rejected D. shared

29. A. unfolded B. untouched C. undone D. unmoved

30. A. exchanged B. covered C. mixed D. replaced

31. A. funny B. picky C. perfect D. interested

32. A. instead B. though C. yet D. nevertheless

33. A. salty B. sour C. sweet D. hot

34. A. harm B. save C. attract D. change

35. A. delighted B. concerned C. disappointed D. surprised

36. A. fruits B. treats C. vegetables D. drinks

37. A. enjoyed B. disliked C. controlled D. ignored

38. A. before B. although C. because D. when

39. A. encouraged B. forced C. introduced D. guided

40. A. wonder B. chance C. choice D. desire



This story is about my mom. She is the most extraordinarily kind person that I 41 (meet) in my entire life--- always taking care of others, putting others before herself and giving chocolates and flowers to 42 (strange) constantly. She has been this way 43 I was born, and I am a better person because of her. However, that’s not the story I want to share. The story I want to share and 44 I think would attract you is about something she’s doing now.

My mom turned 60 45 October 17th. Instead of throwing a party or requesting gifts, my mom 46 (she) set out on a mission --- she decided to celebrate this milestone by doing 60 acts of kindness in 60 days.

She is 47 (current) on day 29 and has been doing the most amazing things --- everything from delivering hot cocoa to workers, 48 (plan) a birthday at a homeless shelter to serving as a babysitter for free . She wants to encourage more people to bring kindness into the world and she is recording the journey in a blog on the Internet.

I think readers would love it and 49 (inspire) by it. She is doing wonderful work, and I could not be more 50 (pride) to call her mom.





删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。




When you take a test, you may feel shaky, sweaty, with your heart beat quickly. It means you get test anxiety. Actually, test anxiety is the type of performance anxiety. You feel worrying about how you can perform well and focus with some bad things that may happen. Test anxiety creates more pressure on you,

that may prevent you doing your best. But test anxiety can overcome. The following method can help deal with test anxiety and let you to gain a perfect score. First, make full preparations for the test and think positive. Then, learn some breathing exercises to help calm you down.







1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯的;

3. 开头和结束语已经写好,不计入字数内。

Dear Peter,

Thanks for your concerns for us. Here is something you want to know.

__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua




1-3 BCA 4-7 DBAC 8-11 DBAD 12-15 ACCB 16-20 DAGBF



21~25 DCBAD 26~30 ADABC 31~35 DACCD 36~40 BADBC


41. have met 42. strangers 43. since 44. that/which 45. on

46. herself 47.currently 48.planning inspired 50.proud



When you take a test, you may feel shaky, sweaty, with your heart beat quickly. It means


you get test anxiety. Actually, test anxiety is the type of performance anxiety. You feel worrying

a worried

about how you can perform well and focus with some bad things that may happen. Test anxiety


creates more pressure on you, that may prevent you doing your best. But test anxiety


can∧overcome. The following method can help deal with test anxiety and let you to gain a

be methods

perfect score. First, make full preparations for the test and think positive. Then, learn some


breathing exercises to help calm you down.


第二节书面表达(possible version)

Dear Peter,

Thanks for your concerns for us. Here is something you want to know.

On the afternoon of October 4, 2015, a most powerful typhoon, with extremely strong winds and heavy downpours in its core, crashed into our city.

The typhoon took the worst possible course in the city centre, leaving a trail of severe damage in its path. Thousands of residents fled to safety, for not only did it cause flooding, but it also collapsed trees, cutting off powers and water supplies. Even some people got injured by falling trees, broken rooftops and glass. As it is estimated, the disaster has caused huge economic losses, especially in city forestry as well as facilities, though it didn’t claimed lives.

Luckily, after the disaster, thousands of people and soldiers spared no effort at the relief and reconstruction work. Soon our city began to breathe again and everything returned to normal.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua
